We're back on #minecraft Cherry Island! I get my pet Bork back, thanks to a surprise from the server admin. However, I also end up stealing my best friend's pet...
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Cherry Island Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cherryisland/
Fan Laws:
1. No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Breaking Cherry Trees.
Cherry Island Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fSTcqTCWhu
Cherry Island Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cherryisland/
Fan Laws:
1. No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Breaking Cherry Trees.
00:00Good morning to everyone. It is Cherry Island season 2
00:04We are here in our little house up on Petal Hill our friends
00:09Craner, Finn, and oh look Rishi's here as well
00:12We need to go and find them and meet up with them and also I guess see Rishi and see what
00:18He is gonna tell us today. Already
00:21I'm seeing some questionable stuff going on in the distance
00:24And I'm pretty sure my old house used to be there. Here is the wall separating the rest of Cherry Island from the hill
00:31Nothing in our post box. Okie dokie. I've
00:34Forgot to bring my shovel
00:37As you know, what's probably quicker just to go through this bit here
00:40Now for any of you just tuning in every week Rishi comes to visit us on Cherry Island. Oh wait
00:47Guys what's going on? I found out. Did you guys move in with each other?
00:49No, I just found out knocking in now that I had somehow picked a house right beside Finn without knowing this is where I live now
00:54You live here? You don't even have a bed, dude
00:55I just took my bed and put it in here so we could bounce together. This is my bed Josh
01:04Why are you here?
01:06Why are you here?
01:08Why are you here?
01:10Why are you here?
01:12Why are you here?
01:14Why are you here?
01:16What happened to my old house?
01:18Yeah, let me explain. So I logged on and I saw this
01:21Oh my gosh
01:23And I saw this huge mess
01:25So I got my
01:27So I got my trusty flint and steel out and I burned it all down to clean it up
01:31No, you've destroyed cherry trees again
01:33I didn't destroy cherry trees
01:37There are two laws that have been made by the fans
01:39My fire destroyed cherry trees
01:41One of them is you're not allowed to mine diamonds or blow them up
01:44And the second one is you're not allowed to damage cherry trees
01:48Does it say that you're not allowed to damage cherry trees?
01:52You're telling me you just set fire to these
01:54I did it out of good intention
01:56I thought you guys made a mess of the server
01:58And I wanted to clean it up
02:00So what are you going to do? Sue me?
02:02Part of the reason I moved out of the house is because I couldn't break the trees
02:06Are you going to sue me or something?
02:08Well, I mean Rishi's going to decide
02:10By the way, Finn
02:13Hey everybody, come meet me in the cherry forest
02:15I have a surprise for you guys
02:17I just need to quickly grab a snack by the way
02:19I'm a bit famished
02:21Oh yeah, look, I cleaned up the farm too
02:23Because I guess Finn has been trampling all over it
02:25And planting the wrong seeds
02:27What are you talking about?
02:29Rishi, where are you?
02:31I see a building
02:33Whoa, he's got a building now?
02:35Wait, what?
02:37Is this your house, Rishi?
02:39Has he made a town hall?
02:41What the heck? Hello
02:43Why do you sound so bad?
02:45He said wait here guys
02:47Finn, good job on planting the trees
02:49Are you kidding me?
02:51He did it on Josh's house
02:53Very much, thank you
02:55Yeah, he did troll me
02:57And I saw Josh has moved out
03:01And for Crainer
03:03Yeah, the favourite child
03:05That cleaned up stuff and didn't ruin any cherry trees
03:07You destroyed some trees, question mark
03:09Okay, listen
03:11First of all, I know Rishi's talking
03:13You guys know that you have broken a law
03:15Every single week since we started
03:17Well, this is the
03:19This is the talking cobblestone
03:21And I will use it to talk a little bit
03:23About why I did what I did
03:25Is that allowed, Rishi?
03:29However, just this time
03:31I'm going to let you off the hook, Crainer
03:35Are you serious?
03:37Rishi's going soft, dude
03:39That's crazy
03:41Explain why
03:43Explain why you let me off
03:45Since your intentions weren't malicious
03:49Exactly, Rishi
03:51He gets me, Josh
03:53Before we enter
03:55Here's your diamonds
03:57Oh, I forgot to bring mine with me
03:59You're gonna need them
04:01What does that mean?
04:03Wait, Rishi, do I need to go get my diamonds from my house?
04:07Okay, I'm gonna go get my diamonds
04:09Hey, Josh
04:13How many diamonds do you have?
04:15I'm not telling you, dude
04:17Show me your new crib, dude
04:19I'll take you as far as you can go
04:21Have you been here already, Crainer?
04:23Yeah, but I don't have a visa
04:25You guys can't come in
04:27How do I get a visa?
04:29You have to apply for one
04:31I don't think they can hear me now
04:33I knew it
04:35I knew it
04:37I knew we would need diamonds
04:39This is why I've been saving them up
04:43Yo, what's up?
04:45Good morning, buddy
04:47Hey, broski, you got an enderman over there
04:49Do you guys want to talk about how many diamonds we all got?
04:51Yeah, I've got five
04:53How many did you get, Finn?
04:55Hashtag seven
04:57How many have you got?
04:59I've got 27
05:05Well, I've been saving them
05:07You're actually such a loser
05:09Okay, peace
05:11Wait, I can finally put in an order
05:13Actually, yeah, do you want to put in an order?
05:15No, you'll get more diamonds, don't, Crainer
05:17I'm going to have to figure out what to actually get
05:19I have an announcement
05:21Today and today only, I've got a special offer
05:25What is it?
05:27Pork chop?
05:31Oh, free compliment
05:33I can get a free compliment
05:35Yeah, but this week only, two free compliments
05:39Anyone want to put an order in? What do you want?
05:41I just want the compliment
05:43Two of them
05:45Okay, you ready?
05:49Hit me with your best shot, Josh
05:51You don't smell that bad
05:53You have a really good taste in friends
05:55Ah, come on
05:57What else?
05:59Come on, lay it on me, buddy
06:03See, it's that hard to find a compliment
06:05I want my diamond back
06:07I thought I was going to have more time
06:09I want my diamond back, dude
06:11I think that your Minecraft skin looks really good
06:15Oh, thank you
06:17You're welcome
06:19I need you guys to stop yapping
06:21Hey, Finn, do you want to put in an order or anything?
06:23I'll put an order in, ready?
06:25You can just talk, Finn
06:27It needs to go on the sign, Karina
06:29Troll insurance
06:31Give me the diamond
06:33Here you go
06:37Sorry, it took us a while
06:39Josh didn't stop yapping about how good I was
06:43Look at this
06:45Welcome to the Emporium
06:47Go on in
06:51We've got a camel, dude
06:53No way
06:55And a fox
06:59I think you should probably listen to Rishi
07:01Can you toss me a cacti, buddy?
07:03Everything is for sale, prices on the left wall
07:07Items on the wall, 5 diamonds
07:09Mobs, 7 diamonds
07:11Items in the chest, 3 diamonds
07:13Where's the cactus at?
07:15Where's the cactus at?
07:17Can I get a refund on my diamond, Josh?
07:21Where's the diamond now, Josh?
07:23I need 1 diamond
07:25Look, we gave our diamond to Josh
07:27Because he wanted to sell us compliments
07:29So I've only got 4 diamonds now, Rishi
07:31This is so good
07:33I did tell you guys you'd need the diamonds
07:35I have short term memory
07:37These are inflating prices
07:39Oh my god, this is so good
07:41Rishi, Rishi
07:43I have had a suspicion that these diamonds would mean something
07:45Since the beginning of the series
07:47Thus known that I wanted to keep as many as physically possible
07:49There is absolutely no way in hell
07:51I'm giving you guys a single diamond back
07:57Yeah, I mean
07:59Rish, Rish, I'd like to make a purchase
08:01Prepare for that
08:03Where do I put the money?
08:05I would like the saddle, please
08:07Finn, that's 5 diamonds
08:09Are you going to pay 5 diamonds for a saddle?
08:111, 2, 3, 4, 5
08:13Wait, how many diamonds have you got?
08:15He said he had 7
08:17I would like to tame
08:19Hubby, which I think I need
08:21A saddle and probably also
08:23No, the saddle's gone, it's too late
08:25It's gone
08:29Okay, so I would like to talk about what I want now
08:31I would like to
08:33Purchase the
08:35The dog
08:37And that's Bork
08:39However, is it Bork?
08:41Is it Bork?
08:43Okay, do I need to buy
08:45The name tag as well to name him
08:47Right, okay
08:49You're going to be broke, Josh
08:511, 2, 3, 4, 5
08:53Can I get some bones to bone him?
08:57Don't say that, Josh
08:59Jesus Christ
09:01So that is 7 diamonds
09:031, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
09:05I'm assuming that the
09:07Yeah, they come with the dog
09:13Look how happy he is, man
09:15Congratulations, Josh
09:17One of us got their animal
09:19Can you just be quiet for one second, Crainer
09:21If I want the kebble
09:23I think I need
09:25Hey, Bork, what the hell
09:27Chill, Bork
09:29Rishi, do you mind putting an anvil down
09:31So I can name him
09:33How many diamonds did you have, Finn?
09:35I've got one left
09:37There we go
09:39Bork is
09:41Alright, boys
09:43The next thing I'm going to be buying
09:45I will be buying the camel
09:49Josh, don't do that
09:51I will be buying
09:53I will be buying the name tag as well
09:57Don't you dare buy Humpy, Josh
09:59You're taking it too far, buddy
10:01So that's 12
10:03Rishi, don't allow this
10:05This is wrong, Rishi
10:09Put the anvil down again, please
10:11There is no way this should be legal
10:13Crainer, how does this make you feel, Crainer
10:15Really bad, he's stealing my camel
10:17Finn, you wouldn't know because you don't love things
10:19You don't even have a pet
10:25That's cruel, that is
10:27What do I do with my last five diamonds, guys?
10:29Why don't you buy like a
10:31This is like
10:33You guys watch those prison movies
10:35Where they touch heads through the glass
10:37Wait, wait
10:41I'll get you out
10:43I'm taking this chest, dude
10:45Are you kidding me?
10:47Can you take the whole chest?
10:49The chest is three diamonds
10:51There is one thing from the chest
10:53I'm just realizing how good of a deal that is
10:55What the hell?
10:57Bro, I still had time
10:59To buy stuff then
11:01I'm taking the creeper chest
11:03I'm taking the creeper chest
11:05I need a lead, I guess, to deliver
11:07I can give you a lead, I've got one at my house
11:09I know, Humpy, I know
11:11This is terrible
11:13Even for me, bro
11:15Are we done here, Ishii?
11:17Yeah, anything else you want to say? Thanks for ruining my life, idiot
11:19Oh, and he got a free lead
11:21Well, it's just a lead, it's not that big of a deal
11:23Should have had enough diamonds, Crainer
11:25Oh, no
11:27He literally bought my pit
11:29You should not allow this kind of bullying, dude
11:31Whoa, look at that
11:33He took my pit
11:35Okay, let me grab
11:37Stop riding him, he is not to get passed around like that
11:41You got a spider on you, Crainer
11:43It's Josh's camel
11:45Josh, can I take a trip?
11:47Yeah, yeah, you can have a trip
11:49Anything else, Ishii?
11:51I guess I can ride on him like this, too
11:53Actually, no, guys, get off
11:57Humpy rides cost a diamond
11:59Just because I just got on to enjoy it, you change the rules
12:01Do you want to ride? You can give me a diamond for a ride
12:03Josh, I want to remind you
12:05that he trolled you last
12:07Do you want to ride or not?
12:09Why are you trolling me, Josh?
12:11I've got troll insurance
12:13Oh, Ishii wants a ride
12:15Go for it, bro, let's go
12:17Wait, I just gave Josh another diamond
12:19I am so done with this series, guys
12:21Take Humpy, then
12:23I'm going to go to my house
12:25I hope you enjoyed that
12:29I might just wait here until it gets daytime
12:31because it's a bit dangerous right now
12:33Dude, I'm not going to lie
12:35The diamond deal was really good
12:37I would have saved up so much more
12:39I'm just infuriated
12:41that Ishii gave him
12:43Crane has broken into my house
12:45Give me back my camel
12:47What are you doing, bro?
12:49Give me back my camel
12:51Dude, I bought Humpy fair and square
12:53This is not fair, Josh
12:55How dare you walk around my trap?
12:57Did you declare war?
12:59No, dude, you can't declare war
13:01You've got to be real careful
13:03because if you mess with
13:05Ishii knows I bought him fair and square
13:07If you mess with that, you're going to be in trouble
13:09Finn, I'm granting you a temporary visa to enter
13:11Thank you, thank you
13:13I'm intrigued
13:15Can you stop ignoring my love?
13:17I'll be back in a second, hang on
13:19You guys suck, dude
13:21No, no, no
13:23No, no, no
13:25No, no, no
13:27What are you saying, Finn?
13:29I would like to purchase something that you have
13:31What would you like? Diamond horse armor
13:33Oh, yeah, I do have that
13:35I have a diamond
13:37You only have one?
13:39That's a good trade
13:41I did heal Bork
13:43earlier on as well
13:45Sorry, no deal
13:47Help me out, come on
13:49I'll trade it for the saddle
13:51but that's not going to work
13:53Alright, I'll tell you what
13:55I'll trade it for two diamonds
13:57and I'll take one diamond as debt
13:59Okay, deal
14:03Okay, alright, so you owe me one diamond
14:05Thank you
14:07Actually, you know what, I'm just going to have you put that on a sign
14:09So don't forget as well
14:11don't forget
14:13I've got troll insurance
14:15Yeah, could you just write that I owe Slogo
14:17one diamond
14:21What are you doing here?
14:23Yeah, but I'm just like a bit lonely
14:25What are you guys doing?
14:27We're doing things, like we're busy
14:29Can you get out of my territory, please?
14:31Do you seriously just want me to wait here?
14:33You just wait there
14:35I have a temporary visa, Craner, you must leave
14:37Craner, would you like to purchase a temporary visa?
14:39No, I don't want to purchase anything from you
14:41Okay, well we're going to
14:43Me and Finn are going to go and like
14:45tame a horse now for him and stuff
14:47So if you want to be a part of that fund
14:49You can buy a temporary visa, I don't know what to tell you
14:51I've got a creeper head you can buy, which is pretty rare
14:55I mean, do you have any diamonds?
14:57You've got one, don't you?
15:01Do you want to come in or not?
15:03Yeah, I do kind of want to come in
15:05Well, you don't want to pay? Finn, let's go get a horse
15:07Yeah, horse time!
15:09I know where they keep good horses
15:11Last chance, Craner
15:13No, I'll wait out here
15:15What a loser
15:17He's still here, you have to walk a little bit further away
15:19Finn, I feel a little bit bad
15:21Should we let him in on temporary visas?
15:23I'm standing here in the rain, guys
15:25Alright, Craner
15:27Craner, we'll take it for the creeper head
15:29That's a good price to pay
15:31Alright, come on in
15:33Wait, how long does the visa last?
15:35Literally, as soon as I can revoke it instantly
15:37So I can't go visit Humpy?
15:39No, I don't want you to stay away from Humpy
15:41He's over there
15:43You can pay for a ride, but yeah
15:45Why is everything about paying with you, Josh?
15:47Because I know the value of diamonds
15:49Hey, Finn. Oh, that's a cool one, Spotty
15:51Nah, I want a black one
15:53Okay, there's one over here
15:55There's a black one over here
15:57Oh no, it's brown
15:59You know what? This is a good area, Josh
16:01How much did you pay for this?
16:03I just sort of took it over, there's no rule against it
16:05Okay, this will be my horse
16:09I say nay!
16:11You're killing it, Finn
16:13Come on!
16:15Sorry, Josh, I'm going to have to try
16:17and help him here, I think
16:19Sorry, digging isn't included in your visa, buddy
16:21Just ride him like you've never ridden him before
16:23Nay! I say nay!
16:25Don't I need apples?
16:27You will break!
16:29This is how I got to know Finn's mom, too
16:31Come on, break for me!
16:39Oh, look at this
16:41Oh, that was a disappointment
16:43That was really bad
16:45I just wasted one of my creeper eggs, dude
16:47Yeah, that was a waste
16:49Put the armor on, Finn
16:51Nah, I swear, Crainer, if you do anything
16:53I'm not doing it, the joke is dead now
16:55I tried, the joke is gone
16:59Damn, bro!
17:01Dude, that's sick
17:03Damn, baby
17:05That is so cool, Finn
17:07I just remembered I wanted to put a sign down
17:09Can I just say hi to Hubby?
17:11No, that'll cost a diamond
17:13Hey, Hubby
17:15Finn is saying hi!
17:17I'm happy you guys are having fun today
17:19Do you want to take a ride?
17:21Do you want to check this sign, Crainer, by the way?
17:23Hubby for 20 diamonds!
17:29Just as a heads up, that price is going to go up every week
17:31Bro, I'm going to have to go treasure hunting
17:33or something to find that many diamonds
17:35Yeah, you probably should
17:37Hang on a second
17:39Inflation is crazy, guys
17:41Inflation doesn't happen
17:43in a second like that
17:45Honestly, it catches you
17:47in seconds you don't really know
17:49How about, oh, inflation went the other way
17:51Now it's one diamond
17:53Okay, I'm officially revoking your visa, get out
17:55Dang it!
17:57Don't shoot me
17:59Hey, do you want to take a ride on Sheila?
18:01Is that the name?
18:03Finn, I'm also revoking your visa
18:05It's time for you to get out
18:07Oh, you could have said it nicer
18:09Yeah, sorry
18:11This has single-handedly been the worst episode
18:13so far for me, Josh
18:15And I just want to say
18:17that it is in part
18:19mostly due
18:21to you, Josh
18:23Alright, Crainer, bye
18:27Well, I think actually, all in all
18:29today has been one heck of a successful day
18:33Let me just put another sign down saying
18:35I, oh
18:37Just a reminder for myself
18:39We were clearly correct
18:41in making sure to get as many
18:43diamonds as possible and it has worked out
18:45for us, we now not only have
18:47Borg back
18:49Borg is back! Come on, Borg, you need to be in the house
18:51Ow, dude, chill
18:53Not only do we have Borg back
18:55Borg, get in the house! There we go
18:57We also have Humpy as well
18:59and he's legally ours
19:01so Crainer knows he can't mess around with that
19:03because if he did, I'm guessing
19:05he might even get punished for it
19:07But anyway, thank you guys for watching
19:09and I will see you in the next one