• 2 minutes ago
दिल्ली - पीएम मोदी ने इंडिया एनर्जी वीक के दौरान जनता को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि विकसित भारत के लिए अगले दो दशक बहुत अहम हैं। आने वाले 5 साल में हम अनेक पड़ाव पार करने वाले हैं। हमारे बहुत सारे एनर्जी गोल्स 2030 की डेडलाइन को लेकर तय किए गए हैं। 2030 तक हम 500 गीगीवॉट रिन्यूबल एनर्जी क्षमता को और बढ़ाना चाहते हैं। भारतीय रेलवे ने 2030 नेट जीरो कार्बन एमिशन का लक्ष्य रखा है। 2030 तक हम हर साल 50 लाख मिट्रीक टन ग्रीन हाइड्रोजन कर सकें, ये हमारा लक्ष्य है। बीते 10 साल में भारत ने जो हासिल किया है उससे ये विश्वास हुआ है कि ये टारगेट भी हम हासिल कर लेंगे ।



00:00We are going to cross many big hurdles in the next five years.
00:18Many of our energy goals have been aligned according to the deadline of 2030.
00:30By 2030, we want to add 500 gigawatt renewable energy capacity.
00:40By 2030, the Indian Railway has set a target of net zero carbon emission.
00:51By 2030, we want to produce 5 million metric tons of green hydrogen every year.
01:03Our targets may seem ambitious,
01:09but in the past 10 years, we have gained confidence that we will achieve our targets.
01:29In the past 10 years, India has become the fifth largest economy.
01:39In the past 10 years, we have increased our solar energy generation capacity by 32 times.
01:51Today, India is the third largest solar power generating nation in the world.
02:01Our non-fossil fuel energy capacity has increased by three times.
02:09India is the first country in the G20 to meet the Paris Agreement.
02:19Another example of how India is achieving its goals ahead of time is ethanol blending.
02:33Today, India is doing 19% ethanol blending.
02:39This has saved foreign exchange and has generated substantial farmer revenue.
02:49In addition, there has been a significant cut in CO2 emissions.
02:56We are on the way to achieving 20% ethanol mandate by October 2025.
