• last month
I'm not saying that, I look at it like this, I bend, but I don't break. And my rhetoric is really just practicing rebuttals with you. My rhetoric is asking you, OK, is this too tough for you, Paul? Let's pretend Paul's coming in for the first day. You judge me, my man. So before you even go into a training class, I bring you into the arcade so you can play some pinball and Pac-Man and some air hockey. So at least you're chilling for the first half of the people in mid. That's number one. Number two, you come into the training. There's no quiz. Consider me like the TV VCR. You know, there's no quiz. You get to enjoy yourself for that class that day. All I'm going to do is pay it forward and teach you soft skills that got me there. But these are the sort of things you just don't pick up a guitar in one day. I'm talking about 30 years worth of this knowledge that I'm trying to condense in two hours to show you the bouncy ball kindergarten way to do it. where I can show you, come and don't do the fish in a day and teaching you for life.
