• el mes pasado


00:00Schools are literally wasting their entire budget on these things called yonder bags and students have had enough last year
00:06Almost every single school in the United States came to the decision that they want students to stop using their phones during school hours
00:12So many of these districts invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into these bags that students are required to place their phone in they
00:19Magnetically lock so you cannot access your phone until the day is over and then you have to go to one of these ports in
00:24Order to unlock it
00:25And while this method of restricting phone usage has always gotten a ton of backlash from parents because many think that it's unsafe for their
00:31child to not be able to access their phone in case of an emergency people are now coming forward and are saying that the schools are
00:37Claiming that they don't have any money left for food in the cafeteria or academic supplies because they spent their entire budget on these
00:43Overpriced ziploc bags our school spent eighty thousand dollars on yonder pouches last year
00:49We ran out of food
00:50Like literally for a week straight as a result people in the comments section are in an uproar
00:54Saying that the news needs to get involved immediately and that an investigation needs to be launched into these schools
