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Ye and Bianca have both reached out to divorce attorneys as divorce seems imminent.


00:00Kanye West and Bianca Sensori and what appears to be the end of their marriage, or at least we know that they are
00:07Inquiring about ending their marriage
00:10Whether anyone is ready to actually pull the trigger on her divorce yet
00:14We don't know but usually when two people each go to a divorce lawyer
00:18It's a sign that they want to get divorced. Yeah, it's not it's not a good sign for the marriage things are
00:24Rocky to say the least so what we know we've gotten some additional details
00:28So yesterday we put in the website that both of them had gone
00:33To see a lawyer we have more detail both of them had their reps going to lawyers
00:40this week this week and
00:44That wasn't the first time back in October
00:48And Kanye's Kanye is rep went to another lawyer a different lawyer
00:55From this week right and what was and was hot was angry on the phone over the
01:02You'll remember we actually had broken a story back in October that their marriage was on the rocks
01:08This was when Kanye was actually in Tokyo and for I think it was like three or four weeks
01:13We had not seen we'd seen him out and about but Bianca was not there
01:17And what we were told is that their marriage was was on the rocks and now we know that he did contact
01:24This attorney back then and by the way, it wouldn't take the case did not take the case
01:29No wouldn't take the case right? Nope
01:32Yeah, I mean if you're an attorney and Kanye calls you you know that I mean when he got divorced from Kim five lawyers
01:39I think maybe six that he fought before he finally
01:43Stuck with one and and went through with the divorce. So the big the other big thing we found out
01:49No prenup, which is a very interesting thing for Kanye
01:55What his finances have been like over the last few years?
02:00Since Adidas pulled out since he
02:03Blew what 60 million dollars on that the Malibu home?
02:07It was just that was never orchid developed. We're told he's lost money during this marriage
02:13So it's weird the way community property works, but you do split the assets 5050
02:20but you also split debts incurred during the marriage 5050, which is gonna be problematic for
02:26Someone to sort out right because Kanye definitely has had losses, right? We know Adidas pulling out
02:33Was a huge loss for him, but he's also
02:36Put out I think two albums during the time there maybe even three two albums and he also bought that house
02:42I think it's in Beverly Hills somewhere. I believe he spent around that when they just bought it was weird
02:47It was like kind of an old house that they were clearly he or he was at least gonna completely restore
02:52I think he wanted to make some type of compound there
02:54But I mean he's clearly does still have money doesn't right? No, he has money
02:59The issue is during the marriage if they lost money
03:05That was part of the community
03:08She's responsible for half so if the net is
03:13That they lost money during the marriage at least in theory
03:19According to California law, not only would she not get money. She'd be responsible for her share of the debt
03:25Which is that would be but wait, what a law?
03:28What if she doesn't have the money then? Well, you know, then you
03:33Put her on a payment plan
03:34Yeah payment, but and I don't know that Kanye would do that and I'm sure this thing's gonna settle
03:39Yeah, and not go to court. I'm just telling you the way the law works is
03:43debts incurred during the marriage with
03:47marital money or marital assets
03:50They become 50-50 and that's and and he's lost money
03:54During the time they were married. Let's just hope let's just hope she gets to leave with more than the shirt on her back
03:59Cuz she rarely wears you rarely wears the shirt on her back, right?
04:03Now again, we don't as far as we know, nothing's been filed. We haven't seen anything
04:08And look people sometimes run to a divorce lawyer and then they never pulled the trigger and do it and we've seen that
04:15Yes, and sometimes they file and then they withdraw the petition as we said, you know
04:18Kanye was inquiring back in October and nothing came of it. That's right, but they are
04:24Couldn't find a lawyer to do it. I mean there is that
04:28Jenica McMurray, La Habra, California
04:31I almost didn't believe it at first
04:33But I think she might end up with the better end of the bargain with them going to the divorce attorneys now
04:39Like it's getting serious
04:42Yeah, I mean ultimately he'll be responsible for paying her lawyers fees. I'm sure yes
04:49Again, we're not that at that point down the road. They have not yet
