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Don 2 stars visit Gulf News. Bollywood stars Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra and Farhan Akhtar talk about the making of their new film, Don 2, in an informal chat with tabloid! at the Gulf News newsroom. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00So guys, we'll start with the very obvious, Don 2, that's what brings you all together.
00:24Usually what happens when you make a film is there's someone who writes it who wants
00:29to make a film, directs it and then approaches actors and finds a producer.
00:34I think this is one film that happened where everyone who was involved in the first one
00:38you know was wanting the sequel to happen.
00:41So it was almost like a kind of a joint effort and a concerted, organized effort so to speak,
00:46you know to let's get together and make a sequel.
00:48When we were making the first Don, I don't think any of us really thought that there
00:51would be a sequel or anything but after the way the first film turned out and you know
00:57the way people reacted to it, I think everybody just kind of felt that this is a film that
01:00could have a sequel because Don's character is just something that is unstoppable.
01:06Farhan came up with a really really good script and it was one of my most memorable films
01:13that I've ever shot.
01:14But to be really honest, I think of Don as, I take it very personally, I believe I'm a
01:21little like that.
01:22I also believe Farhan also writes like Don and it's one of those few roles, I've been
01:29working for 20 years now, but I think it's one of those few roles where we celebrate
01:36making this film.
01:37Don just makes being bad really good, you know.
01:42And also I feel about Don what's really interesting and I think on some level what works really
01:47well is that he's very very honest about how he is.
01:52You know actually, I mean, what do you guys like to, okay, let me just tell you first
02:01why they laugh because a couple of the stunts which make me look like a dead, death defying
02:11stunts that I've done, by practicing for both of them, I was rather close.
02:20But it happens, you know.
02:22So the one that, this building, well let me first tell you how it happened.
02:27I just landed and I landed in Berlin and we all knew on Twitter.
02:29You were jet lagged, no?
02:30No no no, it wasn't jet lagged.
02:31We were on Twitter so I was like taking pictures of this tallest building.
02:34Suddenly I go under it and Farhan tells me that, you know, we're doing a shot but you're
02:37not to jump.
02:38And you just have to hang and, you know, horizontally and then the duplicate guy will do it.
02:45So I said yeah okay.
02:46It was very cold and I never expected that the first day or the first one hour that I've
02:49landed in Berlin I'm going to be jumping from this 400 feet, 450 feet kind of place.
02:53They told me to practice without hanging from the building on the ground which is as high
03:00from me as my height is.
03:03So they say, you know, just kind of bend down and we'll just hold you from here and, you
03:06know, we just want to see if you'll balance or whatever.
03:09And I think between Farhan, Pritesh and Priyanka they had put some oil there to make me look
03:14really stupid because I fell and there was a rope holding me so I was only about one
03:23inch from the ground and I was dangling.
03:25Show what happened to your glasses.
03:27And my glasses, I'll show you, my glasses, down the glasses, like this.
03:37Oh my God!
03:49The biggest mistake of Don's enemy is that he's Don's enemy.
