वाराणसी, यूपी: आज देश में संत शिरोमणि रविदास जी की 648वीं जयंती मनाई जा रही है। सीर गोवर्धन दाफी स्थित संत रविदास मंदिर में श्रद्धालुओं की भारी भीड़ उमड़ी। संत रविदास मंदिर पंजाब से पहुंचे श्रद्धालु ने कहा कि हम पंजाब से आए हैं। यहां बहुत भीड़ है लेकिन हम बहुत खुश भी हैं। 2013 से हम आकर यहां दर्शन करते हैं। मैं अपने पूरे परिवार के साथ आया हूं।
#ravidasjayanti #varanasi #banaras #uttarpradesh #upnews #punjab
#ravidasjayanti #varanasi #banaras #uttarpradesh #upnews #punjab
00:30I am not sure if I can tell you this much about Peed, but I will tell you a little bit in Hindi as well.
00:40It is said that Peed is a form of worship.
00:45It is a form of worship that is performed by the Lord.
00:50It is a form of worship that is performed by the Lord.
00:53It is a form of worship that is performed by the Lord.
00:56I am not sure if I can tell you this much about Peed, but I will tell you a little bit in Hindi as well.
01:01It is a form of worship that is performed by the Lord.
01:06Today, UP, Arapana, Nala Street, Jambia and many other places have come to worship the Lord.
01:14We are celebrating this day with great joy.
01:16We are celebrating this day with great joy.
01:18We are celebrating this day with great joy.
01:20We are celebrating this day with great joy.
01:22We have been in line for two and a half hours now.
01:26We have been in line for two and a half hours now.