👉 Devastador: una mujer con discapacidad regresó a su hogar y lo encontró reducido a escombros. Su vivienda fue demolida por una topadora mientras ella estaba fuera. Según la denuncia, el ataque fue ejecutado por personas que, falsamente, se presentaron como dueños del terreno. Los agresores habrían solicitado escolta de una patrulla municipal para llevar a cabo la destrucción. Además, se afirma que la víctima pasó dos días dentro de su casa junto a estos individuos antes del derribo.
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00:00What do you think when I show you this?
00:02It collapsed.
00:03It collapsed?
00:04Of course.
00:05Well, no.
00:06Imagine being at home,
00:09going to do errands,
00:12that want to occupy your land,
00:14and someone comes and with a pickaxe
00:16throws your house down.
00:18I repeat.
00:19Imagine going to do errands,
00:22that a person comes
00:25that wants to occupy your land
00:27with a pickaxe,
00:29and when you return from doing errands
00:31you find that your house is a pile of rubble.
00:35Well, this happened in La Plata.
00:37We are connected with Ezequiel Quelo,
00:39who is the person you just saw in the video,
00:41who is the one who denounces
00:43this that happened,
00:44and that the neighbor,
00:45when she returned to her house,
00:47found a pile of rubble.
00:48Ezequiel, good morning.
00:50Hello Ale, good morning.
00:52How are you?
00:54Tell us a little about the situation.
00:55We saw the video of the pickaxe
00:56entering to demolish the house.
00:58We are now helping.
01:00The house is demolished.
01:01We are here.
01:03Yes, Ale, a disaster.
01:04The truth is a disaster.
01:05A total abuse.
01:06Apart from that,
01:07each time we learn about worse things
01:08that have been done to Patricia.
01:10A lot of abuse from everyone.
01:13From the few family
01:15that has never appeared to help.
01:17They are dealing with the rubble.
01:19She has nothing left.
01:20That was the house?
01:21She has nothing left of anything.
01:22Who hires the pickaxe?
01:24Who hires the pickaxe
01:25that is the one that demolishes the house?
01:28It is a couple
01:29that decided to be the owners.
01:31From what we know,
01:33they were two days
01:34inside the house with her.
01:36They took out the papers,
01:38but they couldn't get all the papers out.
01:41They presented themselves
01:42with the pickaxe and the police.
01:44The police?
01:46Saying that they were the owners,
01:48they couldn't do anything.
01:49No, no, no, stop, stop.
01:50But the police,
01:51you go to a police station
01:52and tell them,
01:53I am the owner,
01:54and they allow you
01:55to demolish a house
01:56with a pickaxe?
01:57No, no, no,
01:58they didn't go to the police station.
01:59They called a mobile phone
02:00of the police station
02:01and the mobile phone
02:02only guarded
02:03that no one fought,
02:04that there were no fights.
02:06And they sent people
02:07to the police station,
02:08but no one went
02:09because Patricia was disabled
02:10and she was alone.
02:11Ah, Patricia,
02:12Patricia is disabled
02:13and lives alone.
02:14The pickaxe
02:15had already gone,
02:16they had thrown the house down.
02:18I went to the police station
02:19with a neighbor,
02:20we made the complaint,
02:21and well,
02:22the police station,
02:23La Unión,
02:24the owner of La Unión,
02:26he didn't know anything.
02:27He tells me,
02:28I'm not aware.
02:29If it was a eviction,
02:30I have to be aware
02:31to be there at the time,
02:32but not a pickaxe
02:33to throw down a house
02:34for an eviction.
02:35An eviction
02:36is not done,
02:37this demolition of the house
02:38as if it were a house
02:39of a narco.
02:40What does Alicia Ezequiel say?
02:45Patricia lost her husband
02:46a long time ago
02:47because they sold
02:48a taxi,
02:49Patricia's husband
02:50sold a taxi,
02:51paid the house,
02:52but being disabled
02:53and disabled,
02:55and the man,
02:56the husband died,
02:57she was very bad.
02:59I think she has
03:00a maturing delay,
03:02the lady,
03:04she's been sitting
03:05in a chair for four days.
03:06I don't understand
03:07what happened.
03:08She can't understand
03:09what just happened to her.
03:10She's scared.
03:11And what does she say
03:12about the two people
03:13who were with her?
03:14What does she say?
03:17Nobody understands anything.
03:19These people,
03:20I confronted them
03:21because I reported them,
03:22I confronted them,
03:23Patricia is sitting there,
03:24I don't know if you see her,
03:25she's behind the car,
03:26she's sitting in a chair.
03:29I'm going to get there.
03:30You know that,
03:32no, no,
03:33she's scared,
03:34she's afraid,
03:35apart from being hit,
03:37How did they hit her?
03:38They hit her,
03:39they did everything to her,
03:41but she didn't...
03:42We are looking for the video
03:43of the mugger entering,
03:44there we are going to put it
03:45on the screen,
03:46they won't be able to believe it.
03:47There we are getting
03:48to Patricia.
03:49The mugger hoped that
03:50the police,
03:51when they thought
03:52that she had everything
03:53under control,
03:54she left,
03:55that they were going
03:56to the police station
03:57and no,
03:58they didn't have anything
03:59under control,
04:00they waited for the police
04:01to leave
04:02and at 11 minutes
04:03they put the,
04:04they put the mugger
04:05and they destroyed,
04:06they destroyed the house.
04:07Is that the lady?
04:09Does Patricia speak
04:10if we ask her something,
04:11does she understand,
04:12does she answer?
04:13She doesn't want to talk
04:14to anyone,
04:15she gets angry,
04:16it's like she avoids
04:17the conversation,
04:18she's afraid,
04:19she's scared,
04:20she's afraid of the house,
04:21she's scared.
04:22Does she understand
04:23what happened to her,
04:24at least?
04:25We told her
04:26to clean everything
04:27and she says,
04:28I'm going to sleep
04:29in the corner,
04:30it's like the house
04:31is buried now
04:32and every now and then
04:33she gets up
04:34and goes to the house,
04:35she looks and comes,
04:36you don't know how she
04:37surrounds the house
04:38and gets scared
04:39and leaves.
04:40They have tortured her,
04:42they have tortured
04:43the lady.
04:44And these people
04:45who explained,
04:46what does the justice
04:48did she talk to them,
04:49did she talk to them,
04:50what do they answer?
04:51We're going to put
04:52the image of the topper.
04:53Do they answer?
04:54Yesterday morning,
04:55I confronted them
04:56because I found them
04:58they came with a company
04:59to plow the land.
05:00And what do they
05:01tell you
05:02when you find them?
05:03First that they,
05:04I published
05:05all this
05:06on my networks
05:07and they threatened me
05:08with crooked profiles,
05:09you see how this is,
05:10I rescue non-personal
05:12I rescue animals
05:13that are not
05:15I rescue animals
05:16that are not
05:18I rescue non-man,
05:19but this is
05:20an abuse
05:21and I think I do it
05:22as a citizen
05:23as anyone
05:24would say.
05:25And I faced
05:26them and they
05:27did not know me,
05:28they did not
05:29know who I was
05:30and then I told
05:32I reported them
05:33and they threatened
05:34me on social media,
05:35which is to say
05:36that they don't
05:37know who I am.
05:38The policeman
05:39had sent me
05:40to the police station
05:41and I said
05:43we're all going
05:44to the police station,
05:45why would I
05:46go alone
05:47the neighbor had also called, and the head of the police station, it took two minutes to arrive.
05:54He came in the air, I congratulated him, I published it, because he was very worried about the lady,
05:59because we told him, you see, first we had to go tell him, when we made the complaint,
06:03tell him the story of Patricia, which was long to tell, because apart, we know that Patricia
06:10they gave her a niece to raise, and then they took her out, and then they invented that they fought
06:15for the land, and it was not like that.
06:17No one ever claimed this land.
06:19Yes, there were some trials, but they were lost.
06:22And it was always her, the owner, more because she is a disabled person.
06:25Of course, of course.
06:27Well, going back to the fight, we argued, and when the head of the police station arrived,
06:31it took the lady with the couple, and those who were in the wire company, and everyone
06:37to the police station.
06:38The car of the mine that claimed the land was stolen, and she was still in the police station,
06:46there is a short video that I have, that she says she is in charge, that the land is hers,
06:50which is the owner, but she could not accredit anything, she had nothing, she had a folder
06:55that Patricia stole from her.
06:57And they had nothing.
06:59I have my power, a purchase and sale ticket, with the note, I will pay for the land.
07:04I can't believe that there are so many people who say they are the owners, when now I have
07:09the papers, and many more papers from her, and the family, the document, and she lived
07:14here for more than 35 years.
07:16A lady just called me, who must be watching this, and she is insulting me by message.
07:20Why is she insulting you?
07:23And a lady called me saying that the land was also hers, that she bought it in the 90s.
07:28That she bought it in the 90s.
07:30Can I ask you a favor live that I can't find on your Instagram?
07:33Can you send the videos of the topadora to Production?
07:38I can't find it on your Instagram, it was there, now I can't find it live.
07:43The video of the moment, there that one is going to pass, the video of the moment of the topadora.
07:47I sent the video of the topadora, coming in.
07:49The video is very strong, send it to the production girls.
07:53Because the videos, there it just arrived.
07:57The videos, the videos of the moment, it's shocking.
08:02Because the lady, beyond her problem that she may have, that we have not verified,
08:06but yes, when one starts talking, presents a confusing situation.
08:11The moment when the topadora enters, demolishes the house, with no one's control,
08:16it's impressive.
08:17Now, Ezequiel, I ask you, this lady who claims you, claims you, the property.
08:25Can you see any documentation of the property?
08:27Is there something or is there nothing?
08:29Nobody shows you anyone, nothing.
08:31The one who claimed that the land was her grandfather's or her grandmother's,
08:34says she made a trial and lost it.
08:37She lost the house in the trial.
08:39But did she lose it against these two people?
08:41Against whom did she lose it?
08:43The trial.
08:44That is, or does she not have an owner?
08:46The owner of the property lives in Brazil and does not take charge.
08:50Because he sold it and there were many people selling it.
08:53And who did he sell it to?
08:55To Patricia.
08:59To Patricia, yes.
09:00They sold the house with Patricia inside.
09:02That is the reality, Alejandro.
09:04Wait, they sold the house with Patricia inside?
09:06Who went to demolish it?
09:08Now, let's say.
09:10No, those are one, those were made to pass by heirs.
09:15But the police station could not verify a relationship, a succession, a ticket.
09:21They had nothing.
09:22The owner or the owner of a property is the one who has the writing.
09:29That is, a purchase and sale ticket does not make you the owner of anything.
09:36No, Patricia had the possession until she went to buy it.
09:38Of course, but Patricia does not have it.
09:40So the writing is not among those papers that you have.
09:43There is no writing.
09:45What I have are the papers when she bought it.
09:48And apart from her being disabled,
09:51the husband started the process of writing in her name with the Pierre Law,
09:57which I also have, the one that makes you the plot, the municipality.
10:00He started the process, but the writing is not there.
10:03No, no, no, no, it's not there.
10:05Of course.
10:06Then you have to see.
10:08In catastrophe or in the housing institute,
10:13this lot has to be in the name of someone.
10:17Exactly, from the province of Buenos Aires.
10:19So this property has an owner with a name and last name.
10:25They should not be those of the plotter,
10:28who must feel like owners because maybe they bought,
10:32have the purchase and sale ticket and become the owners.
10:36But that does not enable them to be the owners of the property.
10:40The owners of the property are the ones who have the writing.
10:44Did you see the plotter?
10:47Did you see the plotter?
10:51There is no perfect title, there is not.
10:53Now, the company ...
10:55You call the guy from the company and say,
10:57friend, the guy does not ask you for the writing to turn a house.
11:01I mean, the agent is writing to me.
11:04We don't say anything to the plotter.
11:06Because if you call a plotter and say,
11:08yes, come, I want to throw my house.
11:10The plotter committed a crime.
11:12Did he know that the house was someone else's?
11:15It is still a danger because there are houses next door too.
11:18Of course.
11:19There is no prevention work.
11:21And if there is someone inside, who finds out that there was no one inside?
11:25What does the municipality say here?
11:28The plotter is also accused.
11:30But of course.
11:32The demolition, you have to approve the work or not.
11:34But of course.
11:35Because when you demolish a house, you always get ...
11:40When you demolish a house, you always get the openings.
11:43This guy came and the landlady was shouting outside.
11:46Patricia was shouting outside.
11:48Now, the house next door, did it suffer structural damage?
11:56I don't know how to tell you, but the median was scratched a lot.
11:59And the machine broke all the sheets.
12:03The roof destroyed it.
12:05A house is not demolished like that either.
12:07No, of course.
12:08Because the sheets are used to close the front.
12:11The openings are removed.
12:12And a lot of that goes to recycling sales.
12:16Now, we have an exclusive video of Patricia dialoguing.
12:21I think you sign it, Ezequiel.
12:24And we are going to understand Patricia's vulnerability.
12:28The vulnerability of this woman who has just been a widow for a few months.
12:33These people lived with her in the house, Ezequiel.
12:37From what you understand.
12:40Look, among the times I was able to talk to Patricia, I understand that ...
12:44And one more neighbor who had been inside for two days, kicking her.
12:48And in the discussion of them with me, they say,
12:52Patricia, if Patricia does not have a bed.
12:54I say, how does she not have a bed?
12:56If she has a bed, how is there not going to be a bed in a house?
12:58I say, then you were what was inside two days ago.
13:01No, nothing to do.
13:02And I didn't want to talk.
13:03That Patricia slept sitting down.
13:05They fight with me.
13:06And they say, and I accuse them.
13:10And they later, it's like they put the leg that they were inside.
13:15How are you going to say she doesn't have a bed?
13:17It's true, she doesn't have a bed.
13:18She slept on a mattress on the floor.
13:21But ...
13:22Give me full, stop, stop, stop.
13:23Stop there, Ezequiel.
13:24Stop it here.
13:25There is Patricia Logurito next to the topadora.
13:26Did you see her?
13:28Put the video in full here.
13:29The one that is there next to the topadora.
13:31Put me here, put me here, put me here, put me here.
13:34Put me here, look, look, look.
13:35Come, come, come here.
13:36Come up here.
13:37Up here.
13:38Up there.
13:39Patricia is screaming in her own way.
13:42And they have her escorted, the two guys.
13:44Do you see her?
13:45The two guys are standing in front.
13:47Patricia with what she can from behind.
13:49Now we are going to understand who Patricia is.
13:51Those who hired the topadora.
13:52Of course.
13:53Now we are going to understand who Patricia is.
13:54And those who hire the topadora as making a barrier.
13:57Look, look.
13:58The two in front are the ones who hired the topadora.
14:02The one in the back.
14:03The one you see behind the three people there is Patricia.
14:06Do you see?
14:07She's just screaming.
14:09Up here.
14:10She's just screaming.
14:11Because there is nothing else she can do.
14:12Put it in full on the screen.
14:14The video.
14:15So people can see Patricia.
14:16There she is.
14:17Up, up.
14:18Come up to the side of the topadora.
14:21The one behind is Patricia.
14:22There are the screams.
14:24In her own way.
14:25As it can be expressed.
14:27And these guys demolished the house in her face.
14:29Of course.
14:30How is she going to want to sleep now, Patricia?
14:33How is she going to want to sleep, Patricia?
14:35There is the video of Patricia.
14:36There I sent you the group, guys.
14:38When Ezequiel signs it.
14:41You are going to observe now why these people take advantage of Patricia.
14:47Because these people are the ones who attack this woman in this way.
14:54There I put them here.
14:55That's the video I just mentioned in the group.
14:58Of course.
14:59She is a vulnerable woman.
15:00Go back to full Ezequiel.
15:02Now the neighbors are trying to rebuild her house.
15:06But without knowing that this may be left to her, Ezequiel.
15:12And the neighbors were here, as you saw, closing the front.
15:16But, but.
15:17Give it to me, Ezequiel.
15:18Let's see.
15:19Focus on the front, Ezequiel.
15:20I want to see well.
15:21Focus on the front.
15:23Because we don't know.
15:24The company that came with the wires already paid everything.
15:31Let's see if Patricia speaks.
15:32Let's see, let's see.
15:33Give me Ezequiel, let's see.
15:40Let's see.
15:41There is Patricia alive.
15:42Stop, stop, stop, stop.
15:43Let's see.
15:53Ask him if it's his house.
15:54Let's see what he tells you, Eze.
15:56If she, if she explains a little more to you.
16:03And you didn't want to go there to look.
16:04Does she understand what happened to Eze, if you ask her?
16:13Patricia, do you remember everything that happened?
16:16Don't you remember anything else?
16:19You don't want to talk?
16:22Well, no, it's okay.
16:23I was asking you if you wanted to talk to me, tell me something.
16:27She has children.
16:28You just put people in jail.
16:29We denounce.
16:30So they don't get any closer.
16:32Were they there with you for many days, bothering you?
16:37But you didn't know them, they showed up.
16:40They showed up and got involved.
16:42When that big machine came.
16:50But don't worry, they won't come back anymore.
16:52Because we already did justice.
16:55No, you don't want to know anything.
16:57What a difficult situation, guys, the truth.
16:59Who is going to take care of Patricia now?
17:02Who is going to take care of Patricia?
17:04Like no one so far, Ezequiel, a neighbor.
17:06If there is no one there.
17:08I am taking care of accommodating the house as best I can.
17:12There we empty an account that is the refuge,
17:14that we throw you some coins.
17:16And with the neighbors, see if we can put something together
17:18in that account.
17:19And to accommodate.
17:22To accommodate the house as safe as possible.
17:24Turn some camera to a neighbor
17:26that focuses more on her house.
17:29Is she at risk now, Patricia?
17:31Without a doubt.
17:32Very vulnerable.
17:33Is Patricia's life at risk?
17:34Of course.
17:35Because if they throw her house down.
17:37Those people are going to come back.
17:38To claim what is theirs.
17:39Guys, please, they throw her house down.
17:40Imagine if she is not at risk.
17:42The order of the prosecutor is that if they come back,
17:44they are arrested.
17:45They were released.
17:46But if they come back, they are arrested.
17:47That is the order of the prosecutor.
17:49But what does the prosecutor accuse them of?
17:50Of stain.
17:51That's why.
17:52So you're going to catch him now?
17:54Why if they come back?
17:55Because he's not going to look for us now.
17:57The crime was to throw the house down.
17:59We don't want a problem.
18:00If they come back, we're going to have a problem.
18:02A threat, right?
18:03It's incomprehensible.
18:04Yes, it's incomprehensible.
18:05What do you think?
18:06How if they come back?
18:07It's incomprehensible that a thug is going to throw a house down.
18:09S, thank you very much.
18:11Can you say an alias, S,
18:13if you think they are helping?
18:14They are helping, right?
18:15With an alias?
18:17The alias that I have from Mercado Pago
18:18that I don't use is Ezequiel Gorgone.
18:20What is it?
18:22Ezequiel Gorgone.
18:24Well, Ezequiel Gorgone,
18:26you can check on Ezequiel Quelo's networks
18:28that they are helping now to rebuild this lady's house
18:30and I estimate that she has nothing left.
18:32The lady, after she had little,
18:34she has nothing left.