• last month
Thank you Ilya!!!

Use my code for 10% off your next SeatGeek order*: https://seatgeek.onelink.me/RrnK/DD10
Sponsored by SeatGeek. *Restrictions apply. Max $20 discount

Full Fitness Transformation Here: / @xeelafitness7528 ‪@xeelafitness7528‬

GET THE XEELA APP: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/xeela-f...

we basically only wore young LA in this video: https://www.youngla.com

NEW PODCAST EPISODE IS OUT NOW:(https://open.spotify.com/show/1vPkGMy...



BUY JIMMYS CHOCOLATE: https://feastables.com/


Thanks for watching :) Throw it a like if you like throwing stuff!

Turn my notifications on these to be the next shoutout!!

Twitter: @DavidDobrik
Instagram: @DavidDobrik
Snapchat: @DavidDobrik
Vine: @DavidDobrik
Musically: @DavidDobrik

Business email: daviddobrikbusiness@gmail.com

Thank you to the sponsors of this video!! SeatGeek, YoungLA, Feastables, & Celsius!

Special thanks again

Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer: https://www.en.santuariocristoredento...

UCLA Athletics: @uclaathletics

If you need a custom suit in Hong Kong visit Sams Tailor - @samstailor

Travel Coordination: Sarah at The Loop Team

To check out cool cars go to @LAFineMotors

Other people in the video:

Mr Beast - @mrbeast

Ilya Fedorovich - @ilyafeddy

Jason Nash - @JasonNash

Natalie - @natalinanoel

Jonah Hill - @nickantonyan

Suzy - @suzyantonyan

Harry Jowsey - @harryjowsey

Noah Beck - @noahbeck

Olivia Jade - @oliviajade

Dixie D’amelio - @dixiedamelio

Zane- @Zane

Taylor Hudson: @taylortayh

Pierson - @piersonwodzynski

Adam W - @adamw

Josh Peck - @shuapeck

Vardan - @vardanantonyan_

Scottysire- @scottysire

Jac Anderson - @jacquelynnoelle

Corinna- @CorinnaKopf

Heath- @HeathHussar

Ella D’Souza - @ellapriya

Maclaine Farrell - @maclainefarrell

Hannah Coopy - @hannah_coopy

Emma Pills - @emmapill

Eden Rosen - @edenrosen_

Emma Bogan - @emmabogan

Bella Lopez - @isabela.adele

Wife - Lorraine Nash

Production Team:

Natalie Mariduena

Ferris Mohd - @ferris.mohd

Brooke Buchanan - @brookedbuchanan

Taylor Hudson

Joe Vulpis - @thejoe


