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Many drivers say private parking firms are too quick to issue fines. Should these companies be better regulated and have you or a family member ever had an unfair parking charge, and how was it handled.
00:00Yes, I have had them in for a parking charge, but having said that, they're a bit too
00:10ridiculous on times.
00:12I think plenty of my family have, and what he just said basically, yes they should be
00:17regulated because you're getting tickets for no reason at all.
00:23You may go in and see no parking and come out and a week later, through the door, there's
00:30a ticket.
00:31So yeah, it's very unfair.
00:32We've never had an unfair parking charge, I must say, but I do think they're very expensive,
00:36I think it's terrible, and there's too many of them too.
00:39I was in the wrong, I know that, but I feel that there should be a tolerance for time
00:46which has basically run out.
00:49I come from Widnes, well I'm not, I'm a Scouser, but I live in Widnes now, and everywhere's
00:54free, and the difference to come here, it's ridiculous, I think.
00:57You know, them parking, no, no.
