• le mois dernier
Il se cure le nez, interrompt son père, l’imite… Lil X, 4 ans, fils d'Elon Musk a volé la vedette à son père et à Donald Trump qui donnaient une conférence de presse depuis le bureau ovale ce mardi.


00:00This is X and he's a great guy.
00:04The first order of business is to make sure we're actually collecting. Sorry for this.
00:08I thought my son might enjoy this, but he's sticking his fingers in my ears and stuff.
00:13For democracy.
00:16You don't have a feedback loop. OK, X.
00:18We had no idea we were going to find.
00:21Including the woman that walked away with about 30 million.
00:24It's just something we've got to fix.
00:26And we've also got to address the deficit.
00:28So we've got to, we need to free the boulders of America to build.
00:32There seems to be mysteriously, they get wealthy. We don't know why.
00:35500 billion dollars. It's crazy the kind of numbers you're talking about.
00:39So the reason that departments can't pass audits is because the payments don't have a categorization code.
00:45It's like just a massive number of blank checks just flying out the building.
00:48So you can't reconcile blank checks.
00:50He's a high IQ individual.
00:53And he's got this cool cane he's got.
