• 2 days ago
बलरामपुर ( छत्तीसगढ़ ) - छत्तीसगढ़ के बलरामपुर जिले में पीएम किसान सम्मान निधि योजना का लाभ किसानों को मिल रहा है। इससे किसान सम्मान निधि योजना का लाभ लेने वाले सभी किसान खुश हैं। किसानों को इस योजना से साल में 6 हजार रुपए मिलता है। बलरामपुर जिले के किसान बताते हैं कि इस योजना से मिलने वाले पैसे से उन्हें समय से खाद-बीज खरीदने में सहयोग मिल जाता है। बलरामपुर के कृषि उपसंचालक रॉबिनसन सुधीर कुजुर ने बताया कि जिले में प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना 2018 से प्रारंभ हुई है। अभी तक जिले में 65830 किसानों का पंजीयन हो चुका है। इस योजना के तहत किसानों को साल में तीन किस्तों में दो-दो हजार रुपए की आर्थिक सहायता डीबीटी के माध्यम से दी जाती है जिससे वो समय पर खाद बीज या कृषि उपकरण ले सकते हैं।



00:00My father gets the farmer's credit and he gets it from time to time.
00:06And with this money, we are using it for agriculture, for crop and seed.
00:12Our PM has taken a very good decision and it is very good for the farmer.
00:21He has received 18 or 19 installments.
00:26The money comes straight into the account and we pick it up with our fingers.
00:34It seems that not just me, but all the farmers in the village are doing a 100% good job.
00:43And it seems that this will continue to happen in the future as well.
00:46We have benefited a lot from the farmer's credit scheme implemented by the Prime Minister for the past 1-2 years.
00:55If we don't have money, we can use that money to buy seeds and do agriculture.
01:02Our life has also improved a lot because of this.
01:04The biggest advantage is that this money comes straight into our bank account.
01:09It does not go into the hands of any broker, which has a lot of benefit.
01:13And after some difficulties due to KYC, the money comes into our account from time to time.
01:21We have received 18 installments and we have benefited a lot from this.
01:25The farmer's credit scheme makes it very easy for us.
01:33We don't have to go to a broker for loans.
01:37We receive installments on time.
01:39There have been a lot of changes.
01:41For example, the money we need to do agriculture, we get some help.
01:46The money we have is not enough.
01:50The money that Mr. Modi gives us comes straight into our account.
01:53There is no problem.
01:54We don't have to go to a broker.
01:56It comes straight into our account.
01:58There is no problem with that.
02:00I go straight into my bank account and withdraw money.
02:05The money that we have is not enough.
02:08The money that Mr. Modi gives us is not enough.
02:13The Prime Minister's farmer's credit scheme has been implemented since 2018.
02:19Till now, 65,830 farmers have been employed in the district.
02:24According to this scheme, the farmers get Rs. 2,000-2,000 in 3 installments a year.
02:31This is provided to them through DBT.
02:34With this, they can sell their crops on time or take the receipt of current automotive year.
02:40DBT's full form is Direct Benefit Transfer.
02:46The money that is given to the farmers,
02:53goes straight into the farmer's account.
02:56This is why it is called DBT.
02:58This is the full form of DBT.
03:00It is very important for the farmers to have time in the field.
03:07No one has time in the field.
03:10The money that is given to the farmers,
03:15they use it on time.
