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Apparently all rules go out the window when villains are faced with water, love or their mum.


00:00It can be tough to perfect the murderous villain persona.
00:03Being a super evil, psychologically messed up individual can be a difficult reputation
00:08to uphold.
00:09Unfortunately for these bad guys, their slip-ups cost them their freedom, lives, and reputation.
00:13It's a demanding profession, murdering people, and sometimes the pressure gets to you.
00:18So with that in mind then, I'm Ellie with WhatCulture, here with 10 Horror Movie Villains
00:23Who Broke Their Own Rules.
00:27The Gremlins Forgot Their Own Rules in Gremlins
00:31Everyone knows what to do and what not to do when it comes to dealing with Joe Dante's
00:36vicious little gremlins.
00:37There are three basic rules for looking after your pre-gremlin mogwai.
00:41Never feed them past midnight, don't let them catch the sun's rays, and never, ever
00:45get them wet.
00:47We all know this, but it appears that the mogwai themselves will sometimes forget the
00:52In the film, the cute little bundles of fur are depicted running around in the snow.
00:57As we all know, snow is the frozen form of water and should then, in theory, have the
01:00same effect on the prepubescent creatures.
01:03This is apparently not the case, as the mogwai do not start to multiply in the scene, breaking
01:07their rules and the laws of basic science.
01:10The only time we see the mogwai start to multiply is when they actually touch water.
01:14Technically, they're breaking their own rule, but the director doesn't actually
01:17hold them responsible for their actions and they get away with the little slip-up.
01:21What was obviously a slight overlook on the director's part should have resulted in
01:24a much bigger problem than what was depicted in the film.
01:29Hannibal Lecter doesn't eat Clarice in Hannibal
01:33Hannibal may not have a rule about who he eats and who he lets live, but he definitely
01:37makes it a priority to cover his tracks and maintain his indulgent lifestyle.
01:42When it comes to Clarice, this rule goes right out the window.
01:45Thank goodness it does, otherwise we wouldn't have a story, would we?
01:48The Hannibal Lecter character is presented with plenty of opportunities to eat and devour
01:52Detective Clarice Starling, but he always manages to restrain himself.
01:56Even while holding the unconscious cop in his arms, he is able to fight his own temptations
02:01and let her live.
02:02How does he expect to maintain his lavish lifestyle if he allows the only person who
02:06will ever be able to take him down to live?
02:09The number one rule of being a serial killer is to leave no trail.
02:12Clarice Starling is one big trail, and he practically left her with all the clues and
02:17a map.
02:18Clarice isn't the only person Lecter has left with their life semi-intact.
02:21He also makes the mistake of not killing Mason Verger.
02:24This is less of a mistake as it is a nuisance, but it put a massive target on his back.
02:30Norman Bates invites a girl over in Psycho
02:34Norman Bates is a pretty sloppy cold-blooded killer, but you can't really blame him.
02:39The original Bates is in a constant struggle with his mother, and in the 1960 movie he
02:44makes the terrible mistake of breaking her rule and inviting a girl over.
02:48The mistake only really turns out terrible for Damsel Marion, but it all could have ultimately
02:52been prevented if Norman had just followed his mother's rules.
02:55The mistake does result in the death of Marion, but it also creates a bit of unwanted buzz
03:00at the Bates motel when her loved ones come looking for her.
03:03For those unfamiliar with the film, by breaking mother's rule, Norman essentially breaks
03:07his own rule as he is, in fact, Mrs. Norma Bates.
03:11After murdering his own mother, Bates adopts her personality as one of his own and allows
03:16her personality to control him.
03:17You can't blame an insane man for wanting a bit of company, but he should have ultimately
03:21known how his mother would have reacted.
03:24But that could be the exact reason why he did invite Marion for dinner.
03:29Jason forgets his fear of water in Friday the 13th franchise
03:34Even bad guys have their weaknesses, and as it turns out, Jason, the serial killer who
03:38murders people brutally with a machete, has a fear of water.
03:42This slip-up is mostly down to a Friday the 13th plot hole that fans picked up during
03:46Ronnie Yu's Freddy vs Jason.
03:48In an attempt to take his nemesis down, Freddy adopts his fear tactic and uses Jason's
03:53apparent trauma-related phobia of water to get to him.
03:57It makes sense, as in the original Friday the 13th film, we're told that Jason drowned
04:01as a child, but it has never stopped Jason in the past.
04:04Across a few of the Friday the 13th pictures, Jason can be seen taking a dip in a creepy
04:08lake or two, with no signs that he may have a fear of the water.
04:12In fact, he seems quite calm while creepily emerging from his swim breaks.
04:15Why did they decide to randomly pick up on the fear in this film, then?
04:19Jason apparently regularly ignores his rule to go nowhere near water until his own life
04:24hangs in the balance.
04:25Not the smartest of moves, Mr Voorhees.
04:28The Tooth Fairy goes on a date in Red Dragon
04:32Another villain with mummy-related issues is the Red Dragon co-antagonist Francis Dollarhide.
04:38This chap takes it a step further and actually has a deep fear when it comes to his mother's
04:43Abandoned by his ma when he was younger, Dollarhide spends a few years in an orphanage before
04:48his grandmother takes him and subjects him to severe emotional and physical abuse.
04:52Tormented by her long after her death, Dollarhide adopts her personality as his conscience and
04:58ultimately goes on a killing rampage in an attempt to transform into his ultimate form,
05:02the dragon.
05:03One mistake he makes is letting his guard down by inviting the lovely Reba McLean over.
05:08He falls in love with her, which further infuriates the voices in his head.
05:12It's no wonder he had stuck to the no friends rule for so long.
05:15After breaking the rule and allowing things to become more sexual with Reba, things start
05:19to go downhill for the killer, and he tries to reverse it all by murdering her.
05:24He doesn't kill her, as her blindness means he hasn't been given away and he instead
05:28fakes his own death.
05:29It's always a good rule of thumb to avoid making friends if you plan on murdering lots
05:33of people.
05:34It's a pretty lonely profession.
05:37Mike and Heather abandon all of their sense and sensibility in The Blair Witch Project
05:42When it comes to The Blair Witch Project, many are undecided about who the real villain
05:47In a movie such as this one, it is mostly left up to the viewer to decide what exactly
05:51went down and who was to blame.
05:53Mike and Heather may not have been murderous evil entities, but they did do some pretty
05:57irrational and stupid things throughout the film.
05:59Mike breaks one of the most basic unspoken rules when it comes to exploring the wild
06:03and working in a team.
06:05By throwing away the only map the team had, he screws them all over and essentially seals
06:10their tomb.
06:11Mike also makes himself enemy number one for the viewers and does very little after
06:14that to try and make up for it.
06:16Heather is villainised by her crewmates and again by herself when making the video to
06:20say sorry to her friend's families.
06:22She's also incredibly whiny and pushes everyone to do more than they liked.
06:26The rule that she broke, which ultimately ended in her death, was when she decided to
06:30leave the tent.
06:31After first hearing their missing friend's cries coming from the woods, the remaining
06:34duo agreed that, as a rule, neither of them would leave the tent as it was probably a
06:40They decided to give in and we all know what happens after that.
06:43This all could have been prevented if either of them had simply stuck to the rules.
06:48Hedwig Helps Casey in Split
06:51Hedwig breaks rule number one of being a murderous serial killer with no empathy.
06:55He gives Casey the key to her escape.
06:58Hedwig may not have been the personality to have kidnapped Casey with the plan to kill
07:01her, but he is the same person as Dennis.
07:04Split is a film about a man with multiple personalities who kidnaps three girls after
07:08their dad has picked them up from a shopping trip.
07:10As the story unfolds, we are introduced to all of Kevin's personalities and one of
07:14the girls, Casey, starts to plan how she can outsmart her captor and his personalities.
07:19While trying to find a way to escape from the basement, Casey befriends one of Kevin's
07:23many personalities.
07:24Hedwig is a nine-year-old boy who can take over from Dennis and Kevin when he pleases.
07:29He's quite fond of Casey and she uses this to her advantage.
07:33After showing Casey the walkie-talkie that he stole from Dennis, Casey convinces him
07:37to let her use it.
07:38Casey then uses it to try and contact a security guard and explain that she has been kidnapped.
07:42Before she can get any further, Dennis re-emerges and stops her.
07:46Hedwig may be an innocent personality, but he still broke Dennis' rules and almost
07:50helped Casey escape.
07:53Thomas Wake Breaks Practically Every Rule in The Lighthouse
07:57Robert Eggers sure has a knack for all things horrific and disturbing, and The Lighthouse
08:02is no exception.
08:03Willem Dafoe's performance is brilliant in the most gruesome way.
08:06Thomas Wake's character is a lighthouse keeper with a stormy past.
08:10As the new Wiki arrives, it becomes clear that Wake isn't the best role model, boss
08:14or human.
08:15He breaks many of the basic Lighthouse rules, which angers his fellow Wiki Ephraim and causes
08:20a lot of tension.
08:21For starters, Wake is never without his bottle of turpentine.
08:25The liquid is highly intoxicating and, when mixed with honey, can drive the sanest of
08:29men to their wits' end.
08:30He also never divides the duties with Ephraim, despite it being in the contract he drew up.
08:35The rules he breaks most certainly have something to do with the outcome of the story.
08:39If the two men were a little soberer and a little less resentful of each other, they
08:42may have been able to work something out.
08:44Then again, both have a murderous past with a bit of blood splatter on their hands.
08:50Mayor Vaughn Forgets What His Job Is, Endures
08:53The man who could have prevented it all if he had simply listened.
08:57If Mayor Vaughn had listened to Brody and Hooper, there would have been a lot less death
09:00in the peaceful town of Amity.
09:02The number one rule of being a mayor for the people is looking out for the welfare
09:05of your citizens and keeping them safe.
09:07While Larry Vaughn wasn't doing this, he was busy being concerned about bringing in
09:11the cash and keeping the people at the top happy.
09:13While the worry about where your town's income will come from is important, caring
09:17for your people's lives should be ranked a bit higher on the list of concerns.
09:21When confronted with the facts about a manhunter on the loose, the mayor decided to ignore
09:25the evidence and go ahead with the summer beach season, opening up the beaches and essentially
09:29offering up a buffet to Mr Bruce.
09:31His actions betray the people of Amity and result in a lot of death that could have been
09:35prevented if he had gotten his priorities straight and followed the basic rules of being
09:40a mayor.
09:41One thing is for sure, he probably won't be re-elected.
09:44Carter Thing Breaks Carter's Rules In The Thing
09:48While Carter was perfectly happy to burn the first signs of imitation in any of his crewmates,
09:53the Thing version of him was less eager to stick to this rule.
09:57When it comes to alien mutations and deciding on whether or not they have indeed taken over
10:01your friends, it can be tough to justify taking the time to determine whether or not they
10:05are who they say they are.
10:06It's often a better choice to just go with your gut and torch them with a flamethrower.
10:11Carter does a perfect job of this when dealing with Peter, Edvard, and Sander.
10:14When the tables had been turned by fellow survivor Kate, Carter, who was suspected to
10:18be a Thing himself, was understandably less eager to be on the other side of the flamethrower.
10:23Wearing his earring on the wrong ear was enough for crewmate Kate, and thankfully she listened
10:28to her gut.
10:29As the book and the alien screeches that came from the snowcat confirmed, she was right
10:33to suspect him of being a Thing.
10:35Carter Thing died because of Carter's rules, but he didn't go down without a conversational
10:41Who knows what would have happened if Kate had agreed to Think before flamethrowing.
10:45And that concludes our list.
10:46If you can think of any that we missed, then do let us know in the comments below and while
10:50you're there don't forget to like and subscribe and tap that notification bell.
10:53Also head over to Twitter and follow us there, and I can be found across various social medias
10:57just by searching Ellie Littlechild.
10:59I've been Ellie with WhatCulture, I hope you have a magical day and I'll see you real soon.
