Alejandro Radetic, conocido por conducir a altas velocidades en la ciudad, participó en una discusión sobre las carreras callejeras y los problemas que estas generan. En respuesta a las denuncias de vecinos y operativos policiales, Radetic sugiere la creación de espacios seguros para estos conductores apasionados por la velocidad, como alternativa a las peligrosas carreras en vías públicas.
00:00talking about speed, let's say this question of the situation of the speed of the accident happened, there are also complaints now Andy
00:10surely in a little while he has data on all the procedures to avoid punctures and we are with
00:16alejandro radetic who became very well known several years ago for driving eight years ten years for
00:23supposedly driving at more than 200 kilometers per hour on July 9 with a vehicle in some
00:29part in the other hand after yesterday in reality before yesterday he was in alcorta on the alcorta avenue
00:36where some many vehicles met that of these that they track that they are prepared that
00:44seem prepared to run and very fast the neighbors made a complaint it was our
00:50partner on a mobile phone ended up arguing with him well we decided to invite him alejandro thanks
00:56for coming I say because you are somehow the opposite you did not have any accident you have to
01:01say it too but you like speed well good afternoon to all thanks for the invitation
01:07if I am a speed officer I am a professional pilot I never had an accident on the
01:13street in my life and the other day well I had this encounter or as we said seeing an operation
01:18where millions of dollars were spent so that practically no car that supposedly
01:26there is not a video in the area more with more number of cameras of all capital there is not a video that
01:34shows a bite of the supposed bite that is done on Thursdays at night and why then the
01:39police take the city of Buenos Aires to an operation to that place for what reason and
01:45for the exhibition nothing else no I think it is a circus it is a circus literally a circus because
01:53we have proposed a lot of times to the government of the city of Buenos Aires
01:58including with me in parrón I name it because it is the possibility that they give these guys a
02:07place they read a place not to run because they do not get together to run they get together to show
02:12the cars sorry for those who do not understand the world of the bite of the irons of this thing
02:19of wanting to show the car but for what they get together in a place to show the car
02:24I went out the door of your house look at it pass it a franela I went out for a walk to the dog
02:29as I said before and go for a walk you understand what is the reason and I do not say it to be able to
02:36understand because there are people who are a passion for some people totally I am from
02:40the jail and also let's say I already have a vivace 147
02:48it was mine and I passed it to the wheels at that time there was no silicone but we passed a potato
02:55with black coal and it was shiny it was a crazy thing it was smaller but I avoided that we have to
03:02show the cars competition sales is perfect your declaration Gonzalo because despite the fact that it is the
03:20second most important sport in Argentina that more people bring there are people who understand it
03:25well this is simple the tastes is when you put together a puzzle you want to show someone
03:32ok I came here with some colleagues from pin garage and others who are influencers who have an
03:37impressive number of followers showing how they put together the car there are many guys who do not have
03:42that arrival when they do not have that arrival they want to show it in a service station in some
03:45place they want to show what they worked on many also being mechanics they end up
03:49working for other things and the most important thing is a lot of these guys who do not want to
03:54run even professionally or much less on the street between a car with audio equipment that
03:58perhaps they walk less factory even for the weight of the audio equipment but they want to do that,
04:03that is, the guy is not going to show a car to bite but a car with four wheels, put it on, there are
04:08all kinds of people who like to show the old car, show it as you like it, we live a spectacular
04:14car , that's the Duke of Hazzard, it was a Dodge Charger of that time, of course,
04:34General Lee also runs on a scooter, I'm sorry I see that they are there, well I am very
04:40biased against that, I was one of the first who at the time said that for me it was necessary to
04:45patent the scooters and bicycles to that extreme and I tell you why, because I started with this
04:52issue when there was that case of the cartonero who had kidnapped a girl on a bicycle and had stopped her,
04:56well, in that case I was always very critical, I consider that you are, after what
05:04Pablito Ponzone presented on another lane, on another highway, on another highway,
05:11raising awareness through Miraperron and others, through Madre del Dolor, so that precisely
05:17the bites do not develop and are not carried out in the city of Buenos Aires or in other cities, it
05:21does not matter, they can do it in a picodrome as it is commonly said, in the autodrome of the
05:26city of Buenos Aires, which also if you rent it is available for this, but no, it is not
05:33available, no, if you want to go to Girard, if you are not a professional pilot, you cannot turn,
05:38unless you want to go to the quarter of a mile, of course, the track day is another thing, but it is almost
05:43the same, you have to meet a lot of requirements that if you also do not want to run, you want to
05:48show the car, you cannot, they do not let you go to Parato de los Boxes to show the car, they force you to do
05:52something that you do not want to do, there are thousands of people who do not want to do it,
05:56but now we are going to see what the government of the city of Buenos Aires did because there was an
06:02urgent operative, come on,
06:13the anti-stabbing operative is what the government of the city entitled in charge of Waldo Wolf,
06:19there we see the images, the traffic cranes of the city with the vehicles that were kidnapped,
06:26in total 500 cars, 500 cars were controlled, sorry, yes, there I go with the concrete, 165 motorcycles
06:36and 98 cars, they were controlled, they were only controlled, and only 15 were kidnapped that were
06:44derived from the beach, obviously from the government of the city, repeat the numbers to me,
06:48please, let's go again, I have to give you the right there, to you, hold on, hold on, hold on,
06:54let's go again with the numbers, please, 580 vehicles or controlled roads, yes, ok, so
07:02165 motorcycles, 98 cars and 18 traffic violations, there were drivers, there is more or less a control
07:12of 700-800 vehicles between motorcycles and cars, correct, yes, it is only a lower percentage,
07:21800 and they kidnap 15, why were those 15 kidnapped? Because they were running a
07:26stabbing? No, no, they may be missing from BTB, they may not have a license, now, forgive me, this
07:33operation, this operation that Andy is telling, is the product of what the neighbors report on
07:41Monday, which are the noises, that they believe that there may have been a stabbing, perhaps Alejandro says
07:49that no, but let's see, Alejandro was in this place, this controversy was presented, and the operation is the
07:57product of that controversy, because it is in that place, there it is, Jorgito, yes, go ahead, then I go with you,
08:02Ale, get ready for the sociological and psychological analysis, precisely this situation, at full speed,
08:07yes, and I don't want it to be mine today, get it out, go ahead, what doubt is that this would have to
08:15happen every day, it should not be possible for a budget, but criticizing that this is done is a
08:21mistake, they say only 15, this car was kidnapped, which can cause 15 deaths, this is the reality,
08:27in Argentina a person dies every hour and a half for a road accident, it is important that we are
08:34totally against stabbing, and just Pablo said something, I live around the area, sometimes you can't
08:40sleep, from the noise they make at dawn, but there I go against yours, excuse me, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop
09:12I know you don't get a seat, can you go to pay a special service outfit?
09:15Excuse me, everyone stops for me
09:17stop for .
09:20What is the zab fishy then?
09:28what is the zab fishy, the place I repeat
09:30are we against the exhibition, yes?
09:32or no?
09:36Are we against the exhibit?
09:37should make a special service outfit yes?
09:39a vehicle show? No. Now, we have to find a suitable place so that, as we are against
09:46annoying noise, so that people can rest, so that there is no noise, we look for a place.
09:51If there is a need, there is a right. Do we have a right? We are going to show that. It seems
09:55that we do not want it because in the Argentine Republic we are looking for a place to get
09:58a car. That phrase is going to come from the president and he is going to tell you that it is not like that.
10:01Well, okay. We discuss politically, but it depends on the car he brings. Let's see,
10:06yes. Look, the truth is that I don't know the gentleman's name, but with Jorge, a pleasure. With
10:12Jorge's proposals, we would have to make the planes land more in the parks because they make noise.
10:16No, no, no, no, no, no, no. There you are not defending, you are defending it badly. I am going to say irony.
10:23But you are defending it badly with your irony. No, I am going to say irony. It's another thing. And let me close, please.
10:27Because if the problem is noise and we stand up to telling a lie that there are
10:33stabbings, then we have a serious problem. Because we are lying for a comfort that comes from
10:39another side. You, Gonzalo, you showed me to be a native person in the environment of cars. I invite you
10:44to look at the images and tell me where you see a stabbed car kidnapped there. You know what I mean.
10:49I don't see a low car, a prepared car. And I tell you more. A car without a windshield in front or a windshield
10:56so that it is lighter. Or cars with cages. It is the most filmed place in the city of Buenos Aires.
11:02It is Cheverria and Federal Corta. Exactly. And I tell you more. Here I have, that I passed it to the production,
11:08I don't know if you have it. The car that they were recording, precisely, that they had kidnapped, supposedly,
11:13that it was a person who was working, who was coming. I communicated with him, they already returned the car to him
11:17because it had no infraction. They said that it did not have the patent visible because the registry is not
11:22giving him the patent sheet. One of the 15, you say? Yes, one of the 15. And I know that there are other people,
11:27more like people from RAPI or other applications, who were also kidnapped and had to return it
11:33because the operation was a concrete lie. That money that was wasted. Are you angry?
11:38Yes, of course I'm angry because there are people who are dying because of this. Why? Let's see why.
11:43Because suddenly the cars ... Because the control does not go where it has to go. Exactly.
11:47That same day a 60-year-old retired man died because where they did alcohol control,
11:51that day they didn't do it because they took the money there to do the circus.
11:54Well, but with that criterion, do you know how many people died because of the famous stabbing?
11:57Yes, that's exactly how many people died. It surprises me because they told me that you had to do with the subject of the cars,
12:03that's what they had told me in the production. You would have to be the other way around, against the stabbing,
12:07saying, give us a place, but not justify or get sick because they do a control.
12:11The other way around, I want control every day. Do you know when a child is killed,
12:14even if it's just one case, or they kill your sister or your father for a circus,
12:17they never forget you again in life. If they don't ask, they live like dogs.
12:20If they don't ask, they live like dogs. They live like dogs, I talked to him on Thursday,
12:23and I told him, Vivian, the people who are trying to get a place from here are going to run to the highways.
12:28And Vivian tells me, they just ran in front of me. They were leaving another channel and they just ran in front of me.
12:33So that's exactly what I say.
12:35But well, do you think they do control?
12:38Well, that's another thing, and we agree.
12:41No, no, we don't agree.
12:49Let me know when I can talk.
12:51Let me know when I can talk, please.
12:52Yes, of course.
12:53Thank you. Look, I'm going to tell you.
12:572020, almost 5,000 dead. 2021, 5,957.
13:012022, 6,184, despite the pandemic.
13:032023, 6,245 dead a year.
13:06This is getting worse. They're doing things wrong, guys.
13:08It could be.
13:09They don't know what they're talking about. They're ignorant in the matter.
13:11Since I've been right, with investigations that I've done precisely through this, right?
13:18With Mothers of Pain, recitals that we've done to collaborate,
13:21investigations, installation of safety reducers, speed,
13:26not only here in the province of Buenos Aires, nor in the capital, but also in the interior of the country,
13:30there are almost the same number of deaths from traffic accidents in Argentina.
13:35It increased. What he said is true. It increased.
13:3821, 22 deaths.
13:39But it's not legislated.
13:4021, 22 deaths a day.
13:43If anyone makes a mistake, they go to jail.
13:45It's over in Argentina.
13:47But now...
13:48Can I say something nice?
13:50Let's hold on a little bit.
13:51Yes, sorry.
13:52Because here it would seem that we are in conflict,
13:55but I think they are saying exactly the same thing.
13:58Are they both against the mistakes or not?
14:00Yes, totally. But I think there is a problem that...
14:03Stop, stop, stop.
14:04And here the doctor is saying very aptly that they do not disagree with the controls.
14:09Nobody disagrees with the controls.
14:11It seems to me.
14:13I thought they disagreed with this control.
14:15No, what happens is that...
14:16No, no, no.
14:17I don't know if you do disagree with the controls.
14:20If there is a doubt, if there is a doubt that was made to swindle people
14:24and the officials took the money, you have to report it.
14:26There is the...
14:27You have to report it.
14:28You have to report it to justice.
14:30And I have you next to me and I ask you, obviously,
14:33because the neighbors report annoying noises.
14:35Do they do it or not?
14:36Let's see, if you go to a soccer field, you are going to have someone who is going to want to stab you.
14:39Because people are always going to be misplaced everywhere.
14:41You think that last Thursday there were 2,000 people at the service station.
14:44Obviously, someone was passing by with a motorcycle and they cut you off
14:46and they are the ones we least want to be.
14:48But that is uncontrollable.
14:51You realize that 2,000 people and their cars at a service station.
14:55And when they have nowhere to go, they do that.
14:57I understand, I understand this point.
14:59And I think there should be a place, maybe to run,
15:05but you tell me that you can't do it at the racetrack
15:07and that they also tried to do it at the children's park.
15:09And what happened?
15:10Yes, we presented at the time a project to go to the city park
15:13and achieve that people who are going around in the street
15:17go to a place and avoid going to the street.
15:19Because, let's see, I'm going to explain something to you that many people don't want to hear.
15:22The one who walks on the main street, I tell you because I unfortunately did it,
15:26the one who walks on the main street walks because he chose not to take drugs,
15:29not to get drunk and cry making noise with the car driving fast.
15:32So it's something similar.
15:34It is understood, more or less.
15:35I understand.
15:36What I'm going to do is a way to get out of your reality.
15:40But going fast is dangerous, you have to respect the rules.
15:43Drug and steal.
15:44Yes, too.
15:45Are you going to tell me that I've been against drugs for years?
15:47But what happened?
15:48What do you mean?
15:49Let me tell you something.
15:50Since I don't take drugs, since I don't drink, can I go at the speed I want?
15:52Let me talk to you in statistics, it's easier.
15:54You know how I know statistics.
15:56Well, how much did the SEBI say it was?
15:58What I'm telling you is that you can't give this message.
16:00I can drive fast because I'm a great driver.
16:02No, you have to respect the rules.
16:04And you can't go with 2,000 cars to the gas station.
16:06I'm against it.
16:07I'm not giving this message.
16:08A person dies every two hours for the subject of drugs.
16:12What I'm saying is that speed is not the highest percentage of deaths.
16:16The SEBI says it's 9% of accidents.
16:19Well, 9% is your relative.
16:21And 9% can be less than 1%.
16:23But that means I don't look at the other 90%.
16:26No, no.
16:27Sorry, sorry.
16:28I want to make an emphasis on that 90%.
16:29Ale, Ale, 9% is a lot.
16:32If a person dies for 9%, it's a lot.
16:36It's a lot.
16:37It's not like no one dies.
16:38But we're not looking at the other 90%.
16:41We're looking at the ants and elephants and they pass us by.
16:43It's perfect.
16:44That's why control has to be 100% of the causes.
16:49But where does it go?
16:50Where does it go?
16:51But also, listen to me, as Pablito says,
16:53there can't be 2,000 people at a gas station.
16:56It's not logical.
16:57It's not logical.
16:58It's not logical.
16:59So I, head of government of the city of Buenos Aires,
17:01I say, they call me 5, 10, 15, 20, 55 neighbors of the buildings in the area
17:06and I have 150 complaints and unfortunately or luckily
17:10I have to send a control to that place to see what's going on.
17:12And what happened?
17:13People ran to General Paz.
17:15They went to different places.
17:16They stole the car.
17:17Wait, wait.
17:18They ran?
17:20Not all of them.
17:21You said they weren't going to run here.
17:23And why did they run?
17:24They can't run anywhere else.
17:26And that's what I want to emphasize, if you allow me.
17:28The guys don't want to go to Correo.
17:30But do you know why they stay in General Paz?
17:32Because the police can't stop them there.
17:34They take the car's license and they run.
17:36And that's what's wrong.
17:37They take the car's license?
17:38Of course.
17:39But how can they not stop them?
17:40They can stop them at General Paz.
17:41General Paz, a sports car that doesn't have a license, is unstoppable.
17:44But you can't drive without a license.
17:46Of course it's wrong.
17:47But how can you not stop it?
17:49I say that because I'm in the environment and I know they do it.
17:51They do it, but they can stop it.
17:53No, no.
17:54I didn't say they can't.
17:55I said they can't.
17:56But why can't they?
17:57Because who can reach it?
17:59But with a police control, two motorcycles, the camera,
18:01put a barricade.
18:03Roscoe P. Contrain did it.
18:05The police control of the other day.
18:07Do you know why he didn't catch anyone?
18:08Come on.
18:09How can he not stop?
18:10Do you know why the police control of the other day didn't catch anyone?
18:12Because you turned in the corner if you wanted to dodge it.
18:15But you tell me that you can't start a chase.
18:18I go out.
18:19Yes, you can.
18:20But they can't reach us.
18:21I go out with a Mazda Miata, ready, small, super fast, super agile.
18:26Rekete Contra, ready.
18:27Inchulado, even the handlebar with 300, 355 burros.
18:30It doesn't weigh anything.
18:31It weighs 800 grams.
18:32200 kilos, a car like that, more or less.
18:35The country is not prepared to catch you.
18:37Maybe if I take Route 29, yes, I go through the Cana del Grano,
18:42I go straight, I end up in Necochea and nobody stops me,
18:45so I have enough fuel.
18:46But in the city of Buenos Aires, you tell me that they can't stop me.
18:49They must do it.
18:51But, let's see, there are cameras, there are different police stations.
18:54There is a red operative, Pablito.
18:56Yes, more or less.
18:57Yes, if not, anyone ...
18:58No, no, in fact ...
18:59They rob a bank and escape and leave.
19:00Yes, if they want ...
19:01I can show you videos where they run ...
19:03They can do it.
19:04But they don't do it.
19:05What Alejandro told me, what is stronger, what Alejandro told me,
19:09that he knows and knows the group of people,
19:11is that these people get the license to go running in general.
19:15It's a madness.
19:16That's it.
19:17We just saw a video from yesterday where a BMW was going in front of 500 people,
19:23it escaped with people shooting in the air and nobody ran it in the air.
19:27Robbed, in that case.
19:28They stole the BMW at a gas station.
19:31So what are we arguing about?
19:32That it can't be done.
19:33Well, but ...
19:34That it can't be done.
19:35But it's serious to say ...
19:36It's a thing that can't be done, but it can be done.
19:38Exactly, it should be done.
19:39It should be done.
19:40I don't want to let this happen.
19:41And I'm here so that they want to hear how it is spoken from the inside and how things are done.
19:44I don't want to let this happen.
19:45I don't want to let this happen.
19:46Like the 2,000 who are at the stations and bother the neighbors,
19:49they say, ah, well, we bother here, let's go to General Paz.
19:52And what do we do?
19:53We run at the speed we want, we get the license,
19:55in total the police don't reach us.
19:57A horror.
19:58And what do you expect?
19:59That those people disappear?
20:00A horror.
20:01That they look for a place and if there is no place ...
20:02And where is the place?
20:03They can't go.
20:04Not to General Paz, not to get the license,
20:05not to go to 2,000 people to bother the neighbors.
20:06And what happens with Tecnópolis, for example?
20:08Can't you go there?
20:09Well, that's my approach.
20:10Why don't we do it?
20:11We have been doing a lot of things for a living for 20 years.
20:14We have been working with events for a living in Uruguay and a lot of other countries
20:19where they support us and generate a lot of things that we do.
20:23Even in Berta, in Córdoba, we have done several events for a living
20:27for the Soles group with children with cancer.
20:29Yes, yes, yes.
20:30Let's do one thing.
20:31And here in Buenos Aires it doesn't happen.
20:32Here they just want them to disappear, as the gentleman just said.
20:34It's as if I don't care about football and I want the field to explode.
20:36No, I didn't say that.
20:37I said I'm against the illicit.
20:39I think we're all the same.
20:42No, not now.
20:43Not now, because if you get the license to run in General Paz,
20:46you have to run in Uruguay.
20:47But no, of course not.
20:48You have to say it, because if not, it's very ...
20:50But of course not.
20:51Exactly that.
20:52That, look at the case of Toretto.
20:53So it was possible.
20:54Well, in total, he was not running around, he did not bother anyone.
20:56And no, well.
20:57That's not it.
20:58But yes, but yes.
20:59You have to go to jail and you will see that when the laws change,
21:02many of these things are going to end.
21:03Totally, totally.
21:04And there, yes, you have to be super tough against hard.
21:06I commit to getting a place.
21:09Because this is also good to be able to ...
21:12Before it happens ...
21:14Yes, before a situation like this happens.
21:17And you get the license.
21:18If you commit to that, I commit to putting all our team to 100% benefit.
21:25Totally to honor.
21:27And when we find a pitch, all controlled.
21:29Not even to run.
21:30With the same car.
21:31With the same car.
21:32With the same car.
21:33With the same car.
21:34You can be sure.
21:35With the same car.
21:36And with one eye closed, I take you out in a thousand meters, I take you out a hundred.
21:40Thank you for coming.
21:41Thank you to you and thank you for listening to this part that I find very important.
21:47To understand that we are all against the cuts, but that the methods, perhaps there we do not agree.
21:52We do not think the same.
21:53We can keep using it all Saturday.
21:56No, no, it's a topic that never ends.