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spend the day with us setting new routines while living at the cottage and starting the primary bathroom makeover.

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00:00Good morning guys, welcome back to the vlog.
00:27It is about 8am.
00:29Last night was our official first night at the cottage, moved in, feels very clean, worked
00:34really hard on it.
00:35I spent days deep cleaning this place, every home just needs a really good deep cleaning
00:41So we're officially moved in, so we're trying to set some new routines, like a new schedule,
00:47trying to figure it out.
00:48My mom is going to be watching the baby all day today, been thinking about like, okay
00:53well what's a realistic weekly schedule, like what days will my mom take care of the baby,
00:59what days will be full days, what days will be half days, what days will I keep the baby
01:03and like, you know, just have like a computer or off day.
01:06Doing projects like this, my body obviously needs rest too, I'm not going to want to spend
01:10every day of every week away from Kate, like that's just, that's just not realistic from
01:16my brain to process.
01:17So since we're just kind of getting in the swing of things, I think today is a full day.
01:21I'm going to take the baby over to my mom's at 10 and so she'll watch him from 10 to 6
01:25and then we'll have a hard stop time at 6 with whatever projects I'm working on and
01:29go pick him up.
01:30So I'm hoping that I can get a lot accomplished, that's like an 8 hour day, that's like a real
01:35work day.
01:36I have some things that I need to film this morning and then I want to dive into the bathroom
01:40project and kind of assess what I'm doing.
01:43I know some of the things that I've gotten and gathered, like tile and faucets and things,
01:49and obviously I know the vanity and the flooring and stuff because it's already there.
01:53What was my plan?
01:54What was my inspiration?
01:55Did I really have that deep of inspiration into it?
01:59I think I designed more of this bathroom, the guest bathroom, so I had more of the details
02:04and more of the design direction of this one because it was one I was going to immediately
02:08tackle but I don't think I dived too deep into that and I think if I'm remembering correctly,
02:14a lot of my design elements for that other bathroom are very like foundational and neutral
02:20and has like a warm gray tone to it and I need to bring the cottage vibe to it.
02:27You know like that's great to start, that's like a good foundation because it's kind of
02:30classic but like okay, what am I going to add to it?
02:34How am I going to bring in the character?
02:35I need patterns and a little bit of color and like in here I did like the rich chocolate
02:42Like still keeping it kind of neutral but it had a lot of character, like all of this
02:45penny tile and it added a lot of texture and did a pattern.
02:49I need those types of elements to really bring the bathroom to life so I need to pull
02:53everything out.
02:54See the tile with the flooring, with the granite and pull everything together.
02:59Make sure that I'm making the space special but also having it tie into the other spaces
03:03in the house.
03:04We're eating some breakfast so we're fueled.
03:06We went grocery shopping last night before we moved everything in here so we have what
03:10we need.
03:11I think we're fully set up now to just like dive into projects.
03:19We're ready to go.
03:43Okay, the baby is with me.
03:46I'm not used to it you guys.
03:47I'm not...
03:48It's weird.
03:49It's weird.
03:50Gotta make the most of today.
03:52So we're hitting the ground running even though the weather is awful.
03:57It's so misty.
03:58I worked on a schedule for my mom kind of based on like how it went this morning.
04:05So he's on a pretty good schedule for like eating and naps and stuff.
04:09So let's see if he sticks to it.
04:11He kind of rules his own life.
04:13Okay, ate breakfast, cried a little bit.
04:20I'm like not doing good away from Cade.
04:22I think just as much as they say that like babies don't know they're a separate person
04:27until they're like seven months old or something and he just turned eight months, I don't even
04:32think that I as a mom know that I'm a separate person and I still don't.
04:38Like, it's hard.
04:41It's hard.
04:42Anyways, had a little bit of a cry, shook it off.
04:45We have to get things done.
04:46Kinsley wants the top to his bottle.
04:49No, it's not for you.
04:52No more.
04:53I filmed a pretty kind of B-roll shots of the cottage after I cleaned it the day before
04:57yesterday, but now I need to film the actual tour.
05:00So that's why I'm dressed like this.
05:01We're going to do the tour.
05:02I'm going to talk through like everything.
05:03You would have seen this on Sunday.
05:05So if you haven't seen it, I'll leave it linked for you.
05:07I'm going through every room, what has been done, what hasn't been done, what we still
05:11need to do, how it's transformed.
05:21He stood outside because he said he was going to make noise.
05:23I'm like, you can't make noise.
05:24He's like crumbling like a snack.
05:26So I'm filming the tour right now so that I can start working on that edit so you guys
05:29can actually see it.
05:31And then I'm going to change and work on the bathroom things and stuff, but I want to get
05:35this done first.
05:36And gosh, it looks so pretty.
05:39It's hazy out.
05:40It's casting like a nice kind of like soft light inside.
05:43And I think it's going to be pretty.
05:44I also optimize the cottage for perfect temperature of lights to film.
05:48Like I thought about every detail, so it, it always gets really, really good light.
05:53All of this stuff is just going to be in the video because I don't want to move all of
05:57We have it like there and it's ready to be organized.
05:59Romeo's going to work on it today.
06:00So it's like, I'm not going to move it.
06:01It's just going to be part of living in the cottage.
06:07I finished filming what I needed.
06:11This was not a like heavy filming video.
06:15This is a very heavy editing video since I'm doing a tour of the cottage and like what
06:19has been done, what still needs to be done kind of thing and need a lot of reference
06:24It's always like, like hours more editing than than normal.
06:27It's usually like the opposite.
06:29You know, a lot of work goes into the project, like weeks, days and weeks go into the project,
06:35but you only see 20 minutes.
06:36Now it's like the reverse.
06:37It's, it's a lot more editing.
06:39I think it's so important to do kind of like a recap, like let's revisit what we've done
06:45kind of video because it's been so long and one, I need it too.
06:48Like I need a real refresher on what, what was I doing here?
06:51So we all need like a re, a nice little recaps before I dive into the bathroom.
06:57So I'm making myself a sandwich, texted my mom, see how the baby's doing because I'm
07:04I've been texting, I've texted her a couple of times while I eat, I'm going to work on
07:08organizing the footage since it's going to take me a few days to get through the edit.
07:12I want to get started on organizing all the footage and stuff and take advantage of the
07:15time when I'm not distracted kind of.
07:19So I'm going to edit for like, maybe like two hours.
07:37Okay, we have so many different little pockets of projects happening.
07:43I am trying to figure out the bathroom right now, the primary bathroom, Romeo's kind of
07:49working on all of the pop-up shop stuff.
07:52This was going to be a very long process.
07:54I have so much more here than I did in LA that I was able to bring back.
08:00We have a lot to assess, so don't expect that anytime soon.
08:03We're going to chip away at it, but our main goal with being here is to start working on
08:07projects at the cottage.
08:08So that will come in time and you guys will be the first to know.
08:11I'll let you know in advance this, I'll give it like a date to it.
08:15It won't be live when you're watching the video or something.
08:17I don't know, I'll figure out a way to kind of like, let you guys know when it's coming.
08:21He's working on it.
08:22There's lots of goodies, lots of like really beautiful dish sets and stuff that I've been
08:28kind of collecting.
08:29So he's in here working on this.
08:31Baby is with my mom for the next four hours.
08:34I have got to figure out this bathroom.
08:37It's the project I want to start first and that is this.
08:41It's the biggest project and it has the most little projects in it.
08:46And I've only done the floors and they're not even finished.
08:49I've laid the herringbone tile, but I need to grout it.
08:52So it's almost there.
08:53The hard part of the floor project is completed.
08:57I just have to go through, clean it all up, grout it and get it like, you know, finished.
09:02Tons of little projects.
09:04So I've been kind of like standing in here for the past 40 minutes and I'm just like,
09:09what was I going to do in here?
09:13What was the design direction?
09:15So I've been pulling out all of the materials that I have.
09:18Like I've collected tile, I've got it all.
09:22Like I have the materials to do this room.
09:25I mean, we've even found the vanity and it's not finished.
09:28Please don't look at it green.
09:29It's just green how I found it.
09:33And we've already got the stone on the vanity and the sinks in, but we need to, you know,
09:38redo it and make it, make it right.
09:40So that's a DIY project.
09:41We've got tiling, we've got the shower, we've got trim, we've got crown molding, baseboards,
09:46the cloth foot tub, the linen closet, doors and door frames, like a ton, a ton, a ton.
09:54It's going to take me weeks.
09:55So it's going to be episodes over on my main channel and you're going to see the behind
09:59the scenes here.
10:00I'm standing in this bathroom trying to figure out what was my goal?
10:05What was my plan?
10:06I'm remembering for sure now, we do have to find a few things like decoration wise, like
10:12I need a one big mirror or two smaller mirrors and I do have lights for each side, but I
10:19don't like them.
10:20I remember they're new and I don't love them.
10:24I think that they could be better.
10:26I think that I could find something vintage and better.
10:29So we're going to be on the hunt for that.
10:30I know I have a chandelier for this space for over the tub, but like, where is it?
10:35Well, where is it?
10:36I just haven't gone and looked.
10:37I think it's back there in my shed.
10:40So real talk for a second, before I settled on, I was going to tackle the bathroom.
10:48I was feeling very overwhelmed by this cottage.
10:51The same feeling I felt when we decided to buy it and tackle it for the first time.
10:57This happens to me sometimes when I look at the project too much as a whole, all I
11:03can see is all the work that needs to go into it and I feel overwhelmed by it all.
11:09And I have to remember that I can't think about it like that.
11:12I have to be like, okay, it's good to walk through a project and make a list.
11:15And that's what I did when I first got here.
11:16So I had this massive list, but it was like an overwhelming, massive list.
11:19And so I'm like, okay, but like, where do I start?
11:22Like what do I do first?
11:24Like what do I have?
11:25I was feeling so overwhelmed and started looking at the projects like room by room and it started
11:32to get a little better.
11:33And then I was like, okay, let me just focus on one space.
11:37What's the most, what's the biggest space that I need to tackle?
11:40And that was this bathroom.
11:41And when I started making a list of just the projects in this space, I felt better.
11:46I was like, okay, that I can wrap my head around.
11:50That is a lot, but it's not to a point where it's like completely overwhelming.
11:54I think I can be on board with this.
11:55I think I got this kind of thing.
11:57I haven't felt good about a place to start yet.
11:59And that was the first time I was feeling better about it.
12:02So I made a list of all the things just in this space that need to happen.
12:06And I broke it out in sections so that I could kind of like wrap my head around it.
12:10So my goal first and foremost is to clean it out, finish the flooring and work on the
12:24I miss Kinsley so much.
12:30That a week is not the longest I've been away from her, but that was like when we were traveling
12:36or vacation or something like out of the country.
12:38So it, you know, kind of, I was, my brain was preoccupied, but just being here at the
12:43cottage without her following me around was so bizarre.
12:47She's here now.
12:49I was trying to remember, I'm like, why did I prioritize laying the floor in this room
12:56at that time?
12:57I'm like, I wasn't doing this makeover.
12:59I hadn't had plans to come back here and do this bathroom.
13:03I was still working in the front of the house and I was cleaning, as I was cleaning, I remembered
13:08that I had to have the granite put on this vanity.
13:11So I was like, I got to do the floor because if they put that granite in here, I don't
13:18know how I'm going to be able to like move the cabinet and do that stuff.
13:24So I was like, okay, I've got to, I've got to prioritize this floor.
13:28I get, I think that that's why, but now I kind of want to move this vanity out.
13:32Like I want to cut it.
13:33They put the backsplash up, but I can just like, you know, cut, slice that and put some
13:38new silicone and actually move this cabinet out to finish the floors and to refinish this
13:43Ideally, I'd like to do it without it in this room.
13:47It's going to be kind of hard to get underneath there to grout this floor.
13:50So I'm going to assess that in a minute, but I was like, why did I do this?
13:53Like why, why was I doing this floor?
13:55It was a lot of work too, for me to just be like, okay, I'm done.
13:58That's enough.
13:59I would have, should have grouted it too.
14:00Why didn't I grout it?
14:01I ran out of time.
14:02Maybe they were coming with the stone and I needed it.
14:04I don't know.
14:05So they did the whole house with a stone at the same time.
14:08So they did both bathrooms and the kitchen.
14:35Okay, I think it's finally time that I can start the video and start the intro into this
14:56makeover video.
14:57I haven't gathered all of my thoughts about the makeover as a whole, but you know, you
15:02got to start somewhere.
15:03That's what I'm going to do.
15:04This is a good angle.
15:07Hi guys.
15:08Welcome back to the cottage.
15:09Hi guys.
15:10Welcome back to my channel.
15:11And welcome back to the cottage.
15:12We are standing in the primary bathroom.
15:14I've been filming in here for a little bit, kind of like walking the space and like setting
15:31I don't know if I'm going to be able to do like any like whole transitions that I want
15:34to do.
15:35Like now's the time to do it because otherwise I won't get the before footage.
15:39So I'm still thinking about those, but I could always film those tomorrow because I'm not
15:43drastically changing the space yet.
15:45I need to figure out the doors because I want, Romeo's going to help me kind of like perfect
15:50them a little bit because we're painting them.
15:52So it's not like we have to strip any, any stain off or anything or paint.
15:57It's so cold today.
16:00It's supposed to warm up tomorrow and then get like super cold.
16:03Like snowing low is like 24 degrees or something like that.
16:08I have doors here behind my ladders.
16:12I used to have a marked on the side so that I knew which ones were which guest closet
16:19main bathroom.
16:20That's the front.
16:21The first door.
16:23Main bathroom.
16:24Main bathroom.
16:31I must've organized these.
16:33I must've done myself a huge favor.
16:39Coffee pantry is here too.
16:41I need the closet.
16:51This is the little living closet door.
16:54I built all the openings for each of the doors.
16:56Isn't she cute?
16:57I found this one at a flea market,
16:59cause it's small.
17:00I needed a small door.
17:01Found this one at the Fredericksburg flea.
17:03You gotta replace all the windows in it.
17:05Not all, just the one that's...
17:07Well, we'll see.
17:08We gotta clean it up.
17:09I thought this one was so sweet.
17:11I loved that it would be glass.
17:13I wanted to be able to see inside this closet.
17:15So it was gonna be like really well organized
17:18with all of the towels and, you know,
17:20like maybe baskets in there for toilet paper
17:23and things like that.
17:24I wanted it to be like a little sweet moment.
17:27And I thought that this door would totally do it.
17:29Okay, this one.
17:30No, we're missing one.
17:33This is the pantry.
17:35That's the coffee pantry.
17:37Guest closet.
17:40I remember I started to move them up here,
17:42but I didn't move all of them.
17:44I also have some door frames too back here.
17:50I have a door labeled guest bathroom
17:51and that one's already installed.
17:53So that could be an issue.
17:55Maybe I switch some around.
17:56I'm gonna measure the opening and then determine.
17:59I mean, at least we can get started on those two doors.
18:01I must've changed my mind on some of them
18:04that I had planned for sure.
18:06Like it said main bedroom one and two.
18:09I know for sure I changed my mind on those
18:11because I found these two beautiful doors.
18:13So I was gonna use those two for something different.
18:2233, 81 and three quarters.
18:29Trying to think about all the ways the door is open.
18:32So to go into a bathroom, you step in.
18:38So it turns this way.
18:42But I think I had planned,
18:43since the bathroom is more on this side,
18:45I think I had it planned to open this way.
18:52Because you open and then walk into the main bathroom.
18:58And I didn't want you to have to walk around the door.
19:00So, okay.
19:01So it's all the things you have to think about.
19:05If someone sees me right there,
19:07they're gonna be like, what is that girl doing?
19:09No one can see me.
19:10No one's here.
19:11I'm in the middle of nowhere.
19:11No one's here.
19:12This way, it means the hinges are on the left,
19:15which means the hinges on this door are not right
19:19for how the door is gonna open for me.
19:22But that's okay.
19:23Like even the doorknob on this little door is so low.
19:26Like, look how low.
19:29But what I think I want for this door
19:32is for it to be like a, just like a click in.
19:35It won't have like a real door mechanism.
19:37It'll just be like more of like a click, click in.
19:40I don't know what those are called.
19:40Ball, ball and click, whatever.
19:4419 and three quarters.
19:5179 and three quarters.
19:55It is, it is so cold out here.
20:0238, why'd they do this opening so big?
20:06104, so there's a transom window
20:08that's gonna go above this.
20:1281, yeah.
20:14That puts the little living closet
20:15an inch and a quarter off the ground.
20:19I'll need three quarters of an inch.
20:21That puts the little linen closet
20:22a half inch above the ground.
20:25Just enough to open and close it.
20:27So for the closet, I need to find a door
20:29that's less than 32 and a quarter.
20:32I need three quarters of an inch,
20:34so that's an inch and a half.
20:35I need a door that's a shy less than 30 and three quarters.
20:40Okay, I'm gonna go measure.
20:42Okay, I figured it out.
20:43So I measured all the doors that I had.
20:45So I have two of these doors that are really similar
20:48and they look really good
20:49with the one I picked for the main door.
20:51So I think that this one is perfect.
20:53I have another one in the back
20:54and also a different design that I was like,
20:56ooh, would this be cool?
20:58It has different panels.
21:00I don't have it planned for anywhere.
21:01It's just an extra door that we had from the house.
21:04But I think since it's so close to two other doors,
21:07I think I need to keep the pattern the same
21:09and I can maybe use that one for something else.
21:1230, 70, 70.
21:16Yeah, I think I'm gonna need a few things
21:17from the hardware store to do the door.
21:19So I wanna make a full list for my whole project
21:22so I don't have to make multiple trips.
21:24I wanna make sure that I'm making the trips worth it.
21:25Just got back from picking up Kate from my mom's house.
21:29He spent the afternoon with her while we were working.
21:33It's weird.
21:35It's like bizarre, like Kate's eight months old
21:38and we haven't like taken him somewhere
21:42to someone to be babysat.
21:44It's always been like at our house,
21:46like when my mom's there.
21:48Or like I was staying with my mom,
21:49so I would just like leave him
21:51and then come back to him to sleep.
21:52So it wasn't quite the same.
21:54Like this time we were like going and picking up all his stuff
21:56and I was like, okay, we'll see you tomorrow.
21:59Thank you so much.
22:00It was just, I don't know, just a weird feeling.
22:03Adjusting to like a new life, you know?
22:05It's like when I was here working on the cottage
22:09before, obviously I did not have a baby.
22:10And most times I was just solo down here,
22:12just like working on a project and I lived a certain life.
22:16And now it's just so different, but also the same.
22:20It's the same and different.
22:22It's weird.
22:23It's like not an adjustment,
22:24just like navigating it is a new normal.
22:29Cause that was my normal for so long.
22:31So we're back at the cottage
22:33and we are making a frozen pizza.
22:36Like we don't have it in us to like cook full on.
22:39And now that I know how to use this oven
22:41because we have it in LA, it's kind of nice.
22:48I don't know if I mentioned this before,
22:49but we're having our gas lines worked on.
22:52Something with the meat, like, I don't know.
22:54I honestly, I don't know what happened,
22:57but something happened.
22:58So we do not have hot water at the cottage
23:04or the fireplace doesn't work.
23:06So we do have the oven
23:08and then we have our little stovetop.
23:09So we're making do just fine.
23:11So we showered at my mom's house,
23:13but they're working on that.
23:15They're going to be working on it on Monday.
23:17So we'll have gas on Monday.
23:19So I've just been heating water in a pot
23:21to wash the bottles a little bit.
23:36I've been just heating water for everything.
23:42Like I need to wash my face.
23:44I just need some water, like not a big deal.
