• last month
00:00Four nations face off begins on Wednesday. So we'll be doing this all week long here
00:06I believe Canada Sweden's the first game on Wednesday night. We will get into it. Canada is now
00:12Overtaken the United States is the favorite. I've seen some books where the United States are the favorite
00:17I was doing this a little bit on the NHL show on Friday Scottie the USA
00:22I think has the best team they have the bet three best goalies in the whole tournament
00:27With hella buck and Ottinger and and Swain and they're better than anyone else to bring out there and I actually think USA has
00:34Gotten as close as they've ever been in terms of talent with Canada. My only question is
00:40Do these guys care which I think is what Gabe said you before will that will anyone care about this thing?
00:44I will play I
00:47Guarantee it because do they play in the NBA Cup when there's money at stake?
00:51I don't know if there's money at stake, but when you're playing for your nation
00:55It's almost I think they're gonna have like Olympic seizures
00:59They're gonna think they're playing in the Olympics when you're taking on USA Canada Sweden Finland all these teams playing against each other
01:06It's all coming out. It's automatic
01:09Any kind of international competition is automatic
