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On February 9, 1913, hundreds of fireball meteors rained down on North America for no apparent reason.

This strange event is known as the Great Meteor Procession of 1913. With typical meteor showers, meteors appear to originate from the same point in the sky called the radiant. But these meteors weren't shooting out from any kind of radiant. Instead, they seemed to be flying in formation and moving horizontally through the sky, parallel to Earth's surface. The meteors were also moving unusually slow, and the procession lasted for several minutes. To this day, astronomers aren't really sure what was up with this bizarre meteor shower.


00:00On this day in space.
00:04On February 9th, 1913, hundreds of fireball meteors rained down
00:08on North America for no apparent reason. This strange event is known as
00:12the Great Meteor Procession of 1913. With typical meteor showers,
00:16meteors appeared to originate in the same point in the sky called the radiant.
00:20But these meteors weren't shooting out from any kind of radiant. Instead, they seemed to be
00:24flying in formation and moving horizontally through the sky, parallel to Earth's surface.
00:28The meteors were also moving unusually slow, and the procession lasted
00:32for several minutes. To this day, astronomers aren't really sure what was up
00:36with this bizarre meteor shower. That's what happened on this day in space.
