00:00Can you imagine all your friends showing up unannounced like the
00:031,250 disciples of Lord Buddha showing up on Maha Bhusha Day?
00:09It was chaotic but it was a miracle for Lord Buddha.
00:12Maha Bhusha is a significant Buddhist holiday celebrated on the full moon of the third lunar month.
00:19This year it falls on February 24th.
00:22The name comes from Bali words Maha meaning the lunar month and Bhusha meaning to worship.
00:28It commemorates the fourfold assembly when 1,250 enlightened disciples gathered without prior arrangement.
00:36Lord Buddha delivered his key teachings making it an important moment in Buddhist history.
00:42Today Buddhists celebrate with traditions like Weiantian which is going around the temple three times with a candle.
00:49And maybe some will give alms, meditate or even refrain from alcohol.