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Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 66 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 66 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 66 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 66 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 66 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 66 HD en Español Completo
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 66 HD en Español Completo
00:00We are two out of a million
00:03The most difficult thing happened
00:05And fate has already presented us
00:10Why are you taking so long?
00:11Calm down, Camila, sit down
00:16I know you have news about Luis and you don't want to tell me
00:19No, no, it's just that you're not going to know anything about my dad
00:21Why? What's wrong with you?
00:23Because we already know what you did
00:25What I what, sorry?
00:26What did you do to my dad?
00:31It's her
00:34Take her away, she is the woman who wanted to kill my dad
00:37What? No, no, no, I didn't do anything
00:40You were giving my dad hidden drugs, you wanted to kill him
00:44No, let's see, I don't understand anything, which drug?
00:47I just gave him a few drops to make him relax, right Paula?
00:51No, let's see, excuse me, I don't know what you're talking about
00:54You told me it was a few drops to make him feel good
00:57What did you do, mom?
00:59Please, Paula, please, please tell them the truth
01:02Why aren't you telling them?
01:15Daughter, talk to Mar, please
01:17It's no use, Mom
01:19Believe me, I already tried
01:21Mar doesn't understand reasons anymore
01:23It's all because of that woman, that bitch, damn it
01:26I can't stand her either
01:28But we have to admit that she knew how to win Mar's trust and affection
01:32That's why I tell you we can't let ourselves
01:35We have to get those ideas out of her, those ideas that that witch put in her head
01:40Like from the place
01:41Paula is very good at what she does, Mom
01:43Look at us, Mati kicked you out of the mansion and me, she made a fool of me in front of everyone
01:48Oh yes, but we are stronger
01:52Do you know what really worries me?
01:54What can Mar do to her
01:56Why do you say that?
01:58Because she hates us, of course
02:00That hate includes Mar
02:02And I don't know, something tells me that what she's planning is much worse
02:09Old man, could it be that they told Camila because Mr. Portilla is already dead?
02:14Man, don't even joke
02:16So why did they tell Camila to go to the mansion and not to the hospital?
02:22It seems to me that it was to give her the bad news
02:26Let's see, and if they asked her to go to the mansion because the man is fine and they already gave it to her, what?
02:31No, I don't know, it's weird, like I don't understand anything about what's going on
02:36And Juan, why doesn't he tell us anything?
02:38Because maybe there is nothing more to say, please Susana, stop imagining things, do you want?
02:44It is that with so much anguish and problems that are happening Camila, something bad will not happen to the baby
02:49No, how do you think?
02:51Let's see, calm down, Camila and the baby will be fine, okay?
02:55I'm not going to stay with the concern
02:57No, but when have you stayed with the concern?
03:10Son, what happened? How is Mr. Portilla?
03:13I don't know
03:14What do you mean you don't know?
03:16Mom, I don't know, I don't know what you want me to tell you, I'm out of the house
03:20But Camila, what does she tell you?
03:22She's inside, talking to her brothers, mom
03:25Hey, and there's no one else outside?
03:27No, no, there's only a patrol
03:29A patrol?
03:31But what is she doing there?
03:33I don't know, mom, I don't know, I confess that I'm not understanding anything about what's going on either
03:37Son, as soon as you know, please let me know, I ask you not to leave me with anguish
03:42Don't worry, I'll call you as soon as I know, mom
03:46Paula, what are you talking about?
03:48No, well, I don't understand anything either, I don't know what you mean, please explain to us
03:53Mar, what did you give my dad?
03:56I swear it's just a few drops to relax
03:59You're a curse, you've been medicating my dad to do whatever you want with him
04:03No, no, no, I swear that's not true, please Paula, tell them, tell them that you helped me get them
04:08Let's see Mar, no
04:10You don't want to turn things around, all I did was recommend you something so Luis would be calm
04:15Because since he married you, he's been fighting with his kids
04:18Mar, listen to me, it's very important that you tell the truth
04:23Look, I found out from the girls that Mar was giving his dad some drops
04:27But if you gave them to me, Paula gave them to me
04:31You know what? Take her, now
04:33No, no, why? Paula, please tell them the truth, please
04:37But she can't be such a liar, Mar
04:39No, why?
04:40I'm scared
04:41I didn't do anything, please, you have to believe me, I'm telling the truth
04:47Please, you have to believe me
04:54Please let me go, why are you taking me? I'm innocent, please
04:58I told you I didn't do anything, please, you have to listen to me, officers
05:10Damn it, I hope you get a year in jail for every drop of poison you gave my dad
05:26No, no, I can't believe this is happening
05:30I wish it wasn't true
05:31No, no, Arturo, there has to be an explanation
05:34What explanation is there? Mar is making things up so we can believe she's innocent
05:38But what would Mar gain by hurting my dad?
05:40Money, a lot of money
05:42It can't be that you're talking about your sister, the woman you love
05:46What does this have to do with anything, Nicolás? Valeria and Mar are different people
05:50Arturo, Arturo, but do you think Mar is capable of killing my dad?
05:56I never would have imagined it, but Nicolás, if Mar is guilty, I swear he's going to pay
06:18Juan, take me to the hospital, please, I need to see my dad
06:20What's going on?
06:21This damn Mar is to blame for my dad being like this
06:24What? What are you talking about?
06:26She poisoned him and tried to kill him, but my dad will be fine, please take me to him, Juan
06:30No, no, wait
06:31Juan, please, let's go
06:38Hey, Manuel, don't you want us to go to the hospital to see your dad?
06:41No, we have other things to do
06:46We have to go to the police
06:48But why? I don't listen to him anymore
06:51No, no, no, yes, yes, he listens to him, you also have to testify
06:54Me? But why?
06:58The police didn't ask me, they didn't tell me anything
07:01No, no, but you have to tell them everything you told me
07:04Because everything you told me is true, isn't it?
07:07Of course, of course
07:09Then let's not waste time and let's go
07:23I don't know why they're doing this to me if I'm innocent
07:26Miss, please help us cooperate
07:29Listen to me well, please, I didn't do anything wrong
07:33Oh no, oh no, so why did they report you?
07:36Because it was a mistake, I gave him the medicine that Paula told me
07:40I would never do anything wrong to my husband, please understand me
07:44Look, don't tell us anything, that's better, save it for the judge
07:55Let's see, daughter, come, come, come, come, I'll help you dry them
07:58I like to dry the dishes
08:06Who was it?
08:08Who do you think?
08:10Arturo again, you should answer him
08:14To make it very clear that you don't want anything anymore
08:17And you think he doesn't know?
08:19He knows, but he hasn't dropped the 20, because he keeps calling and from what I see, he will continue to do so
08:26The blind
08:28He realized what he lost
08:30Oh mom
08:32I never cared about him, I was a game for him
08:36If he keeps calling, it's because that kind of man loves to know that he has women at his feet
08:41But with me he finished his fool
08:44Very good daughter, very good, I like that attitude
08:53Hey, thanks for opening the door for me
09:00Hey, wait for me, please
09:05What's wrong with you?
09:10Before entering, I need you to tell me the truth
09:13What truth, my love?
09:15What mom said
09:18Is it true?
09:44It's me Camila
09:47I need you dad, don't leave me
09:55That woman wanted to kill you, but you are stronger
09:58I know
10:01You will recover and you will be fine
10:05In a few days you will be perfect and we will fix things
10:13We will be fine dad
10:28I love you
10:34I can't believe what you're asking me
10:36I just want you to tell me
10:39No, no
10:41What that woman says is a big lie, please
10:44Mar wanted to kill your dad and now you're doubting me?
10:48And about the painting, what?
10:49The painting, what?
10:50What? That Mrs. Garcia said that you were the one who disappeared in your mom's region
10:56Now Mrs. Garcia, Mar, you're going to believe those two more than me, than your wife?
11:01You know I can't stand them
11:02No, I can't stand them, like you, like you and like everyone in this family
11:07I think it's a coincidence
11:11And by coincidence you're doubting me, you know that's what hurts me the most
11:17Then please tell me why they insist so much
11:19Don't you realize what they're doing?
11:24They want to turn things around, Leonardo, they want to go against me
11:26And clearly they're doing it, it's working, you're doubting me
11:29No, no
11:31The doubt started because in the presentation I could see what you were capable of
11:36Let's see, my love, we already talked about that and I told you I did it for you
11:40No, no, no, Paula, stop saying that
11:42But listen to me please, look at me, look at me
11:46Hey, I have absolutely nothing to do with this, my love
11:50I swear I would never hurt you like that
11:54Look, if I find out that some of what the Garcías say is true
12:03I swear I will not have pity on you
12:22Mom, Mom, are you okay?
12:24What's wrong, what's wrong?
12:26It's just, it's, it's, it's, it's a pressure, an anguish
12:31That doesn't let me breathe, that doesn't let me live
12:35It's painful, it's a lot of emotions, let's go to the doctor
12:37No, no, no, no, no, no, my daughter, no, no, I'm just going to lie down for a while
12:41Are you sure?
12:42Yes, I'm fine, I'm fine
12:45Breathe, breathe
12:59I'm going to ask you one more time, ma'am
13:01Why did you want to kill Luis Portilla?
13:03Luis? Luis is the only one who has been really good to me
13:08I have never met someone like him
13:11I would be unable to do anything to him
13:13Everything accuses you, ma'am
13:15It's a trap
13:17I heard the housekeepers declared that they saw you putting drops in Mr. Portilla's food
13:23Yes, that's why I told you, Mrs. Paula told me that those drops were for him to relax
13:29He was very tense, I just wanted to help him
13:32Look, whatever he has given you is what almost kills him
13:36It's a controlled drug and you were giving it to him in secret
13:41No, I don't think that can be
13:44Look, whatever you say will go to jail
13:47The only way to help her is to confess
13:50Tell the truth
13:52Why did you want to kill your husband?
13:56Because I was poisoning him
14:02Valeria, sorry to enter your house like this
14:04We need to talk to you
14:06I don't understand, I have absolutely nothing to talk to you about
14:09Can you leave, please?
14:10It's about my dad
14:11The doctor told us that they discovered that he was intoxicated with a drug
14:15And that's what's so serious about him
14:17How could that happen?
14:18Because your sister gave it to him
14:19That's why, in secret
14:22Your sister wanted to kill my dad
14:24That's why he went to jail
14:31Mari insists that you gave those drops to him, Paula
14:34No, it's not true
14:35It's incredible
14:37That woman is capable of anything as long as it's with her
14:40But it's clear that she's a murderer
14:44Let's see, there are witnesses that she was giving those drops to him
14:47The girls saw it
14:48They saw when she was giving them to him
14:50Hector, there are witnesses
14:51Yes, but if the judge doesn't find enough evidence to go against Mari
14:56They can investigate you
14:58What? For Mari's testimonies?
15:00The authorities are already starting the investigation
15:04Well, honey, it's okay
15:06Investigate whatever you want
15:07Because I have absolutely nothing to do with this
15:10Let's see
15:11Since my father-in-law married her
15:13The problems started
15:15It changed a lot
15:16He started fighting with his sister
15:18He distanced himself from his children
15:19Right, honey?
15:21Yes, yes, that's true
15:24Well, if Mari gave him a controlled drug
15:27Then that could explain a lot of things
15:29Yes, it could be
15:31What I don't understand is why Mari blames you
15:33Now it turns out that I have to do your job, Hector
15:39I already told you
15:40That I recommended some natural products
15:43So that he would be calmer, nothing more
15:49It's crazy that you're thinking of believing that murderer, honey
15:55Honey, you're not going to let them treat me like this, are you?
16:04This has to be a mistake
16:06She accepted it, Valeria
16:08It's all her fault
16:10She's already arrested
16:11She's not capable of doing something like this
16:13How could she arrest her?
16:14But she confessed, Valeria
16:16She looked very sorry when she confessed
16:18She's sorry, she doesn't have God's forgiveness, Nicolas
16:20If we don't know anything
16:21No, what we know is who poisoned my father
16:23How dare you say something like that?
16:25How dare you?
16:26I dare because I know
16:28Valeria confessed
16:30And she's going to pay, Valeria
16:31Very well
16:32If you're so convinced of that
16:33Then I have nothing else to talk to you
16:35You can leave, please
16:57I didn't do anything, really
16:59I would never have hurt my father
17:01I would never have hurt my husband
17:03Please, let me go
17:08You have to listen to me
17:09I shouldn't be here
17:10Did they tell you your rights?
17:12You can make a call
17:13To whom?
17:14I don't know
17:15To a lawyer or a relative
17:20I don't dare to talk to my family
17:23Why not?
17:26Because when my mom and my sister warned me about Paula
17:29I didn't listen to them
17:32And I turned my back on them
17:35That's why now I'm here alone
17:38With my baby
17:41That's life
18:02It's incredible that Mara
18:03Has been able to do something like this to your father
18:05After everything she's done for her
18:06I swear that woman
18:07Will never get close to my father again in her life
18:09And I'll take care of that
18:10Hector, listen to me very well
18:12Don't have any considerations with her
18:14Did you hear me?
18:15Yes, it's fine
18:16Make sure she stays locked up
18:18For the rest of her days
18:24Oh my God, oh my God
18:26Protect Mara, enlighten her
18:29What happened?
18:31They took Mara to the house
18:33But why?
18:34They're accusing her of poisoning Luis Portilla
18:37But that's crazy
18:38Mara would never do something like that
18:40I don't know, I don't know
18:41And that's why we have to go see what's going on
18:43No, no, no
18:44She would be incapable
18:45Let's help her, let's help her
18:47Your sister can't be in jail
18:50I don't care what she has to do
18:52But I'm going to get her out of there
18:53Let's go
18:56Mara can't get out free
18:58Don't worry
18:59I'll look for all the evidence and arguments
19:01So that her sentence is long
19:02Yes, yes, yes, at least I hope so
19:03Let's go
19:04Do it quickly, let's go
19:06I don't know if I can promise you that
19:08You know how these cases are
19:09I don't care
19:11Influences, pressure me, whatever
19:14So that she is in prison as soon as possible
19:17Okay, I'll try to talk to my contacts
19:19The best thing would be for her to be in prison
19:21Before my dad recovers
19:23What if he doesn't recover?
19:24Of course he's going to recover
19:26Let's see, but you have to think about everything, my love
19:28If something happens to your dad
19:30Then we already know the part that belongs to him in the inheritance
19:37What can we do to avoid that?
19:38The fastest and simplest way is to request the divorce
19:41But I don't think she wants to
19:42Of course not, if it's not convenient for her
19:44I'm going to talk to her
19:46She has done enough harm to us, right?
19:49Start now, with everything, please
19:51Call me when you have it ready
19:53Thank you
19:56Do you think you can convince Mara to sign?
19:58I don't think she can do it
20:29I'm sorry
20:39It can't be
20:42No matter how many doctors have done everything possible
20:44My dad won't wake up, Juan
20:45And all because of the evil woman of love
20:49At this moment you have to be very strong, Carmen
20:52I hope you recover soon, okay?
20:54I hope she pays for everything I've done
20:58Are you sure Mara poisoned your dad?
21:00Why do you ask me that, Juan?
21:02I don't know, I don't think she's capable of something like that
21:05Juan, look, right now you really don't get me with this
21:07Listen to me well
21:09It was Mara and that's it, there's nothing to discuss
21:12Why are you so sure?
21:13Because I know
21:14Because I realized it from the first day I saw her, Juan
21:29What news do you have?
21:31We just got here too
21:33The only thing I know is that Camila went to see my dad
21:36I come from the police station
21:38Maria is under arrest
21:40And Hector is going to make sure I don't have a chance to leave
21:44I think we're rushing
21:46What are you talking about?
21:47I don't know, Leonardo, I have doubts about this
21:50What more evidence do you want?
21:51Let's see, Nico
21:53Let's see, sorry, I'm sorry
21:55I'm sorry, I'm sorry
21:57Let's see, sorry, but none of this would have happened if you hadn't let these women in the house
22:02Paula, don't start, please, because this doesn't make sense
22:05Why would I do something like this, Mara?
22:06What do you mean why?
22:08Out of interest?
22:09She already knows how much it would cost her if your dad died
22:11She was my dad's wife
22:13She already had a lot just to be with him, Paula
22:16Well, for those people, it's never enough
22:19Mara got married out of interest
22:21And the only way to enjoy what my dad has
22:26is to get rid of Camino
22:28Those women are a danger, Nicolas, and that goes for you too, Arturo
22:33I honestly think you should take care of Valeria, I wouldn't trust her
22:57A few days later
23:08Hi, we're here to pick up my sister, her name is Mar Sanchez Garcia
23:15Yes, she's here, detained
23:17You have to get her out, because my daughter is innocent
23:20I'm sorry, ma'am, but there's a complaint against your daughter
23:24Mar is the best girl that has ever existed
23:29Please, she wouldn't do anything wrong
23:32I recommend you call a lawyer
23:34No, no, none of that
23:35I came here and I'm going to take my daughter
23:38It doesn't matter if she has to go through 20 police officers, but I'm going to take her out of here
23:42Ma'am, she can't go through
23:44What do you mean she can't?
23:46Let me go, let me go!
23:47Mom, don't do it!
23:49What do you want now?
23:50My daughter can't be here, she can't be here
23:53Mom, please
23:54Imagine what she's going through, and her baby, my love, her baby
23:58Mom, mom, please
24:00Let me go, let me go!
24:53Today I know that I'm worth a lot, and now I'm going to charge
24:57Casino, money, last name
25:02I make my own destiny
25:06It costs what it costs, I'm going to dominate
25:11And I'm going to have everything I want
25:15Not for free, borrowed, or paid
25:20I want it all in one go
25:24So that I cry, so that someone else cries
25:28So that the world cries
25:49Good job
25:51I'm looking for a boyfriend for my wife
25:53This Sunday at 7pm with Las Estrellas
25:56Charlie de Janira already looks like a high school boyfriend
25:59If I kiss you, it's so I don't make you look bad in front of everyone
26:02What did you feel?
26:03And I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell her the truth
26:05You have to kiss again
26:12In Mi Querida Herencia, we know how to make you laugh
26:14This Thursday at 8pm
26:19In Mi Querida Herencia, we know how to make you laugh
26:21This Thursday at 8pm
26:50With Tromes, one day at a time
26:53Trump's trade war was the dumbest war in history
26:59Third grade, Wednesday, when we finish with Enrique Acevedo
27:04With Las Estrellas
27:20Of course
27:21In Simón Dízez, we know how to make you laugh
27:23This Tuesday at 8pm
27:25With Las Estrellas
27:26To get here, first you'll have to laugh until you die
27:30My name is Marilu
27:31I have the best job in the world
27:33In Mexico, there's a tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways
27:37Here, we all have fun
27:39We know how to make you laugh with Muero por Marilu
27:42It starts on Sunday, February 23rd and it's available on VIXX
27:45From February 14th
27:47What are you looking for?
27:48I want you to work for me
27:50What do you say?
27:53You can't fall in love with that bitch's daughter
27:57Forget about her
27:59Beyond hate
28:00Today I dare to love you
28:01And would you dare?
28:02It starts on Monday, February 24th
28:05With Las Estrellas
28:06It seems that Rafael and Alejandra...
28:08The important thing is that I get a divorce
28:10Then we'll see about the shady business
28:12They'll finally be together
28:13I want you to divorce me from Marco Valenzuela
28:15But it won't be easy
28:17What do you want me to do, aunt?
28:18That I don't get a divorce from him?
28:20That's exactly what I want
28:22Monday to Friday at 2.30pm
28:24With Las Estrellas
28:26Wake up and know the most relevant information every morning
28:30With the analysis of every news
28:36Sports, weather and entertainment
28:38We have the keys to start the day well and well informed
28:41Wake up Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
28:44With Las Estrellas
28:47I'm on stage
28:49And I'm focused on this is much bigger than that
28:52When we're on the show, I think your heart beats a thousand percent
28:58The one that makes us have fun
29:00We like family, traditions, roots
29:06Enjoy your mornings with Las Estrellas
29:08At 9am
29:09Advice, guests, games and all the fun is on us
29:12Today we're going to discover the benefits of the Champi massage
29:15And at the end, famous notes, fashion, cuisine and more just in Cuéntamelo Ya
29:20Benson Bull, who filled his eye with Cirque du Soleil after seeing his various performances during the Grammys
29:24Monday to Friday with Las Estrellas
29:32This is an advance of what we will have today in the news
29:34Barber shops workers from the State of Mexico
29:37Denounce irregularities in the closure of hundreds of businesses
29:40Trump signed 25% steel and aluminum seals
29:43And thousands fire child Mateo in Leon
29:45Authorities are looking for another person involved in the murder
29:48Details at 10.30
29:51It seems that Rafael and Alejandra
29:53The important thing is that I get a divorce
29:55Then we'll see about the shady business
29:57They'll finally be together
29:59I want you to divorce me from Marco Valenzuela
30:01But it won't be easy
30:02What do you want me to do, aunt?
30:04That I don't get a divorce from him?
30:06That's exactly what I want
30:08Monday to Friday at 2.30pm for Las Estrellas
30:12Wake up and know the most relevant information every morning
30:15With the analysis of each news
30:21Sport, weather and entertainment
30:23We have the keys to start the day well and well informed
30:26Wake up Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
30:29With Las Estrellas
30:51To get here, first you'll have to laugh until you die
30:55My name is Marilu
30:56I have the best job in the world
30:58In Mexico there is the tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways
31:02Here we all have fun
31:04We know how to make you laugh with
31:06I die for Marilu
31:07It starts on Sunday, February 23rd
31:09And available on VIX
31:10From February 14th
31:11Let's see if by throwing yourself at the star
31:13You don't end up star-struck
31:15Wouldn't you like to make some money?
31:17You just have to stand by my side
31:19I'd better give you the reason
31:22Brian and I are the authority and we are respected
31:25If a crime appears, arrest me
31:27The crazy wedding, we know how to make you laugh
31:30Friday at the end of the notice
31:31Donald Trump showed that he himself has no interest in imposing these arrangements
31:35With Trump it's one day at a time
31:38Trump's trade war was the dumbest war in history
31:44Third grade, Wednesday
31:46At the end, in point with Enrique Acevedo
31:49With the stars
31:51Enjoy your mornings with the stars
31:53At 9, advice, guests, games and all the fun is on today
31:57Today we are going to exclude the benefits of the champagne massage
32:00And at the end, famous fashion notes
32:02Kitchen and more just in Cuéntamelo Ya
32:04Benson Bull, who fills his eye with the Cirque du Soleil
32:07After seeing his various performances during the Grammys
32:09From Monday to Friday with the stars
32:16I am on stage and I am focused that this is much bigger than that
32:27When we are in the show, I think the heart beats a thousand percent
32:31In that case, we have fun
32:34We like family, traditions, roots
32:42Charlie de Janira already looks like a high school boyfriend
32:45If I kiss you, I'm going to make you look bad in front of everyone
32:48What did you feel?
32:49And I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell her the truth
32:51You have to kiss again
32:57In my dear inheritance, we know how to make you laugh
33:00This Thursday at the end of the Noti
33:02To get here, first you will have to laugh until you die
33:05My name is Marilu, I have the best job in the world
33:08In Mexico there is the tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways
33:12Here we all go live
33:14We know how to make you laugh with I die for Marilu
33:17It starts on Sunday, February 23 and available on VIX
33:20From February 14
33:22I gave you my life and then you betrayed me
33:26I'm going to find out the truth
33:28You are going to miss us a lot
33:30I'm going to miss you, grandfather
33:32Dad, you taught us to love the sea
33:34Together we will move forward
33:36Love where love leaves its nets
33:39Starts this Monday at 8.30 pm
33:42I love you
33:52Arturo, listen to me
33:54Nicolas, I'm not going to talk about Mar
33:56Don't you care that Mar can be innocent?
33:58There is evidence
33:59Why do you keep saying she's innocent?
34:01Because it seems very strange to me
34:03Besides, I was there when they went for her
34:05I don't know, Arturo, I believe Mar
34:08What are you going to say? That she is guilty?
34:10No, she's going to say she's innocent because she's smart
34:12What good is it to love her to do something like that?
34:15I don't know, she's the only one who can say that
34:17She surely has a great explanation
34:19But if we all blame her and we don't look to see what happened
34:22We will never find out the truth
34:24I'm not going to continue with this
34:26I'm going to see my dad
34:35What? Why do you look at me like that?
34:38Nothing, nothing
34:39I'm very worried about everything that's happening
34:41Nothing more
34:42Well, honey, calm down
34:43Calm down, your brothers are going to realize that you're nervous
34:48Paula, tell me the truth
34:51Because after what happened at the event, I don't know what to think
34:57I don't understand what truth
34:59I mean, do you still think that I have to see something?
35:03That I am capable of doing something against your father?
35:08No, you really don't know how scared I am to realize that you trust that maid more than your wife
35:13No, no, of course not
35:15But what you did was wrong
35:17But it has nothing to do with this
35:19It's something completely different
35:22The event was ...
35:23Well, it was so that your brothers and Valeria were no longer a nuisance to us
35:26And please stop complaining and improve something
35:29Oh yeah? And what do you want me to do?
35:31Well, first ...
35:32First ...
35:35First get that woman to sign the divorce with your father
35:37I already told you that I'm going to pressure her
35:39Well, it's not just that you pressure her, yes
35:42Do what is necessary to get that signature
35:45Understand that you can't risk her keeping all that part of the inheritance, my love
35:49Let's see, that's not going to happen
35:52My dad is going to kill us
35:55And besides, in any case, now we have more elements to impose the will
36:00Well, but we could save ourselves all that process if you sign
36:08And one more thing
36:11You have to go to the office and ask for the pendants that your father left
36:14Let's see, you don't understand that my dad fired me
36:16No, but you're the only one who knows that
36:19It's the perfect time for you to take the place you should have always had
36:29Oh no
36:40Oh man
36:48Mari was the culprit of what happened
36:54I swear
36:56She's going to regret it
36:59For what she did to you
37:04I'm going to make sure she pays
37:07To ruin your life
37:12It's not your fault
37:16I love you
37:20I love you so much
37:29I love you
37:35No, no, I can't do that
37:39Why not?
37:41You're the one who should take that place
37:43No, no, because my dad is not going to...
37:47My dad is going to be...
37:48Look, we don't know that
37:49I mean, yes, I mean, yes, of course he's going to be fine, but
37:53When he wakes up, which we don't know how long that could take
37:57You can't keep being like this
37:59You have to get a hold of yourself, my love
38:01Please, react, do something about what's going on
38:08I assure you that your dad is going to be very proud
38:11And he's going to be happy that you resolve instead of doing nothing here
38:17I don't know
38:19Oh, look, you know what?
38:20Then let everything fall apart
38:23I don't want to be opportunistic
38:25Your brothers are not here
38:28Let's see
38:30Tell me what you expect to happen
38:32That Hector takes control
38:34That he takes control of the company and stays with everything
38:37The truth is that I no longer understand you, Leonardo
39:06Don't touch her
39:10I don't deserve you to be here
39:12No, don't say that, my love
39:14Don't say that
39:15Don't touch her
39:17She's my daughter
39:19Don't touch her
39:20She's my daughter
39:23I'm the worst daughter in the world
39:26I treated you very badly, unfairly
39:30No, it's not true, my daughter
39:32It's not true, besides, that doesn't matter anymore
39:35Of course it matters, mom
39:37I did everything wrong
39:42Forgive me
39:44Forgive me for not listening to you
39:46Don't say anything else
39:48I already forgave you
39:50But now, daughter
39:53Forgive me
39:57I will never leave you alone, you are my daughter
40:00My daughter
40:01Of course I forgive you
40:04Mom, I'm very afraid of what could happen
40:07Don't be afraid
40:08Don't be afraid, everything will be fine
40:11God is with you
40:13And with your baby
40:14And you are innocent
40:16And God also knows it
40:20But I want to save you
40:23Ma'am, I need you to save me
40:26Because they are going to take her away
40:28No, take her where?
40:30She is already signed in her transfer
40:32No, no, no, it can't be
40:36Mom, I'm innocent
40:37I know, I know, my love
40:39No, no, no, she's pregnant
40:41Wait, don't touch her
40:42Don't touch her
40:43Don't touch her
40:44Don't touch her
40:45No, no, no
40:46She can't take her
40:49My God, my God, my God
40:51No, no, no, no, no
41:24Hi dad
41:30It's Nico
41:40Hey, do you remember?
41:41That if I didn't call you every two days from Boston
41:45You got really mad at me
41:49Do you know why I did it?
41:52So you would miss me a little more, dad
41:58And so you would ask me to come back
42:03I need you
42:04I need you
42:08And I need to recover all the time I was away from you
42:12So you can't go
42:15Not like my mom did
42:18Do you hear me?
42:22I promise you
42:24That I'm going to find the person
42:27That wanted to hurt you
42:29I'm going to find the responsible
42:37You just need to recover
42:40Because I'll take care of everything else
42:46Do you hear me?
42:48I'll take care of everything, dad
42:54I love you
42:58I love you so much
43:05I love you
43:19Why did she get like that?
43:21It was a very strong impression for her
43:24But she's okay, right?
43:26Yes, she's not in any danger
43:28We gave her a sedative just so she could take the situation little by little
43:32And how long is she going to be like this, mom?
43:35Just a couple of hours
43:37She can take her home later
43:39Thank you
43:41Thank you very much
43:49This must be too much for you, mom
43:56We're going to be okay
43:57Very soon the three of us will be together again, you'll see
44:00I swear
44:06The three of us
44:48I feel very bad for everything that's happening
44:53I've always seen you as the strongest man
44:57The smartest man in the world
45:10I'm very sad to see you like this
45:16I know you fired me
45:19But I think Paola was right
45:23Who's going to look after the company while you're gone?
45:28My brothers are gone
45:32I know you're going to recover
45:38But while that happens, I'm going to take care of everything we've worked on
45:47And I'm going to start by getting that bitch to give up what you were going to give her
45:57I'm going to start by getting that bitch to give up what you were going to give her
46:27What did you feel?
46:29She's not going to leave you alone until you tell her the truth
46:31You have to kiss again
46:57What are you looking for?
46:59I want you to work for me
47:01What do you say?
47:03I want you to work for me
47:05What do you say?
47:07I want you to work for me
47:09I want you to work for me
47:11I want you to work for me
47:13I want you to work for me
47:15I want you to work for me
47:17I want you to work for me
47:19I want you to work for me
47:21I want you to work for me
47:23I want you to work for me
47:25I want you to work for me
47:27I want you to work for me
47:29You can't fall in love with that bitch's daughter
47:32Forget about her
47:34Beyond hate, today I dare to love you
47:37And would you dare?
47:42I gave you my life and then you betrayed me
47:46I'm going to find out the truth
47:48We're going to miss you so much
47:50I'm going to miss you, Grandpa
47:52Dad, you taught us to love the sea
47:55Together we will move forward
47:57Where love leaves its nets
47:59Starts this Monday, 8.30pm
48:01Donald Trump showed that he himself has no interest in imposing these arrangements
48:05With Trump, it's one day at a time
48:08Trump's trade war was the dumbest war in history
48:14Third grade, Wednesday, ending in point with Enrique Acevedo
48:19With the stars
48:21If life as a couple begins to get complicated
48:24I can't take it anymore
48:25Why don't you separate?
48:26What do you want to tell me?
48:28There's someone who can help you
48:30You think you're going to look for Tiger?
48:32Goo, calm down
48:34What a good job
48:36I'm looking for a boyfriend for my wife
48:38This Sunday, 7pm
48:40With the stars
48:42To get here, first you'll have to laugh until you die
48:45My name is Marilu
48:46I have the best job in the world
48:48In Mexico there is the tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways
48:52Here we all have fun
48:53We laugh out loud
48:54We know how to make you laugh
48:55I die for Marilu
48:57Starts Sunday, February 23rd
48:59And available on VIX
49:00From February 14th
49:02In the first hours of the day, you'll have all the information in the news
49:06What matters in Mexico
49:07And also beyond our borders
49:09In a space with the stories that you have to know
49:12Quickly and clearly
49:14I'm Carlos Hurtado
49:15And I'll wait for you in the news
49:17This Friday, 5.50pm
49:19With the stars
49:21Get in touch with
49:23The hottest sports results
49:29Exclusive interviews
49:33Analysis and opinions
49:35Sports contact
49:37Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
49:40With the stars
49:41The great love of your grandfather's life
49:43Was the grandmother of Tomas and Andres
49:45My son is my son
49:47Yes, Alicia
49:48I'm going to leave you in a ruin
49:49Through your niece Vera
49:51She's nothing more than a cockroach
49:53The chocolate factory in San Jose
49:54Has come to an end
49:55A pregnancy test
49:57I have reasons for you to do those tests
49:59Grand Finale
50:00Sunday, February 23rd
50:02Wake up and know the most relevant information
50:04Every morning
50:06With the analysis of each news
50:11Sports, weather and entertainment
50:13We have the keys to start the day well
50:15And well informed
50:17Wake up
50:18At 9am
50:19With the stars
50:22What are you looking for?
50:24I want you to work for me
50:25What do you say?
50:28You can't fall in love with that son of a bitch
50:32Forget about her
50:34Beyond hate
50:35Today I dare to love you
50:37And would you dare?
50:38Starts Monday, February 24th
50:40With the stars
50:41Enjoy your mornings with the stars
50:43At 9am
50:44Advice, guests, games
50:45And all the fun is on today
50:47Today we are going to discover
50:48The benefits of the champagne massage
50:50And at the end
50:51Famous fashion notes
50:52Cuisine and more
50:53Only in Cuéntamelo Ya
50:54Benson Bull
50:55Filling his eye with the Cirque du Soleil
50:57After seeing his various performances
50:58During the Grammys
50:59From Monday to Friday
51:00With the stars
51:02I gave you my life
51:04And then you betrayed me
51:06I'm going to discover the truth
51:08We are going to miss you a lot
51:10I'm going to miss you, grandpa
51:12Dad, you taught us to love the sea
51:14Together we are going to get out of this
51:16And move forward
51:17Love where love leaves its nets
51:19Starts this Monday
51:22I get on stage
51:24And I am focused
51:25That this is much bigger than me
51:27When we are in the show
51:28I think your heart beats a thousand percent
51:32What a fun house, man
51:35We like family
51:41To get here
51:42First you will have to laugh until you die
51:45My name is Marilu
51:46I have the best job in the world
51:48In Mexico there is a tradition
51:49To celebrate death in peculiar ways
51:52Here we all go live
51:54We know how to make you laugh
51:55With Nuero por Marilu
51:57Starts Sunday February 23rd
51:58And available on VIX
52:00From February 14th
52:01Get in touch with
52:03The hottest sports results
52:09Exclusive interviews
52:14Analysis and opinions
52:15Sports contact
52:17Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
52:20With the stars
52:22In the first hours of the day
52:23You will have all the information
52:24In the news
52:26What matters in Mexico
52:27And also beyond our borders
52:29In a space
52:30With the stories
52:31That you have to know
52:32Quickly and clearly
52:34I am Carlos Hurtado
52:35And I am waiting for you
52:36In the news
52:37Monday, Friday
52:39For the stars
52:42Donald Trump demonstrated
52:43That he himself
52:44Has no interest
52:45In imposing these arrangements
52:46With Trump
52:47One day at a time
52:49The commercial war
52:50Of Trump
52:51Was the stupidest war
52:53In history
52:55Tuesday, Wednesday
52:56At the end
52:57With Enrique Acevedo
52:59With the stars
53:01The great love
53:02Of your grandfather's life
53:03Was the grandmother
53:04Of Tomas and Andres
53:05My son is alive
53:07Yes, Alicia
53:08I will leave you in the ruin
53:09Through your niece Vera
53:11She is more than a cockroach
53:12The chocolate factory
53:13In San Jose
53:14Has come to an end
53:15A pregnancy test
53:17I have reasons
53:18For you to do those tests
53:19Grand Finale
53:20Sunday, February 23
53:22The stars
53:23Of the great war
53:24Of the grandfather's life
53:25Was the grandmother
53:26Of Tomas and Andres
53:27My son is alive
53:28Through your niece Vera
53:30Yes, Alicia
53:31I will leave you in the ruin
53:32Through your niece Vera
53:33I have reasons
53:34For you to do those tests
53:35Grand Finale
53:36Sunday, February 23
53:37At the end
53:38With Enrique Acevedo
53:39With the stars
53:40The chocolate factory
53:41In San Jose
53:42Has come to an end
53:43A pregnancy test
53:44Grand Finale
53:45Sunday, February 23
53:46At the end
53:47With Enrique Acevedo
53:48With the stars
53:49The chocolate factory
53:52Que no te detengas dije.
54:20We can't leave your sister in jail, we can't.
54:24I promise we'll see what we can do.
54:26We can't just see, we have to do it, what now?
54:30Mom, I need you to calm down.
54:32You know what? Take me to the door.
54:34Take me.
54:35I'll talk to them, they have to understand.
54:37Sit down, sit down.
54:40Really, it's not fair.
54:42I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
54:45I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
54:49It's not a good idea, Mom, it's not a good idea.
54:52They have to understand that Mar is not a criminal.
54:57Mom, for God's sake.
54:59The Portillas put her in jail.
55:02They're not going to help us this time,
55:03they don't care.
55:05You and I are going to find a way to help Mar.
55:11No, I have the picture here of when they took her.
55:17I know, I know, I know.
55:19I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know.
55:24Hey, get some rest, okay?
55:26I don't want to leave Dad.
55:27I know, but you have to be careful.
55:29I want you to be calm.
55:31Okay, but let me know if anything happens.
55:34I promise.
55:36Go in peace.
55:37Arturo, if you need me to come, let me know.
55:40You won't need to, thank you.
55:43Okay, let's go.
55:49Do you need anything?
55:50I'm not going to worry about my dad,
55:51I'm just going to buy myself a coffee.
55:54Thanks for staying.
55:58If you need anything, call me.
56:00Okay, let's go.
56:50Forgive me, son.
56:52Just when you were about to be seen.
56:56I wanted to give you the happiest life,
56:58but I couldn't.
57:01This is all my fault.
57:05I don't know how I could believe Paula.
57:08I did everything she told me to do,
57:10and I can't believe I didn't realize it.
57:14I ruined your life before you were even born, son.
57:21Will you ever forgive me
57:23for all the bad decisions I made?
57:32I heard you.
57:38Otherwise, you'll be freezing to death.
57:42Buenas noches.
58:20¿Qué pasó?
58:24No entiendo nada.
58:27Todo va a estar bien.
58:29Te extrañé tanto, Cecilia.
58:32¿Qué pasó?
58:35No entiendo nada.
58:37Todo va a estar bien.
58:39Te extrañé tanto.
58:41Nunca he dejado de estar a tu lado.
58:45Tienes que saber que todo lo que he hecho
58:49es por el bien de nuestros hijos.
58:53Tú siempre has sido un gran padre.
58:55No, no puedo hacer esto sin ti.
58:59Entonces, ven conmigo.
59:03Ven, mi amor.
59:11¿Qué? ¿Qué coincidencia?
59:13¿Qué está haciendo por aquí?
59:15¿Se acuerda de mí?
59:17Ella no está en ninguno de mis hermanos.
59:19No se ha nombrado a los nuevos directivos
59:21y yo soy el único director general que queda.
59:23Y es por eso que en este momento asumo
59:25la dirección general de textiles Portilla.
59:27Omar me dijo que Paula la usó para hacer el proyecto.
59:30¿Por qué?
59:31Porque ella no está en ninguno de mis hermanos.
59:33No se ha nombrado a los nuevos directivos
59:35y yo soy el único director general que queda.
59:37Y es por eso que en este momento
59:39Omar me dijo que Paula la usó para darle ese medicamento
59:41a Luis.
59:42Por supuesto, nadie le crea, Omar.
59:44Lo sabía.
59:45Lo sabía.
59:47Él las va a pagar, esa desgracia.
