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00:00India is a nation that has no ideology, no values, no ideals, no common minimum program.
00:11There is only one common minimum program, which is to remove Modi from the Prime Minister.
00:16You cannot rule such a big country with negative philosophy or negative thought.
00:23It is impossible.
00:25That is why people are protesting again and again.
00:27Think about it. It is not possible.
00:29Bal Thackeray's party and Mamata Banerjee are together.
00:33Mamata Banerjee says that it is better to be kicked than to be fed.
00:36And Bal Thackeray is our friend.
00:38She used to say that if someone is not willing to take the responsibility,
00:44Shiv Sena is willing to take the responsibility for Babri Mosque demolition.
00:48Bala Thackeray's words.
00:51We are talking about ourselves.
00:52How can these two parties come together?
00:54This is not a force. This is a ship.
00:56And when the ship sinks, the ship sinks.
00:59From Delhi's speech, we get expectations from every party's speech.
01:05We also get expectations from Delhi's speech.
01:07This expectation has to be expressed in every possible way in Bangla.
01:11There is no need to worry.
01:13We know what to do in Bangla.
01:16We have bat and ball in between.
01:18Everyone expects bat and ball.
01:21If there is a bat and ball, Mamata Banerjee's game will end outside the boundary.
01:24There is nothing else to say for the Trinamool Congress.
01:27Because Trinamool has no support.
01:30Two things are there in Delhi.
01:33There is no support.
01:35Because Trinamool has nothing to say.
01:37And for the Trinamool Congress,
01:39one thing is very clear from Delhi's Bengalis.
01:42All the Bengalis outside the West Bengal,
01:45who have opened their eyes,
01:47who can see what is going on all over India,
01:49who can see what is going on in Delhi,
01:51they can see what is going on in West Bengal.
01:53The Bengalis in West Bengal,
01:55who are uneducated in the state,
01:57they can't see all the villagers,
01:59who work for their livelihood.
02:01Where will they see?
02:02The same Bengalis, who have opened their eyes,
02:04who are looking at the situation of the whole country,
02:06they are not with Mamata Mandobar or Trinamool Congress.
02:09If you talk to the Bengalis in Bangalore,
02:12the Bengalis in Maharashtra,
02:14I am saying this everywhere,
02:16the Bengalis in all places don't support the situation of Mamata Mandobar.
02:20They are just waiting for the situation to improve in Bangla.
02:22And that is why,
02:24the Bengalis who are living here,
02:26I said this in my speech on 26th,
02:28all of you, your relatives, friends,
02:30all of you who are here,
02:32please inform the Bengalis in Bangla,
02:34that under the leadership of Mamata Mandobar,
02:36the situation in Bangla is getting worse.
02:38No matter how much we talk about Bangla,
02:40or international Bangla,
02:42Bangla is definitely Bangla.
02:44For almost 30 years,
02:46for more than 7 years,
02:48we have not been able to do anything.
02:50We have not been able to do anything.
02:54this movement, free, freebies,
02:56people have fallen in this movement.
02:58People have sold,
03:00that freebies, BJP will also give.
03:02But it is not like freebies.
03:04To make people so independent,
03:06to make people stand on their own feet,
03:08for that,
03:10I believe, under the leadership of the Prime Minister,
03:12corruption-free government,
03:14corruption-free government,
03:16people have stood up for that.
03:18Earlier, I predicted that
03:20Aravind Kejriwal will lose
03:22and Atashi will also lose.
03:24Aravind Kejriwal has lost.
03:26Atashi has sold a little bit.
03:28And Manish Shishodiya has lost.
03:30Sarabharam has also lost.
03:32Everyone is losing.
03:34Atashi has also lost.
03:36I am not telling the camera why he won.
03:40I was able to understand that
03:42people are believing in Narendra Modi.
03:44They have faith in Narendra Modi.
03:46And we knew that.
03:48And we were discussing
03:50last night,
03:52when Sunil Bansalji came to my house.
03:54When we were discussing with him,
03:56we came to this conclusion.
03:58What we have seen below,
04:00if it is reflected in the ballot box
04:02or in the EBM,
04:04then definitely,
04:06BJP will win.
04:08Now, the Bengali movement,
04:10all of us,
04:12Kishore Talabdar,
04:16and others,
04:18who have not yet reached TAPOJ,
04:20they have tried their best.
04:22After a long time, we have seen
04:24that the Bengalis have united.
04:26We have been able to do this.
04:28We have stood together
04:30with Narendra Modi and BJP.
04:32Jatin Mahesh Mahato,
04:34Biredi Dhananeta, Shobendra Adhikari,
04:36and many other Bengalis,
04:38MLA's, MLA's,
04:40ordinary workers,
04:42who have come from the West Bengal,
04:44and the Bengalis who live in Delhi,
04:46they have also worked hard
04:48on the ground.
04:50And I know them as Sadhubhaj.
04:54we are left with the Bengalis.
04:56Lokkho Bangla,
04:58on 26th,
05:00not only the Bengalis,
05:02but the Bengalis who live outside of Bangla,
05:04will come together
05:06to celebrate Bangla Jai.
05:08We will celebrate Bangla Jai
05:10in Shamaprasad Mukherjee's party,
05:12in Shamaprasad Mukherjee's land,
05:14in Shamaprasad Mukherjee's birthplace,
05:16we will be the flag bearers of BJP.
05:18In politics,
05:20every political party will manifest,
05:22they will fight,
05:24this is natural.
05:26In politics,
05:28there is no bipolar politics in our country,
05:30where two sides will fight.
05:32In our country,
05:34where the Congress is winning,
05:36look at the percentage of votes
05:38that the CPM and the Congress are getting.
05:40In many places,
05:42BJP has been defeated,
05:44they are getting more votes than CPM.
05:46They are anti-Mamata Bhor.
05:48They don't like Mamata Banerjee,
05:50but they vote for CPM and Congress.
05:52If they vote for BJP,
05:54then BJP will become the government.
05:56This is politics.
05:58This is nothing new.
06:00I am a human being. I am not a BJP member.
