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Kondaveedu Fort is Attracting Tourists in Palnadu District : రాజులు, రాజ్యాలు పోయినా వారి పాలన తాలూకు చారిత్రక ఆధారాలకు ఇప్పటికీ సజీవ సాక్ష్యంగా నిలుస్తున్నాయి కోటలు. ఆ కాలంలోనే శత్రుదుర్భేద్యంగా నిర్మించిన బురుజులు, ప్రాకారాలు చూస్తుంటే అలాంటి కొండలు, గుట్టలపై నిర్మించడం ఇప్పటికీ అసాధ్యమేమో అనిపిస్తుంది. కోటలోపలే చెరువులు, ఆలయాలు, ఆయుధశాలలు, గుర్రపుశాలలు ఒక్కటేమిటి ఏది చూసినా అత్యద్భుతమే. రెడ్డిరాజుల పాలనలో ఒకప్పుడు విలసిల్లిన కొండవీడు కోట నేటికీ పర్యాటకులను, చరిత్రకారులను ఆకట్టుకుంటోంది.


01:14We enjoyed a lot in Kondavid food
01:16Water sledding, trekking, water boating
01:20We enjoyed everything
01:21It was very joyful, happy, peaceful and tension free
01:26It was our first time here
01:28We liked the temple very much
01:30The place to see
01:32There are a lot of fields here
01:34It looked very beautiful
01:36There are a lot of children playing in the park
01:40It would be nice if there were more children
01:42Children feel very happy
01:44It is very good
01:45There is no water to drink
01:47There is no food anywhere
01:49It is rare
01:50There is water somewhere
01:52There is nothing after that
01:54It would be nice to have a bathroom or a place to eat
01:58Kondavid area is good to see
02:00We did boating
02:02It was very fun
02:04You can enjoy a lot
02:05If there are others, come
02:06The audience would have enjoyed a lot
02:07The courts and springs are very good
02:09The area to see is very big
02:11It is good for children to play
02:13It is a good place
02:14Everyone can see
02:41There are many activities here
02:43There are 3 springs on top of the hill for drinking water
02:47Boating, kayaking, trekking, horse riding for young people
02:56There is a park for children called Nagaravanam
03:01It is very good
03:03It is near Amaravathi
03:06It should be developed as an activity center
03:10It is good to see the environment here
03:15It is a good opportunity for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
03:20It is good to see the history of Sri Jnanatma
03:25It is a good opportunity to learn about Sri Jnanatma
03:28But it should be developed as an activity center
03:34It is a good opportunity for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
03:39It is a good opportunity for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
03:44It is a good opportunity for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
03:49It is a good opportunity for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
03:56It is a good place for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
03:59It is a good place for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
04:02It is a good place for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
04:05It is a good place for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
04:08It is a good place for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
04:11It is a good place for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
04:14It is a good place for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
04:17It is a good place for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
04:20It is a good place for children to learn about Sri Jnanatma
04:23contact Nlam who will drop you in the
04:25contact Nlam who will drop you in the
04:50contact Nlam who will drop you in the
04:50We have taken all the washrooms.
04:53When we go up, the gut road is good.
04:58Then there are four bridges.
05:02Everything is natural.
05:05All the buildings are natural.
05:10The cell phone signal does not go up.
05:14There is no disturbance.
05:17There is no dust pollution.
05:22Everything is good.
05:47Kondavidukota is famous for its beautiful lakes and mountains.
05:57Young people come here for boating and kayaking.
06:04Horsing, Kayamling, Kedamsar are also here.
06:08The whole family comes here and has a good time.
06:11If the marine resources are mixed here, the environment will improve.
06:18I am Veeranjanelu from Palladu district.
