• last month
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup melemah 1,66 persen atau 111,92 poin ke level 6.630 pada perdagangan sesi I, Senin (10/2/2025). Indeks sempat menyentuh angka terendahnya di level 6.585.

Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan hingga jeda siang ini tercatat sebanyak 9,58 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp5,93 triliun dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 752.764 kali.


00:30The lowest level is 6,585.9 and the highest level is 6,742.6
00:39In the next review, we also present information related to stocks that became top gainers at the closing of trading session 1
00:47This time, the top gainers came from PTRO with a strength of 7.29% to 3,090
00:54BUKA with a strength of 5.6% to 132
00:59IMDF with a strength of 2.61% to 7,850
01:04JPFA with a strength of 2.88% to 2,140
01:09Top Losers came from BREN with a weakness of 13.52%
01:14BMRI with a weakness of 2.43%
01:17BBCA with a weakness of 2.14%
01:20CUAN with a weakness of 19.87%
01:23Meanwhile, from the sectoral movement, the strength is led by primary consumption with a strength of 0.67%
01:30Meanwhile, energy weakened by 2.99%
01:33Infrastructure weakened by 2.1%
01:35And health weakened by 0.08%
01:44In 60 Minutes, we accompany you in IDX First Session Closing
01:48Keep updating your information only on IDX Channel, your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference
01:54Don't forget to watch the Second Session Closing program
01:57Which will air at 3.30 PM WEST INDONESIA
02:01Because the future must go ahead, I am Investor Saham
02:04I am Rosaline Cipumirsa, I withdraw myself
02:07Thank you and see you
02:18Thank you and see you
02:21Thank you and see you