Video Information: 9.12.22, SPIT-College, Mumbai
~ How to complete my to-do list?
~ How to deal with procrastination?
~ How to not be lazy?
~ How to commit to one thing?
~ How to stay motivated?
~ Why do we require constant motivation?
Music Credits: Milind Date
#acharyaprashant #todolist #procrastination #lazy #students #motivation
~ How to complete my to-do list?
~ How to deal with procrastination?
~ How to not be lazy?
~ How to commit to one thing?
~ How to stay motivated?
~ Why do we require constant motivation?
Music Credits: Milind Date
#acharyaprashant #todolist #procrastination #lazy #students #motivation
00:00So, we have often many tasks to do in our day-to-day life and we make to-do list.
00:07But we fail to complete it and the loop goes on every time.
00:11So what can be the other ways to overcome this?
00:17The right things in your to-do list and then you will be forced to complete them.
00:25The reason why the to-do list goes unattended and unabegging is because it is full of worthless
00:36You write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to-dos.
00:41Not one of those six is something you can love to complete.
00:49Love is missing.
00:51So you find excuses to avoid those six tasks, six out of six.
00:58Then you push yourself using the thing called willpower and with great difficulty you manage
01:03to complete two or three out of the six.
01:08And two or three is enough to somehow cross the line and get you passing marks in whatever
01:18Life has all kinds of examinations.
01:21And then again the list is remade next day and again you find two out of six, three out
01:27of six.
01:30The cut-off has been cleared.
01:31You have survived for the next day to repeat the same story.
01:36The problem is not the absence of willpower or motivation or whatever.
01:41The problem is that you do not know the tasks to take up.
01:47When you pen down something, when you assign a task to yourself, ask, is it important?
01:57If it is not important, why must I pretend to give it importance?
02:03Why must I even jot this thing down?
02:09Let me be bold enough to simply omit it or strike it out.
02:15And if something is indeed important, why can't I sit with it for five minutes and
02:22appreciate its importance?
02:26If something is important, don't just write down four words about it.
02:32Give four minutes to it, just four minutes.
02:37And ask yourself, why is this thing important?
02:45What does it give to me?
02:49What does it turn me into?
02:51How does it help me, raise me, strengthen me, purify me?
02:58And if you have good enough answers, then you will find it has become impossible now
03:03to avoid that task.
03:07You will keep everything else aside and commit yourself to that task if you really understand
03:13its importance.
03:15So we see the problem lies not in the absence of willpower but in the absence of understanding.
03:22Most of us complain of lack of motivation.
03:25That is hardly a problem because motivation helps nobody.
03:29You do not require motivation, you require realization.
03:33You do not realize whether something is important.
03:39Have you seen how motivated you are?
03:43Just by yourself, inspired from within, when you really know the importance of something.
03:50Have you seen that?
03:55Somebody in your family is sick.
03:59Do you require to be externally and artificially motivated to call the ambulance?
04:08Or to put that person in some car, some vehicle and rush him to the hospital?
04:17Do you feel demotivated?
04:20There are so many things you just spontaneously feel inspired for.
04:29Because there is some kind of clarity.
04:32You know the task holds something for you and that's what energizes you.
04:39You know what this task is for.
04:43Unfortunately, as happens with most of us, happened with me as well, we do not know why
04:51we are doing a lot of things that we do.
04:55Why are we there in an engineering campus?
04:59Because that's the in thing.
05:03Why do we find ourselves in a particular department?
05:07That's what our rank gave us.
05:11Why am I in a particular hostel?
05:13Pure chance, randomness.
05:16Somebody allotted that hostel to me.
05:19Why do I have to attend a certain course?
05:21I don't know.
05:24I was given a timetable and a schedule and it said mechanical workshop, Mondays 8am-12noon.
05:35So like a zombie I am standing there.
05:40First of all I don't know why I am there in mechanical.
05:43Then I don't know why I am there in the workshop.
05:47And then the workshop assigned me some task.
05:52I duly wrote that down in my to-do list.
05:56How will you feel inspired to take that task up?
06:01You have no relationship with that task.
06:03Do you see what is missing?
06:06You just don't know why that task needs to be done.
06:12They have sent you to the foundry or to fitting or to carpentry, welding.
06:20How many mechanical jobs here?
06:24The college does not have mechanical at all.
06:31Oh IT.
06:34And there would be a lot of people who never wrote a proper line of code their life.
06:43The entrance exam would be testing you on PCM, correct?
06:47Not on your programming skills.
06:49Not on your knowledge of computer science.
06:53So along with PCM, you might as well have had Hindi or Marathi or Sanskrit or Biology
06:59and you can still be here, right?
07:02You come here and you look at the thing called computer for the first time.
07:10And then a most advanced language called Fortran or COBOL is taught to you.
07:22Nobody got it.
07:23That's okay.
07:24And you are told to write a program for this, this, this, this, this, arrays and stacks
07:39and this and that.
07:42Already been assigned that?
07:45And you don't know why the hell should I be an expert in stacking?
07:54That's the missing link.
07:55You do not know why you should be doing something.
07:59Once you know why you should be doing something, the hows become instantaneously clear.
08:06Inspiration just arises.
08:09It is no more an external task.
08:11It is your own.
08:13I want to do it.
08:14I love it.
08:17Then you will go even beyond the mandate.
08:21Let me try this one out as well.
08:25There are additional problems on the net.
08:30Can I try my hand at them?
08:37Spend time with your to-do list and dare to cross a few things out.
08:45Even if that means some damage, some repercussions, I don't know.
08:50Don't like it?
08:51Won't take it up.
08:52Out of the six things, I'll take up only four.
08:55But to these four, I'll commit my effort, my heart, everything.