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       ผู้ใช้ชื่อ narafc789 โพสต์คลิปลงแอปฯ TikTok พร้อมแคปชั่นว่า "ตัวแม่ตัวลั่นมุ่น" นารา เครปกะเทย ออกมาให้ความเห็นเกี่ยวกับกรณี พีม ถูกคุมตัวในเรือนจำ โดยคาดว่าเจ้าตัวอาจไม่ได้ถูกส่งไปฝากขังที่ เรือนจำพิเศษกรุงเทพฯ แต่จะถูกควบคุมตัวที่ เรือนจำธัญบุรีแทน ซึ่งขึ้นชื่อว่ามีสภาพความเป็นอยู่ที่ยากลำบากกว่า       พร้อมแสดงความกังวลเกี่ยวกับ อนาคตของแก๊งสาดน้ำซุป ว่าบางคนเมื่อผ่านคุกแล้วอาจไม่รู้สึกเกรงกลัวอีกต่อไป เพราะเข้าไปแล้วไม่ได้เผชิญสิ่งที่เลวร้ายอย่างที่คิด เมื่อได้รับอิสรภาพก็อาจกลับมาก่อเหตุรุนแรงยิ่งกว่าเดิม 


00:00Once I got into the school, I wanted to be a confident person and come out and do it again.
00:05I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it again.
00:07I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it again.
00:17On the first day, I had to quarantine.
00:19After the quarantine, I had to move to a new school.
00:21If there were three of us, they wouldn't let the three of us stay together.
00:25Because staying in a dormitory for a long time would lead to a fight.
00:29The staff at the dormitory would separate us.
00:32When they separated us, we wouldn't be together.
00:35After that, everyone who became a second-year student,
00:38even if they were a second-year student or gay,
00:40they had to wear a hat to protect their heads.
00:42But now that I'm here, there will be men who will deliver water.
00:46What is water? It's water for brushing your teeth.
00:50It's a personal item.
00:52There will be men who will deliver it.
00:53They will choose who they will choose.
00:55Do you understand, everyone?
00:56Do you know if the people inside are famous or not?
00:59They should know.
00:59I'm afraid that it will be like this.
01:01In the episode, I went to jail because I wanted to be my mother again.
01:04I kept looking for people to slap me.
01:06Some people came out of jail without being afraid of anything.
01:08Some people are not afraid of anything.
01:10If they come out, they will do even more.
01:11Because they think that when they go to jail, there will be nothing.
01:14It will be like this.
01:16I'm really afraid that it will be like this.
01:18Guys, I'm afraid that it will be like this.
01:20Because it's really like this.
01:21It's like a thief.
01:22Do you know?
01:23A thief who steals a couple's stuff.
01:25I used to do it.
01:26It was only a year ago.
01:27If I slap you like this, I will do it again today.
01:29Why am I afraid of it?
01:32It will be like this.
01:33This is my mother's personality.
01:34I'm really afraid that it will be like this.
01:37If it's like this, it's over.
01:39I can't stand it.
