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Selepas 12 minggu berentap di pentas Gegar Vaganza 11, Liza Aziz berjaya merangkul gelaran juara.

Menyampaikan lagu I Surrender, Cinta dan Angkat, Liza Aziz berjaya memperoleh markah keseluruhan sebanyak 77.89 peratus  daripada juri tetap.


00:00And for the haters, there are many who don't like it, but I don't care.
00:08Gempak is with the champion of GV11, Liza Aziz.
00:12How is tonight's worship and also the title of champion?
00:15Tonight I am very satisfied because I sang with all my heart.
00:18Duet with Chris, I was also nervous.
00:20I was afraid I would drown or something.
00:22But Alhamdulillah, we were able to connect with her.
00:24My singing with her connected.
00:25I'm overwhelmed at the moment.
00:27Alhamdulillah, for three months.
00:29Our tiredness is rewarded.
00:30Today, of course.
00:32I am very interested in Chris Dayanti.
00:34From young to now.
00:37When I get to duet with him, it's like a first prize.
00:41I got to duet with him and he is very good.
00:42Very humble.
00:43And I will remember forever my duet with Malam Gegar Banzan.
00:48Is this your first time working with Chris Dayanti or?
00:50First time, yes.
00:52Akak, if we look at the time before GV11 started.
00:56When it was announced that Akak was one of the participants.
00:59Many people have made Ramadhan that Akak will be the champion.
01:02And tonight has proven everything.
01:04So what can you share?
01:06Like this, people think I will be the champion.
01:09But to be the champion is not easy.
01:11We must sing well.
01:12If our performance is canceled every week, we will not be able to be the champion, right?
01:16So I try to learn the songs that are given.
01:18Even if it's difficult, I will still do my job well.
01:21That's why I succeeded.
01:23Because I work hard, not just happy.
01:25Akak, when it was announced that you would be the champion.
01:28You gave a speech.
01:30Finally, are you sure?
01:31And to those who hate it, maybe you can also respond about it.
01:35Finally, I'm sure because it's been a long time since I joined GV11.
01:38So when I joined this year, I won.
01:41And there are many haters who don't like it.
01:43But I don't care.
01:44Even though I didn't read it, but the younger ones showed it.
01:47It's normal for people to like it or not.
01:50But I accept everything.
01:51Those who hate it will like it, right?
01:53So that's it.
01:53And I was so excited, I forgot to thank the judges.
01:57I'm too excited.
01:58I'm so sorry.
01:59Thank you to the judges who have been giving useful advice.
02:05I will remember forever and accept their advice to be a good singer.
02:09Khaliza, the first time we met in the media,
02:12you said that you didn't have social media.
02:14And earlier, when VT said that you already had social media.
02:16So after GV, will you be more active on social media with fans?
02:20God willing, God willing.
02:21I have to continue with the fans.
02:23But like I said,
02:24what I do is all done by my juniors, my manager, my PA.
02:27So I just listen.
02:28And when I see it, you all answer.
02:29That's it.
02:31God willing, if there is a blessing, I will make a single.
02:33Following the current genre, right?
02:35And the concert, it's been a long time since Azlina and I did it.
02:38But that's it.
02:39Time does not allow, right?
02:40If there is a sponsor who is our sponsor,
02:42anytime, any day.
02:43I would like to do a concert with my sister.
02:45God willing.
02:45Single, yes.
02:46We planned it with Azlina.
02:48Because I prefer to duet
02:50rather than doing a single.
02:51I can do it on my own.
02:52But at the moment, I will do it with Azlina.
02:55Maybe after GV, it's been 12 weeks of competition, right?
02:58What is the first thing that you want to do after GV?
03:02You are already a champion, right?
03:03What is the first thing you want to do?
03:06The first thing is to rest.
03:08I want to rest and then watch TV.
03:10For the last 3 months, I have not watched TV at all.
03:12I want to spend time for myself.
03:14My free time.
03:15That's it.
03:16Are you going on vacation or what?
03:17Vacation, God willing, God willing.
03:19Because after this, during fasting,
03:21I will go to Brunei to do the fasting prayer there.
03:24And maybe after that, after Eid,
03:26there will be a lot of back-to-back shows.
03:28If there is a chance, I will go on vacation.
03:30The parts, the songs are like that.
03:33The song is already,
03:34Melly Ghoslaw and Chris Dayanti
03:36have been given like that.
03:37So I follow what is there.
03:39I can't add anything.
03:40Because later, people will say that I am more suitable than Quah, right?
03:42So I follow what is given.
03:45So we work together.
03:46She did very well.
03:47I am very honoured.
03:48Really honoured.
