• last month
El expresidente Alberto Fernández reapareció para hablar sobre su relación con Tamara Pettinato, calificando de injusto el trato que recibió la ex panelista de Bendita. En una conversación privada, Fernández expresó su apoyo a Pettinato y criticó la manera en que los medios manejaron la situación. A pesar de sus declaraciones, el tema ha sido reavivado tras un largo tiempo sin ser mencionado.



00:00now in the afternoon alberto fernández reappeared and defended his friendship with the ex-panelist of blessing
00:12I met Tamara many years ago, many many years, Tamara is one of the most fun people I know in my life
00:22Now you have to tell me I love you
00:24I love you
00:26I love you
00:28There is a private talk and a private game between two people
00:30The way they treated Tamara is an incredible injustice
00:34But now that I'm president, I'm going to have you killed
00:37And it's a talk between two friends
00:39Make an abstraction of sex
00:42In exclusive
00:44Break the silence
00:47Tamara Pettinato
00:50And tell all the truth
00:58To be continued
01:58Excuse me, let's hear it, but I have a question
02:01Why do you talk here and not on Radio del Plata?
02:13Alberto Fernández talked to me, he talked about you
02:15What a surprise
02:18Did you find out? Did you see his statements?
02:20I found out everything, I'm not going to tell you anything, what else?
02:22He said it was a private game, he said it was unfair
02:25The way he treated you, do you think it was unfair?
02:30Of course I think it's unfair, but hey
02:32Of course I think it's unfair, but hey
02:34It's like that, I also understand, I've been in this for a long time and I've lived it since I was very young, so I understand it too
02:41He said you asked him to do an interview for a Chinese program
02:46We already explained it at the time, that's it
02:50It's good that he also comes out to talk, also know his word
02:53All the media were looking for you, you were like the easy figure because you were working, you didn't hide
02:59They didn't have where to look for him
03:02No, it's okay, it's okay for him to explain, but hey, I'm not going to add myself either, talk about the subject again, that's it
03:08But did you talk to him after the interview?
03:10Oh yes, I'm going to tell you, I'll call you later and tell you
03:14I'll call you later and tell you
03:16I'll call you later and tell you
03:18Tamara is right when she says they were looking for her because they didn't have where to look for her
03:21Is this Tamara?
03:22This is Tamara, one hundred percent
03:24The real one
03:25Because she was blonde here
03:26Here she is blonde, before she was brunette, now the change was made recently, and this is one hundred percent Tamara
03:31I kind of defended her because I think she's a friend
03:33No, you know what, I was just going to say something
03:35When I previously said something like all the people who spoke badly of Tamara
03:40I was the first to say, and I remember it because I don't have any problem, to say that if that happened in a pandemic
03:46It was terrible for Tamara, who was a communicator and had to say all this out loud
03:51And terrible for the former president of the nation
03:53Then Tamara, in her private life, what does she do?
03:56What does she do?
03:58A fact that we all go through at one point
04:00These images of this private game in a public place and the work of a public official
04:06They were leaked because apparently it was a cell phone that the former president deleted badly
04:11Until that, he did it incompletely
04:13And he gave it to his partner at that time to play the child
04:18And then that woman recovered the deleted contents and found this material
04:23And apparently from that cell phone, which was not yet given to justice, this clip was taken and the press was leaked
04:29And I want to say one thing, we have the second part of Tamara Petit, which regained humor
04:33At least we saw her smiling
04:36She is the friend of Corita de Valverde
04:38Partner, partner
04:40Well, present the note then
04:42And well, Tamara, Tamara, the second part
04:44Come on, Cora, please
04:46How are you?
04:47Fine, thank you
04:48Leaving the radio with work projects, wanting to go back to TV, you miss it
04:53I mean, you were always a panelist, you were there in a spicy role, a conductor
04:57No, not always, not always
04:58Well, but you also occupied an important place on TV
05:01I work hard on the radio, the rest every year is changing, it has always been changing
05:04But there are projects, I imagine, right?
05:06Things, things
05:07How is your relationship with Bendita? I mean, did the trial advance a little?
05:12No, there is no relationship
05:13No, there is no relationship
05:14I mean, no, that's what my lawyer tells me how it goes
05:17It's work, so no, I mean, the lawyer tells me how it goes, what I have to do and nothing else
05:23I have no relationship
05:24Speaking of Bendita, you communicated with Edith, you saw her distressed, I imagine
05:29Romina came out to kill her or talk about her as a bad partner, Eliana Gercio
05:34You have a very good relationship with Edith, I say, how did you see all that, that moment that she had to live?
05:39No, yes, I talked to her, okay, I sent her a message, but no, I mean, I'm not interested in getting involved
05:44I wrote to her, I did have a good experience with Edith
05:47I did have a good experience with Edith
05:49We get along well and in fact I'm still in contact, but nothing else, it's not like I'm going to get involved in killing one or the other, no
05:55It's not my thing
05:56It's not my thing
05:57Eliana broke down, she cried, she said she had to leave a job for her because she didn't have a good time
06:01That in 48 hours it was enough for her to realize that she couldn't continue sharing the program
06:06Edith is a piece of shit, so what am I, a friend of what?
06:09No, no, I didn't see that, I didn't see it, I have no idea, I have nothing to say either, it must be her experience
06:14Did you see Beto there defending him with his teeth?
06:17I didn't see it, I didn't see it
06:18Would you have liked him to defend you at the time?
06:20No, guys, bye
06:21I don't need to be defended, I don't need to be defended
06:25Hey, don't touch Beto
06:27Now that we're friends, you see, call me who rots the relationship
06:32I was a panelist of Blessed, did you know?
06:34You were a panelist of all
06:36This guy, please, get me out of this, Pablito
06:39The radio is going to be recovered, he will continue with Ernesto Tenenbaum, who has a new schedule, he will have his own program on a radio from here in Palermo
06:46And he will add hours in a streaming, the sex one, he does a streaming about sex
06:52In short, nothing happened
06:54With whom?
06:55No, it happened, the subject happened and it happened
06:58And what else do you want me to say? She already spoke at the time
07:01No, no, no, I didn't point to anyone in particular, Alberto spoke, she spoke, I mean, it happened
07:06But this is not new, what happened is that Alberto spoke to Tenenbaum
07:10In reality they spoke back, it would be, right?
07:12But what are you talking about justice?
07:15Alberto spoke, Juanma, give Alberto
07:17It was out of nowhere, it was not known if it was a pandemic, if it was not a pandemic, it is not known if they had a relationship, if they did not have a relationship
07:25But you did not find out that this is Argentina
07:28I mean, we are, I want to put the question in cars a little, we talk about this for months and months, days and days, hours and hours
07:36And it was all out of nowhere
07:38But if he did not commit any crime
07:41That's why, no one committed any crime, we don't know
07:44No, no, no, sorry, in the case of Tamara, as Corau said, I mean, if this was during the pandemic, it is clearly reprehensible
07:52But we don't know
07:54Let me finish, what did happen at that time was that the subject of Tamara covered all the discussion we could have regarding the president
08:02And precisely what his ex-wife was denouncing, right?
08:08Well, then, what was talked about?
08:11What if she was good with the president and ended up killing Tamara for something of her private life that we do not have to judge
08:17But don't you think that Hugo condemns Morales?
08:20No, the fact itself
08:21It was the smoke bomb that avoided asking a lot of programs
08:25How is today, we have to ask ourselves as citizens, how is today the cause of alleged gender violence
08:31Before a first magistrate as a president of the nation
08:34That is the cause that was divided
08:37This is the one that I don't care about
08:39If he sleeps with a row of women or with the grenadiers
08:42I don't care about three bellies
08:44If it was violent inside the Quinta de Olivos with the first lady, it is different
08:47And nothing is known about that
08:49No, no, it is known, Alberto declared that there was no violence of any kind
08:52The declaration of Alberto was made public
08:54What do you think if we go to Tamara?
