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Former Miss World Diana Hayden's immaculate conception plan. Former Miss World, Diana Hayden, who underwent in vitro fertilisation at 34 and found love later in life, speaks about motherhood and fertility.

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00:00When I froze my eggs, I was 34 years old, so that was nine years back.
00:13I froze it, it wasn't that common.
00:16In fact, the only people who would freeze their eggs at the time worldwide were those
00:20who had, you know, people who had cancer, people who had illnesses where their treatment
00:26would probably affect their chances of getting pregnant.
00:30When I read about egg freezing, and for medical reasons, I thought, you know what?
00:35It makes sense.
00:36And I read more and more about it.
00:37The more I read, the more I thought, this works great, it will work for me, because
00:42I'm a bit of a dichotomy.
00:44I am somebody who is the most romantic, and at the same time, I'm the most practical person
00:49you would ever meet.
00:50I'm somebody who firmly believes in science and who very firmly believes in God as well.
00:55So I thought, why leave anything to chance, you know?
00:59Just I can freeze my eggs, and I'd have the option.
01:03I do not, in life, I don't like having my back to the wall about anything.
01:06I don't like being put in a corner.
01:08So I like having options, and then you decide.
01:11It's a freedom of choice then.
01:12You never know, you might need it later, you might not.
01:16If you don't need it, at least it's there.
01:17If you need it, what are you going to do?
01:20Trust me, when I froze my eggs, I never ever thought I'd need it.
01:24It was just an insurance for me.
01:25I understand, in the Middle East, it's illegal to freeze your eggs before.
01:32So I'm not advocating that.
01:34I very clearly am not.
01:35I'm just speaking about my experience of what I did.
01:38Never ever did I think I would need it for medical reasons.
01:41When we found out I had endometriosis, and that was part of the reason why I couldn't
01:45conceive, the eggs came handy, and it was fantastic.
01:50It's one of the big issues with IVF.
01:54It is all uphill.
01:57I promise you, it's all uphill.
01:58And I've been through it.
01:59I've been through it twice, the process of IVF.
02:02So the second one, we succeeded.
02:07I'm somebody, this is the way I think, whatever you can control, you do to the best you can.
02:14What you can't control, don't sweat it.
02:17You can't control it.
02:19You can't change it.
02:20If you are so stressed about, am I going to conceive, sure you're excited.
02:24Sure when you do the test, you're waiting.
02:26And of course, you'd be disappointed.
02:28You are disappointed when you don't succeed.
02:30But don't knock yourself out, because it's not in your control.
02:39When public figures speak about their experiences, it makes other people, I think the people
02:44around, go, you know what?
02:46I get that.
02:47It's not just me, because people tend to look at public figures and go, they, it's them
02:52and us.
02:53We're different.
02:54We're not isolating.
02:55We're really just ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.
02:59That's all it is.
03:00I think it gives people strength when they hear that someone who is in the public eye
03:05has gone through something.
03:07And the reason I've spoken about something that is so private to me, because my thought
03:11process is, if I speak about something so personal, and if it's going to make a difference
03:16to one person, it's worth it.
03:19And going through what I have with endometriosis and IVF, and I'm telling you, you look at
03:25my baby, I look at my baby, and it is just such a joy.
