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Ruzgarli Tepe - Episode 177 English Subtitles
00:01:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:01:45hoş geldin Zeynep Hanım
00:02:14görmüştüm sizi daha önce şu kadının evindeydi yaşlı olan
00:02:26kendine işini affettirmeye mi gittin yoksa Ali
00:02:34ha bu arada Hakan Bey'le görüştüm bir süre misafirim olacağınızı söyledim merak etmeyin yani haberi var
00:02:46ne işin var burada senin
00:02:49ne işin var diyorum cevap vermiyorsun sabahtan beri bak senin yüzünden beladan kurtulmuyor başım
00:02:58bir rahat bırak artık beni
00:03:04bu psikopat Zeynep'i sevmediğimi düşünmeli
00:03:10Ali ne yapmaya çalışıyorsun sen
00:03:14gitsin şu sinirlendirip duruyor beni
00:03:18çık hadi git bırakın bunu bırakın gitsin
00:03:28sabrımı taşıyor ama bir şey yapmaya kalkarsam kesin Zeynep'e zarar verecek şimdi değil sabredeceğim
00:03:40huyum kurusun zeki insanları severim Halil Fırat
00:03:42Zeynep Hanım da her şeye rağmen buraya kadar geldiğine göre inkar mı ediyorsun zeki biri işte
00:03:52peki Zeynep Hanım da oyunu bozmuş oldu ne yapayım karşılığında
00:04:02yapacak bir şey yok oyunu yeniden kuracağız mecbur
00:04:12kurallara aykırı
00:04:24telefondan iz bıraktın seni takip etsin diye
00:04:28hani sevmiyordun
00:04:34gereksiz riskleri istemem Zeynep Hanım
00:04:42bak yanlış sularda kulaç atıyorsun
00:04:48benim onunla hiçbir işim yok
00:04:52benim için bir yabancı bile sayılmaz
00:04:56yüzüne bile bakasım gelmiyor
00:04:58tesadüfen girdi hayatıma
00:05:00çıkmakta bilmiyor bir türlü
00:05:04sanki bu adama beni sevmediğini ispatlamaya çalışır bir hali var
00:05:08göreceğiz bakalım Halil Bey anlayacağız
00:05:14ilişkileri teste tabi tutmadan karar vermeyi sevmem
00:05:20bağlayın şunu hızla aynı yere bağlayın
00:05:24bırak hayır bırak
00:05:28sen nereye çekil bakayım
00:05:34geçen sefer beceremedin Halil Beyimizi sağlam bağlamayı
00:05:38bu işe layık değilsin çekil geri
00:06:08affet abi
00:06:10dört açarım gözümü
00:06:12sözünden çıkmam bir daha
00:06:14ne dersen yaparım
00:06:16sen sol attın değil mi
00:06:22Zeynep bakma
00:06:24kapat gözünü
00:06:28Sadık abi yapma kurban olayım
00:06:30ne istersen sorgusuz sonsuz yaparım abi
00:06:32bağışla beni
00:06:34sakin ol heyecanlanma
00:06:36sana bir şans vereceğim
00:06:38acını göstermezsen
00:06:40diğer elin kurtulur
00:06:48Zeynep bakma
00:06:52kapat gözünü
00:07:00üzgünüm yine beceremedin
00:07:02dua et bugün iyi tarafından kalktın
00:07:08ama bir şansın daha var
00:07:10kural aynı
00:07:12acını içinde tut
00:07:14sakın bağırma
00:07:16Sadık abi köpeğini alayım yapma abi
00:07:26pislik herif
00:07:30herif psikopata bağladı
00:07:32bir çıkış yolu bulmalıyım
00:07:34hemde hemen
00:07:38asma suratını Kemal
00:07:42kurallar böyle biliyorsun
00:07:44bende afyon
00:08:00akıl mı kaldı ya
00:08:02telsizi almadan gitmişiz
00:08:08açık kalmış mı
00:08:12inşallah kimse bir şey duymamıştır
00:08:14o zaman
00:08:28inşallah kimse bir şey duymamıştır
00:08:34gerçi duysalardı çoktan kıyamet kopmuştu
00:08:38Halil'in başına bir şey gelirse
00:08:40bunun tek bir sorumlusu var
00:08:42o da senin kızın
00:08:44saçma sapan konuşma Songül
00:08:46Zeynep'i suçlamaktan da vazgeç
00:08:48duymadın mı telsizi
00:08:50benim kızımla kaçırılmış
00:08:52onun da başı belada
00:08:54önce ne olduğunu öğrenelim
00:08:56ne seslenişi
00:08:58orada mısın
00:09:10aferin sana Cemil
00:09:12telsizden her şeyi öğrendiler şimdi
00:09:16Tülay hanım gelip kızıma ne oldu dediğinde
00:09:18ne cevap vereceksin bakalım
00:09:22elinde büyüdüğün kadını cevap vermemek yakışık almaz şimdi
00:09:30sakin ol Cemil
00:09:36Halil Bey olsa ne yapardı
00:09:44en iyisi gidip her şeye hakan abiye anlatmak
00:09:48gerisine de sonra bakacağız artık
00:09:56Hakan'ın siparişleri akşama doğru geldi ama
00:09:58hala odaya taşıyamadık
00:10:00sonra taşısak olur mu Arzu
00:10:02neden taşımadığımız diye azarladı az önce
00:10:04az buz değil bir araba da olsa kutu indirdiler
00:10:06tek başıma taşıyamam bir yardım etsen
00:10:08her şey yolundaymış gibi davran
00:10:10Gül hanımın sorun olduğunu anlamasın
00:10:12kötü etkilenir şimdi
00:10:14hızlıca kutuları taşır sonra Hakan Bey'in yanına koşarım
00:10:16tamam gidelim
00:10:42hadi kaldırın şunu
00:10:44beslediğim yılanları atın
00:10:46tadını unutmuşlardır
00:10:48insan etinin
00:10:50keyiflerine baksınlar
00:10:56bugün şanslı gününüz Zeynep Hanım
00:10:58sevmek ne güzel bir şey be Halil
00:11:00ama insanlara bak
00:11:02kıymet bilmiyor
00:11:04hiç biri
00:11:06mesela ben
00:11:08arabaları severim
00:11:14belli ki sen de Zeynep'i seviyorsun
00:11:20o da sevgi dolu bir insandı
00:11:22ilk arabam onun hediyesidir
00:11:24biliyor musun
00:11:28böyle kıymet bilen
00:11:30sevgi dolu bir insanı
00:11:32sen öldürdün Halil
00:11:34hayır yapma
00:11:36yapma Zeynep
00:11:38belli etme
00:11:44siz baya seviyorsunuz birbirinizi ha
00:11:50gördün mü Halil
00:11:52tesadüf falan diyordun ama
00:11:54karın sana veda etmiş
00:11:56kalbine veda edememiş
00:12:00nasıl ki ben canımdan çok sevdiğim
00:12:02amcamı kaybettim
00:12:04sen de sevdiklerini kaybedeceksin
00:12:08gözünün önünde
00:12:10tek tek hepsi can verecek
00:12:22sandığın gibi bir durum yok ortada
00:12:26eski defterler çoktan kapandı
00:12:30eğer benimle bir hesabın varsa
00:12:32onun üzerinden göremezsin
00:12:34boşa çabalama
00:12:36geçelim o işleri
00:12:38tamam öyleyse
00:12:42hadi gözlerine bak
00:12:44tam içine bak
00:12:46anlayalım bakalım
00:12:50eğer bakmazsan
00:12:52Zeynep hanımın gövdesinden kocaman bir delik açacağım
00:13:00istemesin dimi bunu
00:13:20zor değil
00:13:22bana sevmeden bakman Halil
00:13:24o defter hiç açılmadı ki senin için
00:13:26hiç sevmemişsin zaten beni
00:13:28her şey
00:13:30babanın vasiyetini çiğnememek için
00:13:36derinine düşüp kaybolduğum gözlerine
00:13:38nasıl nefretle bakarım
00:13:40ama yapmalıyım
00:13:42saklamalıyım sevdiğimi Zeynep
00:13:44sevgi tuhaf şey be Halil
00:13:46yeri gelir
00:13:48gücün kuvvetin dayanağın olur
00:13:50ama yeri gelir
00:14:04göreceğiz bakalım
00:14:08göreceğiz bakalım
00:14:24niye geldin Zeynep
00:14:26peşime niye takıldın
00:14:28Kazım'ın adamları bunlar dimi
00:14:30ondan başka düşmanın
00:14:32olmadığına göre
00:14:34peki ne istiyorlar
00:14:40hapiste ölmüş
00:14:42bu da onun yeğeni
00:14:44Kazım'ın ölmesinden beni sorumlu
00:14:46tutan bir psikopat
00:14:50ve senden intikam
00:14:52almak istiyor
00:14:56bak kontrollü olmalıyız
00:14:58sakinliğini koruman gerekiyor
00:15:02büyük tepkilerden büyük hareketlerden
00:15:04adamın aradığı şeyler bunlar
00:15:34Mehmet konuş
00:15:36oğlum boşuna
00:15:38başını yakma diyorum sana
00:15:40oğlum sadığın umurunda falan değilsin
00:15:42anladın mı
00:15:44tek başınasın seni kurtarmaya falan gelmeyecek
00:15:46oğlum herif seni
00:15:48ölüme terk etti lan
00:15:50elimdesin işte bak
00:15:52elimdesin neyini anlamıyorsun
00:15:54anlamayan sensin konuşamam
00:15:56buradan ölüp çıkar
00:16:00ben değil bütün ailemi
00:16:02arkadaşımı karımı
00:16:04herkesi öldürür
00:16:06o adam var ya hasta
00:16:08sadığın öfkesinden hiç kimse kaçamaz
00:16:10seninkilerde ölecek
00:16:12Zeynep dahiline bir şey olmayacak oğlum
00:16:14anladın mı
00:16:18ne var
00:16:24Hakan abi bir dakika konuşabilir misin
00:16:38söyle Cemil
00:16:40Songül hanımla Tülay hanım her şeyi öğrendi
00:16:44benim yüzümden
00:16:46telsizi mutfakta unutmasaydım
00:16:48kimsenin bir şeyden haberi olmayacaktı
00:16:54gerçi kimseyle karşı karşıya gelmedim bilmiyorum
00:16:56o yüzden ama
00:16:58ne yapacağımı bilemedim sana geldim
00:17:00ne desen haklısın
00:17:04tamam olmuş bir geri sıkıntı yok hallederiz
00:17:08hallederiz de
00:17:16Tülay hanım da Songül hanım da
00:17:18defalarca aramış
00:17:22iyice merak ettiler şimdi
00:17:24oğlum içeridekiyle uğraşmaktan
00:17:26telefona bakmak aklıma gelmedi ki
00:17:30ne yapacağız şimdi
00:17:38ikisinden başka biri daha duydu mu
00:17:40Gülhan hanım bilmiyor
00:17:42çocuk işine aldıkları siparişler gelmişti
00:17:44kolyeli odasına çıkarttım
00:17:46keyfi yerindeydi
00:17:48odasından çıkarken
00:17:50Tülay hanımla karşılaştım
00:17:52seni sordu
00:17:54benimle konuşmak istemedi demek
00:17:56ne kadar az kişi ödenirse
00:17:58o kadar iyi
00:18:00gözünü dört aç Cemil olur mu
00:18:02bu mevzu fazla dallanıp
00:18:32ama bu satırlar çok dokunaklı Zeynep hanım
00:18:36Halil'in cebine sıkışıp kalmış üstelik
00:18:40nasıl içerlediyse artık
00:18:42yanından ayramamış yazık
00:18:52Halil'e yazdığım mektup bu
00:18:54bunca zaman yanında mı taşıdın
00:19:00geçen kış
00:19:02ceketimin cebinde kalmış
00:19:04dedim ya önemsiz bir
00:19:06kağıt parçası
00:19:10neden yanında taşıyorsun önemsizse
00:19:12sen var ya sen
00:19:14deliler gibi seviyorsun
00:19:20evet ölümünü seviyorum
00:19:22gerçekten bu kadar
00:19:24çok mu seviyorsun Halil
00:19:28eskiden de o
00:19:32artık sıradan
00:19:34biri benim için
00:19:36bir şey de ifade etmiyor
00:19:38fazla anlam yükleme
00:19:40beni korumak için de olsa
00:19:42gerçek duygularını nihayet söyleyebildin
00:19:44Halil bravo
00:19:46ama zaten biliyordum böyle
00:19:50ama çok sevdim
00:19:52bir zamanlar
00:19:56doğruya doğru
00:20:02o yüzden karım oldu zaten
00:20:04ama biz o gemiyi
00:20:08o beni reddetti
00:20:12reddettikçe de gemi su almaya
00:20:16su alan gemiye ne olur
00:20:18bizim hikayemizde öyle işte
00:20:22tek taraflı konuşuyorsun yalnız
00:20:24ben de sevmiyorum onu
00:20:28kalbimi kuruttu
00:20:30taşa çevirdi
00:20:32önce kendini bitirdi sonra da beni
00:20:38tek derdi malını ve ülkünü saklamak
00:20:40sanki de nezül edermişim gibi
00:20:42yapma ya
00:20:44son çakıl taşına kadar alacağım
00:20:46ben miydim
00:20:52kimmiş para malını peşinde koşan
00:20:58zorbasın sen zorba
00:21:00laf cambazı inatçı
00:21:02dediğim dedik lafını esirgemeyen
00:21:04keçisin keçi
00:21:06kesin sesini de yeter artık
00:21:10inkar edince ne güzel oluyorsunuz
00:21:12ikinizde böyle
00:21:14aşkınızı birbirinize göstermenin
00:21:16yeni yollarını da bulmuştunuz
00:21:20bence birbirinize çok yakışıyorsunuz
00:21:26aman bir kazaya kurban
00:21:44kimseyle hüsumeti yok
00:21:46sana kaç kere söyleyeceğim
00:21:48halilin başına bir şey geldiyse
00:21:50sebebi karısıdır
00:21:52otur düşün bakalım zeynep bugüne kadar kimlerin
00:21:54canını yaktı diye
00:21:56sus artık songül sus
00:21:58kafamı toparlamam lazım
00:22:00kızımın nerde olduğunu öğrenmeliyim
00:22:02hakanı aradık ama oradan
00:22:04bir cevap çıkmadı
00:22:06başka arayacak kimse de yok
00:22:10bu böyle olmayacak
00:22:12ben polisi arıyorum
00:22:24nerdesin sen
00:22:26saatlerdir arıyorum
00:22:28mesaj atıyorum cevap atmıyorsun
00:22:30çıldırtmak mı istiyorsun sen bizi ya
00:22:32bir dakika songül
00:22:38ne olduysa
00:22:40olduğu gibi anlat
00:22:44gerçi biz duyacağımızı duyduk da
00:22:46ikisi de sadık
00:22:48diye birinin elinde
00:22:50aşağılık herif halil'i bayıltıp kaçırmış
00:22:54halil'i gizlice zeynep'e konum atmış
00:22:56zeynep de konumun
00:22:58peşine takılınca
00:23:00sadık'ın eline düşmüş
00:23:04halil iyi mi peki
00:23:08ne oldu
00:23:12Allah'ım kızım
00:23:14Allah'ım aklıma bu kaydı
00:23:16sıkıntı olmadan bu
00:23:18meseleyi çözeceğiz merak etmeyin
00:23:20aklınız kalmasın
00:23:22her yerde arıyoruz şu an
00:23:24polise de irtibat halindeyiz
00:23:26yani onları bulmamız an meselesi
00:23:28ama sizden şunu istiyorum
00:23:30bu mesele aramızda kalsın
00:23:32evde duyulursa
00:23:34gerginlik olur
00:23:36kimsenin üzülmesine gerek yok
00:23:38nasıl olsa
00:23:40sağ salim ikisi de evine dönecek
00:23:42peki kim bu sadık
00:23:44halilden ne istiyor
00:23:46niye onunla uğraşıyor
00:23:48Kazım'ın yeğeniymiş
00:23:50al işte
00:23:52ben sana dedim değil mi
00:23:54o Kazım kaçığını kim getirdi bu eve
00:23:56senin kızın getirdi
00:23:58kendi başını yaktığı yetmezmiş gibi
00:24:00şimdi de Halil'in hayatını mahvetti
00:24:02Hakan'ın ne dediğini duymadın mı Songül
00:24:04Kazım değil yeğeni diyor
00:24:06ayrı kişilerden bahsediyoruz
00:24:18sesinizi duyduğumda geldim
00:24:20bir sorun mu var
00:24:22neden tartışıyorsunuz
00:24:24sana kardeşinin kaçırıldığını nasıl söylerim
00:24:30ne sorunu canım
00:24:32evle ilgili rutin kodları tartışıyoruz
00:24:34ben sesimi yükseldiğini fark etmedim bile
00:24:36hakikaten öyle
00:24:38kaptırıp gitmişiz
00:24:44sen onu bunu bırak da yukarı bir sürü kutu taşıdılar
00:24:46neler aldın göstersene bana
00:24:48göstereyim tabi
00:25:02bu olaydan erinin haberi olmasın
00:25:04Selma çok hassastır
00:25:06kaldıramaz yıkılır
00:25:08siz merak etmeyin Tülay Hanım
00:25:14bana kızını getir
00:25:30çözün ellerini
00:25:48al hadi
00:25:52madem sevmiyorsun
00:25:54vur onu
00:26:02yükleyince solarlar
00:26:04hem onu vurursan
00:26:06sen yaşarsın
00:26:08bence iyi anlaşma bu
00:26:16al hadi
00:26:22yapamaz o
00:26:26erkeksen sen vur
00:26:28vay be
00:26:30çok numaracı bir şiftsiniz
00:26:34bu işi o yapacak
00:26:36Halil'in sınavı bu
00:26:40sana kıyarsa
00:26:42sınavdan geçmesi garanti
00:26:44en sevdiğimisin değil misin
00:26:46gösterecek bana
00:26:48değil mi Halil
00:27:12yalnızca birimiz yaşayacaksak
00:27:14o sen ol
00:27:16vur beni
00:27:26ben insanı gözümle gördüğüme inanırım
00:27:30ağzının söylediği mesele değil
00:27:44mecburum bana Zeynep
00:27:48ama sen korkmasan keşke
00:27:50bilmiyor musun hem
00:27:52senin için ölürüm
00:28:28ne oldu buna
00:28:30niye ateşlemedi bu
00:28:32vay be
00:28:34gerçekten yaptın
00:28:38gerçekten çekti tetiği
00:28:46sahiden zerre kadar umursamıyormuşsun
00:28:48şu kadını
00:28:50sana söyledim
00:28:52umurumda değil
00:28:54nefret ediyorum hatta
00:28:56nefret ediyorum hatta
00:29:00sen de vazgeç bu sevdadan
00:29:02onunla bir işin yok
00:29:04hesabın benimle
00:29:06al şunu da
00:29:16kimse bir yere gitmeyecek
00:29:22kuralları size anlatıp
00:29:24ikinizi de hazırlamam gerek
00:29:26ne diyor yine bu psikopat
00:29:30asıl sınav
00:29:32birazdan başlayacak
00:29:34bağla tekrar
00:29:36tamam tamam
00:29:54abone ol
00:29:56abone ol
00:29:58abone ol
00:30:00abone ol
00:30:02abone ol
00:30:04abone ol
00:30:06abone ol
00:30:08abone ol
00:30:10abone ol
00:30:12abone ol
00:30:16abone ol
00:30:18abone ol
00:30:20abone ol
00:30:22abone ol
00:30:24abone ol
00:30:26abone ol
00:30:28abone ol
00:30:30abone ol
00:30:32abone ol
00:30:34abone ol
00:30:36abone ol
00:30:38abone ol
00:30:40abone ol
00:30:42abone ol
00:30:44abone ol
00:30:46abone ol
00:30:48abone ol
00:30:50abone ol
00:30:52abone ol
00:30:54abone ol
00:30:56abone ol
00:30:58abone ol
00:31:00abone ol
00:31:02abone ol
00:31:04abone ol
00:31:06abone ol
00:31:08abone ol
00:31:10abone ol
00:31:12abone ol
00:31:14abone ol
00:31:16abone ol
00:31:48I mean, is that it?
00:31:52Eren, are you kidding me?
00:31:54Oh, I'm going to faint now.
00:31:57Without understanding, without listening.
00:31:59Why are you fainting, huh?
00:32:01Look, I talked to the guy.
00:32:03He looks like a decent guy.
00:32:06I think he deserves a chance.
00:32:11We'll get breakfast there now.
00:32:18They're making me a bride by the looks of it.
00:32:27No way, aunt.
00:32:29I don't want to.
00:32:31Besides, I've never dreamed like this.
00:32:34If only I had a little heart.
00:32:37There's no such thing as getting married, aunt.
00:32:39I'm not going to let that happen.
00:32:42That persistent Umut will take Eren, who is behind him, by the neck.
00:32:48Let him come if he wants to.
00:32:50Mr. Umut will give up on you and withdraw your complaint at breakfast.
00:32:55I'll convince him to pay his money.
00:32:57How is that going to happen?
00:32:59I have an idea.
00:33:19Zeynep, are you okay?
00:33:22You've hit the nail on the head.
00:33:25You were going to kill me.
00:33:27I didn't kill you.
00:33:28I did it to protect you.
00:33:30I did it to protect you.
00:33:46The gun didn't shoot.
00:33:49I understood your plan.
00:33:52The psychopath will kill us.
00:33:57The gun was empty.
00:34:00That psychopath made a show here.
00:34:05Is he an idiot?
00:34:07Would he give a gun full of honor to a man like me?
00:34:10Does he know I'm going to turn it into him at the end of the day?
00:34:13Don't look at me like that.
00:34:15I did my best not to hurt you.
00:34:19You saw the psychopath.
00:34:21He killed the man in front of us.
00:34:23What if he saw that I valued you?
00:34:31He's sick.
00:34:32You saw his eyes.
00:34:37Look, I'm after you to save us.
00:34:39We have to be in control.
00:34:41We have to stay calm.
00:34:49You're going to do it for me, aren't you?
00:34:52Oh, Halil.
00:34:54I know why all this is happening.
00:34:57Who am I?
00:34:59You're going to put yourself in danger for me.
00:35:02My only concern is not to break the will.
00:35:16I don't care how.
00:35:18Who knows what's on your mind?
00:35:21I know these looks.
00:35:29Why are you silent?
00:35:31I'm not the one who has something to say.
00:35:34I said everything I had to say, Zeynep.
00:35:37There's nothing else.
00:35:41You're ignoring something else.
00:35:43That's not the point.
00:35:45You're the one who says,
00:35:47I'm not your home.
00:35:50Then there's something I want to tell you.
00:35:55Tell me.
00:35:56Come on, tell me.
00:35:59It's nothing.
00:36:01We're just waiting.
00:36:03What can I do?
00:36:04Zeynep, why are you talking like this?
00:36:06Why are you acting like this?
00:36:08You weren't talking like that when you found me.
00:36:10You said beautiful words.
00:36:12What were they?
00:36:13They were my feelings when I saw that nothing was wrong with you.
00:36:20But after that, you were acting like you didn't love me so I wouldn't get hurt.
00:36:25You were so comfortable.
00:36:27I didn't care at all.
00:36:32Because they weren't lies.
00:36:34Maybe they were real feelings.
00:36:39Are you having a good time?
00:36:41There's a couple.
00:36:42I love you.
00:36:56Do you know why you can't win this game?
00:37:02Because in this game,
00:37:04there's no place to hide your love.
00:37:08Everything is obvious.
00:37:12If you pray to Zeynep, you son of a bitch.
00:37:21But don't hang your faces to each other.
00:37:25What kind of a person is he?
00:37:29And evaluate this night well.
00:37:31Tell me.
00:37:37I'll break you up when the sun rises.
00:37:53What is he saying?
00:37:55What will happen to us when the sun rises?
00:37:57What could happen, Zeynep?
00:37:59He's a psychopath.
00:38:01He's doing this just to make us nervous.
00:38:33He was quiet all night.
00:38:35Now he'll come and explode.
00:38:39Get ready, Naren.
00:38:41Get ready.
00:38:47Cemil Aliçi.
00:38:51Aren't you mad at me?
00:38:56You invited me to breakfast like I couldn't convince Umut.
00:38:59I mean, I did exactly the opposite of what you said.
00:39:02He won't regret it.
00:39:04Aren't you mad at me?
00:39:05Why would I be mad at you?
00:39:07And maybe you're right.
00:39:09Maybe Mr. Umut is a decent person.
00:39:12He loves my aunt.
00:39:13My aunt loves him, too.
00:39:15They'll be happy.
00:39:16Who knows?
00:39:17We'll wait and see.
00:39:23I'm glad you think like that.
00:39:25Be sure we're doing the right thing.
00:39:28Everyone deserves a second chance.
00:39:31I'm glad you think like that.
00:39:36I'm so sleepy.
00:39:38I'll change. Let's go to bed.
00:39:51I wish I could be more in love with you...
00:39:54...when you're so pessimistic.
00:39:58Don't get too used to it.
00:40:00It's not good for your health anyway.
00:40:04Look at you.
00:40:06We were just talking.
00:40:08How did you change your mind?
00:40:10I think you like me like this.
00:40:13Admit it and relax.
00:40:27I'm sorry.
00:40:50Look, it's a little quiet.
00:40:53Take a break when you have time.
00:40:58By the way, I was thinking about you.
00:41:01How did you find my phone?
00:41:04I went to the place you sent me.
00:41:10I was going to send it to Hakan.
00:41:13By the way, when you called, it went to you.
00:41:16That's good.
00:41:20If my fingers were broken...
00:41:23...I was the one who pulled Zeynep here.
00:41:31They said they tied my dog to the phone.
00:41:34How did you get it?
00:41:43He came all the way here.
00:41:45He followed me.
00:41:47Look, that's the dog.
00:41:50What is this dog doing here?
00:41:52Yavuz, take him out.
00:42:03God, please.
00:42:12I thought you were scared.
00:42:15But you're officially tied to the dog.
00:42:19He followed you all the way here.
00:42:22If I say I got this courage from you...
00:42:25...I won't say no.
00:42:29You shouldn't have followed me, Zeynep.
00:42:31I was curious, I had to come to you.
00:42:37You shouldn't have come anyway.
00:42:42I mean, I was wrong anyway.
00:42:45I wasn't curious, that's not why.
00:42:49So that those who love you wouldn't be sad.
00:42:56You came to me like honey, Zeynep.
00:43:00So that you wouldn't break anyone's word.
00:43:19Hello, Hakan?
00:43:21Hakan, is there any news?
00:43:23Did you learn anything new?
00:43:25There's nothing new, Ms. Tülay.
00:43:27But we're looking everywhere, don't worry.
00:43:29It's a matter of time before we find them.
00:43:31I'm so scared that I won't see my daughter again.
00:43:34Don't think of bad things, Ms. Tülay.
00:43:37Halil won't let anything happen to Zeynep.
00:43:39You know.
00:43:41If she gets nervous, she'll kill herself.
00:43:43I hope it's not like that.
00:43:45You know.
00:43:47If she gets nervous, she'll kill herself.
00:43:49I hope it's not like that.
00:43:52Hakan, call me no matter what time it is.
00:43:55Call me no matter what time it is.
00:43:58Okay, Ms. Tülay.
00:44:15You're the one who protects and protects.
00:44:20Forgive me, my daughter.
00:44:24Forgive your brothers.
00:44:27Don't test me with the pain of a child.
00:44:37Mom, didn't you sleep?
00:44:40No, I couldn't sleep.
00:44:43You're okay, right?
00:44:45Yeah, I'm fine.
00:44:49Look at me.
00:44:53Mom, you're crying.
00:44:55What happened to you?
00:44:57Who upset you?
00:44:59No, I'm not upset.
00:45:01It's nothing.
00:45:02Never mind me.
00:45:05Then let me guess.
00:45:08You're upset because my sister and my brother-in-law didn't come to eat, right?
00:45:13Because if they don't make peace, we'll stay in the middle.
00:45:16You're upset, too.
00:45:20I know, right?
00:45:21You know.
00:45:23I'm sorry they didn't come.
00:45:26Never mind. Why didn't you sleep?
00:45:28I'm thirsty.
00:45:30Okay, drink your water.
00:45:32Then go to bed. I'm going to bed, too.
00:45:36Okay, good night.
00:45:38Good night.
00:46:04I wish we could stay in the middle.
00:46:08I'm fine with that.
00:46:11As long as Zeynep comes back safe and sound.
00:46:31I had a hard time.
00:46:34And I was much more cruel than you guessed, Zeynep.
00:46:44I wish I had a heart that wasn't made of glass.
00:46:51I put my teeth in that heart just so that psychopath wouldn't touch you.
00:47:03I said I didn't value you.
00:47:07I said I didn't love you.
00:47:11I chewed.
00:47:14I chewed without stopping.
00:47:18My tongue and my heart were bloody.
00:47:25I had to swallow saying I don't want Zeynep.
00:47:33I couldn't say a word.
00:47:35If only I knew the place in my eyes, the value in my heart.
00:47:44I can't say a word, Zeynep.
00:47:47What are you saying? I'm so confused.
00:47:54I don't know what to think anymore.
00:47:57Come on, rest a little. Don't be stubborn.
00:48:00No, I can't.
00:48:02You're a psychopath, too. I have to be careful.
00:48:06You're right.
00:48:09Then let's play a little game with you.
00:48:15Is it your turn now, Ali?
00:48:18What do you mean? You said it yourself.
00:48:21We need to relax a little.
00:48:25I guess you don't want to grow up.
00:48:31Okay, let's see what the game is.
00:48:37Close your eyes.
00:48:49Now look at this repair shop.
00:48:54Forget about what happened today.
00:49:01We're not here right now.
00:49:04Where are we?
00:49:06I'm not going to tell you that.
00:49:09We're exactly where you want to be.
00:49:15I'm in a garden full of cherry blossoms.
00:49:20Then we're in Japan.
00:49:25Cherry trees form tiny shadows on the dress.
00:49:31What kind of dress is on it?
00:49:37A kimono with Zambak patterns.
00:49:41I see.
00:49:44I'm coming to you with my horse.
00:49:47I have a kimono with black dragon patterns on it.
00:49:54I'm getting closer to you with my horse.
00:49:56Heavy steps.
00:50:00I'm right in front of you.
00:50:03I'm getting off my horse.
00:50:06And I'm going to pull you to see the box in my hand.
00:50:10You're opening it slowly.
00:50:13What's in it?
00:50:16I love you.
00:50:29I love you too.
00:50:37I wish I could hold you in my arms for a few hours.
00:50:45I love you too.
00:50:57Your eyes are as innocent as your dreams.
00:51:00I can't bear to look at them.
00:51:05I have to find a way to get us out of here.
00:51:15I love you.
00:51:18I love you too.
00:51:21I love you.
00:51:24I love you.
00:51:27I love you.
00:51:30I love you.
00:51:33I love you.
00:51:36I love you.
00:51:39I love you.
00:51:42I love you.
00:51:45I love you.
00:52:03My stubborn love.
00:52:07Don't worry.
00:52:10I'll get you out of here.
00:52:13We'll get out of here together.
00:52:39Don't touch him.
00:52:42I'll break your bones.
00:52:45What happened?
00:52:48What are you doing to him?
00:52:51Open your eyes.
00:52:54What did you do to him?
00:52:57Let him go.
00:53:01Get up.
00:53:04What did you do to him?
00:53:06Let him go.
00:53:12Let him go.
00:53:18Let him go.
00:53:27I took my clothes off.
00:53:29But my mother and aunt Kriyazcan were very hungry.
00:53:32Did you prepare breakfast?
00:53:34It's done.
00:53:44Good morning.
00:53:46Good morning.
00:53:48What is this?
00:53:53Is this edible?
00:53:56I decided not to give up.
00:53:58If Umut doesn't cool my aunt's clothes,
00:54:00she'll cool her breakfast.
00:54:02Tomato omelette.
00:54:04I made it.
00:54:06I guess she doesn't want to eat it every day.
00:54:08Why did you tire yourself?
00:54:10Come here.
00:54:12She'll embarrass herself.
00:54:14She doesn't have a taste.
00:54:16Let her do it.
00:54:18Don't bother him.
00:54:20Don't tell anyone about this.
00:54:22Don't tell anyone about this.
00:54:24Don't tell anyone about this.
00:54:26Don't tell anyone about this.
00:54:28Don't tell anyone about this.
00:54:32She's an artist.
00:54:34You don't have to try too hard
00:54:36to prepare a delicious breakfast.
00:54:38You don't have to try too hard to prepare a delicious breakfast.
00:54:40Do it yourself.
00:54:42Yes, mother?
00:54:46You can do it.
00:54:48Come here.
00:54:57I know everything, Hakan.
00:55:03I heard Hakan and Cemil talking.
00:55:05I heard Hakan and Cemil talking.
00:55:07I want to help Halil.
00:55:09I'm ready to do whatever I can.
00:55:11Your help is to stay away.
00:55:13Did you understand?
00:55:15Everything happened because of you.
00:55:19Stay away?
00:55:21Did you start to think of yourself as a member of the family?
00:55:23Did you start to think of yourself as a member of the family?
00:55:25You're the enemy of the outside world.
00:55:27Who are you?
00:55:29I'll break your head.
00:55:32Don't get me in trouble.
00:55:35What's going on here?
00:55:47Is there a problem, Hakan?
00:55:49I couldn't understand these movements and voices.
00:55:51I couldn't understand these movements and voices.
00:55:53I guess there's a big problem.
00:55:55Otherwise, it's not forgivable to treat my husband like this.
00:55:57Otherwise, it's not forgivable to treat my husband like this.
00:55:59We're talking, Gülhan. There's nothing.
00:56:01Hakan has some problems.
00:56:03Hakan has some problems.
00:56:05I give him advice.
00:56:07He doesn't listen to me.
00:56:12I saw what happened, Tekin.
00:56:14I saw what happened, Tekin.
00:56:15What does this mean?
00:56:17How dare you treat my husband like this?
00:56:19How dare you treat my husband like this?
00:56:30Look at this.
00:56:32He turned around and left.
00:56:34What kind of comfort is this?
00:56:36Don't worry about yourself.
00:56:38Don't worry about yourself.
00:56:40I'd take him under my feet.
00:56:42I held on because you were there.
00:56:44I'll pull his ear later.
00:56:46Don't worry about it.
00:57:00Where did you take him?
00:57:02Where did you take him?
00:57:08I'll take care of them in a short time.
00:57:10I'll take care of them in a short time.
00:57:12When they become ineffective, it will be easier to save Zeynep from Sadik.
00:57:14When they become ineffective, it will be easier to save Zeynep from Sadik.
00:57:29When they become ineffective, it will be easier to save Zeynep from Sadik.
00:58:04You bastard.
00:58:06I'll kill you.
00:58:10But I can't do anything now.
00:58:12They can hurt Zeynep.
00:58:23Calm down, Ali.
00:58:25This dog won't understand that you value Zeynep.
00:58:27This dog won't understand that you value Zeynep.
00:58:50Come here. Sit down.
00:58:52I've been bothering you all morning.
00:58:54Don't mention it.
00:58:56I've been bothering you all morning.
00:58:58I've been bothering you all morning.
00:59:00Welcome, Mr. Zomut.
00:59:02Welcome, Mr. Zomut.
00:59:04We're glad you came.
00:59:12I couldn't see Mrs. Kumru.
00:59:14It's not nice to start without her.
00:59:16It's not nice to start without her.
00:59:19I wonder where she is.
00:59:21I wonder where she is.
00:59:23When my aunt comes, you'll see.
00:59:25When my aunt comes, you'll see.
00:59:36It took a long time to prepare breakfast.
00:59:38It took a long time to prepare breakfast.
00:59:40She'll be here soon.
00:59:42She'll be here soon.
00:59:47Welcome, Mr. Zomut.
01:00:01I can't believe it.
01:00:03What kind of beauty is this?
01:00:06You're exactly the woman I've been dreaming of.
01:00:08You're exactly the woman I've been dreaming of.
01:00:12You're exactly the woman I've been dreaming of.
01:00:32My beautiful daughter.
01:00:34My dear.
01:00:43While your life is in danger,
01:00:45I have to take care of Mrs. Zomut.
01:00:50Where are you, baby?
01:00:55May God help you.
01:01:06I was looking for you.
01:01:08So you're hiding here.
01:01:12What are you talking about?
01:01:14What are you talking about?
01:01:16I've been thinking about it since last night.
01:01:18I've been thinking about it since last night.
01:01:20Halil's kidnapping is not an ordinary case.
01:01:22There's no logical explanation.
01:01:26I'm sure Zeynep has a hand in this.
01:01:31You don't sound like you've kidnapped her.
01:01:33You don't sound like you've kidnapped her.
01:01:35Look, you're watering the flowers here.
01:01:39You know that, don't you?
01:01:42You know that,
01:01:44but you keep quiet.
01:01:46You know that, of course.
01:01:51You burned my niece's head.
01:01:53Tell me.
01:01:55What did you do to Halil?
01:01:57Let me go. Are you crazy?
01:01:59Let me go.
01:02:01Let me go.
01:02:12Let me go.
01:02:42Let me go.
01:03:00You came, Halil.
01:03:02You're with me.
01:03:09Why did you bring me here?
01:03:12Why did you bring me here?
01:03:24I'm trying, but it doesn't work.
01:03:28I can't convince you that you don't love your wife.
01:03:30I can't convince you that you don't love your wife.
01:03:42This time,
01:03:44we're going to get a definite result.
01:03:57You bastard.
01:03:59He's going to crush him with a car.
01:04:01He's going to make me watch.
01:04:03I'm going to kill you.
01:04:13Don't be afraid.
01:04:15Nothing's going to happen to you.
01:04:20I know, Halil.
01:04:22There's a way to save us.
01:04:24Well, here we go.
01:04:27The stage is yours, Halil.
01:04:33If you can stop the truck,
01:04:36I'll let you go.
01:04:39If you can stop the truck,
01:04:42your wife will live.
01:04:45If you can't stop it,
01:04:47you'll die together.
01:04:52The lovers won't be separated.
01:05:01You're killing yourself for nothing.
01:05:09You're killing yourself for nothing.
01:05:13There are too many organizations here
01:05:15for someone who means nothing to me.
01:05:20The car is yours.
01:05:22He's going to make an accident.
01:05:30You're going to get in trouble for nothing.
01:05:32You're going to get in trouble for nothing.
01:05:36Let's have a good time here.
01:05:38That's the most important thing.
01:05:45Put your hands down.
01:06:17He really did it.
01:06:32Give the order, you idiot.
01:06:34Tell him to stop the truck.
01:07:04Don't do it, Halil.
01:07:06Run and save yourself.
01:07:18I'll never let you go.
01:07:41Halil, let go.
01:07:43I beg you, let go.
01:07:44You're going to die. Let go.
01:07:55Are you happy to die?
01:07:58God, help us.
01:08:23What did I say?
01:08:25What did I say?
01:08:27It's a sure thing.
01:08:29They're going to kill you.
01:08:37I've never seen anything like it in the history of Yeşilpınar.
01:08:39But let it be.
01:08:55To be continued.
01:09:25To be continued.
01:09:55To be continued.
