दिल्ली - केंद्रीय जल शक्ति राज्य मंत्री राज भूषण चौधरी ने India's journey towards green and sustainable feature कार्यक्रम में भाग लेते हुए कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के विजन में आज गंगा साफ हुई है और इसका प्रभाव भी अब बहुत अच्छा देखने को मिल रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि गंगा में डॉल्फिन और अन्य जलीय जीव अब देखे जा सकते हैं। उन्होंने यमुना एक्शन प्लान को लेकर कहा कि अगर राज्य सरकार केंद्र सरकार से सहयोग मांगेगा तो उन्हें भरपूर सहयोग दिया जाएगा। यमुना रिवर फ्रंट बनाने की बात पर भी उन्होंने कहा है कि जिस भी तरह का प्रपोजल उन्हें राज्य सरकार की तरफ से मिलेगा केंद्र सरकार उसमें पूरा सहयोग करेगी। पर्यावरण विशेषज्ञ पूनम लाल ने कहा कि ये कार्यक्रम बहुत ही अच्छा है। पर्यावरण की रक्षा बहुत जरूरी है। यमुना की सफाई में हम बहुत कुछ कर सकते हैं। सीवेज डिस्पोजल को हम उसमें ना फेंके। लोगों को जागरूक करना होगा।
00:00This programme that has been organised is a very good programme.
00:04Actually, our country, not just India, but the entire environment,
00:10complete biodiversity, this is a very necessary thing that should be focused on.
00:18And we want that as many people as possible have this awareness,
00:22like we say that pollution is happening, water pollution is happening, air pollution is happening,
00:27the solution that we have to find is the most important.
00:32Now what is the reason, what are the sources behind it,
00:36because of which pollution is happening, to reduce it,
00:39all the scientists in our country are working on it.
00:42And the scientists who are working or the people who are working with them,
00:47society plays the biggest role in this, the community plays the biggest role.
00:52As long as there is no public awareness, scientists can work, anyone can work,
00:57it is not going to have an effect.
00:59So we want that these things, this message should be conveyed to as many people as possible,
01:05that we can take what steps to save the environment around us or the resources of our country.
01:14This starts from our home, everything.
01:17Whatever we do, all the garbage in our house, sewage disposal, all these things pollute.
01:24Especially you are seeing how much vehicle pollution is happening.
01:27So we say that instead of one vehicle, two, three vehicles, we can keep one vehicle.
01:35So a few members of a family can use one vehicle instead of using three, four vehicles,
01:41which emits the most pollution.
01:44We can do a lot of things in the missions of Yamuna Ji,
01:50like sewage disposal, or all the settlements around them,
01:57especially locality counts a lot for everything.
02:02Because the garbage that is going into the water,
02:05we are going because of the local people.
02:07We are going from the houses, we are going from the hospital, we are going from the houses.
02:12So to stop them, we need to make a plant, like Yamuna Action Plan, Ganga Action Plan.
02:19In that, they have to clean the water, or tell people not to throw garbage in the water.
02:27If all these things are controlled, it is very good.
02:30As you can see, in foreign countries, in many countries, when we go from one island to another,
02:35we find a lot of restrictions there.
02:38You can't take polythene, you can't take water bottles, you can't take food with you.
02:44So when you start stopping these things,
02:47what will happen automatically is that people will stop seeing all these things in the water.
02:52So that's why, look at how much control there is in foreign countries.
02:56Because of that, there is a lot of cleanliness there.
02:59Look, our government is committed to cleaning all the rivers of the country.
03:07Gradually, through the Navami Ganga Mission, we have seen how we are cleaning the Ganga River.
03:15And there has been a lot of improvement in the quality of water in the Ganga River.
03:20And today, in the upstream, where the dolphins had become extinct,
03:25now the dolphins are reaching that level.
03:28Dolphins can even reach the Bagmati River.
03:31And there are a lot of indicators at which there has been a lot of improvement.
03:37So we are committed to cleaning the rivers.
03:40Because the rivers are not just a source of water for us, but also the main center of our faith.
03:47And we are committed to cleaning the rivers.
03:51Definitely, look, water is the subject of the state.
03:55And the request from the state government that this work has to be done in the field of water in our state,
04:01the central government tries to help them financially.
04:07And through their experts, they also help them in that field.
04:15So if any state government in Bihar demands something,
04:25then we will definitely take it very seriously and will clean the rivers.