• last month
দিল্লিতে আপের দুর্নীতির বিরুদ্ধে বিজেপিকে নির্বাচিত করেছেন জনতা। এবার বাংলায় তৃণমূল নামক পাপ বিদায় হবে। দিল্লিতে বিজেপির জয়ের পর বললেন বিজেপি যুব মোর্চার নেতা ইন্দ্রনীল খাঁ



00:00This is a historic victory and a victory against corruption.
00:05This is a victory that the common man party, which has spent crores of rupees in the name of religion, has become self-sufficient.
00:16Delhi and the people of Delhi have made the Indian People's Party think about corruption.
00:22The Indian People's Party has been decidedly given by the Delhi government.
00:26Delhi has become a double-engine government.
00:28And very soon, on this day, the decision of 2026 will come.
00:32Because the people of West Bengal, who have ended this farce, who have ruined it,
00:38who have stolen the rice grains of our poor people, will be exposed by the Trinamool Congress.
00:44Those who have stolen the jobs of the youth, will be freed from the sin of the Trinamool Congress.
00:51Very soon, the people of West Bengal will be freed.
00:54The people of West Bengal will be freed in a radical way.
00:56Today, the people of Delhi, the people of Delhi who are Bengalis, have chosen BJP against the Indian People's Party.
01:04And wherever the Bengalis live, from Chittoranjan Park to Deshabhanchal, where the Bengalis live,
01:12they have chosen BJP in Delhi.
01:15They have won the BJP vote.
01:17And very soon, the Bengalis who live in West Bengal,
01:20we, like the people of India, the people of West Bengal, the double-engine government,
01:25the people of West Bengal, the BJP government,
01:27very soon, we will not live in West Bengal.
01:30So, after 25 years, Delhi can be called Bangla after 15 years?
01:34Delhi, if it continues for 25 years,
01:37the commonwealth convention, the 2G convention, the Naladharan convention,
01:42from A to Z of D, the Naladharan convention was the Delhi government.
01:46And from that government, the commonwealth party has come to power,
01:51the Naladharan party has come to power,
01:54and from the British palace, Sayankesh Rewal,
01:57the commonwealth party has come to power,
01:59and from the commonwealth party, the commonwealth party has come to power,
02:04and from the commonwealth party, the commonwealth party has come to power,
02:07and in the next 15 years, West Bengal, the Congress, will be freed.
