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Very few threats in Marvel Comics reach the heights of the Devourer of Worlds, Galactus. So it's a pretty huge deal when a character takes old Buckethead down all on their own. These pulled off the task.


00:00Very few threats in Marvel comics reach the heights of the Devourer of Worlds, Galactus,
00:05so it's a pretty huge deal when a character takes old Buckethead down all on their own.
00:10These pulled off the task.
00:11One of the few beings in the Marvel Universe one could argue is on Galactus' level is the
00:15Mad Titan Thanos.
00:17I am inevitable.
00:21But even Thanos has to be at the right height of his power to take down Galactus with ease
00:25in the Infinity Gauntlet by Jim Starlin and George Perez.
00:28The Devourer of Worlds is one of the many godlike beings Thanos subdues with little
00:32more than a thought thanks to the power of the Infinity Gems.
00:35The fight between the two is a little more even in Thanos issues 16 by Donny Cates and
00:40Geoffrey Shaw, but not that much.
00:42It's part of the Thanos wins storyline in which the Mad Titan goes up against just about
00:46everyone he can, defeating them all.
00:49In particular, Thanos pursues Galactus across the cosmos, and they finally face off on a
00:53destroyed Earth in the far future.
00:55Galactus isn't there to feed.
00:56He's on the run, looking for help, and that's when Thanos rears his purple head.
01:01Galactus arms himself with a building-sized weapon and charges Thanos, but he doesn't
01:05get off a shot.
01:06Thanos blasts him with energy, knocking off his head and killing Galactus instantly.
01:11Reed Richards, Sue Storm, and the rest of the Fantastic Four face down Galactus with
01:15the threat of the Ultimate Nullifier back in The Devourer's first appearance.
01:19But Reed and Sue's son Franklin was himself the threat much later.
01:23Franklin was born an Omega-level mutant, and his powers once included reality-altering
01:28He even created his own pocket universe, the Heroes Reborn universe, for a while.
01:32His adult self has also come back in time on occasion, as in Fantastic Four issues 603
01:38and 604 by Jonathan Hickman and Steve Epting.
01:41He and his sister Valeria travel back to fight the Mad Celestials.
01:45After sending them away briefly, the older Franklin syncs with his younger self, absorbing
01:49a great deal of additional power.
01:51Before the Mad Celestials can run, Franklin uses his increased power to revive a fallen
01:56Galactus, turning the tables and forcing the big guy to become his herald.
02:00There's another story where Franklin straight-up beats Galactus in a fight, but it isn't in
02:06In Fantastic Four Life Story Issue 5 by Mark Russell, Sean Isaacs, and Carlos Magno, Franklin
02:11fights Galactus by first destroying his mind with psionic energy, which he follows up with
02:15a massive haymaker, knocking the cosmic being unconscious so the Fantastic Four can escape.
02:21King Thor is what the Earth-616 Thor is destined to become in the far future.
02:25He is missing an eye, like his father, and his left arm has been replaced with the one
02:28from the Destroyer armor.
02:30He has the Odin Force, which he appropriately calls the Thor Force, and rules over the decaying
02:34ruins of both Earth and Asgard.
02:37Much of his story takes place millennia in the future.
02:39King Thor becomes increasingly more powerful as time passes.
02:43He absorbs the Phoenix Force and more throughout his unending life.
02:46He also briefly becomes a herald of Galactus.
02:48In the 2020 Thor series by Donny Cates and Nick Cline, Galactus arrives in King Thor's
02:53kingdom asking for help to stave off the galaxy-killing Starplague.
02:57Thor agrees to help, but it's just a ploy.
02:59Thor wants revenge for all the planets Galactus has destroyed, so he immediately turns against
03:04his new boss.
03:05Galactus puts obstacles in Thor's way, namely Beta Ray Bill and Sif, but the God of Thunder
03:10finally confronts his massive enemy head-on and blasts Galactus in the chest with Mjolnir,
03:15ending him.
03:16Before becoming the Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd was an astronomer on the planet Xen'La.
03:21When Galactus comes to consume his world, Norrin confronts him.
03:24Galactus realizes his potential and agrees to spare his world if he becomes his herald.
03:28After agreeing, Galactus empowers Norrin with the power cosmic, making him into the Silver
03:34My service spares my world, and the one I love."
03:40The Surfer was created by Galactus' own power, which means his is only a fraction of his
03:46When he openly defies Galactus to save Earth in Fantastic Four issue 50, he tries to reason
03:50with him instead.
03:51That isn't the case in 1992's Guardians of the Galaxy issue 25 by Jim Valentino, when
03:57the Silver Surfer fights and defeats his former master in hand-to-hand combat in an alternate
04:0131st century.
04:02The Surfer is about to do this because he also possesses the Quantum Bands, making him
04:06a being of incredible power as the protector of the universe.
04:10The Surfer tries and fails to defeat Galactus with the Quantum Bands once, but he later
04:14learns how to use the bands to their full potential and joins with the Guardians to
04:17face him down again as the Keeper.
04:19He defeats Galactus this time, but instead of killing him, he returns to his side as
04:23his herald, with the intention of finding uninhabited worlds for the Devourer to feed
04:28Kitty Bride started out as the kid member of the X-Men, finding her feet among the team's
04:32more experienced members.
04:34Since then, though, her powers have grown considerably, and she's taken on leadership
04:37roles in both the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Marauders.
04:40Sure, even then, that's not really up to the level of challenging Galactus, but the
04:44Ultimate Universe version of Kitty Bride didn't let that stand in her way.
04:47In Cataclysm, The Ultimate's Last Stand by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley, Reed
04:52Richards hatches a plan to chuck Galactus into the Negative Zone, where he'll have nothing
04:56to consume and starve to death.
04:58The only one who can make that happen is Kitty because of her phasing powers.
05:01This attacks her kitty even while she's intangible, but she can stay in the fight.
05:05So Reed gives her Giant Man's Growth ability, allowing her to get up to Galactus' massive
05:11Kitty pummels Galactus, interrupting his feeding process and destroying his machine.
05:15She clobbers him multiple times, and ultimately defeats the Devourer as the Fantastic Four
05:20and others watch from the sidelines.
05:22Kitty nearly falls through the portal with Galactus, but the other heroes step in to
05:25save her as Thor slams Galactus — and himself — into the Negative Zone.
05:30After inadvertently being responsible for making Bruce Banner the Hulk by wandering
05:33onto a live nuclear test site, Rick Jones has done a lot in the Marvel Universe.
05:38He has been Bucky, a Hulk, an Abomination, twice, companion to two different Captain
05:42Marvels, and a lot more.
05:44In the Ultimate Universe, his story is a little… different.
05:47Prior to the Ultimatum event, Rick is empowered by the Watcher to save the world, but the
05:51energy overflow puts him into a coma for six months.
05:54After a superhero intervention, Rick accepts the power and becomes Nova.
05:58When Galactus arrives later in the Hunger series by Joshua Hale-Fyalkov and Leonard
06:03Kirk, Nova faces off with him and attempts to save some aliens, the Chitauri.
06:07He fails and has to be rescued by the Silver Surfer.
06:10Galactus then subjugates a swarm of beings — which happens to have the similar name
06:14the Galactus — into being his new herald.
06:16Rick later has a chance to take on Galactus and his swarm after he's boosted with Captain
06:20Marvel's powers.
06:21Rick blasts a hole between universes, nearly splitting Galactus in half.
06:25He also separates the swarm from its former master and destroys it.
06:28Unfortunately for Rick, he traps himself in a reality between universes and can't get
06:33home on his own.
06:34He's later rescued when the Future Foundation stumbles into his pocket of space-time.
06:37Galactus, meanwhile, heads to Earth to try to recover from Rick's attack, setting the
06:41stage for the Cataclysm event.
06:43Though she's undoubtedly a comedic superhero, Squirrel Girl is also as tough as they come.
06:48The title of her comic is The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, and that's not a joke.
06:52She defeated Doctor Doom in her very first appearance in 1991, and she's taken on some
06:56other heavy hitters.
06:57You gonna stop me, little girl?
06:59You and what army?
07:01Um, this one.
07:05When Doreen Green finally got her own title, by Ryan North and Erica Henderson, almost
07:0925 years later, one of her first challenges was Galactus himself.
07:13Her initial attempts to fight him on the moon by hitting him in the foot do basically nothing,
07:17and the Devourer thinks maybe she was trying to buff his shoes.
07:20Instead of stomping her, Galactus picks Squirrel Girl up and talks to her about his plan to
07:25consume Earth, without giving its heroes too much advance notice this time.
07:28After a winding discussion, Galactus decides that he likes Squirrel Girl because she treats
07:32him as a peer and doesn't fear him.
07:34But then he ends the conversation and goes to Devour Earth, making Squirrel Girl spring
07:38to action.
07:39She knows she can't defeat Galactus with pure force, so instead she finds him an uninhabited
07:43planet full of delicious acorns that he can consume instead.
07:47Galactus ends up overeating, and finds himself sprawled out on the moon in what you could
07:51call defeat.
07:52He even gives her a gift for her efforts, his trading card.
07:56Hero Carla is the Hulk's son, and twin brother of the title character of the Scar son of
08:00Hulk series.
08:01Their homeworld, Sakaar, is destroyed at Galactus' hands, leading Hero Carla in particular to
08:05vow revenge.
08:06He travels the universe in search of the Old Power, which is an unstable, artificial form
08:11of Galactus' power cosmic, to fight him.
08:13After finding the Old Power on the planet Geassar, Hero Carla concocts a particularly
08:17devious plan to take down the Devourer of Worlds, establishing himself as a god to the
08:22inhabitants of the planet.
08:23He drives the planet's inhabitants to bring about their own demise, effectively using
08:27it as bait to luring Galactus in Scar, Son of Hulk issue 17 by Paul Jenkins and Andrés
08:34As Galactus consumes the planet, he's engulfed with pain, feeling the suffering of every
08:38living being he just devoured.
08:40The Old Power essentially acts as poison for the cosmic being.
08:43It doesn't kill him, but it essentially spoils his food supply forever.
08:47Hero Carla has infected other planets with the Old Power, and Galactus no longer knows
08:51which ones are safe.
08:52Long before Galactus made the Silver Surfer his herald, he had others.
08:56The first, Tyrant, began his existence more as Galactus' companion.
08:59After a falling out of sorts, they continually fought against the cosmos, destroying whole
09:03galaxies in their wake.
09:05To stop him, Galactus banished Tyrant to the edge of the universe and stripped him of most
09:09of his power, though the battle nearly resulted in Galactus' own demise.
09:13Eventually, Tyrant returns to confront his father in Silver Surfer issue 108 and 109
09:18by Mike Lackey and Tom Grindberg, telling him that each time Galactus consumes a world,
09:23it weakens him.
09:24He's thus there to fight Galactus because, in Tyrant's mind, only one of them can exist,
09:29and he's intent on it being him.
09:30As they fight, it initially looks as if Tyrant is significantly outclassed by his creator,
09:34but Tyrant has a trick up his sleeve, as he's empowered by Galactus' attack.
09:38This gives Tyrant the upper hand, and he manages to slash Galactus' face, knocking him back
09:43and leaving him open for the killing blow.
09:45Tyrant defeats Galactus, but he's interrupted by Morg, another herald, who's carrying the
09:49ultimate nullifier.
09:51Morg is intent on using it to defeat Tyrant.
09:53Silver Surfer attempts to stop him, but Galactus' ship, Morg, Galactus, and Tyrant are all seemingly
09:59In the end, Tyrant both wins and loses.
10:01A relatively new Marvel superhero, Gravity is Greg Willis, who got sucked into a mini-black
10:06hole while on vacation, giving him the ability to manipulate gravitational forces around
10:12Throughout his career, he's a street-level superhero, but that all changes after the
10:15events of Battleworld in the Beyond miniseries, when Gravity sacrifices his life to literally
10:20hold the world together.
10:21The cosmic being Epoch places his body into a cocoon, and when he emerges, Gravity is
10:26empowered as the new protector of the universe.
10:29This makes Gravity exponentially more powerful than he was before, and an actual match for
10:34Eventually, this leads to a face-off between the two in Fantastic Four issue 546 by Dwayne
10:40McDuffie and Paul Pelletier.
10:42The story finds a devourer of worlds looking to finally sate his unending hunger by consuming
10:46Epoch, and Gravity can't have that.
10:49Gravity flies off to face Galactus, unleashing all of his cosmic energy at his foe.
10:53This doesn't harm Galactus, but instead feeds him, which is what Gravity had in mind all
10:59Gravity isn't looking to kill Galactus, but simply prevent him from devouring Epoch.
11:03And it works.
11:04Galactus goes away, his hunger sated.
11:06In the end, Gravity chooses not to take his cosmic power back and return to life as a
11:11street-level hero.