Why do so many people in Ireland play music so well? Perhaps it's the land itself that gives creative inspiration to all | dG1fMlB4a1g1SXhpaUE
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00:00Well, the crack is like, it's this kind of fun. I mean, the French might say it's
00:03le bon ambiance or le bon ami. There isn't really an English translation for it. It's
00:06kind of where there's chat and music and some kind of magic happens. It's... I got it.
00:12The crack is the sweet spot.
00:15Crack is fun and frolics and the joy of life and living, you know.
00:31Oh, being a musician. Being a musician is great crack.
00:34Musicians are pretty much given a free reign what they want to do in Sligo.
00:37You go to Sligo, you're automatically just comfortable. And it's great.
00:46I would take my influences from Jeremy Mitchell, Neil Young, Leonard Cohen, all of the greats.
00:52There's a raw kind of force of nature in Sligo that's just very immediate. It's wild out here.
01:16Sligo is extra unique to Ireland.
01:20I love the fact there's waves there. We like going walking up the mountains. Sligo's just a vibrant place.
01:26We're very lucky here in Sligo on the northwest coastline, the mountains, the river here,
01:31that there's so much to see and do that you can write about anything, really.
01:45You find it in the twinkle of someone's eye or you find it at the end of someone's expression.
02:08It's real.
02:15It's real.