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A fiery romance ignites in In Love With Wild Billionaire when an independent woman crosses paths with a reckless, untamed billionaire who has never been tamed—until now. As passion collides with chaos, their worlds spiral into a whirlwind of desire, secrets, and power struggles. But will love be enough to tame the wild heart of a man who refuses to be controlled?

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#InLoveWithWildBillionaire, #USDrama, #DramaPops, #BillionaireRomance, #EnemiesToLovers, #AlphaMale, #PassionateLove, #DramaticTwists, #LoveAndPower, #WildRomance, #HighStakesLove, #ObsessiveLove, #TurbulentRelationships, #DarkSecrets, #ScandalAndIntrigue, #ForbiddenLove, #ShockingReveals, #WealthAndDesire, #LoveTriangle, #RevengeAndPassion, #WatchOnline, #StreamingNow, #BingeWorthy, #ManipulationAndControl, #PossessiveLover, #UltimateBetrayal, #TwistedFate, #DangerousGame, #UnfinishedBusiness, #FierceHeroine
00:00Hey, Max Hey, what's up?
00:28What's going on?
00:29You said you were going to make the nursing home payments for my grandma and they just
00:32texted me saying you haven't paid in like three months and now they're about to kick
00:37her out.
00:38I know.
00:39I'm sorry.
00:40Listen, I have no control over the accounts anymore, you know?
00:44Is it your parents?
00:46They just want to make sure, you know, that you're not, you know.
00:50Do I have to say it?
00:52Yes, please.
00:54You're not using me for my money.
00:58Is that what you think?
00:59I know.
01:00Of course not.
01:01Do you really think I married you for your money?
01:04I know you love me and all, it's just, you know, I've been fooled in the past.
01:08That's all.
01:09I know.
01:10But she really needs to be in that nursing home, Max.
01:13I know, baby.
01:14I know.
01:15And you promised that if I quit my job, you were going to take care of her.
01:19I am taking care of her.
01:21And pay the bills?
01:22Look, I'm going to talk to my parents, all right?
01:25See what they say.
01:27My grandma took care of me my whole life.
01:31And it's my turn to take care of her now.
01:35Listen, I'll fix this.
01:37I promise.
01:38All right?
01:39Now, why don't you go downstairs and get ready?
01:41We're leaving in five minutes.
01:43Please talk to them.
01:48I'll talk to them.
01:49I promise.
01:51Now, why don't you go get me a coffee, okay?
01:56Go on.
01:59Hey, did you get it?
02:22I got the money.
02:23Thank you, Max.
02:24Listen, I don't know how long I can keep this up.
02:27Blair's been asking a lot of questions.
02:29Her grandmother needs the money, so...
02:31Fuck her.
02:32And her grandmother.
02:33The whole bitch should just die already.
02:36Patti, that's evil.
02:37Look, I need the money for my studio.
02:41And you know who I owe the money to.
02:43Yeah, but, you know, they're threatening to kick her grandmother out.
02:48So where's she going to go?
02:49She was fucked not here.
02:51Max, you have to decide.
02:53Do you care more about your family?
02:57Or that broke ass bartender?
02:59Of course.
03:00Daphne, you're my stepsister.
03:02I'm always going to take care of you first.
03:04You know that, right?
03:06What was that?
03:07Morning, Blair.
03:08Good morning, Blair.
03:09I'll see if I can get you some coffee.
03:10I'll be right back.
03:11Yes, I did.
03:31Is everything okay?
03:33Did you have your coffee?
03:38Is yes all you're going to say?
03:43Morning, children.
03:44Morning, Papa.
03:45Are we ready for an adventure in this majestic Catskills?
03:51I'm excited.
03:52Can't wait, Dad.
03:53Blair, it's a very old Peter Schmidt family tradition.
04:00Please, don't screw it up with any of your theater dramas.
04:06Oh, Cecily.
04:07Look, we better get a move on so that we can arrive before sundown.
04:12Hey, baby.
04:13You ready?
04:16I'm ready.
04:17Off we go.
04:18Welcome again, Peter Schmidts.
04:19It's so nice to see you again this year.
04:21Hi, Wayne.
04:22You look good.
04:25So, before we go out into the forest, we need to go over some basic rules.
04:31First of all, no phones, right?
04:37My grandma might need me, though.
04:41Look, it's her word.
04:45Sorry, I don't want to know.
04:51Dude, my grandma might need me though.
05:01Okay, that's what I want.
05:03Sorry, I don't want to know.
05:05You'll be in nature, it's, you know, you can call your grandma afterwards, you know, and
05:10you can also check your stack of excuses.
05:17The second rule is, you know, no littering.
05:22Most importantly, no leaving the trail, because those woods are dangerous, like really dangerous.
05:29So under no circumstances do you leave the trail, okay?
05:34I think we're ready, so, hikers, let's move out.
05:40All right.
05:41What is it?
05:53Look up and bad tree.
05:54You didn't release next to it.
05:55I haven't been hiking in a while.
05:56You didn't release.
05:57I haven't been hiking in a while.
05:58Most of the trails, you need time for that.
05:59I'm used to facing the deer.
06:00Pretty good trails.
06:02We'll soon need time for that.
06:08I'm used to facing the view.
06:10So where?
06:13How are you enjoying the trip so far?
06:17Well, it's really beautiful out here.
06:19So, thank you for inviting me.
06:23We kind of had to, didn't we?
06:26Um, no.
06:27Just joking.
06:29So, how are you and Max doing?
06:32I think we're okay.
06:36Well, honey, that didn't seem too sudden.
06:41I know, it's just...
06:44Sometimes I feel a little out of place with all of you.
06:49Maybe you are, honey.
07:02What are you talking about?
07:10What did you mean by that?
07:14Oh, maybe it's lifestyle.
07:16Is that really for you?
07:20I'm not sure I understand.
07:22Well, let me fill it out for you.
07:24Our family is built on a legacy.
07:28Your family?
07:30This blue stamp?
07:31Cecily, my family was never...
07:32Please, call me Mrs. Peter Schmidt.
07:36The first name base takes time.
07:38You know.
07:39Okay, Mrs. Peter Schmidt.
07:44I want you to know
07:46that I really love your son.
07:50And I hope you know that.
07:52That's nice to hear.
08:05This Wayne guy.
08:07He's so intelligent.
08:08I think that's why I got attracted to him.
08:10Did he try to talk his...
08:11Hey, Max?
08:12What's up?
08:13Could I talk to you for a second?
08:16In private?
08:17Daphne, could you give this man the police?
08:26What's up?
08:29I don't want to start a fight with you or anything,
08:32but I overheard you and Daphne talk in the hotel room,
08:34and it seems like...
08:36Wait, you were spying on me?
08:38No, I forgot my phone,
08:39which is why I came back.
08:41What did you hear?
08:42Well, for one,
08:43now I know where my grandmother's
08:44nursing home money is going.
08:47I'm sorry.
08:48She's my stepsister.
08:49Family comes first.
08:50I know.
08:52I know.
08:53Hey, Max?
08:54What's up?
08:55Could I talk to you for a second?
08:58I don't want to start a fight with you or anything,
09:00but I overheard you and Daphne talk in the hotel room,
09:03and it seems like...
09:04Wait, you were spying on me?
09:06No, I forgot my phone,
09:07which is why I came back.
09:10What did you hear?
09:11Well, for one,
09:12now I know where my grandmother's
09:13nursing home money is going.
09:15Look, I'm sorry.
09:16She's my stepsister.
09:17Family comes first.
09:19I know.
09:20I know.
09:21But you promised to help me
09:22while I go back to school.
09:24I can't believe you were spying on me.
09:26I was not spying on you.
09:27All right, how would you pull it down?
09:29Are you going to help me out or not?
09:31Because if not,
09:32I got to go get my old job back.
09:34At the trucker bar?
09:35Are you kidding me?
09:36You know,
09:37no wife of mine is going to work
09:38in a shithole like that.
09:39Well, I don't really have a choice now, do I?
09:43I can't believe you were spying on me.
09:45I was not spying on you!
09:47All right.
09:48Just calm down, all right?
09:50Yeah, Blair.
09:52Calm down.
09:53Oh, screw you, Daphne!
09:57That's my youngest daughter.
09:59You do not talk to my family
10:01like a bachelor little bitch.
10:03I'm in this family too, Cecily.
10:06On paper, maybe.
10:09No, Max.
10:11She's been a brat since you were a child.
10:13She's always been a bitch.
10:15She's always been a bitch.
10:17I'm a bitch.
10:18I'm a bitch.
10:19I'm a bitch.
10:21I'm a bitch.
10:22I'm a bitch.
10:23I'm a bitch.
10:24I'm a bitch.
10:25She's been a brat since the moment we've met her.
10:28We took her on this vacation, paid for everything,
10:32and all she's been doing is whining like a little bitch.
10:35I'm sick of it, okay?
10:37Oh, Cicely, maybe-
10:38Archer, shut the fuck up.
10:42Hey, can we like not fight in this beautiful nature?
10:45You shut the fuck up too, you dirty hippie.
10:50Come on, Glare.
10:51We all know you only married Max for his money.
10:54You were just cold, digging.
10:57Archer, that's what I've been saying this whole time.
11:01Max, you were never gonna choose me over them, were you?
11:09You're all just shitty people.
11:12Glare, Glare, Glare, wait.
11:17A little calm down.
11:19She's a big girl, she'll find her way back.
11:45Family was built on a legacy.
11:48Oh, oh, oh.
11:49Fuck you, Cicely.
11:50You married into this family with your stupid daughter
11:53just like I did.
11:56Over there.
11:57Oh, Max and I dance, Max and I dab, fucking dab me.
12:14What am I doing with these people?
12:19I'm leaving, that's for one.
12:23And I'm leaving because of the beaver, you know.
12:29Hey guys, guys, I think I'm going to go look for Blair.
12:34It's been a while, and I'll...
12:37You can't go out there.
12:39Maxwell, fuck her, okay?
12:42She did it to herself.
12:44Let her learn a little lesson.
12:46Look, we paid for Wayne,
12:48and we're going to get out the money's worth.
12:50Is that clear?
12:52Wayne, please.
12:53She'll be fine. Forget about it. We'll get her a Cosmo when we get back at the lodge.
13:03Hey, um, I know this isn't the best time, but they want all the money by the end of the month.
13:16By the end of the month? Daphne, what the hell?
13:19If we don't, they come after me, Max.
13:24I'll figure something out, alright? Just drop it.
13:29I said drop it!
13:40She thinks she is fucking better than me. She's not better than me. I'm so much better.
13:48Uh-oh. Oh, this is no good.
13:54Okay, I'm just going to retrace my steps. I'm going to be fine. I'm going to be fine.
13:58I'm going to be fine.
14:13Oh, my God. I'm fine. I'm okay. I'm okay, Blair. You're fine. You're fine. I'm going to be okay.
14:23I'm going to be fine. I'm going to be fine. I'm going to be just...
14:27Oh, no.
14:32Oh, yeah.
14:49What the hell are you still doing down here?
14:51She hasn't come back yet.
14:53Oh, my God, Max. Who cares? She's a grown woman. She's fine.
14:57I have to go look for her.
14:59Are you fucking insane? There's a storm out there.
15:03Yeah? What if she's out there in the storm?
15:06Who cares? That was her choice.
15:09Oh, come on.
15:14I gotta go.
15:17Max, wait. I'll get my coat.
15:20I'm coming with you.
15:51Where are you? Where?
15:59Where am I?
16:36Do you really think you're going to find her?
16:39Well, I have to try.
16:41No, you don't. The sheriff is already looking for her. You don't even know if she's out here.
16:45She would have come back to the hotel, all right?
16:47How the hell do you know that? She could have just gone home.
16:49No, she wouldn't do that.
16:51Oh, yeah, because you know.
16:53Oh, shut up.
16:55Excuse me?
16:56Daphne, shut up.
16:58Help me look for her, or go back to your room, all right?
17:28Oh, my God.
17:58Oh, my God.
18:28I don't know who you are, but you're going to let me out of here right now.
18:48I'm not playing around. I will cut you.
18:51I believe you.
18:53I'm going to get up, and you're going to sit right the fuck there.
18:59Okay, okay.
19:03Give me your cell phone.
19:05I don't have a phone.
19:08Do you see any electricity around here?
19:12Who the fuck doesn't own a phone?
19:14You're looking at him.
19:18Why am I naked?
19:20Your clothes were wet.
19:22You had a fever. I had to take them off.
19:24You took my clothes off?
19:26I didn't look, I swear.
19:28Then where are they?
19:29Drying in the bathroom.
19:32Go get them.
19:49Where the fuck am I?
19:58What happened?
19:59Are you okay?
20:02You tore a ligament.
20:03You can't walk.
20:05Lay down.
20:07Don't move it.
20:09Here, your clothes.
20:12Let me help you.
20:19Get away from me.
20:21Hey, if you want to leave, leave.
20:24The door's right there.
20:25Just stay away.
20:27That means it's time to heal before you go anywhere.
20:30You can have the bed, I'll take the couch.
20:38What is this place anyway?
20:40My house.
20:54You sleep?
21:00Who are you?
21:13I'm a guy.
21:15I know you're a guy.
21:17But who are you?
21:19You want an omelet?
21:24Yes, please.
21:26I'm scared.
21:28Not many people know what it's like to be starving.
21:45I'm sorry for being a dick earlier.
21:48I really appreciate you helping me out.
21:53But what is your name?
22:01What was that?
22:02I thought...
22:04You thought what?
22:05That you would just get some from a girl you brought back into your cabin because she couldn't walk?
22:09No, no, that's not what I thought.
22:11Just keep your hands off me.
22:14Alright, take it easy.
22:16I need to leave.
22:18Well, you're gonna have to wait.
22:21Even if we could walk, the river's too high to cross.
22:24I crossed it yesterday.
22:26Last night's a storm.
22:29You're gonna have to wait.
22:35Well, where are you going?
22:39Well, for?
22:40I have chores to do.
22:42Well, I'm not just gonna sit here by myself.
22:49Let's go together.
23:04I'm starting to get worried.
23:05Yeah, me too.
23:07Not about your stupid wife.
23:08About the money.
23:09There's nothing I can do about it right now.
23:12Are you fucking joking?
23:14Listen, Daphne, I have to find her.
23:16That's all that matters right now.
23:19Fuck you, Max.
23:20I'm all that matters.
23:21Oh my god, what is wrong with you?
23:24She's been gone for two days.
23:26She's probably dead.
23:27Hey, don't even joke about that right now, okay?
23:49You okay?
23:52Um, yep.
23:55Doing fine.
23:57What do you want for dinner?
23:59Oh, um.
24:01Doesn't seem like we have too many options.
24:03Try it.
24:06Okay, um.
24:10I would kill for a cheeseburger right now.
24:14Tonight we have burgers.
24:32Where'd you learn how to cook?
24:35My grandmother taught me.
24:39Were you close with her?
24:40I was.
24:42She passed about ten years ago.
24:45I'm sorry.
24:47Yeah, me too.
24:49She was an amazing woman.
24:51She pretty much raised you.
24:57Yeah, I'm close with my grandma too.
25:04Why wouldn't you tell me your name?
25:15Do you like tomatoes?
25:21Extra, please.
25:23Alright, that's what I want to hear.
25:31You a red girl?
25:33Yes, I am.
25:35Alright, I have something special for you.
25:43I can't speak French or something, but I think this is good.
25:48Want some?
25:49Yes, please.
26:21That was amazing.
26:23Well, you liked it? I couldn't tell.
26:25Shut up. I was really hungry.
26:27It's alright. Nice one.
26:29Where did you get that beef though? It was amazing.
26:33Well, it wasn't beef.
26:37What do you mean?
26:40It wasn't beef.
26:43What was it?
26:45Well, um, it was venison.
26:49It wasn't a fucking deer?
26:52Oh my god.
26:54I just ate a deer.
26:56Yeah, you did. And look, he's still alive.
27:03You know, I don't eat a lot of deer meat.
27:07You asked for a burger. You got a burger.
27:38You know, I don't eat a lot of deer meat.
27:42You asked for a burger. You got a burger.
27:46You asked for a burger.
27:48You got a burger.
27:50You asked for a burger.
27:52You asked for a burger.
27:54You asked for a burger.
27:56You asked for a burger.
27:58You asked for a burger.
28:00You asked for a burger.
28:02You asked for a burger.
28:04You asked for a burger.
28:06You asked for a burger.
28:37I, um, just...
28:41It's okay.
28:43It's okay.
28:48I'm married.
28:50It's still okay.
28:58Melton, man.
29:01Sure, call me that.
29:07I gotta go.
29:11What the fuck?
29:15I told you it needs time.
29:18You tore something. Don't be stupid.
29:23Well, I can't stay here with you forever.
29:27So I gotta go.
29:32Stay here. Don't make a sound.
29:50What do you think?
29:54What the hell is this place?
29:56It looks like a serial killer lives here.
29:58I know, but maybe whoever lives here knows around.
30:01Could take this to show us, you know?
30:04I hope they're not gonna lure us in there
30:06and just use us as sex leads or something.
30:09Matt, please don't shoot!
30:11What do you want?
30:12We're just looking for somebody.
30:13A girl. A brown hair. About this tall.
30:19You Max?
30:20Yeah, man. I'm Max.
30:22Is that you?
30:24Yeah, baby. That's me.
30:26And me, Blair.
30:32Is everything okay?
30:35Oh my God.
30:37Sweetheart, what happened to you?
30:39Did he do this to you?
30:42Uh, no. He didn't hurt me.
30:43I hurt myself back in the woods.
30:47He actually saved me and, uh...
30:51He took care of me.
30:54Oh my God.
30:55Dude, in that case...
30:57Oh man, how can I ever repay you?
30:59Ask me anything.
31:04Take it.
31:12Now, we gotta go.
31:13We gotta take you to the hospital.
31:14Right now.
31:15Come here, alright?
31:16Wait, I wanna...
31:17Come on. Come, come.
31:18Let's go.
31:35We have no time. We gotta go.
31:51Here's a tasty beverage.
31:58You always have to stay in your cell.
32:01Oh my God.
32:02Dear, are you alright?
32:04Where is it?
32:05No, shh.
32:06Where is the nurse?
32:08What the hell happened?
32:10I'm gonna call my doctor.
32:23How are you feeling?
32:26Are you still mad at me?
32:27I'm not mad, Max.
32:28I just...
32:30I don't know what to say.
32:32Listen, as soon as I have the control over my accounts,
32:35I'll fix everything, alright?
32:37I'll pay for everything, I promise.
32:39Yeah, but what am I supposed to do with my grandma in the meantime?
32:43Could you get a loan or something?
32:45I don't have a job.
32:47So no, I can't get a loan.
32:49Listen, I'll figure something out, alright?
32:51My parents have all the money we need.
32:54It's just, I gotta convince them, you know?
32:56Why'd you lie to me?
33:01I don't know, alright?
33:03Daphne borrowed money from some dangerous people.
33:06I had to help her.
33:07Dangerous people?
33:08She's my stepsister.
33:10I had to help her.
33:11She's family.
33:12Yeah, but you lied.
33:14You made a promise, and you broke it.
33:16I know.
33:18I'll fix it, I promise, alright?
33:21Hey, do you think you can forgive me?
33:27Yeah, I forgive you.
33:29Oh, baby.
33:42Oh, Blair.
33:44Is this how you dress for a husband?
33:46Will you hurry up?
33:47Max, you cannot be late, okay?
33:49I'm getting dressed, relax.
33:50Give me a break.
33:51I'm not going to be late for this party.
33:55No, I'll be on time.
33:58So this is how you want to spend your night?
34:01Can you give her a break, mom?
34:04No, Max, no.
34:05She sits here all day, doesn't do a thing, and you pay for all of it.
34:08Yeah, but...
34:10I'm going to get my old job back as soon as I can walk.
34:14No, no, baby, you're not getting your old job back.
34:19I just can't with her anymore.
34:22Oh, honey, that's enough.
34:24Am I wrong?
34:27Look at her.
34:29She's like a niche.
34:31Nothing to offer, just dig, dig, dig.
34:39Hey, Cecily.
34:41If you ever speak to me like that again,
34:45I'm going to take this glass
34:48and I'm going to shove it up your ass.
34:58Hey, Cecily.
35:00If you ever speak to me like that again,
35:04I'm going to take this glass
35:07and I'm going to shove it up your ass.
35:16No one talks to me like that,
35:18especially in the house that I paid for.
35:21You're a little cunt, aren't you?
35:25Okay, as long as I'm the only one who has the balls here.
35:36Know this, I could have you killed if I wanted.
35:40Oh, God, baby, I'm so sorry.
35:42Forgive her, please.
35:43Just go to your stupid party.
35:45I'm going to come back early, okay?
35:47Yeah? Yeah?
35:57Is that you, Cecily?
36:02Oh, God, that bitch's background.
36:05I can't deal with it.
36:10I'm coming.
36:26What are you doing here?
36:28I can't stop thinking about you.
36:31Oh, you can't be here.
36:33Claire, every single night I fell asleep, I would see you.
36:37I would see you laying next to me.
36:39I could smell your hair, feel your touch,
36:42taste your lips.
36:44Please leave.
36:45I'm not going anywhere without you.
36:49But how did you find me?
36:51I have my ways.
36:53Where did you get all those clothes from?
36:55Claire, I have a lot to tell you,
36:58if you give me the chance.
37:00I'm sorry.
37:03I love Max,
37:05and I have to honor it.
37:08I see.
37:10I understand.
37:13If you ever change your mind.
37:23Oh, my God. Get in.
37:25Get in. We need to hide.
37:32I'll tell him to figure something out.
37:34I wouldn't do that.
37:35It was the worst party I've ever been to.
37:39Lighters in our gallery?
37:47Is everything all right?
37:50Everything's fine. Great.
37:52Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom.
37:54I've got three gallons of champagne in me.
37:59So how was the party?
38:00Awful. Did you not hear me?
38:03Or do your ears not work on me?
38:06I don't trust that family.
38:08They're too blonde.
38:17Why don't I make everyone some tea?
38:20No, thank you.
38:21I need to use the restroom.
38:23Max, can I use the one in your bathroom?
38:25Yeah, of course, Mom. Go ahead.
38:29Actually, I need to go.
38:31Well, you'll have to wait.
38:33I'm just a tiny bit older.
38:34Not everything works properly anymore, okay?
38:37But I really need to go, like, right now.
38:39Get out of my way, will you?
38:45You're just one strange, dizzy little bitch, aren't you?
39:04Nice place.
39:06Adore men.
39:08Every other park must have cost a pretty penny, eh?
39:15What are you doing in my house?
39:17I'm looking for someone.
39:21A man.
39:23What man?
39:24Someone I've been looking for a long time.
39:33I don't know anything about him.
39:36He stopped by here last night, but he left.
39:42He just left?
39:52If he was before I do,
39:54tell him Drago wants to speak to him.
40:02I'm sorry.
40:03I'm sorry.
40:04I'm sorry.
40:05I'm sorry.
40:06I'm sorry.
40:07I'm sorry.
40:08I'm sorry.
40:09I'm sorry.
40:10I'm sorry.
40:11I'm sorry.
40:12I'm sorry.
40:13I'm sorry.
40:14I'm sorry.
40:15I'm sorry.
40:16I'm sorry.
40:17I'm sorry.
40:18I'm sorry.
40:19I'm sorry.
40:20I'm sorry.
40:21I'm sorry.
40:22I'm sorry.
40:23I'm sorry.
40:24I'm sorry.
40:25I'm sorry.
40:26I'm sorry.
40:27I'm sorry.
40:28I'm sorry.
40:29I'm sorry.
40:30I'm sorry.
40:32I was waiting for you.
40:34Who the fuck is Wes?
40:36I'm Wes.
40:38Okay, Wesley.
40:40Do you want to explain to me why a motherfucking gangster was just in my house?
40:45Can you meet with me?
40:46Why would I do that?
40:48Do you have time to meet?
40:50I can't come there, but maybe you can come here?
40:52He was in my house, Wesley.
40:54Because I want to see you, Blair.
41:05Is anyone here?
41:09I don't think she's here.
41:32Oh my fucking God!
41:35What the fuck is this?
41:37You were...
41:38This is not what it looks like.
41:39It looks like you had your finger up your sister's ass.
41:43No, Blair.
41:46That is disgusting.
41:48Hold on.
41:49Wait, wait, wait.
41:50Baby, wait.
41:51You can't leave like this.
41:52Are you fucking kidding me?
41:53Shut up.
41:54Listen, you got no place to go.
41:55You got nobody to be with.
41:56What are you going to do in life?
41:57I can't believe I fucking believed you and I fucking forgave you.
42:01You never loved me anyway and I want a divorce.
42:25What is this place?
42:27This is my grandmother's house.
42:29It was my grandmother's house.
42:31She left it to me.
42:35That's incredible.
42:36I agree.
42:37She was a great designer.
42:39Who was that man?
42:40You sure you want to know?
42:42Yeah, I want to know.
42:43Bad people.
42:45How bad?
42:46My brother decided to play around with his inheritance.
42:50They want me to fix it.
42:52Is that why you live out there?
42:53Blair, I think I'm in love with you.
42:56I don't want to hide anymore.
42:57Am I safe?
42:58Is Max safe?
43:00I don't know.
43:01Who the hell are you?
43:02Because you live in that shack for five years when you have all this.
43:06I had to disappear.
43:08What happened to your brother?
43:19What happened?
43:22They found him.
43:23They killed him.
43:24You never told me any of this.
43:26I didn't want this, Blair.
43:28I was never going to come back.
43:31Are you saying you came back just for me?
43:36I came back just for you.
43:56To be continued...
44:26To be continued...
44:56To be continued...
45:16What's the look?
45:17Why are we here, boss?
45:19You know why.
45:21We're just sitting ducks.
45:24No one knows about us, please.
45:26We're safe here.
45:27They know you're back.
45:28They'll find you, that's what they do.
45:30I'll take my chances.
45:33I'll take my chances for her.
45:43I'm on it.
45:50Hey there, good morning.
45:54Yes, please.
45:59I don't think I've ever slept that well.
46:01Yeah, me too.
46:03I miss this place.
46:07You know what I would like right now?
46:12I'd love some.
46:13We can, uh, after coffee, shall we, go for some pancakes?
46:17Sounds like a plan.
46:25We're closed on Sundays, sorry.
46:28You're closed on Sundays?
46:30You owe me too much money to be closed.
46:37Hello, Tati.
46:40Where's my money?
46:41I don't have it all yet.
46:42How much do you have?
46:50The business isn't doing what I thought it would be doing.
46:53I see that.
46:57Draco, please.
46:59Listen to me.
47:02I want my money by Friday.
47:05I'm not getting it.
47:08I'm coming back here.
47:47This is really good.
47:48Yeah, looks like it.
47:52Hey, so, where does your husband think you are?
47:59Well, he's fucking his stepsister.
48:03So, I don't really give a shit where he thinks I am.
48:08That's a surprise.
48:11Oh, well.
48:13Men will be men.
48:15Hey, before we go, we need to stop by my house.
48:18I need to get some things.
48:20When I do that, you and I can just disappear and become whoever we want.
48:28Sounds perfect.
48:52This is my daughter, Nancy.
48:54Oh, Nancy.
48:55Yeah, you like Nancy?
48:56I do like Nancy.
48:57I do.
48:58That should be my baby.
49:22Let's look what you have.
49:29We're going to go and buy some nice sugar.
49:31Yeah, thank you.
49:33We didn't have some nice pancakes.
49:35Oh, yeah.
49:36Hey, Roy.
49:37Hey, Roy.
49:39We should get going, sir.
49:41Bag the bags.
49:42We're ready to leave when you say so.
49:44We're going to wait on that.
49:46Blair, I can't just run again.
49:48Well, I thought we've decided we would just disappear.
49:52I need to fix it.
49:53If I don't, they'll be looking for me forever.
49:55We won't be safe anywhere.
49:58What do you need me to do, boss?
49:59Go down to the vault, pull ten million, bag it, and have it ready to deliver.
50:03I'm on.
50:05Are you actually going to pay them?
50:07I'll be right back.
50:14Hi, Grandma.
50:18Hi, Grandma.
50:20How are you, darling?
50:22I didn't hear from you so long.
50:24Is everything okay?
50:25I know.
50:27I'm so sorry.
50:28I should have called you back.
50:31But the truth is, I...
50:34I didn't know how to face you.
50:36What's happened?
50:37Well, Mac stopped the payments on the nursing home, and I didn't know what to do.
50:41But honey, they just told me that someone just paid for the rest of the year in full.
50:48What do you mean? Who did?
50:51Well, if it is a lovely husband of yours, then thank him for me.
50:56Will you?
50:59Where was he?
51:03I said, where is he?
51:04I don't know.
51:07Darling? Blair?
51:12You know you're pretty, don't you?
51:16Get your hands off her!
51:17Why don't you make me?
51:20Wes, don't!
51:22You come to my house, threaten her, I will kill you!
51:26Wes, that's enough!
51:27Oh my God, stop!
51:29Hey, hey, hey, hey!
51:31Everything's okay.
51:32I'm okay.
51:33You're okay.
51:34That's enough.
51:40They know where I am.
51:42We have to go.
51:52We get everything we need because I...
52:03Long time no see, Drago.
52:07Been a long time, Wesley.
52:09You got old.
52:11So did you.
52:12I got your money.
52:14I give it to you, you go away.
52:17Where is it?
52:21Wait, Roy.
52:23If I give you that money, my brother's debt is cleared.
52:27So is Blair's sister-in-law, Daphne's.
52:30There's more than enough to cover it.
52:32I'll clear your sister's debt.
52:34With you.
52:37There's nothing I can do for you.
52:40Get in the car.
52:41Both of you.
52:42You got your money.
52:43Let her go.
52:44She's not a part of this.
52:45You still think this is about the money?
52:48No, no.
52:50It stopped being about the money a long time ago.
52:54Get in the car.
52:57Everything's gonna be fine.
52:58Let's go.
53:06Let's go.
53:23You think I wouldn't find you?
53:25Fuck you, Drago.
53:27I gave you your money.
53:28Now fuck your money.
53:30Just let him go.
53:33As you wish.
53:36No, no, no.
53:40Let her go, Drago.
53:42She's not a part of this.
53:56That's been a long time coming, honey.
53:59Don't blame yourself always.
54:07Oh, boy.
54:09That's right.
54:13That's the attitude.
54:14Relax, we'll clear the crowd.
54:15Let's clear these people.
54:18Oh, my God!
54:20We were so worried about you!
54:21Oh, look who's here.
54:25Our slut has finally found her way home.
54:27Oh, God.
54:28You should have some self-respect, Blair.
54:35Don't you ever touch my mom like that.
54:39Where were you?
54:40Don't you call me baby ever again!
54:43Blair, what happened to you?
54:45I am done with you!
54:46I am done with all of you!
54:50You've got nowhere to go!
54:51Actually, I do.
54:54Where's that?
54:55The only place that's ever made me happy.
54:57That man's cabin in the woods?
54:59In the woods?
55:00That homeless guy from the woods?
55:03You're serious.
55:05You can't be serious!
55:06That guy's a fucking loser!
55:08That complete loser died for you, Daph!
55:11What are you talking about?
55:13He cleared your debt with that fucking mom, Daph.
55:22He cleared your debt with that fucking mom, Daph.
55:28What mom, Daphne?
55:32It's nothing, Mom.
55:35It was just to help the store.
55:37You must be the dumbest bitch on earth, Daphne.
55:43You took a loan from the mom?
55:46I needed the money.
55:56Did you know about this?
55:58Yeah, I did.
55:59I, um, I actually helped her.
56:04Wow, you're all so pathetic.
56:07Oh, I forgot one more teeny tiny thing.
56:13Don't you dare.
56:15Your children are fucking each other.
56:16Have a wonderful fucking life!
56:25Miss Blair.
56:28I was given specific instructions that if anything happens, you would be taken care of.
56:35I just really want him back.
56:38I know.
56:39Me too.
56:42I need you to come with me.
56:45I want to go to the Capitol, please.
56:48That's where we're going.
56:50Let's go.
57:21I wish you were here with me.
57:26I am.
57:30Oh my God, Wes.
57:32I'm so happy you're here.
57:36I thought you were gone.
57:39Just a little beat up.
57:41I'm so happy to see you.
57:43I'm here, Blair.
57:44I won't ever leave you again.
57:46I'm so happy to see you.
57:47I'm here, Blair.
57:48I won't ever leave you again.
57:50You know I love you?
57:52I've loved you since the first moment I saw you.
57:55I love you too.
57:57Let's get married.
58:06You know we can never go back, right?
58:08We have to stay gone forever.
58:12You're everything I've ever wanted, so...
58:15let's just disappear together.
58:18Is this going to be enough for you?
58:20You're more than enough.
58:22I love you.
58:23I love you too.
58:24I love you too.
58:25I love you.
58:39I never imagined this would be my life.
58:43I never thought I'd be on the run.
58:47My whole life.
58:49I felt like I lived in a cage.
58:54When I tried to spread my wings, I was reminded that I will never fly off the grid.
59:02It's not so bad when you're with someone like that.
