• el mes pasado
Here is the recipe I based mine on. I used canned beans instead of dry: https://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Ribollita.html

POSITANO DIARIES & HELLO EVERYWHERE T SHIRTS for sale here: https://positanodiaries.teemill.com/collection/everthing/

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My recipe and story Ebook is available to purchase here, as is my guide to Positano with info on how to get here, where to stay, what to eat and what to do: https://positanodiaries.com/our-positano-cookbook

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#travel #tuscany #vlog #travelvlog #italy

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00:00Hi, just a quick note before we start this video, YouTube has been messing around with
00:08the audio and with artificial intelligence and it has been changing the voices from our
00:14own voices into robotic artificial intelligence voices. I think this is because our videos
00:22often are in two different languages, so it automatically tries to translate it into something
00:27else and it's upset a lot of people. There's a very, very easy solution. All you have to
00:33do is go into settings below the video and then change the audio track to Italian original.
00:40It's all you have to do. So please don't unfollow me because it's not my choice. It's YouTube
00:45deciding to do this for us and it's just very, very easy to resolve. So let's change that
00:51and get on with the video. There are going to be seven of us for dinner tonight, including
00:56three vegetarians, two of which are behind me, one which hasn't arrived yet. So I've
01:01decided I'm going to do a giant pot of ribollita, which is the classic Tuscan soup made with
01:07vegetables, cannellini beans and bread. So we're going to cook it together. The first
01:12thing I need to do is to get some bay leaves, a loro in Italian, and we've got tons and
01:18tons of laurel plants, trees down in the woods. So I'm going to have to go down to the woods
01:23and pick some. Okay, this is really low. I can reach it. Thank you, wind. So I'll pick
01:34some of these. I'll actually take some extra so I don't have to keep coming down here every
01:37time I want to cook with them. I got my lazy little doggie. She knew I was not going for
01:42a walk. Last winter up between the fence here, there was an arch with wisteria across it
01:51and the arch broke with a strong wind just here. So I want to replace that because I
01:57think it was really nice. And the wisteria, well, it's all leafless at the moment, but
02:01it was a beautiful pinky lilac colour. So we need to get another arch put in here.
02:11Now all the recipes I've seen use dried cannellini beans, which are supposed to soak overnight
02:17for 12 hours and then boil for like an hour and a half. And I definitely don't have time
02:22to do that. So I'm using canned beans, which is fine. Then I've got zucchini, celery, onion,
02:31carrots, laurel, rosemary, a bit of garlic. And the bread that I use is...
02:39In Italy, you get this dried bread like this and it comes in a big bag and it's really,
02:44really hard. You have to sort of soak it in water to use it. So I will be putting a few
02:50pieces of this in it towards the end of the cooking time and it will soften up, break up into crumbs
02:55and thicken up the soup quite a lot. And it really bulks it out. So that's what we'll be using.
03:00And to help this day, I have my lovely assistant, this guy, who's going to learn how to make the
03:07bolita. So we'll all learn together. Right, you come this side. Now we need to chop up all of
03:12this so you can give me a hand chopping some of it. Which knife do you prefer, big one or little
03:15one? Little. Okay, what do you want to chop in the video? Okay, I've just chopped up a load of
03:25onions and my eyes are watering and I need to just take five minutes out. So my other lovely
03:30assistant Nicola is going to come and take over. I'm going to have five minutes off and these two
03:36are going to tell you about this incredible adventure they're about to have. Okay, yeah,
03:41so me and Nicola have wanted to go to this one country for quite a long time and we finally
03:47decided to... I don't know if I need the... Tu puoi anche italiano qualcosa? Puoi senta pezzettini.
03:58And we finally decided to book our trip. We're going to go to Japan. We're going to spend about
04:03a month there and obviously we're going to go to different places. I've never been before,
04:08so obviously I'm going to do the usual places everyone goes to which is Tokyo, Kyoto and then
04:14also Osaka and also some other places which maybe are less heard of or they're still touristy but
04:23I've never been there so it will be the first time. It's really exciting. I don't know what
04:28else to say. Are you going to film any of it? Are you going to let people see? Am I going to film
04:33any of it? I definitely would like to make a video. The only thing is if I do it, I'll end up
04:41doing it for the whole trip but if I don't do the first few days then I'll forget and I won't do it
04:45so I need to get into the habit of doing it. Maybe I'll bring a GoPro or something. You can have the
04:50Osmo Pocket if you want. I don't like how it looks though. I think the GoPro, I think I like...
04:59It's not great for at night but I can use both my phone and the GoPro maybe.
05:07You could use just your phone. I could use just my phone but then my camera is just going to get
05:11after a month, it's going to get absolutely full. I think if you did film it, you'd be really happy
05:20about it. About five to seven years ahead, you'd love the fact that you can now look back on those
05:25videos. Yeah, so that's the reason why I want to film it. Obviously, I don't know if it's going to
05:29get posted, that's a different story. I don't know if you'll want to use any bits of the videos. I'd
05:33love to, I'm sure people would love to see. The Madeira video that you did was really popular.
05:39So I might do it and then who wants to watch it gets to see a bit of it. No expectations though
05:44because I don't know, I might forget and I won't film anything because I'll be having too much fun.
05:48So, what part of the trip are you most excited about, each of you?
05:58So for me, I don't know, it's really hard to say. The place I'm most excited of seeing
06:04maybe because I don't really know as much about it is the Izu Peninsula which is this
06:11bit of peninsula. It's obviously near the coast. I don't know, it just looks really exciting. There's
06:19like a waterfall hike you can do with an onsen in it which is like a thermal bath
06:24which you can do outside in the waterfall which seems exciting. Then I get to see the coastline,
06:29a couple beaches. There's a point where if we're lucky and the weather's nice, we get to see
06:34Mount Fuji in the distance and it will look really big because we're on the coastline.
06:39What about you? My most exciting thing is food of course and I don't know, everything because
06:49in Japan I think everything is special. Yeah, different from here. Different, very different,
06:57everything works differently and they have so many things so I don't know, everything. Yeah,
07:04food is a big one for me as well. I know granddad's been to Japan and he said he hated the
07:11food but it'll be different for me. I mean there's already some stuff that I know I like and then
07:16there'll be some different stuff to try. Are you starting in Tokyo? Yeah, I'm starting in Tokyo
07:25just because it's the easiest place to fly in from and it's best for getting flights. I'm also
07:30flying out from Tokyo because it just makes more sense. They've booked your flights that way. So
07:37if anybody's been to Japan or anybody lives in Japan and has something really really fun and
07:41exciting that they could possibly add to their itinerary, do leave a comment below because we're
07:47always up for great ideas, fun stuff. They're going to be there for all of March and the end
07:54of February. We will also obviously rent a car in some places which will make it easier to see a
08:01lot of stuff. I think it really adds to the experience. I mean they've got amazing public
08:07system like trains and buses and stuff like that but obviously there's some places where there's a
08:11bit less and if you get to go with the car it's a bit easier and kind of cheaper in the long run.
08:16I mean if you're taking like buses and trains every day, close that up. Yeah, so I've got two
08:22cans of cannellini beans. One of them I'm going to mash so it makes the soup more creamy. Now you
08:28could do this with a blender or a stick blender but I still haven't bought myself one so I'll do it
08:34this way which is fine. Apologies to anybody who already knows this but I'm teaching Sky and
08:39Nicola as well today. So a great base for any soup or anything like that is onion, carrot and celery.
08:47So you can cook them all together. So I'm going to just put them all in the bowl and then chuck
08:51them into the pan and you want to cook these until they're soft and then you can start putting
08:56the other ingredients in. Into the pan and we'll just leave that to heat up and cook.
09:08Okay, in with the zucchini. This takes a bit less time to cook.
09:13And now we can throw in the tinned tomatoes.
09:21Rinse it out with a bit of water and add that.
09:31And a big squirt of toothpaste. Toothpaste!
09:38Concentrated tomato. What? It says two tablespoons so just a big squirt.
09:46Another one. So now we've let that cook for five minutes we're going to add some water.
09:52Is it boiled? Yeah it's just boiled so that's fine. And don't forget to add salt because if you're like me
09:58I always forget to add salt. So we want quite a lot of water so I think you'll probably put more water.
10:04So we want quite a lot of water so I think you'll probably put most of that in because the bread will
10:09really soak it up afterwards. And we need enough for seven people so more yeah the whole lot.
10:15Okay that's been bubbling away for about half an hour we're going to add the beans. So there's
10:19two tins of beans one is mashed and one is whole. Careful it doesn't splash you.
10:27And we're going to stick some of this lovely dry, when I say dry I mean like really
10:32crumbly dry bread in here and this will really soften up it won't stay in big lumps.
10:40It actually tastes really nice once it's done. It doesn't even taste like bread anymore I feel
10:45like it tastes a bit. Yeah let's add some more later if need be. So this has been now soaking
10:53for about 20 minutes and you can see that the bread is really soft and if I stir it it's going
10:58to all break up and just absorb into the soup and actually it's now time to add some more water
11:04because that's that's taken up all of that water and it will eventually all disintegrate and it'll
11:09be a lovely and mushy soup. And to serve it you can drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on top
11:16which really does make a huge difference and if you want a little bit of parmesan cheese.
11:22Sky and Nicole have gone out for a walk and I just gave the soup a stir and it's just occurred to me
11:28I forgot an ingredient. So one of the major ingredients is green leafy vegetables so
11:34something like kale or um bietola. I don't know how you say that in English. So I didn't have
11:41anything at home I've just had to dash out and go to the supermarket and all I've been able to find
11:46they didn't have anything fresh so they've got um some bietola and some what they call
11:53herbs of the field so it's like basically a mixture of greens and these have already been
12:00cooked so I'm just gonna dump them in the soup quickly. It'll be all right nobody will know.
12:07I also have just googled bietola and it's chard. I should have known that.
12:12All right. Right.
12:17So as a decampo is a bit of a is a mixture so here we go chard,
12:21chicoria, that's what it is. So basically I've bought two things. Okay fine whatever
12:27let's just use it. I'd normally put some kale in and um maybe some spinach but this is fine.
12:34I'll I might not use all of it there's quite a lot here.
12:42Okay that's from the rosemary by the way not just a random stick.
12:53Okay there is my wooden spoon.
12:59Ah now that looks more like what it should look like.
13:03How did I manage to forget that? Okay it's now nearly eight o'clock in the evening. We are
13:08reheating the soup and if you remember the name of the soup is ribolito which means re-boiled.
13:15So it is now being re-boiled and we will soon be having dinner and we still haven't quite figured
13:21out where we're going to sit. We might have to do it in shifts. We've only got four seats at this
13:25table or we could bring another table in. So here we are this is the finished result. I've done some
13:32some with pomodorini uh little tomatoes with some olive oil and garlic some with some stracciatella
13:38which is like the inside of a burrata cheese with anchovies and tomatoes. And here we have
13:44our ribolita nice and hot and steamy and we have solved the seating problem by bringing an extra
13:53little table in here and three of us will have the children's table and the adults table that's
13:58what we'll do. Perfect, it's like a little restaurant.