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The Tkachuk's!!! USA destroyed Finland 6 to 1, Matthew Tkachuk and Brady Tkachuk each with a pair of goals.


00:00Happy Valentine's to you gentlemen. Happy Valentine's to you. I
00:04Don't think I don't think Finland's gonna be sending any Valentine's to the kachuks because they invaded Finland yesterday. Oh
00:11Good. Oh my god
00:18The kachuks shoved all of Finland in a locker yesterday
00:22It was I mean out it was a good game until the start of that third period
00:28The start of third period was that the first time they had played together
00:32They were talking about that dirty. They didn't play together earlier in in
00:38In the game
00:40No, they they had I think they just like started dipping their toe in the water on it
00:45And and then all hell just broke loose. Yeah, they were talking about that during the game. They're like, yeah, they're not the same line
00:51We're not sure
00:54Put the kachuks together all hell broke loose for the fit for the Finns. Well, I was I was I
01:00Was figuring they didn't put them in together because they both would have been fighting within
01:0412 seconds of being on the court on the ice together. Oh
01:08They were fighting they were kicking ass. Like it was it was it was really bad
01:13I mean, why did he go after his own player? Oh
01:18My because these colors don't run Leroy he's there for the red white and blue and it's funny because they both got up smiling
01:34It started slow and then
01:37Everybody needs a little kachuk in their life, right? Yeah, as soon as they paired him up that had to be fun though
01:44I imagine yeah, it had to be so cool
01:50Had to be so cool for them yesterday and they came from behind because the Finns got on the board first
02:03Poor Finland
02:04If you guys didn't see they get to our headlines here brought to you by
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02:10Like the supporters of Sorrento in the telluride remember when it comes to Kia
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02:19Canada was
02:216-1 as
02:23the US beat Finland
02:26Matthew could Chuck and Brady could Chuck each with a pair of goals. Maddie could jug also hadn't says we had three points on the day
02:33I just killed him. Just just killed him. Yep. I mean unleashed in that 15 seconds into the third period
02:41they they go up 3-1 and it just you have a goal seconds later and
02:48You know just a couple could Chuck goals just to add on to it. So
02:52Really an impressive performance by Team USA after as Leroy said a slow start. They now will turn their attention to
03:03Saturday night as the Finns take on Sweden Canada in Canada. Yep
03:15Those Canadians won't take too kindly to Americans around on a ice
03:19Well, they're bowing our anthem right now because the whole tariff thing, you know
03:23All the battles of 51st state or whatnot Matthew could Chuck's like I didn't like that
03:27And so, you know, he he's gonna come in probably with a bald eagle on his shoulder
03:33You know
03:35Yeah, a real eagle, yeah, I think he's coming in with a really a real eagle a leather jacket, you know
03:40I think he's just gonna he's gonna bring all of
03:43He's gonna come in with a a cape of the American flag
03:47Just to just to make Candace now remember it listen Matthew Brady still has to live up there. So
03:55Yeah, maybe are mad about like they're mad at Americans right now, I didn't know that you're 100% right on that
04:00I know you said they booed the national anthem, but they're very mad at us right now
04:04Yeah, they are. Yeah, there's a show at the Improv every Wednesday. That is all the snowbirds from
04:13Canada they come they watch a French act of some sort and
04:18they treat us very they treat me and a lot of us are very bad and they
04:22They very they're very angry at the man in charge to say the say the words. Well, look
04:31You know
04:34It's it's it's it's not great to see especially in a competition like this where everybody is
04:39You know, that's part of part of the beauty of the game of hockey, but it is what it is
04:43I mean, they've been doing it at NBA games. They've been doing it with everything right now
04:49Well, it's no different than what we would do if it were reversed
04:53Like I'd like to say that we would always take the high road. But have you been in this country?
04:58No, we do not
05:00No, I can't disagree with that. But right so I don't know what that's gonna make for an atmosphere on
05:07Saturday night when this this continues, but this is the matchup. I think everybody's looking forward to they were talking about
05:12You know the Finns and the Swedes hate each other, which is great. I mean, you know, that's that's nice for all them
05:17But nice countries hate each other. They don't like each other. You know, everyone's gonna have a beef with some kind of neighbor
05:24Sweden and Finland, by the way, thanks a lot. Lister and way to score last night. Geez
05:34He's he had a couple shots it like the he had like he had like two attempts I was like, oh
05:40Could have had that
