00:00Well, I think they're surprised because he is reported to have given away concessions
00:05before negotiations have even started. For example, what we would have thought was a
00:08key Trump card, a key negotiating gift, if you like, namely that Ukraine will not be
00:16joining NATO anytime soon. That's what we've heard from the Trump administration. I mean,
00:21why put that on the table before the talks have even begun?
00:24I heard Europeans saying that that was concession. It's not. That's been talked about for a year.
00:29General Keith Kellogg and I, who wrote a crucial paper on the Ukraine crisis, we wrote
00:34about that last spring. And given that it would take a unanimous vote to get Ukraine
00:39into NATO, this wasn't going to happen. So for Trump to raise that, that's not a concession.
00:44This is just complaining by Europeans. They don't want Trump to solve this crisis, but
00:49they don't have their own alternatives.