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Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 54 Completo HD
00:06Come on juntos in it
00:09It's too
00:12The food is this
00:14Horrible, horrible, okay, but I pass out. It's because I meet a negado
00:18It's like a rascal told us kill you look at Los Pinchas in some cases
00:22La rehabilitación los médicos todo y vos querés jugar el fútbol nada más si es cuando va a ser volveré
00:28Pero a poquito
00:29uno empieza a hacer los ejercicios se empieza a recuperar se empieza a recuperar de acá y de acá y empieza a hacerlo y a
00:35poquito un día corres un poquito más y de a poquito un día le pegas al arco y de a poquito vas volviendo con confianza
00:41pasos lentos pero seguros va volviendo
00:44sí y vas a volver a hablar
00:48tu voz está
00:50pero está escondida
00:52es como que estás en la pretemporada
00:55Recuperándose esperando que vuelva y cuando vuelve a romper
01:11Va a volver
01:19Mientras nosotros entendemos así
01:21Y va a volver y vas a poder decirme otra vez a mí no moran a mí no moran
01:28no puedo más no puedo más
01:32Me vas a volver a retar a desafiar pero yo voy a estar ahí a tu lado siempre
01:40Como en el hospital
01:43No sabes la cantidad de cosas que te dije en el hospital
01:48Sabes que te dije
01:51Te amo
02:22Vine porque me dijiste que alessandra no tendría problemas si y no está y además ella y yo solo somos compañeros
02:30ese no es mi tema ignacio entre tú y yo solo está nina por cierto estoy
02:37Pasa por favor
02:44Y yo también
02:46La verdad me costó aceptar que ramiro solo fuera a buscarla a la clínica pero
02:51ese chico se lo merece todo se lo merece todo y más sin duda mi madre declaró y
02:58dijo algo importante
03:01confesó que ella quería
03:03que gaelle sea pareja de nina por eso le pidió que regrese de parís incluso ella financió toda esa movida
03:10pero que ella no tiene absolutamente nada que ver con la sobredosis de nuestra hija
03:14Y tú esperas que yo le crea eso a paloma a paloma mi mamá no a paloma abuela de nina sí
03:22Sé que ella la ama y que cometió un error su forma de amar no es la mejor no es buena
03:31Pero estoy convencido que ella no jamás le haría daño
03:35y para que me lo cuentas
03:38Acaso tienes miedo de que yo le haga algo
03:43Se que eres una gran mujer mirta fuerte y única para mí
03:49y nació por favor no hagamos esto pero tienes toda la razón yo
03:56Quisiera hablar con ángel sobre mi madre
04:00No lo sé ignacio
04:05Todo ha pasado tan pronto nina recién acaba de salir de la clínica ni la vi bien salud un segundo
04:11va a sospechar de las intenciones de mi madre se va a enterar que ella es la abuela de nina
04:17eso va a ser peor se va a sentir más traicionado
04:22Ángel merece saber la verdad
04:28Si tienes razón tengo que contárselo y ya
04:37Hay nada que agradecer
04:40Yo elijo estar contigo y con mi hija lo que sea
04:52Te amo
04:55Lo dije lo dije
04:59Si me pensé que me va a ser más difícil, pero no sé como que te miré y me salió
05:04Te amo
05:05Te amo y lo siento y no sé no sé hace cuánto pero lo siento acá bien adentro lo siento
05:11no sé no sé cuándo pasó no sé si fue cuando
05:14me hiciste ese desayuno y me cuidaste
05:18O cuando viviste a parís y que no te importaba nada
05:24O cuando nos conocimos en el baile
05:27Esa es ahí la que no me daba bola
05:30Después no te moviste de mi lado
05:33No sé en qué momento
05:36Pero me pasa
05:39Me pasa y yo no me estaba permitiendo que me pase tenía mucho pánico mucho terror de que no funcione
05:45pensé que me iba a doler que las peleas que todo lo que pasa en la pareja no quería saber nada con eso pero
05:51si con vos es todo distinto es todo más fácil
05:56Y no hablo de los problemas porque todos tienen problemas
05:59eso es jodido para todos pero
06:02Vos y yo juntos lo hacemos fácil
06:05No sé
06:08Cuando estábamos en la clínica
06:12Tenía pánico de perderte realmente mucho pánico
06:17Y ya
06:19No me daba pánico amarte
06:23Me daba pánico perderte
06:27Te amo
06:29Y no me imagino sin vos
06:49Niña no niña dale
06:59Me crees estoy diciendo todo lo que me pasa como no me crees
07:09Y así un tiroso
07:12Haces muy mal
07:14en elevar mi tensión
07:20En aplastar mi ambición tú sigas y ya verás
07:35Qué haces aquí hizo la investigación está buscando más datos de Ignacio siempre hay que sospechar de las casualidades
07:46Cuando la vida te lleva por un camino siempre hay un motivo créeme
07:52Es verdad por eso tú y yo estamos aquí
07:56Para buscar ángel
08:01Mira me dijo que ángel estuvo en un orfanato donde todos los niños se apellidaban garay tiene que ser este
08:08Pero sé que el nombre ángel estaba muy de moda en ese entonces hay como 100 ángeles
08:13Busca ángelico
08:15Pero ángel
08:16Ángel de cariño pero su verdadero nombre es angélico garay
08:26Ángelico Álvarez
08:30Él es él es ángel
08:34Qué tierno
08:37Y este de al lado quién es
08:40Angélico y Nachito los hermanos Álvarez
08:45Ángel tiene un hermano
08:56Leandro queriendo competir contigo Ignacio
08:59Te lo dije a Leandro no le gusta dejar las cosas a medias le gusta ganar y como sea pasa por favor
09:11Mirta qué haces aquí
09:15Hola Angelito
09:19No entiendo
09:21Perdón Ignacio
09:24Pensé que era una reunión de trabajo
09:26Te hablé para una reunión sí pero de los tres por favor siéntate ángel
09:35Ignacio también me citó aquí
09:38Para hablar de
09:42De Nina
09:45Qué pasa con Nina está bien
09:46Sí claro
09:47Ella está bien
09:48Con Ramiro ya sabes
09:50Sí no es para hablar sobre su salud es para hablar sobre mi madre Paloma
09:56Ella ha declarado a la policía que efectivamente ella quería que
10:02Gael sea el novio de Nina
10:05Que ella lo ayudó
10:07Pero que
10:09Ella no pensaba que él le iba a hacer daño
10:14Por qué tanto interés de la señora Paloma con mi hija
10:16Por qué se metería tanto en su vida
10:19Supongo que soy invitada verdad
10:22Mamá por favor de qué habla justo estaba a punto de contarles que estaba sin libertad
10:26Y con muchas ganas de que Nina despierte para poder hablar con ella
10:31Porque Nina es la única con derecho a pedirme explicación
10:47No no no no puede ser
10:51Puedes hablar
10:52Puedes hablar
10:55Puedes hablar
10:59Puedes hablar
11:11Ni tú ni nadie nadie puede
11:16Entiendo perfectamente que estén heridos conmigo por la doble cara de Gael
11:21Pero esa no ha sido mi culpa
11:23Mamá por favor ubicate tú no estabas invitada a esta conversación
11:26Irrumpiste como siempre en la vida de los demás creyéndote dueña de todo
11:30Pero quiero que lo aceptes no lo eres
11:33Señora nosotros no le vamos a perdonar su forma de obrar con Nina
11:37Yo puedo parecer una persona muy calmada
11:40Pero cuando se trata de mis hijos y de mi familia
11:43Todo cambia
11:45Si estoy libre es porque soy inocente
11:48Mi único error ha sido querer seguir haciendo el bien a los demás
11:56La verdad lamento mucho todo esto y yo me retiro
12:07Perdóname por todo esto
12:09La idea era que charlemos de toda esta situación en paz en calma pero
12:14Mi madre se metió perdón
12:16Te creo Ignacio
12:18Te creo tranquilo
12:21Y aunque me duele pensar que Paloma apoyó a Gael
12:24También entiendo que quiere mucho a mi hija
12:27Y en su afán de ayudarla lamentablemente le salió todo mal
12:33Lo que pasa es que mi mamá es muy agobiante
12:37¿Tu mamá también es así?
12:40¿Mi madre?
12:42No te puedo responder eso Ignacio porque
12:47Nunca la tuve
12:51Yo no recuerdo a mi mamá
13:07Estoy copiando los archivos de Angélico Álvarez
13:10¿Cómo así tenías un USB?
13:12Hay chicas que cargan maquillaje en su cartera
13:15Otras monederos, documentación
13:19Yo siempre cargo un USB conmigo
13:21Cada una con lo que le gusta
13:24¿Y a ti qué te gusta?
13:26Aparte de los gatos, claro
13:29Muchas cosas, muchas cosas
13:31Por ejemplo, me encanta leer los tweets del Gael
13:34Me encanta leer los tweets del hashtag Jaguanila
13:40A mí también
13:42Estar contigo
13:44A mí también
13:46Me gusta estar contigo
13:50Me gusta estar contigo haciendo lo que estamos haciendo
13:54¿Cómo vale un Angélico?
13:58Carga completa, que procede
13:59Bien, perfecto
14:00Ahora búscalo de Ignacio de la Torre que todavía no lo vemos
14:05Listo, socio
14:06Excelente, vamos
14:20Un gusto, Eva
14:21¿Eva ahí?
14:24¿Qué hacen aquí?
14:26Estamos preproduciendo un documental sobre adopción de niños
14:30Estamos muy interesados en adoptar un niño
14:32No entiendo, ¿una cosa o la otra?
14:34Las dos cosas
14:35Queremos adoptar, pero también queremos producir un documental sobre todo nuestro proceso de adopción
14:40Ok, voy a averiguar a ver si lo que me están diciendo es cierto
14:42Si es así, podré atenderlos con gusto
14:43No se va a arrepentir, no, no, no se va a arrepentir
14:45Nosotros somos una pareja hermosa, magnífica
14:48Nos amamos
14:50Tú tampoco te vas a arrepentir, Eva
14:52De haber venido conmigo
14:55¡Hey, oigan! ¡Seguridad!
15:04Después de todo lo que te dije, tu primera palabra fue mentiroso
15:09O sea, de todas las palabras que podías decirme, me dijiste eso
15:12Yo no lo puedo creer, Nina
15:14Te acabo de abrir mi corazón
15:16O sea, sacudís mi corazón ahora y no cae nada, no hay nada
15:20Te di todo, lo di todo
15:22En todo caso, yo no me creo haber dicho y sentido todo esto
15:27No, no, no, no, no, no
15:29Yo no me creo haber dicho y sentido todo esto
15:34Pero lo hice por vos
15:37Por nadie más
15:39Y sabes que yo no te miento
15:47Si me mientes
15:51Te amo
15:59Por lástima
16:01¿Qué hablás? ¿Cómo va a ser por lástima? ¡No!
16:04¿De qué estás hablando? Si hay alguien que no me da lástima, sos vos
16:09Si sos una luchadora, me estás jodiendo, dale
16:12Te las bancaste todas
16:14Te bancaste las tuyas, las mías
16:16El hospital, yo te admiro
16:19¿De qué me estás hablando?
16:21¿Y así me vas a dar lástima?
16:23Por favor
16:25Te amo
16:27Me lo fácil que me sale decirte ahora
16:29Y lo siento porque es así
16:31Me tenés que creer
16:33El único boludo soy yo que antes no se daba cuenta, no sé por qué
16:36Cualquier chabón con dos dedos de frente te ve y no te deja ir
16:41Si sos una dulce
16:43Pero no de la pastelería
16:46Sos un amor
16:48Sos la más linda
16:50La más buena
16:52¿Qué tengo que hacer para que me creas?
16:58Si no me crees
17:00Con esto me vas a creer
17:22¿Me crees más ahora?
17:29Estás tan hermosa
17:32Yo soy un boludo
17:36¿Cómo no me he dado cuenta de lo que sentí antes?
17:40Era que me estabas perdiendo
18:00¿Qué llega a él?
18:07La doctora me dijo que no hablemos de nada
18:10Que pueda estresarte
18:13Y yo lo voy a cumplir
18:16¿Sabes por qué?
18:18Porque te amo
18:21Te amo
18:23Te amo
18:25¡La amo! ¡La amo!
18:28¡La amo! ¡La amo!
18:52What's up?
18:53Oh, don't worry, I'm the siren.
18:56What happened? Can I help you with something?
18:58Well, I want to congratulate you because the gym is great and we are happy with all the changes you made.
19:04Yes, yes, it's the idea.
19:05Except for one.
19:07Which one?
19:09I know you go back to boxing.
19:11No, no, no, I'm just training, I'm just training.
19:14Let's see Bruno, I'm not your princess, I'm strong and I have street.
19:19I know what happens here when the doors close.
19:23So I guess you're not going to say anything.
19:25Oh, you offend me.
19:27Sorry, sorry, yes, I know I'm a little defensive.
19:32I'm just telling you that you said you weren't going to box again and that it's very dangerous.
19:37Yes, I know, I know, but things are complicated, you can't always keep the decisions you make.
19:42At least I didn't try.
19:44Did something happen, little mermaid?
19:46Nothing, princess, the mermaid trained a lot this Caribbean body, so I'm leaving.
19:50Take care.
20:03Welcome home again.
20:11What do you think?
20:14Look, a gift for your little brother.
20:20For my favorite fighter.
20:25Well, here your grandmother sent a heart, Emma, which looks good, but my favorite is the little heart.
20:31But we're going to show you.
20:55What I don't know is how you made everyone know about this place.
21:01I bribed the doctor to tell her that she can only stay with me.
21:06Look, just in time, a message.
21:08The doctor and the doctor congratulate us that you recovered the speech, how nice.
21:13Of course, it's a news, I haven't told anyone yet.
21:16It's just that I dare not believe it.
21:19How quickly you recovered, I can't believe it.
21:22You are not 100% human.
21:27I'm afraid of losing my voice, my love.
21:30No, don't worry.
21:33No, don't worry, that's not going to happen.
21:41This is delicious.
21:45It's amazing.
21:46It's delicious like me.
21:48Don't you want to try me?
21:50No, no, no.
21:52A little kiss, come on.
21:58I want you to tell me the whole truth.
22:01Any news or contact with the outside world could cause a new crisis.
22:08The important thing is that you're okay and I'm here with you.
22:13But I don't know anything about what happened.
22:17With my mom, Ignacio, my dad, with Gael.
22:23I recovered my voice, I feel good, I want to know.
22:31Help me, come on, please.
22:33Let's leave the past behind, let's enjoy love.
22:37Trust me.
22:39Come on, you have to believe me, come on.
22:42The important thing here is that I love you.
22:45And that I love to tell you.
22:47Argentine virgin.
22:49Don't call me a virgin.
22:51No, don't call me that.
22:53I'm not Chamuyero.
22:54He was Chamuyero.
22:55I mean, I'm not anymore.
22:56I don't know.
22:58I'm not Florist.
22:59I'm not Florist.
23:00Don't call me that.
23:01Believe me.
23:02I'm serious.
23:04You're going to believe me.
23:07How do I feel?
23:09More beautiful, more good.
23:11All thanks to you.
23:13I love you.
23:16An emotional shock as strong as it is to find out that he is pregnant.
23:20It could trigger a new emotional crisis in Nina.
23:23Ms. Moran, you have to rest.
23:26Besides, we have a new contract ahead of us.
23:32Now we are going to have a marriage without a past.
23:53Thanks to you.
23:56We'll bring the cake tomorrow.
24:00But I also think we could bring her flowers, right?
24:02What do you think?
24:03Oh, I think it's a very good idea.
24:04Or maybe a little new clothes too.
24:06Some makeup too.
24:07Oh, no, no, no.
24:08Nina doesn't like to wear so much makeup.
24:10It's true, it's true.
24:11She doesn't like to wear makeup.
24:12A new cloak.
24:13What do you think?
24:15Do you want to buy her a Superdome?
24:18Oh, Mom.
24:20Don't say it like that either.
24:23With how scared I am to face Nina.
24:26Oh, don't think about the problem.
24:28Put the fear aside.
24:30Ignacio is already quite old enough to take care of himself.
24:33And Nina is your daughter.
24:35She's going to understand you and she's going to forgive you.
24:39And I would have to talk to Angel today.
24:43I'm going.
24:48Hello, hello, hello.
24:50Good evening.
24:51Please congratulate me.
24:52Do you finally have a girlfriend?
24:54How funny, Mrs. Ema.
24:55Thanks for the comment.
24:57I have news.
24:58We also have news.
25:00Tomorrow we open the pastry shop because Nina is coming home.
25:03Yes, yes, yes.
25:04I also know.
25:05He told me about the Jaguar Moran.
25:06He sent me a little message.
25:07Oh, are you friends now?
25:08Well, not friends either.
25:10But sometimes the ball player behaves well.
25:12But what is the news, son?
25:14Because I know that your grandfather is not.
25:16Oh, yes.
25:17He left me a note, but I...
25:19I feel sorry for him.
25:20I feel sorry for him.
25:22Son, but you are so excited.
25:25Speak, speak, please.
25:27Look, I haven't finished my research yet,
25:30but I can tell you the next headline.
25:35Angelico and Don Ignacio were together in the same orphanage.
25:40In that orphanage where all children are named Garay.
25:45And the two are from the same place?
25:47Don Angelico and Don Ignacio have known each other since they were kids, but they don't know it.
25:53Hello family.
25:55Today everything is joy because Nina is coming home.
26:11Well, the authorizations for the dissemination of the campaign are all signed.
26:15Thank you very much.
26:17I don't know what I would do without your help.
26:20Am I interrupting?
26:22Yes, my peace, Sandra's, my daughter's.
26:25Oh, what are you talking about?
26:27That I want you to leave my house.
26:31Are you kicking me out?
26:33I'm not going to forgive you for messing with Nina.
26:36So please leave my house.
26:39As soon as possible.
26:40For everyone.
26:43I'll go.
26:44Because after saying that, I have nothing to do here anymore.
26:48But I warn you one thing, Ignacio.
26:51You are making the worst mistake of your life.
27:00Very good, very respectful, very correct.
27:03Very good.
27:13How low is Nina?
27:15I can't imagine the fatigue.
27:17Yes, but the good thing is that now she can speak again.
27:19So we are happy.
27:22You know, with Diana we are very happy for Nina.
27:24But especially for you, as a couple.
27:26Who would not say?
27:27I've been with her all the time.
27:28She came out of the coma.
27:29Yes, very strong.
27:31The truth is that everything is very intense.
27:33My parents too.
27:34They wanted to come here, but I said no, please.
27:36Besides, the doctor told me that she doesn't have to know anything about information that stresses her.
27:40Everything carefully.
27:41She doesn't know anything about Simoncito, about Rael.
27:44So I want to keep her away from the news, from the networks.
27:48Well, I must say that Ignacio has also moved a lot.
27:50So that the press will leave him alone.
27:52I'm behind you.
27:55That's another topic.
27:57Little by little.
27:59But well, now the most important thing.
28:00Her pregnancy.
28:02I still can't believe it.
28:04Me neither, friend.
28:06It's tremendous.
28:08I can't believe it.
28:09That a creature is going to come out to me.
28:13Because I'm going to raise her.
28:16Whether it's a boy or a girl.
28:19I want her to play soccer.
28:20I would love it.
28:21I would love you to be the manager.
28:22And if it's a girl, you're going to be a heavy father.
28:25I can imagine.
28:27The Jaguarinas Moran.
28:28It's going to be a beast.
28:30No, they come close and I kill them.
28:32You see?
28:35And well, at some point you're going to tell her that...
28:39You know?
28:41That I'm not biologically the father.
28:44And if at some point I am.
28:46And that that doesn't change me at all.
28:49Rami, I'm super happy for you.
28:51You're a great man.
28:52Thank you, friend.
28:56Yes, I don't know.
28:57It's like, yes, I feel stronger.
28:59After all we've been through, I feel more mature.
29:01More manly.
29:02I don't know.
29:03I feel that...
29:04That with Nina everything is going to be fine.
29:06When we're together...
29:08Nothing is going to stop us.
29:09We can do anything.
29:11It's beautiful.
29:55Nina's first day at home.
29:58Let's wake her up.
29:59As she should be.
30:03Here she is, here she is, here she is.
30:04Come on.
30:07Good morning!
30:09Good morning, good morning, good morning!
30:11Up your hearts!
30:13You're completely crazy!
30:15Crazy for you, my love, crazy for you.
30:17That's how we're going to start every day,
30:19do you think?
30:21Beautiful, that's how Mom Jaguar would wake me up,
30:23you know when I had an exam?
30:25Boom! I would come out with everything!
30:27Yes, yes, yes.
30:29But well, speaking of the family,
30:31I already spoke to everyone,
30:33I left all the shifts for you, for later.
30:35We have a cat for ourselves,
30:37do you think?
30:39But just Mimo, I already know you,
30:41you record, you were thinking of the houses,
30:43what were you thinking?
30:45Of nothing!
30:47Of what?
30:49We say good morning here,
30:51that's how I send it.
30:53Good morning!
30:55That's how I send it to people,
30:57so they know you're okay,
30:59that they stay calm,
31:01everyone who asked me, ready.
31:03That's how we're going to do it.
31:05And what would be our thing, Moral?
31:29Good morning!
31:33Come all if you want free bread,
31:35we are celebrating!
31:45Hi, I'm Nina!
31:55Leandro Presidente
31:57or Leandro of presidential tour in Monaco?
31:59I don't decide, do I?
32:03I'm very good at both,
32:05I trust.
32:07Nothing to do with the style of Ignacio.
32:19I know, I know,
32:21you don't have to say anything.
32:23Do you want to join the winning team?
32:25I always knew you were an intelligent woman.
32:43I really enjoyed spending the night with you.
32:45So did I.
32:47I love that we get lost investigating.
32:49Although you know that I still can't get out of the amazement.
32:51Me neither.
32:53Thinking only about what my mother is going to tell me
32:55gives me panic.
32:59What a joy!
33:01I'm going to see Nina in a while.
33:03Ah, that's good, Mrs. Ema.
33:05And what's wrong with you two?
33:07What are you hiding?
33:11I ask again.
33:13What's wrong with you?
33:15Look, I only know that.
33:17Promise me that you will handle the information
33:19that we are going to give you because we don't want anyone to find out, Mrs. Ema.
33:23We already have all the conclusions
33:25of our investigation on the orphanage.
33:27And what are they?
33:29Mr. Angelico and Mr. Ignacio
33:31are brothers.
33:43Did you see it, Ignacio?
33:47You are right in your analysis, Angel.
33:49My numbers are rising.
33:51You know what has favored us?
33:53That they link the mayor with Gael Estrada.
33:55And well, Leandro,
33:57it's not going to be a competition for us.
33:59What do you say, Angel?
34:01Apparently, I think we are achieving it together.
34:05The truth is that I can't be happier.
34:07My daughter is already
34:09back home.
34:11The possibility that you give me
34:13of being able to help people.
34:15Apparently, everything is going well.
34:17Really, thank you.
34:19I owe you a lot, Ignacio.
34:21No, thanks to you.
34:23Believe me, I owe you.
34:25To you.
34:27More than you think.
34:31Hello, Ignacio.
34:35Campaign meeting.
34:37That's right.
34:39I arrive at the right time, then.
34:41If you want to know how the polls are going,
34:43I'll tell you that we are leading.
34:45I'm not surprised.
34:47With the team you have.
34:49And that's why I want to make you a proposal.
34:51I want to join the team.
34:53I want to be part of the campaign.
34:55Valentina, then you say
34:57to contribute to our ideas
34:59or to give it against your dad?
35:01I do it because I'm a lawyer,
35:05And I want to grow.
35:07If you allow me, Mr. Ignacio.
35:09One of the good things that brought me to work with Leandro
35:11was to meet Miss Valentina.
35:13And I can tell you
35:15that she has
35:17excellent ideas.
35:19She has an implacable push.
35:21And well,
35:23she has the best boyfriend in the world.
35:25Thank you, Angel.
35:27What do you say, Ignacio?
35:29Do you want me by your side?
35:31Well, after hearing
35:33all these virtues
35:35and with such a recommendation,
35:37of course yes.
35:41Thank you, thank you, thank you.
35:43Really, thank you very much.
35:47And you don't forget it anymore, you know?
35:49Because the first time you never forget it.
35:51There are no two first times.
35:53The night before, I had already dreamed of going with him.
35:55I mean, I was already dreaming,
35:57I was already preparing it in my head.
35:59I was going to sleep, I was already thinking about it,
36:01I had it, the bee knew it,
36:03it was a game that we had prepared.
36:05Not with my classmates, I just knew it.
36:07I never talked to anyone.
36:09It was like we had it in our heads.
36:11And the day of the final,
36:13he throws me, I pass, I peak, he throws me.
36:15I run, I define.
36:17Barbaro, goal, joda, quilombo,
36:19champions with courage,
36:21first championship, I didn't forget it anymore.
36:23It was incredible, it was incredible.
36:27You get tired, don't you?
36:29No, no, no.
36:31I like to listen to you.
36:35You do me good.
36:37You too, Ami.
36:39We get along well.
36:41We are a team.
36:45And I want to thank you.
36:47Because without you,
36:49I wouldn't have been able to do it.
36:51You gave me all the strength I needed.
36:57What did you hear
36:59about everything I told you
37:01at the clinic?
37:03Did you hear anything?
37:05Something, everything.
37:07Tell me.
37:09What did you hear?
37:13Tell me.
37:15I'll tell you if you tell me.
37:17You tell me.
37:19You're such a cheater.
37:21Tell me.
37:23No, I'm not going to tell you.
37:25No, no.
37:27I was just about to start.
37:29He took out his card and said,
37:37Hi, Ramiro.
37:39Can I come in?
37:41Yes, of course.
38:15You can now find my book
38:17in all the bookstores in Peru
38:19and sweeten yourself with each page.
38:25This sun is killing my hair.
38:27To the rescue.
38:31With sedal, my hair
38:33to the rhythm of summer.
38:37My hair to the rhythm of summer with sedal.
38:45Daughter, please.
38:47I don't know how to ask you for forgiveness.
38:49Tell me something.
38:51I have nothing nice to tell you,
38:53so I'd rather not tell you anything.
38:55Tell me.
38:57I beg you.
38:59It's torture not to know what you think.
39:03I beg you.
39:17Hey, my love.
39:21Why don't you tell her how much it hurts?
39:25Take advantage.
39:27Take advantage.
39:33Take advantage.
39:37It hurts me that he has sold me so much.
39:41That man has been so close to us
39:43and she has kept that secret
39:45without telling me anything.
39:47I have nothing to tell you.
39:55I think it's better
39:57to talk at another time, okay?
39:59The doctor asks us
40:01not to worry.
40:03I'm sorry.
40:09Yes, I'm sorry.
40:11It's my desire
40:13to be forgiven
40:15and to want to help her.
40:17Yes, I understand.
40:19But she needs calm now.
40:23I know you love her.
40:25I know she loves you.
40:27But she needs calm now.
40:35I don't want you to be bad.
40:37I want you to know
40:39that I love you
40:41with all my soul
40:43and all my heart.
40:45And when you're ready
40:47and you want to listen to me,
40:49I'm going to come running
40:51to tell you everything.
40:53And I want you to know
40:55that I will always
40:57be here for you.
41:01I love you.
41:21Sometimes it takes time
41:23to forgive.
41:25Calm down.
41:27Calm down.
41:31It's probably
41:33that I don't show
41:35to the people I love
41:37how much I love them.
41:39You're different.
41:41It's time to open your heart.
41:43You stayed like this
41:45because Gael drugged you.
41:47That's why you were in a coma.
41:49There's more to what you have to be strong.
41:51What do you mean?
41:53And tell him everything.
41:55But my best friend is Ángel Garay.
41:57More exciting.
41:59Tomorrow, immediately after.