В этой серии мы узнали какую силу хранит СКИНТ! Но нет, это далеко не просто СКИНТ...
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.
Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...
Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt
Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.
Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...
Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt
Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
00:00And... one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three...
00:10Wh... what?
00:12But how? Where did it come from?
00:14So, what do we have?
00:16To be honest, this is probably the worst and most deplorable situation of all seasons.
00:20We literally don't have a bunker where I can live, and any other place is killing me.
00:26Well, okay, a shelter. I also run into some random girl who talks to me through memories,
00:33addressing me directly.
00:35But how?
00:36I wasn't there.
00:37Where am I?
00:38When am I?
00:39Why am I?
00:41Why is Laia surprised by my name?
00:43Explain to me.
00:45The story is getting more and more twisted.
00:47In general, hello to all dear friends, I'm Lolo.
00:50Welcome to the point of no return.
00:53Let's go!
00:57Hello to all dear friends, I'm Lolo.
01:00So, wait, can you hear me or not?
01:02Hello, can you hear me?
01:04I'm talking through this fucking rubber barrel.
01:06Damn it.
01:07So, now, wait a minute.
01:08I'm connecting the microphone.
01:10Here it is.
01:13Okay, I'm going.
01:14I'm going.
01:15I'm going.
01:16I'm going.
01:17I'm going.
01:18I'm going.
01:19I'm going.
01:20I'm going.
01:21I'm going.
01:22I'm going.
01:23I'm going.
01:24I'm going.
01:25Okay, seriously, hello to all dear friends, I'm Lolo.
01:28Welcome to the point of no return.
01:31The season in which we finally began to receive answers.
01:35Yes, yes, we finally learned a little about the organization,
01:38got a car, learned about Laia,
01:41who definitely does not believe not only in me,
01:43but now as if in herself,
01:45because she understands that she cannot live.
01:47We learned that the organization never leaves witnesses,
01:50and most importantly, now we understand
01:52that in this time,
01:54where time seems to have frozen,
01:56something is wrong with time.
01:58Sorry for the tautology.
01:59Then Lolo notices that someone else is using the bunker at the same time,
02:03then at the time of writing Prunus and Malus,
02:06Laia and Lolo teleport with some kind of delay,
02:09so there is also a girl who, through memories,
02:12turns and looks literally at me.
02:14But how?
02:15I was definitely not there.
02:17Here, it turns out, the girl was sitting,
02:19here is a teddy bear,
02:20and here I was standing and watching the kids behind the bushes.
02:24That is, I mean that if the teddy bear remained,
02:27then it turns out that the girl disappeared
02:29after I...
02:32stood here.
02:33In general, it is not clear whether it was really me
02:35or just some guy in the same spacesuit.
02:37It is implied that everything is clearly not so simple,
02:39but okay.
02:40Can I take this teddy bear, by the way?
02:42Come on.
02:43Oh, no?
02:44Damn, okay.
02:45In short, we do not spend the charge suit,
02:46just sit down and...
02:50We notice that there are things in the trunk.
02:53Wait, what?
02:54Oh, wait.
02:55Like, visually it is also displayed?
02:57Now, now, now.
02:58I'll try to put, for example, like this.
03:00And yes!
03:01There are also things here!
03:05And if I try to fill in absolutely everything?
03:07There are even more things.
03:09Listen, what if they still move when moving?
03:12We will definitely check it,
03:13but before that we take it out.
03:15Then we sit down and start.
03:17Come on, Kolymaga!
03:20Damn it!
03:21Well done!
03:22Now the main thing is not to spend the charge suit.
03:24Oh, yes.
03:25Well, yesterday was a day.
03:27And today I wake up in the car,
03:29in a completely twisted state.
03:32Yes, a good start to a new day.
03:35I can not believe that this is my new reality.
03:38Although, since the disaster that happened in the Archea
03:41is such a large-scale event,
03:44probably it is normal that it leads to such consequences.
03:48But, among other things,
03:50as if I was not enough of an aggressive environment and a tight shelter,
03:53so there is also an organization that is trying to kill me.
03:56Well, just great!
03:58In this world you will definitely not get bored.
04:01True, Laia said that in this village
04:04I'm kind of safe for now,
04:06but it's not for long.
04:08Sooner or later, they will begin to comb
04:12in search of me.
04:14It is obvious that my bright red fashionable pickup
04:16stands out quite a bit.
04:18If I park it right on the street,
04:20they will notice.
04:21They will notice that this car appears,
04:23then disappears,
04:25and will want to check it.
04:27If at this moment I will sleep,
04:29they will not even have to try hard to kill me.
04:31Therefore, the conclusion is one.
04:33Now I need to do survival.
04:36Besides, I have ...
04:38To be honest, my back starts to ache
04:40from constant being in this position.
04:42This is not critical, but definitely unpleasant.
04:45I need to try to equip some kind of protected space.
04:48At least a small room.
04:50Or a garage.
04:52To hide the car, yes.
04:54And so that there I can safely take off my spacesuit,
04:56sleep and eat.
04:58Store things, after all.
05:00And so that I am not visible from the street.
05:02Okay, time is running out.
05:04I need to make it before they get to this suburb.
05:07But ...
05:09How can I still create a shelter?
05:12It is clear that I will not be able to repeat the structure of the bunker,
05:15but ...
05:16There is one more thing that protects me from infection.
05:19And this is my spacesuit.
05:21I have been doing its improvement so many times,
05:23blindly following the instructions of the assistant,
05:25but I have never disassembled it
05:27and did not try to understand what is inside.
05:30How exactly does this spacesuit protect me?
05:33What is it made of?
05:35What materials?
05:37It's scary to disassemble this one, of course.
05:39What if something gets hurt?
05:41But in the bunker ...
05:43There are four more left.
05:45They must have been modified too.
05:48I need to go back and study them carefully.
05:51Yes, yes, I understand that this is a big risk.
05:53But I don't have much choice.
05:55True, for a start, I'd better look for a suitable place for a shelter.
05:59Wow, what cool topics you raise, Loloshka!
06:03Stop! What is the secret of your style?
06:05Get into the bunker unnoticed?
06:07Disassemble the spacesuit and find out what it consists of?
06:10Learn to make the same material?
06:12Ah, material!
06:13Well, by the way, yes, logical.
06:14So, okay.
06:15I need to finally figure out the structure of the spacesuit.
06:18It's a pity that I came up with this only now,
06:20when it is dangerous to appear in the bunker.
06:22Nevertheless, these data can allow you to create a material
06:25that opposes the dangers in the air.
06:28Oh, good idea!
06:30But for some reason it seems to me that this is not real.
06:34Stop, where am I now?
06:35Let's try here.
06:37And here, in theory, is the main road.
06:39Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
06:40That's it.
06:41This suburb is called Blumkoll.
06:43For a start, I'd better look for a suitable place for a shelter.
06:46For a shelter, a place like a house can do.
06:50Or a garage.
06:51Loloshka said very well about the car, right?
06:53We need to hide it somewhere.
06:55So, okay, we don't have any garages here.
06:58I wasn't, in my opinion, in the right part of the city,
07:00so let's go here.
07:02Hey, hello, are there any garages here?
07:04Something that, I don't know, will hide my car there.
07:06Is there? No?
07:09Where can the garage be?
07:10Something that will hide the car.
07:12This should be an obvious place.
07:14But I don't understand.
07:19Stop, stop, stop.
07:21What is this?
07:24Oh, here, here.
07:25It seems that this house has a garage.
07:27Let's see if a pickup truck will fit here.
07:29But to open the gate, I suspect I need keys.
07:32Yes, yes, now for sure.
07:33That's it, turn it off.
07:35Maybe you still have some batteries here?
07:39A rich house.
07:40Listen, a kettle.
07:42Here are the leaves.
07:44What is this?
07:45Ah, garage keys.
07:46Oh, here are the keys.
07:48The main thing is that it works.
07:50I don't have enough battery to charge my suit.
07:54So, how?
07:55You can open the gate without leaving the car.
07:58How does it work?
07:59Ah, I got it.
08:01Listen, it's spacious.
08:03A duck!
08:05A duck.
08:06Hey, punk duck.
08:07Hey, where?
08:08Where should I close it?
08:09Come on.
08:10Back, back.
08:11I can't close it.
08:12Let's sit down.
08:13Let's start.
08:14Oh, here.
08:15You could open the gate right through the car.
08:17If I sit in it, then look, a button appears.
08:20Open the gate.
08:21Let's try.
08:23Listen, cool.
08:25But I still need to start it carefully.
08:27Ah, so it doesn't open forever.
08:29Like, for a while.
08:30That's it, I understand why it closes.
08:32Come on.
08:36That's it.
08:37It seems to be done.
08:38And now, probably, to shut it down.
08:40And where am I?
08:41Here we have a bush.
08:43Some kind of workshop, it seems.
08:44Purely in theory, an unremarkable house.
08:47But I definitely like it here.
08:49Let's see how life is here.
08:50Oh, how lucky.
08:52This small cozy workshop is just right for a new shelter.
08:57Ah, what have I come to.
09:00We call a small room with a garage without windows cozy.
09:04Well, okay, I'll make it cozy here, that's for sure.
09:07This is not the most important thing now.
09:09This workshop is good because it has a small area of surface,
09:13which will need to be finished with protective material.
09:16Well, of course, the fact that the car is literally in the next room.
09:22So, what can I do in this workshop?
09:24Take a roulette wheel?
09:26Measure the area of the walls?
09:29For measuring?
09:30Now, now, now, I want to see everything.
09:31Iron chisel.
09:32Oh, we take a lockpick.
09:33So, steel ingot.
09:34What is it?
09:35Ah, this is like a window, right?
09:37Ah, yes, this is a window.
09:39And we can enter this house, it turns out, only from the street.
09:43We can't go through the garage.
09:45Well, let's find out what the area is here.
09:53Damn, cool.
09:54Lulushka actually has a lot of knowledge, if you think so.
10:01So, there is a garage, there is a room.
10:04It is even known how much protective material is needed.
10:07Now it remains only to find out how to make this material.
10:10I'll have to go back to the bunker, damn it.
10:13Hey, what is this?
10:15What is this?
10:19Well, what the hell is a ghost fog?
10:21Well, please!
10:22I'm here without a charge at all!
10:24I can't fight ghosts!
10:26According to my logic, it would be cool, probably, just to stock up on a ton of fuel and sit in the car.
10:32But on the other hand, decorating this room is also a cool idea, but not when it's dangerous.
10:37Damn, okay, who am I arguing with?
10:39Let's check here again then.
10:41We don't take anything, we probably won't need it.
10:43We start the car, sit down, open the gate.
10:48Damn, it's so cool!
10:51What are these particles?
10:52Oh, they show me how to drive.
10:53Listen, wait, wait.
10:54Damn, I remember how to get back here if anything.
10:57Where are the particles?
10:58I'm lost.
10:59Where do I need to go?
11:12They don't care when I'm in the car.
11:16I don't give a damn!
11:18Oh, it's so cool!
11:19I can finally see who you look like, dude, who are you?
11:24What the hell is this?
11:25This is some kind of crap, really.
11:27Oh, hi, another one.
11:29That's it, that's it, that's it, I see the tunnel.
11:30Let's go.
11:42No, no, no, Lolo, what's wrong with you?
11:44I can't go there for no reason.
11:46They'll see me.
11:47It doesn't matter if I'm in the car or on foot.
11:49It's better not to go there without preparation.
11:52I don't know what the organization is capable of.
11:54Laya is sure that we have a lot.
11:57I'll park and...
11:58Let's probably ask Laya first.
12:01Maybe she knows how to get into the bunker unnoticed.
12:04Oh, damn, I like Lolo so much in this series.
12:07He's like, you know, he's suddenly become smart.
12:09I don't know.
12:10What, should I go out and make a prunus?
12:12Let's probably write it down, but somewhere in...
12:15Right here, right here, that's a good idea.
12:23Damn, where are you going?
12:25I have some kind of stealth series today.
12:27I'm even afraid to scream, to be honest.
12:29What is this?
12:32I don't remember there being a record here.
12:34Let's just use the emergency battery 1 just in case.
12:36There's nothing interesting here.
12:38Laya, I'm sorry.
12:40Wake up.
12:42I guess I shouldn't.
12:44Hey, Laya.
12:45Where are you going?
12:47Laya, it's me!
12:49Easy, easy, young lady!
12:51Oh, damn, my heart almost fell out.
12:55I didn't know you could fight.
12:57Oh, damn, Laya.
12:59I can, but I don't like it.
13:01I'm sorry I hurt you.
13:03It just happened at the muscle memory level.
13:06It's okay, it's over.
13:08But don't sneak up on me when I'm sleeping.
13:11What do you want?
13:12Laya, I need to go back to my bunker.
13:16Not for long.
13:17Are you a fool or something?
13:19Or are you kidding me?
13:21No, Laya, it's true.
13:22It's important.
13:23I'm afraid, otherwise, I won't have a chance to survive.
13:26Oh, it's so hard with you tied up.
13:30Tied up?
13:31What does that mean?
13:32Lolochka, your bunker is now under guard.
13:35They found it, and yes, now they are waiting for the authorities.
13:38Who will be able to investigate?
13:41You mean they need some special people to investigate?
13:44Hmm, not necessarily people.
13:46In this matter, race is not important, but yes.
13:49The organization always acts according to the protocol.
13:52This is what ensures its existence and secrecy.
13:56Well, that is, now there is no one inside, am I right?
14:01Listen, if that's all you wanted to know,
14:04then I would prefer to go back to sleep.
14:06No, wait, that's not all.
14:08What else?
14:09Who guards the bunker?
14:11Oh, I'm begging you, just forget it.
14:14Find another way to survive.
14:16This one is not for you.
14:18For such cases, there is a special scenario for watching from drones.
14:22Tch, Laya, drones, seriously?
14:24I can easily shoot them.
14:26Hmm, not this time.
14:28If you hit one, everyone else immediately attacks in response.
14:32This is suicide, Lolochka.
14:34Yeah, well then...
14:37They don't have a 360-degree view, do they?
14:40So there must be an option how I can skip.
14:43No, no, no, if only you didn't...
14:48What? What? If only I'm not what?
14:51Oh, really, that's...
14:53Hey, Laya!
14:55Well, don't be silent, please!
14:57Laya, please!
14:58I believe you won't let me die, help me!
15:01Tell me, can you dance?
15:04Well, waltz.
15:05Can you dance waltz?
15:08I can count to three, but dancing...
15:11That's it, that's it, quiet, quiet. Let's try.
15:14Laya, you're crazy now, just...
15:17Lolochka, maybe I'm crazy, but I don't have other options for you.
15:22This is interesting, what?
15:24Agree to dance, ask to be more serious?
15:27No, I think she's serious, she knows a lot, it's obvious.
15:30In short, yes, agree, of course.
15:35Damn, it's so weird.
15:37And... one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three.
15:43Oh, good, good.
15:48Let's continue, one, two, three...
15:50Damn, what happened?
15:53Did I stumble or something?
15:55Are you okay?
15:56Yes, yes, everything is fine.
15:58Now tell me, please, what was it for?
16:01Hmm, of course, of course.
16:03When I was studying the pattern of observation of the formation of drones,
16:06I noticed that it fits well...
16:08to music.
16:10to waltz.
16:12And why did you study this pattern?
16:14Oh no, but this does not concern you anymore.
16:17For you, the problem is that there are not fools in the organization.
16:20The formation is built so that there are no blind spots.
16:23And for every three, the viewing angles intersect in such a way that it is impossible not to get caught.
16:29Then what's the point of making me dance?
16:34Why are you silent?
16:36Damn, Laia, I don't understand, really.
16:38Come on, Lolochka, remember where we are.
16:42In my dimension?
16:44So what?
16:46Oh, wait.
16:48I see.
16:50You suggest I move here every time the cameras intersect.
16:55Hmm, I still think you're hopeless, but...
16:58maybe not as much as I thought at first.
17:02You know, if you think it sounded like a compliment, then...
17:05Well, yes, it sounded like a compliment.
17:08Thank you for the compliment.
17:10How easy it is to please you.
17:12In general, we found out.
17:14The safest way is to move on every count of three.
17:18One, two, Prunus, three, here.
17:20One, two, three, Malus, back.
17:23It is in this order that you move before the camera moves,
17:26and back exactly after.
17:28Do you understand?
17:30You know...
17:31I'm thinking about it, but everything sounds so surreal.
17:35Hm, well, not as surreal as your existence.
17:45Oh, you're done, aren't you going to sleep?
17:49No, I guess I should read first, then go to sleep.
17:53Look, you can stand here, I don't care.
17:55Apparently you don't really need to go to the bunker, right?
17:59Listen, Laia, wish me luck, please.
18:03Let's go with me.
18:04You can move here too, right?
18:07Damn, no, no, no, why?
18:08What's the point?
18:09It will aggravate the situation.
18:10We joked and that's enough.
18:12Seriously, how do I get to the bunker?
18:14To be honest, I wouldn't press any of this.
18:16But, I repeat, trust.
18:18I need some kind of trustful contact between me and Laia.
18:22Wish me luck, please.
18:23Hm, I already thought you would call me with you.
18:27Well, there was such a choice, but...
18:30Maybe you really are not such a dick.
18:33Good luck, Loloshka.
18:36Damn, I like Laia.
18:37I don't know, at first, when she just appeared,
18:40for some reason it seemed to me that she was still a goat.
18:43No, not a goat.
18:44In short, in vain we are wasting time,
18:45immediately use the emergency battery.
18:47Probably two times will be enough.
18:49And after that, we immediately prescribe milk.
18:56Uh-huh, hello.
18:57Oh, damn, now it turns out to be in the bunker, right?
19:00One, two, Prunus, you...
19:07That's awesome.
19:08I forgot that there were ghosts.
19:09I really flew out of my head.
19:11Uh, dude, I kind of understand everything,
19:14but you...
19:15Please leave, I don't want to waste fuel.
19:17Now, you know, I really want this.
19:19We will drive like this and turn around a little,
19:21so that, if anything, then we can enter the tunnel quickly.
19:24Get out of here, well!
19:25Why did you come to me here?
19:27Damn, what an infection, huh?
19:29Okay, that's it.
19:31Come on.
19:33Bunker, bunker, bunker.
19:34Drones, drones, drones, drones, drones.
19:36And what to do?
19:37And how to be? Wait, and how to be?
19:38And how to be?
19:39Probably just go through, right?
19:42Oh, damn.
19:47Oh, how many of them are there?
19:52This is just tin.
19:54Don't worry.
19:55We are falsing.
19:56One, two, three.
19:58One, two, three.
19:59One, two, Prunus.
20:05One, two, three, Malus.
20:11Oh my God.
20:14Come on, come on, Lulushka.
20:16Good, just good.
20:20It worked.
20:22I did it.
20:24I'm almost glad that the end of the world happened,
20:26and no one saw this shame.
20:28Well, except for Lai, of course.
20:30But all this was not in vain.
20:32Oh yeah.
20:34Oh, bunker.
20:36How I missed you, damn it.
20:38Stop, stop, I can charge, right?
20:40Oh, what a relief.
20:42Finally, to charge the spacesuit in a human way.
20:45So, now for business.
20:47What's the matter?
20:49What, I just need to take a spacesuit?
20:51Hmm, which of these spacesuits is best to take for research?
20:55They are all unemployed.
20:57And I don't even know why they are unemployed.
21:00Ah, so it doesn't matter which one to start with.
21:04Ah, well, okay.
21:08Damn, I like the animation so much this season.
21:10How smooth it is.
21:12Hmm, how interesting.
21:14There are no batteries in this suit, unlike mine.
21:17That's why it didn't work.
21:19So it is quite possible that it could protect against infection.
21:23So, wait, maybe...
21:25Come on.
21:28What is it?
21:32Stop, really, what?
21:35This is anti-skin, am I right?
21:38It can't be!
21:41But how? Where from?
21:43So, I'm in Archea.
21:45But this is some kind of strange Archea.
21:47Not a drop of skin.
21:49Not ordinary, not infected.
21:51But here, there is anti-skin.
21:53And what kind of infection is there in the air,
21:55that only he can stop it?
21:59Okay, I'll think about these issues a little later.
22:02I need to get out of the bunker before I'm spotted.
22:08This is just wow!
22:10Guys, what did you understand?
22:12What is anti-skin?
22:14Anti-skin is, in fact, anti-skin!
22:17Well, literally!
22:18It is also called anti-prox.
22:21And for a peacekeeper, for an inter-worlder,
22:23anti-skin is a destructive thing.
22:26That is, if anti-skin will be next to the peacekeeper for a very long time,
22:30then sooner or later its spark will go out.
22:33And now the question is...
22:36That is, now we understand that anti-skin, on the contrary, helps in this world?
22:40No, well, in fact, for all, all, all seasons,
22:42we have not yet discovered the properties of anti-skin.
22:45In the last reality, with the help of anti-skin,
22:48we could talk to another universe.
22:50Remember, I, Loloshka,
22:52contacted Jodah and John.
22:55Okay, I won't do any theories, guys.
22:57I'm just afraid to say some heresy right now.
22:59But this is... Wow!
23:01I haven't forgotten about anti-skin at all!
23:03We can take some filters here.
23:05Ah, we pulled them out of the spacesuit, right?
23:07We take it.
23:08What is the secret of your style?
23:10Come on!
23:11Get into the bunker, disassemble the spacesuit and find out what it consists of.
23:15Learn to make the same material.
23:19Who was the owner of this bunker?
23:21What is this smart guy who knew a lot?
23:23I have a feeling that he was at least a peacekeeper.
23:26Four filters.
23:27Protects against infection.
23:29Not used in crafting.
23:30Is that all spacesuits?
23:32Are they all empty now?
23:33Ours, I see, is fully charged.
23:35We put it on.
23:36And how nice!
23:37100% charge!
23:39Okay, the bunker.
23:40I probably still need to go here.
23:45Okay, great.
23:46I'm in the car.
23:47And now I have filters that I can install in the workshop.
23:50To clean the air.
23:52The only thing left to do
23:54is to make the room sealant.
23:56I think while the usual sealant or something like that comes together,
24:00this is not an ideal solution, but this way I will at least win time.
24:03And then we'll see.
24:05It will be possible to do, probably, something more durable.
24:08Yeah, I got it.
24:09So, wait.
24:10Come on, car.
24:11Let's go.
24:13The main thing is that no one attacked me now.
24:16There is still a lot of fuel.
24:17The suit has a lot of charge.
24:18Here are my filters.
24:19Only I did not understand.
24:21Is he in a filter or is he in a spacesuit?
24:23Like, damn, in fact, if we have anti-skin in a spacesuit,
24:27then we are not peacekeepers at all.
24:29Well, in the sense that we lose strength.
24:31We lose a lot of strength every second.
24:33Let me remind you.
24:34On ordinary peacekeepers, anti-skin affects so badly
24:37that sooner or later they lose their strength to zero.
24:40And they become dusks.
24:42They have yellow eyes.
24:43But many characters in The Voice of Time were surprised
24:45why Loloshka can wear anti-skin
24:47and, like, he doesn't feel as bad as others.
24:51We found out that this is because he has a very strong spark.
24:55Because he is an intermediary, not just a peacekeeper.
24:57But the fact itself remains a fact.
24:59Like, I wear, it turns out, anti-skin for how long?
25:02Half a year?
25:03How long have I been in this dimension?
25:05Well, probably two, three, four months.
25:07It just seems to me that Loloshka has so little strength now
25:11that if he tries to cast some magic,
25:13he will rather faint.
25:15Let's be careful.
25:19We drive in.
25:20We go out.
25:21We must turn off the car.
25:23And in the end, how am I going to do it all?
25:25What do I...
25:26Oh, cutscene, of course.
25:40Damn, Loloshka is smart.
25:41I would never have thought of this.
25:44Task. Comfortable corner.
25:47It doesn't look so bad.
25:49Now I need to equip this room with at least the most necessary furniture.
25:53First of all, I need a bed.
25:55Well, and maybe a couple of cute little things
25:58to brighten up my loneliness.
26:01Task. Comfortable corner.
26:03Install a bed in the workshop,
26:05find cute little things and add a little coziness.
26:09What are cute little things?
26:10And a duck, I have a duck, by the way.
26:12Maybe I can put it somewhere here?
26:14The workshop seems to be not so difficult,
26:16but I don't have wool.
26:18Oh, I have a lot of cobwebs.
26:20I think I know what I need to do.
26:22But I don't have a sword to break the cobwebs.
26:24Damn, I have nothing at all.
26:26I'm a little bit of a bum.
26:27Okay, then we get out of here.
26:29Oh, fucking ghosts.
26:31If you get into my eyes now,
26:33I'll go crazy.
26:34So, now here, carefully.
26:36What do we have here?
26:38Give me...
26:39Maybe, by the way, a battery?
26:40Charge, charge.
26:41We definitely need to charge later.
26:43Oh, a bed.
26:44Let's take this bed.
26:45Maybe it will do.
26:46If not, we'll have to create our own.
26:48Here's the white wool.
26:53Oh, what?
26:54Take a bed?
26:55Oh, that much?
26:56That is, I didn't need this one.
26:58Oh, I got it.
26:59Then it's goodbye.
27:00Next, here we have a brown-yellow sheet.
27:06Pink and blue, probably.
27:08I like these two colors.
27:10So, what do we have here?
27:11Also a bed.
27:12Also a simple...
27:13Oh, green, I like it.
27:14Yes, yes, yes, we take it.
27:15And we need to find, again, a cute trinket,
27:18add a little comfort.
27:19Damn, what kind of trinket can add comfort?
27:35Take the bears.
27:36Oh, Mr. O'Flafferty!
27:39A teddy bear of a girl named Elizabeth.
27:41That very bear.
27:43Damn, that's right, here it is, a trinket.
27:45Oh, Mr. O'Flafferty, we'll be friends.
27:48Ah, Mr. O'Flafferty!
27:50Help me!
27:53No, please!
27:55Please, I don't want to!
27:57I beg you, don't waste my charge!
27:58Don't waste my charge, beast!
28:00Where's my garage?
28:01Where's my damn garage?
28:04Damn, don't!
28:06Garage, garage, garage, garage, garage!
28:12F**k you!
28:13That's it, close, close.
28:14How many seconds does it take?
28:15One, two, three.
28:18About five seconds, in short.
28:19Five seconds and the garage closes.
28:21Oh, here it is.
28:23Put a bed.
28:25Put toys.
28:26Ah, toys.
28:27Well, come on.
28:29The task is a cozy corner has been updated.
28:31Ah, and here, by the way, the duck also fit.
28:33I got it.
28:34I have zero losses!
28:38The filters really work!
28:39That is, when I open the garage, then I start to spend the charge.
28:44This is cool done!
28:45Like, now I can live here.
28:51So, well, actually, here.
28:53The house is a nice house.
28:55At least for a while.
28:57Until they found me again.
28:59Oh, how I hope this will not happen soon.
29:02It's very tedious to do all this every time.
29:05Well, but now I have a place to sleep.
29:09This is certainly not a high-tech bunker, which helped me to feed myself,
29:13and to improve the suit, and to design weapons, and much more.
29:17But here, at least, finally safe.
29:22And the brains have finally grown.
29:24And I think, when you already have something in the norm, you have done so much.
29:27Well, Mr. Flufferty.
29:29Well, Duck Punk.
29:31I congratulate you!
29:32This is your new home.
29:33Do not worry!
29:34We are still about your Elizabeth, or what is the name of this girl?
29:37We'll find out something else.
29:38We'll find out where they all went.
29:40Guys, I think right now I can do this.
29:45I'm alive!
29:47How sweaty I am!
29:48I'm sure I'm so sweaty, damn it!
29:50Friends, I can say for sure that at the moment this is my favorite episode,
29:54because I love answers.
29:56I think you will not argue that answers are the coolest thing,
29:59when you have a lot of questions, a lot of thoughts.
30:02And now you finally get what is the most blessed.
30:05Again, answers.
30:07As they say, further more.
30:08It can be seen that the silence before the storm ends.
30:11And I'm starting to get scared, to be honest.
30:14Guys, I really hope that in the conditions of this slowing down,
30:17you do not forget to pay attention to my phrase about
30:20do not forget to subscribe and like.
30:23Your support is the best boost to motivation, really.
30:27Well, if you are here for the first time, then you can also call your friends.
30:30And you were Loloshka and...
30:34Good luck to everyone, bye-bye-bye-bye-bye!