You will need:
- Clippers with guards, which attach to the clippers and control the length of a cut.
- A mirror, plus maybe another mirror or a phone.
- A garbage bag or towel.
- A comb or hair pick, depending on your hair type.
Full Article here:
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- Clippers with guards, which attach to the clippers and control the length of a cut.
- A mirror, plus maybe another mirror or a phone.
- A garbage bag or towel.
- A comb or hair pick, depending on your hair type.
Full Article here:
See more at
00:00Hi guys, I'm Matt Smith, Delft View Sports Editor, and today we're going to show you how we have a haircut at home.
00:06Now we've got a stay at home thing going on and we all know that a lot of the hairdressers are closing things,
00:13so we've got to needs bust and get a haircut.
00:16I don't have a lot to work with, as you can see, but a handy set of clippers and then we just take it all off and we're ready to go.
00:24Now we're all set, we've got our trusty clippers.
00:26One thing you've got to remember is you've got your guard, so you don't want it too sharp sometimes,
00:32and you can choose your own setting there.
00:35But as I said earlier, I don't have too much to work with, so I'm going to go for a nice sharp one.
00:40I'm going to put it on number two, hand over to my lovely assistant Nelia, and she shall do the clipping.
00:47Here we go, nice and simple.
00:56There we go, less than three and a half minutes and we're all done.
01:24I'm Matt Smith, Goat News, and I've got a new haircut.