Follow a group of Atlanta detectives working together to solve one open-ended case each season. | dHNfa1RjQXpMRDNYY1k
00:15Homicide, we are a team and a family.
00:18You develop a brotherhood, a family bond with the guys.
00:22And though the case is assigned to you in particular,
00:26you still know that it was all a team effort.
00:30And you do know that you don't have to put the whole burden
00:33of the investigations on your shoulder,
00:35that you have a family, that you got your brotherhood,
00:38you got your team members,
00:39you got everyone working to further your investigation
00:43and get a conviction.
00:46Upon getting your initial call, you know,
00:48you already know that you're gonna be the lead on the case,
00:51but you do know that you got a good support cast behind you.
00:54You got good, reliable guys
00:56that can handle your search warrants,
00:58handle your processing of your crime scene,
01:00handle your victimology,
01:02handle cell phone technology, things to that degree.
01:05And it just works out perfectly.
01:08If you have guys that are able to step up and just say,
01:11don't worry about it, do your investigation,
01:13I'll take care of this.
01:15Even now, I still go to the senior guys above me.
01:18I even go to the new guys.
01:20Everyone has a different way of thinking.
01:23And you can never stop learning from anyone.
01:26So that's my whole goal to them,
01:29is that you can always learn and listen
01:31from other detectives.
01:33You can learn even from other units,
01:35because it's sooner or later that information
01:37that someone told you, you'll come to realize,
01:40well, this is very relevant
01:42to what I've got going on right now.
01:43And it sounds similar to what I'm investigating.
01:47You might not always solve your case within 48 hours.
01:51It may take a month.
01:53It may take six months.
01:54It may take a year.
01:55It may take six years.
01:56And during that time,
01:57you develop a whole lot of information.
02:00And sometimes that can bog you down
02:02because then you have other investigations going on.
02:05If you get distracted,
02:06then you'll lose and you'll drop the ball.
02:09So don't get sidetracked.
02:11Focus on your victim, the crime scene,
02:14and other information you received.