• letzten Monat


00:00Und das war's für heute, wir sehen uns beim nächsten Mal wieder, tschüss!
01:00I think if Santa's covered in blue scales, I think I'd invite him to the spa of Jesse as well, you know?
01:07Yeah, his claws will get jealous. He'll be like, who's this lady with scales on her face?
01:13I think his claws sound like that too.
01:16I'll be like, ma'am, I'm doing you a favor. Your man could use a dermatologist.
01:22If he's covered in blue scales, you know?
01:24You're saying that Santa's got bad skin. He can't help it, man.
01:28He's like hundreds of years old.
01:29I mean, it doesn't help that he lives-
01:30And he's overworked, goddammit! Santa should go to millions of houses!
01:33Well, he also lives in a really cold place. He needs to learn how to moisturize.