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Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 1 en HD Completo
00:00♪ music ♪
00:05♪ music ♪
00:35Gracias también. De nada.
00:38♪ music ♪
00:48Todo fue como usted lo dispuso. Ahora sí podrá descansar, madam.
00:54No podía ser de otra forma, Peter.
00:59Perdóname, Orlando. Debe ser Jetlag. ¿Todo bien para la casa?
01:03La casa funciona como un reloj suizo.
01:07Eres el mejor reemplazo de Peter McKay que pude conseguir.
01:11Me puso la valla alta.
01:13Me la pasaste con creces.
01:15Favor que me hace. ¿Arregló todos sus asuntos?
01:19Arreglados están y para siempre.
01:26Te va a parecer extraño, pero siento que me he ido de viaje mucho tiempo.
01:31¿No me va a preguntar por los vecinos?
01:35¿Qué pasó con los vecinos?
01:37¿Qué pasó con los vecinos?
01:38Ale, Ale, Ale, Ale, Ale, Ale, Ale, Ale.
02:35No, sorry, come on. Let's explain. Yeah. Oh, it's the customers. No, it's not a notice. They can see stay
02:42Always, it's a grantee. No sense. Yeah, but it's not done. I don't know. Oh, you can see this. Oh, so you say being way
02:50Get that let's do it. Yeah, yeah
02:52So yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
02:57No, no
03:07A little senor esta poquito mas abajo esta suavita
03:21Pero no se cuánto tiempo puede aguantar la prudencia es nuestra aliada
03:26La monsefuana
03:28Me gusta
03:30La monsefuana
03:32De belleza
03:34La monsefuana
03:36La monsefuana
03:38De mujer
03:40La monsefuana
03:42Ser diferente con la gente
03:44Que te juzgas solo por pensar
03:46Es diferente
03:48Porque sientes que en el mundo algo funciona mal
03:50Y no pienses
03:52Ya llegué
03:56De cara mia
03:58Puedo ir a buscarte
04:00Para eso es el servicio
04:02Arreglaste el asunto
04:04Ya no hay asunto
04:06Entonces nunca mas
04:08Nunca mas
04:10Mira tengo una reunión en la oficina pero si quieres la anulo
04:12No anules nada
04:14Pero separa el resto de tu vida para mi
04:16Eso lo tengo notado en mi agenda
04:26Tengo la vida que
04:28Ser diferente con la gente
04:30Que te juzgas solo por pensar
04:32Es diferente
04:38Ser diferente
04:40Con la gente
04:42Que te juzgas solo por pensar
04:44Es diferente porque sientes
04:46Franchi cuando llegaste?
04:48Hace 5 minutos
04:50Como te fue todo bien?
04:52Todos me preguntan lo mismo que mania
04:54Bueno si todo bien
04:56Que bueno excelente
04:58Oye Franchi
05:00Te acuerdas de ese musical
05:02Que te estaba hablando antes
05:04Ah si
05:06El lunes a primera hora hablaremos
05:08De ese musical alegre sobre el corona virus
05:10Lo sabia gracias Franchi
05:12Te amo
05:16El corona
05:18Virus no podra
05:22Va a ser un exito
05:28Voy a entrar
05:34Un dia te vas a quedar pegada
05:36En esa alfombra
05:38Acabas de decirme algo que me decia mi Erignacio
05:40No me compares con ese infeliz
05:42Ven aca
05:48Necesitaba tanto este abrazo
05:50Que no cabe nunca
05:52Que no cabe nunca
05:54Madre que te hubiera sido tanto tiempo
06:00Has hablado con el cosito?
06:04No sabes el musical pandemico
06:06Que esta ensayando y si tenemos suerte
06:08Lo vamos a estrenar en 4 hours
06:10Te he extrañado tanto
06:14Sabes te parecera raro pero
06:16Siento que no nos hemos visto en mucho tiempo
06:18Nunca me dejes
06:20Nunca me dejes
06:24Siempre voy a estar a tu lado
06:36La proxima vez que vayamos a flor
06:38Nos tenemos que poner bastante bloqueador
06:40Porque mira
06:44Con tu hija preferida siempre
06:46Y cada vez que tu vienes
06:48Tienes que armar pleito
06:50Rafaela podemos estar 2 minutos sin pelear
06:54Gracias por venir
06:56No me lo perderia por nada en el mundo
07:06Mi cosita
07:28Todo empezó cuando cruzamos
07:30Las miradas
07:34Y pude entender
07:36Que el amor llega
07:38de la nada
07:42aferrándome a un solo sentimiento
07:50yo no puedo estar sin ti
07:54te regalo mi vida, te regalo el corazón
08:00para siempre
08:02quererte y besarte tiernamente
08:07para siempre
08:10entregarte todo simplemente
08:15para siempre
08:18quererte y besarte tiernamente
08:23para siempre
08:26entregarte todo simplemente amor
08:41La buscan en la puerta
08:50¿Quién es usted?
08:52¿No se acuerda de mí?
08:54Para nada
08:56Señora Francesca
08:58Mis papitos se fueron de este mundo
09:00esperando que les devuelvan su guaguita
09:02No sé de qué me está hablando
09:04Tengo cosas que hacer
09:05Usted siempre se ha salido con la suya
09:08Pero todo lo malo que se hace siempre se paga aquí
09:11O frente a Papá Lindo
09:14Acuérdese de mí
09:16Su eminencia
09:19Y acuérdese de Chabelita y Emiliano Pampañaupa
09:35¿Problemas, Doña Francesco?
09:43Nada que una copa de champán no pueda solucionar
09:51Quiero dar las gracias
09:53porque estoy viviendo la vida que siempre quise
09:57¡Salute per tutti!
10:01¿Qué pasa? ¿Por qué se quedan callados?
10:04Mamá, tú lo sabes
10:07No te entiendo
10:08Esta no es la vida que mereces
10:10¿Qué me quieres decir?
10:11Has hecho mucho daño
10:12¿Por qué dices eso?
10:13¡Destruiste a mi familia!
10:15¡No! Es lo que Claudia y tu madre te hicieron creer
10:18¡Destruiste muchas familias!
10:19¡Has robado a una niña!
10:20¡Me robaste!
10:22No, te salvé de una vida miserable
10:24¡Mataste a mi hermana!
10:25¡No es cierto!
10:26¡La mataste dos veces!
10:27¿Cómo sabes eso?
10:28Y hacer el mal se paga, Doña Francesca
10:31Por eso me dispararon en un ascensor
10:33Tienen que escucharme
10:34Todo lo hice por...
10:35¿Por qué?
10:36¿Por amor?
10:37¡Al final!
10:38¡Tu amor!
10:39¡Nos mató!
10:40¡No! ¡Basta! ¡Basta!
10:43¡Ustedes saben muy bien cómo fueron las cosas!
10:46¡Por todo lo que sacrifiqué!
10:48¡Por todo lo que perdí!
10:49¡Yo merezco finalmente ser feliz!
10:51¡Lo siento, Mother!
10:52¡Pero tú jamás serás feliz!
11:25¡No! ¡No!
11:28¡Fran! ¡Fran, ¿estás bien?
11:33Fran, I'm so glad you woke up.
11:36But you should close your eyes again.
11:39We can bribe a doctor and tell him to say you're in a coma.
11:43Or you can pretend to be insane too.
11:46Where is Isabela?
11:48Perfect. That's it. Keep asking about her.
11:53Oh my God. Oh my God.
11:55That body in the garden. I have nothing to do with it.
11:58No, no, we have nothing to do with it.
12:00But the investigators keep asking.
12:04The police.
12:13You keep resting. Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
12:18If someone was lurking around the house, Coqui must have seen him.
12:21The bad thing is that I've been calling him for a while and he doesn't answer.
12:24You were the last one to see him.
12:26You say he went to see his daughter.
12:28Did he leave you his mother's number?
12:33Coqui, I need you to take me to a meeting.
12:36It will be late, so you will have to wait for me.
12:39Yes, ma'am. I'm going to get my daughter.
12:47How special is it to have a business meeting on this date, Fran?
12:51They are international businessmen.
12:53They will come on Tuesday.
12:55As far as I know, everyone celebrates Christmas, New Year.
12:59Where are they from?
13:00Don't ask questions.
13:02Yes, ma'am.
13:05Stop the car.
13:07Here? But I still have to get to the corporation.
13:10Stop it.
13:12Yes, Mrs. Fran.
13:25Thank you for coming from Prague.
13:27We'll see you soon.
13:28See you soon.
13:31How's everything going?
13:33Thank you for coming.
13:34And the boyfriend?
13:36Well, we'll talk about it later.
13:37I have a friend I can introduce you to.
13:40Please sit down.
13:42How are you?
13:43How are you?
13:44How are you?
13:45How are you?
13:46How are you?
13:47How are you?
13:48How are you?
13:49How are you?
13:50How are you?
13:51How are you?
13:52How are you?
13:53How are you?
13:54How are you?
13:58Please, come in.
14:13Why is it so slow?
14:15What time is it?
14:16You have my cell phone, right?
14:18Yes, Mom, I have it.
14:19Don't worry.
14:20Everything will be fine.
14:25What will be?
14:28I don't understand.
14:31If you don't arrive in time, I'll have to get married?
14:33Lorena, don't start with the threats.
14:36And who's up to marrying you from the start?
14:40Vuelva sea fulvete.
14:54What's going to happen to me?
14:56I want to be with you in the dark.
15:00I know that I want to get married to you.
15:05You will be happy with me.
15:09Because true love has joined us.
15:14I see you and I breathe again.
15:17And my heart accelerates.
15:20It does not stop looking.
15:22Your smile is angel.
15:43And now?
15:45I want to be the fifth Telenubis.
15:49I want to be tied.
15:51Goodbye forever.
15:53I want to run through the field.
15:55The world will be pink and purple.
16:02I challenge you.
16:03Far away.
16:04I challenge you.
16:05Far away.
16:06I challenge you.
16:08I challenge you.
16:10I challenge you.
16:12I challenge you.
16:22It's not just a goodbye.
16:24Son of a bitch.
16:44¿Señorita, usted sabe cuantos empleados he despedido hoy?
16:58¿No sabe?
17:15And for all those who stayed, thank you for having a job.
17:36How do you feel?
17:37How am I going to feel if a madman buried a corpse in my garden?
17:40Or that my house was built on a cow?
17:43I feel better despite what happened.
17:47As soon as you release the lady, you have to come with me to give your statement.
17:52Statement? Us? Why us? If we are the victims.
17:55No, Montalban. It is part of the procedure.
17:58With what charge? Do you have an order from the prosecution?
18:01Diego, please. Are you arresting us, General?
18:06We just want to ask you a few questions.
18:09Mrs. Maldini, I just released you.
18:13And I want to ask you a few questions.
18:20Poor Jimmy. So much that he had made an effort.
18:23And this crazy teacher and his craziest daughter come to want to shorten his career.
18:29But he is going to regret it.
18:31And that traitorous skinny. Damn.
18:36Nobody messes with the Gonzales.
18:39We still receive it with all the love in this house.
18:43But now you will see.
18:45Nobody messes with the Gonzales. We will take revenge.
18:51What's up? What's up, love?
18:52Love, what happened?
18:55I'm alone. What happened? What happened?
18:56For the love of God. This family is diluting.
19:00I am the last hope.
19:02This house needs leadership.
19:04We have to submit it to the vote. Grab me the stick.
19:06That's it.
19:08Tere. Tere, I had already told you that a job interview came.
19:12No, I'm not with anyone. I'm alone.
19:15Tere, what are you saying?
19:17You know what? Yes. Yes, you have my vote.
19:20Of course I support your initiative.
19:24You have my vote, baby.
19:27Olinda is in the bathroom.
19:33The baby wants to know if you have my vote.
19:37If you are going to support her as a head of the family.
19:42You have my support.
19:45Did you hear?
19:48Hey, you know what, Teresa?
19:51Poor Gaspar. Poor man who has to bear a woman as unconscious as you.
19:56I am in the middle of a matter of vital importance
19:58and you call me to tell me nonsense just to inflate your ego?
20:02A little more empathy, please.
20:03Gross. Bad boy.
20:05That's why you have no choice but to vote.
20:07Talk to my hand.
20:09Baby, Pepe just told me that it has been a mystical journey
20:12to regain confidence and self-esteem that he has, but for luck.
20:15Oh my God, Pepe. He was always a loser.
20:17And now with what Juana did to him, he is already touching the abyss.
20:20Baby, but I give you his vote until he comes as a head of the family.
20:22That's why I always said, Pepe is a very wise man.
20:25Now only Jimmy and Joel are missing.
20:34Hey, Joel. Tell me.
20:36How did you get to come to China for free?
20:39Who told you it was free?
20:45Jimmy doesn't answer.
20:46Neither does Joel.
20:47I haven't heard from my buddy in hours.
20:50Did something happen to him?
21:04Enough, Gaspar.
21:06Baby, Joel in this short time is like a brother.
21:09More than a brother, he's like a friend.
21:10He's my best friend.
21:11That's all for me.
21:13Enough. For God's sake.
21:14I'm going to be jealous of my nephew.
21:16Baby, I'm your sponge.
21:25Father doesn't know how I've waited for this moment.
21:31Oh, God.
21:34I hope nothing strange happens in this marriage.
21:36I don't want to be a saint for centuries.
22:32What's wrong, Mom?
22:35I think I'm making a terrible mistake.
22:39What are you talking about?
22:43Hey! Hey! Hey!
22:45Stop the limousine!
22:46Stop the limousine!
22:47We'll blow it up into a thousand pieces!
22:49We're all in this together!
22:58Come on!
22:59I'm in two minds with you!
23:00Get out!
23:01I'm not getting out!
23:02Don't berate my daughter!
23:03Come on!
23:04Don't leave me!
23:14I think I messed up.
23:20Yes, thank you. Thank you for getting me this interview.
23:24It was not very good.
23:29I don't know.
23:31I'll call you later.
23:36General, remember that there is no preliminary prison.
23:39I have it very present.
23:41And you can't arrest us for belonging to a criminal organization according to Decree 32-108.
23:47Diego, things are getting worse.
23:50What are you doing here, Juli?
23:53She clearly came to spy on us.
23:55No, no, no, I didn't.
23:57And you, Juli, I thought you were more decent.
24:00To come here to find out and make fun of the shame
24:04that we have for having found a corpse in the garden of my house.
24:08But I'm not going to tell you anything. You'll see.
24:11A corpse? In your garden? What?
24:13Yes, until now you were surprised.
24:16Diego, Francesca, I came as soon as I could. How can I help?
24:19What are you going to help, please?
24:21We don't need it, thank you.
24:23Why don't you, instead of wasting time,
24:25find out how you're going to give us back the money your boyfriend stole from us?
24:28We've had bad times, but we're brothers, Diego.
24:31We have no problem.
24:33That dead man was planted and we will clarify it.
24:36Let's go, General.
24:38I've heard a lot of bad things about Mrs. Francesca,
24:41but I've never done it.
24:43No, Juli, don't say that.
24:45But where are Alesia and Cristobal? Why aren't they with them?
24:49Well, I don't know about Cristobal,
24:51but you really don't know where Alesia is?
25:14Why did you tell him that I'm a mechanic too?
25:16Don't you want to see Alesia?
25:20So, you keep your mouth shut.
25:22Don't worry.
25:24I'm nervous.
25:26You follow me everywhere.
25:28Check if you learn, okay?
25:30Don't worry.
25:32Hey, what do you know about boats?
25:34But Flanco, your question offends me.
25:35What do you know about boats?
25:37Keep your mouth shut.
25:39And pray.
25:41Pray that nothing bad happens.
25:44What's life like, Manito?
25:46In the morning, they were throwing paint.
25:50The sick man interrupted the diploma.
25:53Then, an hour later,
25:56we were at the port of Shanghai,
25:59embarking on this boat, worth the redundancy.
26:02And now we're on our way to the meeting.
26:05Of your beloved.
26:09An intense day, Mano.
26:11That's right.
26:13But you have to live, Mano.
26:15You have to live life. That's the way.
26:17You have to enjoy it.
26:19That's my son, Flanco.
26:21Now he's going to be a Chinese dog.
26:24Mano, I feel like we're forgetting something.
26:29Yes. I mean, I'm forgetting something.
26:31But I don't know what.
26:35I don't know.
26:40We didn't tell the family anything.
26:50I should have voted for the secretary
26:52and then make myself a coffee.
26:57Oh, it was true.
27:00You came back through the false door.
27:03Bruno, Bruno, Bruno.
27:09The living proof
27:11that cockroaches don't die easily.
27:14Look, Miguel Ignacio,
27:16if I could get up from this chair
27:18and take a couple of steps,
27:20I'd like to give you a blowjob.
27:22But you can't.
27:24Because you're an old, senile duke
27:26who lives on the crumbs
27:28that Francesca leaves on the floor.
27:30What's going on?
27:32Did you run out of justice?
27:35I just fired 60 people.
27:39I'm getting rid of the unnecessary staff.
27:43And that's why I called you.
27:46But you can't vote for me.
27:49Of course I can.
27:51No, no, please, great leader.
27:53Look, I'll do anything,
27:55but don't vote for me.
27:56Oh, you haven't changed a thing, Bruno.
27:59It's my nature,
28:01my survival instinct
28:03that adapts to any circumstance.
28:08Good idea.
28:10I'm going to keep you in my company
28:13if you become my eyes and ears.
28:17That's it.
28:19I was born for that position.
28:21Hey, do you think I can hire you?
28:25The same old Bruno.
28:29Of course you can hire an assistant
28:32if you pay her your salary.
28:35In fact,
28:37you'll be surprised at my efficiency.
28:41I'm going to give you a first test right now.
28:44Tell me, boss.
28:46Bring me a coffee.
28:48Right away, boss.
28:50My great leader.
28:51My trump.
28:54How many teaspoons of sugar?
29:02Very good.
29:04Let's see.
29:20The day we met,
29:22well, we couldn't talk much,
29:24but I promised you
29:26I'd help you get a better job.
29:28And you know what?
29:30That day has come.
29:33we are good people.
29:35Would we be unable to commit
29:37an act of that nature?
29:39If you like,
29:41you can ask our mayor,
29:43Claudio Matarazzo.
29:45At this moment,
29:47Mr. Matarazzo
29:49is giving his statement.
29:51I have no doubt
29:53that Mrs. Francesca Maltini
29:55and Mr. Diego Monteral
29:57are in the process of committing a crime.
29:59I would not be surprised
30:01if they were found
30:03in that demon's mansion.
30:05Claudio can give faith
30:07in our exemplary and impeccable conduct.
30:09They are the culprits.
30:11I want to enter the witness protection program.
30:13Where do I sign?
30:28I have heard that the bride usually arrives late.
30:31But this is too much.
30:33Yes, yes, I am also a little worried.
30:36Father, do you think Lorena has repented?
30:39Has something like this ever happened to her?
30:42What can I tell you, son?
30:45There have been so many weddings.
30:48But yes, all of them.
30:50All with happy endings.
30:51All with happy endings.
30:57Call Pablo!
31:01Where can you escape with this?
31:03Where is Lorena?
31:05What are you doing here, you bastard?
31:17Maripaz, answer him!
31:21How do you know my daughter's name?
31:23And why is he calling you?
31:25We know everything, ma'am.
31:27Now silence!
31:29What does he say?
31:31That we took his mother.
31:33What? Do we have to turn around?
31:35What? No! Don't turn me around, please!
31:37Don't turn me around!
31:39He doesn't answer me.
31:41Let me try.
31:43Maybe I'll be lucky.
31:45Put it on speaker.
31:47I have nothing to hide. Look.
31:53That's strange.
31:55Well, I don't think it's that strange.
31:57Do you know what's strange?
31:59That she doesn't kick you out of here.
32:01It seems that your brain has already burned.
32:03With so much alcohol,
32:05don't you realize that Lorena doesn't want anything to do with you?
32:07Lorena doesn't love you.
32:09Look what she wrote to me.
32:15How did you get the boyfriend eye?
32:17That's fake.
32:19It's true.
32:21It's fake.
32:23You've also made a beginner's mistake.
32:25Something always happens to Father Emanuel
32:27at all his weddings.
32:29He's saltier than Aquaman's underwear.
32:31I'm not to blame for anything.
32:33This is the reason for his devastation.
32:35They kidnapped the bride.
32:39It's circulating on all social networks.
32:41They kidnapped El Paso.
32:43Hey! Hey!
32:45Get out of the kitchen!
32:47Get out of the kitchen!
32:49We haven't been able to communicate
32:51to visit your daughter.
32:53Did he give you any address?
32:55Or a phone number?
32:59Well, Coqui is an arrogant and mysterious guy.
33:02Excuse me.
33:08What's that?
33:10Excuse me.
33:12It's strange that Coqui doesn't show up.
33:17What if from the first moment
33:19he took Claudio's body
33:21and buried it in our garden?
33:23You didn't trust him.
33:25Maybe you were right.
33:27He did it.
33:29Then he betrayed us and disappeared.
33:36I don't know.
33:38I don't know.
33:39I don't know.
33:43Is something wrong?
33:45It was you.
33:49What are you playing at, Coqui Reyes?
33:51Don't take me for a fool.
33:53I saw you talking to Antonia.
33:55What's going on?
33:57Do you work for her?
33:59What are you hiding?
34:01You know very well
34:03that you have us in your hands
34:05since that damn day at the farmhouse.
34:07What do you want?
34:09Calm down.
34:11Tell me what you want from us.
34:26It can't be.
34:28We have to find her.
34:32Are you coming with me?
34:36Let's go.
34:39Let's go.
35:01Where were we?
35:06One moment, please.
35:11Yes, Castrión.
35:13What do you mean you found another body?
35:16My God.
35:18Something is going to happen to me.
35:21Yes, in one of the second floor rooms.
35:24Male sex.
35:26Approximately 24 years old.
35:30Yes, General.
35:32We proceed to take the body to the morgue for study
35:35and determine the cause of his death.
35:39Call the DA to take the body to the morgue.
35:48At least let me grab some clothes, right?
35:51Hey, Cristóbal.
35:53Don't worry, Cristóbal.
35:55I will personally make sure
35:57that Mrs. Francesca and your father
35:59don't rot in jail.
36:01What do my father and Mrs. Francesca have to do
36:03with the body they found in the garden?
36:05That's what the police are investigating.
36:07I will have to prove his innocence back there.
36:10And do you have any idea who the body is?
36:13The police still don't reveal his identity.
36:15But I'm going to find out.
36:17In fact, right now I'm going to find out,
36:19with your permission, Cristóbal.
36:21Félix, don't you have any clothes?
36:24Clothes, you say?
36:40Why are you stopping?
36:42Speak at once, you bastard.
36:44Where is my girlfriend?
36:46Can you stop saying stupid things?
36:48Or is it too much to ask for a fool like you?
36:51All this has your signature.
36:53You invented all this kidnapping
36:55so that there is no wedding.
36:57Admit it.
36:59That's why you act like you're not suspicious.
37:01Admit it!
37:03How dare you insinuate that I would do something like this
37:05to the woman I love?
37:07Tell me where she is
37:09or I'll blow your account to three.
37:11One, two, three!
37:16Where is Lorena?
37:20Where is she?
37:22Tell me!
37:24It must be Lorena, answer!
37:26Let me go!
37:31It's Maripaz.
37:33It's Maripaz.
37:34I've been calling you.
37:36Where is she to pick you up?
37:38Don't worry, we'll find your mom.
37:42Dad, Maximiliano, don't look for my mom anymore.
37:44I'm with her and she's fine.
37:46What is Tito doing with Maximiliano?
37:48I think I heard Lorena's voice.
37:50Maripaz has a lot to explain.
37:52Come quickly, please.
37:58With all due respect, I repeat
38:00that we are not going to say a single word more
38:02without the presence of our lawyer.
38:04I know, he's already here.
38:06Finally, a professional
38:08who comes to put some calm in this situation.
38:10Enough with the run-ins!
38:14My representatives deny absolutely everything
38:16and demand their immediate release.
38:20I've come to save them.
38:22Get out of here, Ronald is on his way.
38:24If this guy is not our lawyer.
38:26Don't worry, trust me.
38:28I'm going to get you out of this mess.
38:30Me and no one else.
38:32And a glass of water and an apple
38:34so that you are calm, relaxed, comfortable, cool.
38:38Someone call a lawyer!
38:40I am the lawyer!
38:43Sorry, I didn't have time to change.
38:48What colleague?
38:50Let's see, let's see, who of you two is the lawyer?
38:54He's not, you're lying.
38:56One at a time.
38:58Please, your question offends.
39:00It is evident which of you two is a lawyer
39:02with an impeccable academic education.
39:04If you are trying to diminish me
39:06through my center of studies,
39:08I remind you that the Higher Institute of Technology
39:10which is located in Victoria del Campo
39:12and Julliagroa de Cárdenas Carrillo de Tarapoto,
39:14better known for its initials EST-EJUEDEC
39:16and EJUEDEC-C of Tarapoto, C of Lima,
39:18has a license to operate again.
39:20Well, the one who is not the lawyer,
39:22please leave.
39:24I'll talk to you there.
39:26You go, you go, you go.
39:30I need to use the services.
39:32I have to answer some messages.
39:34What do you mean?
39:36You have to go, please go.
39:38Don't complicate things.
39:40Go, go, go.
39:50Lore, Lore!
39:52My love!
39:54I was worried about you!
39:56How are you?
39:58How are you?
40:00Are you okay?
40:02Or did you tell them I was going to pay them?
40:04Is this a hidden trap somewhere?
40:06No, no, no.
40:08Maripaz has a lot to explain.
40:12Let's go.
40:14They're going to laugh.
40:16No one is going to laugh.
40:18She kidnapped me with these two fools.
40:20Hello, hello.
40:24No, no, no, dad.
40:26Wait, wait, wait.
40:28Before you do anything, I forced them.
40:29How did you get to stop the marriage?
40:31I'm sorry.
40:33Felicia using your daughter for all this.
40:35Stop it!
40:37Stop it!
40:39Lorena sent me a message asking me to save her from the marriage.
40:43No, no, it was me.
40:45I sent the message from my mom's cell phone.
40:48I'm sorry.
40:54I'm sorry more.
40:56Mapi, this is not about you.
40:58Your mom and I love each other and we're going to get married.
41:03Let's go, honey.
41:11Why are you hitting me if I had nothing to do with it?
41:14Because you are the one who feeds the crazy ideas in Maripaz.
41:17You and the Gonzales.
41:19Where do you come from if not all this Gonzalada?
41:21It has your family's signature.
41:23Well said, my love.
41:24Let's go, let's get away from these people or we're going to live far away.
41:27Let's go, you and me.
41:29The priest must still be there and some guests, let's go.
41:31Lorena, wait!
41:33I know that my economic situation,
41:35my way of dressing, talking and behaving
41:39are not compared to that of this refined jerk.
41:42Yes, well, I am a humble, charging, impertinent and relaxed.
41:46I know you very well, Tito.
41:48You are a disaster.
41:50Exactly, yes.
41:51Maybe that's the word that best describes me.
41:54But do you know one thing?
41:57This disaster managed to win your heart.
42:00So I can't regret being it.
42:03Oh, please.
42:05Finish with your cheap speech.
42:07Honey, come on, you must be in shock.
42:09The car is going to pass you.
42:11Come on.
42:13You have inspired me to be a better man, Lorena.
42:15Since I met you, I get up earlier,
42:18I don't drink so much beer,
42:19I don't drink so much beer,
42:21I go to work happy and even my stomach has improved.
42:24In fact, I don't have to stop so many times on the route
42:26to go to the nursery.
42:28Sorry, sorry, sorry.
42:30What I mean by all this, Lorena, is that...
42:33is that I love you.
42:36I love you, Lorena.
42:38I love you like I've never loved anyone.
42:40And even if you say otherwise,
42:44I know that deep down you feel the same.
42:47Honey, stop feeding this clown with what you're saying, okay?
42:50Come on, come on.
42:52I'm just asking you to remember
42:55the moments we've spent together,
42:58our kisses, our laughs,
43:01how happy we were until those women came
43:04with the children's story,
43:06who in the end disappeared because everything was a lie.
43:09I know you doubted, but...
43:12but I never doubted my love for you.
43:14And although I didn't think of the kidnapping,
43:17our daughter did.
43:20And she has witnessed everything we have lived
43:23and everything we have achieved.
43:25And besides, she is sure
43:27that this clown doesn't love you for real
43:30and he won't make you happy.
43:32Instead, I do.
43:36you told me in the limousine
43:38that you were making a big mistake.
43:40What girlfriend says that on her way to the altar?
43:45do you really want to marry this guy?
43:52tell me looking me in the eyes.
43:55And I swear to you for the most sacred thing,
43:59which is friendship with Pepe.
44:02And my daughter, of course.
44:04And my daughter.
44:06That if it's like that, I...
44:08I'm not going to marry him.
44:09That if it's like that, I...
44:12I'll never see you again.
44:39I'll never see you again.
45:04Well, as you can see, I took the floor.
45:08let me introduce you to my assistant.
45:17Juana Zapaya.
45:23Nice to meet you,
45:25sir of the houses.
45:33The pleasure is mine, miss.
46:09only you
46:11can end this.
46:13Confess what you have done.
46:16Tell the truth.
46:18Live in peace at last, Mara.
46:36I love you.
46:37I love you.
46:38I love you.
46:39I love you.
46:40I love you.
46:41I love you.
46:42I love you.
46:43I love you.
46:44I love you.
46:45I love you.
46:46I love you.
46:47I love you.
46:48I love you.
46:49I love you.
46:50I love you.
46:51I love you.
46:52I love you.
46:53I love you.
46:54I love you.
46:55I love you.
46:56I love you.
46:57I love you.
46:58I love you.
46:59I love you.
47:00I love you.
47:01I love you.
47:02I love you.
47:03I love you.
47:04I love you.
47:05I love you.
47:06I love you.
47:07I love you.
47:08I love you.
47:09I love you.
47:10I love you.
47:11I love you.
47:12I love you.
47:13I love you.
47:14I love you.
47:15I love you.
47:16I love you.
47:19No, Iiiitao.
47:21China is waiting for you.
47:22Your future is over there.
47:23Not here.
47:24Francesca, our millions, and me will solve this.
47:29Do I have to do this?
47:33That's it.
47:35It's over.
47:36We're going to dine.
47:37It's over.
47:38We can't eat anymore.
47:39We can't eat.
47:40It's so good.
47:41I love you, brother.
47:42We're going to eat.
47:43Wait for me, Alicia.
47:44I'll go get you.
47:45I'm not going to get you.
47:46We're going to get you.
47:47We're two.
47:48We're both in this.
47:50Thank you, brother.
47:51For accompanying me in this crazy love story.
47:52No, no, you're my younger brother.
47:53If something happens to you, then the old woman will kill me.
47:54Yes or no?
47:55Okay, brother.
47:56I'll go get you.
47:57I'll go get you.
47:58I'll go get you.
47:59I'll go get you.
48:00I'll go get you.
48:01Yes or no?
48:03Are you sure that Alessia is going to Shanghai?
48:06I mean, right?
48:07Because if she isn't, it would be a problem, right?
48:09Trust me, trust me.
48:10Faith is the last thing you lose.
48:12I assure you that we will find her
48:13and we will go to Lima together forever.
48:15That's it, that's it.
48:16How beautiful, how beautiful is love
48:18when there is its reciprocity.
48:20Brother, you accompanied me
48:22and you left the car at home.
48:25No, brother, that love story
48:27can't be.
48:29Why do you say that?
48:30Why? Because after the New Year
48:32I realized that
48:34the blonde will always see me
48:36only as a friend, but
48:38nothing else.
49:01You have to give time to time.
49:04You don't understand.
49:08Who has everything under control?
49:10Your aunt Mata,
49:12who trusts in Huggies Dermacare,
49:14the softest diaper to protect your skin.
49:16The only one with vitamin E.
49:18Ultra soft and thin,
49:19with protection up to 12 hours.
49:22Baby, get to know the softest diaper for your skin.
49:25Call me.
49:26Hey, your story around here causes you.
49:32Put a piston in it.
49:34Come on, little goat.
49:36And you,
49:37did you already put a piston in your engine?
49:44Who's the boyfriend?
49:45A woman.
49:46Who would have been killed
49:48in a very cruel way.
49:50Six shots.
49:56And you know very well
49:58who died from six shots.
50:04Hi, Felix.
50:08Hi, Julie.
50:11Who is he exactly?
50:13Miguel Ignacio is the new head of the corporation.
50:17A guy too smart,
50:25Stay away from him.
50:27Stay away from him.
50:31If we kill Claudia Llanos,
50:35it's time to tell you.
50:42What are you doing here?
50:44Okay, it's fine.
50:45It's fine.
50:46Yes, I love you too.
50:47That's it.
50:48Don't tell me that.
50:51Come on, I'm making lunch.
50:58We're going to China, really.
51:00That's right, aunt.
51:01My brother made me a miracle.
51:02Yes, we are the first Peruvian ambassadors of love.
51:12We have to concentrate.
51:13We have to find out
51:15which restaurant is working with Bochec La Grecia.
51:24La Grecia!
51:27La Grecia!
