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Rivals, But It's Gun Game!

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00:00This is rivals gun game every time I get a kill I switch weapons in this order and the first person to get an elimination
00:05With every gun with $1,000 from the loser $1,000 is mine. I'm getting a kill with the first gun
00:10Our first gun is the energy rifle beam this guy. Come on. Nice. Nice the way you already got it, bro
00:15There's no way Marty able to switch to the flamethrower only use the flamethrower for this elimination not allowed to use anything else
00:21So let me just get over there. This is the worst level 240 ever locked in and dad
00:25No, wait, you're too now. I get to use the grenade launcher. I'm speeding through this step on I'm gonna I'm literally stealing your money
00:32Oh my gosh, where are you? Oh
00:34Come on 100
00:36Dude, no way. I die. Yes. Yes. I'm three done minigun. Here. I come bruh. Are you still the first one up?
00:42You're so you're so lucky. You're so lucky and I'm going to win anyways
00:46Let's go energy rifle down. Oh, you're so behind me. It's so good. Shut up flamethrower time
00:50And I got another on to the crossbow bro, dude
00:54The guns are only gonna get harder obviously and who we are done with the crossbow. That means I get to use the burst now
00:59Okay, I'm cooked. Oh, no way. I have my first loss in the video. Of course with the burst, dude
01:03These guns are getting way more difficult. This kids about to get flippin destroyed. No
01:08And I get him. I got him. I got him. I got him. I'm on to the bow. Don't hit me. He's lagging bro
01:12He's teleporting what is going on? I'm never gonna get this boat. Oh, I got it. He's so low. Yes. Oh my gosh
01:18I got it. I got it. I got the flamethrower and I'm moving on. He's right here. Beep. What's up?
01:22What's up? Yes, sir. No way you got it onto the paintball gun and beam from a distance
01:26Okay, I'm not hitting any of my shots. All right low. He's low. He's low dad. Oh, I'm on to the gun blade
01:31Okay, 40. Let's go for it. I died. I just died for the first time in the video, bro
01:34I'm gonna get stuck here forever and it's only gonna get harder. He's hit 70. He said a hundred. Yes. Yes, I'm moving on
01:40I'm moving on. I got the grenade launcher and I'm on the minigun. I am I am NOT the gun blade goat. Oh my gosh
01:46Yes, I got the minigun. I got the minigun. I'm on the crossbow now. You're lying. You're lying. Dude. He's one shot
01:51Yes, I got him. I got him. I got him. I'm on the RPG dude
01:53I'm about to have the comeback of the century taking all your money. We got he's 20 health
01:57But so am I what yes, you guys RPG done. Oh, no, I'm on the shotgun. Oh
02:02My gosh, and I just gave him a haircut. Let's go moving from the crossbow onto the burst now. Okay, this guy's beams
02:07Oh my god, I miss
02:09Should try getting better. I should try getting better. Aren't you like behind me my shotgun just hit him. I'm aiming at him
02:14Okay, I beat the shotgun. I beat the shotgun way you beat the dude now
02:17I'm on the sniper, but unfortunately, it's the last primary once I do this about in the secondaries
02:21Come on, and I missed are we serious right now? Yes. Yes. Oh my gosh. I got it with the burst
02:26I got it with the burst. I'm moving on to the boat. Oh, yes. I got it with the boat
02:30I got it with the boat. No way thousand dollars is mine. You're cooked. Oh my gosh. Yes. Oh my gosh
02:36I'm on the paintball gun. No way, but you're actually catching up. Oh, oh, I'm done. I'm done with the primaries
02:44Oh, yeah, you're gonna get stuck there you're gonna get stuck there. I'm goaded with the gun blade in the next round
02:48I need to use the XO gun. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, dude, dude, this kid's so lucky
02:52Okay. Yeah, you might have been right about the gun blade XO gun time and we're on dogs gonna be there for a while buddy
02:57Oh, no, I'm not. No, I'm not slingshot here. I come bruh. No way. I need to get this kill
03:04I want it. Oh, yeah on to the daggers the $1,000 is mine. No way. No way. Oh my gosh. Wait
03:09I'm gonna get the guy got the gun blade. Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm on the RPG
03:12I'm pushing I'm pushing up his an AR his an AR AR versus daggers. Come on. Oh, I got him onto the spray
03:18Catch up Stefan. Come on, dude. Oh my gosh
03:22Wait, no way you beat the RPG. Oh my gosh. I got the shotgun. I got the shotgun. I got the shotgun
03:26No, you're coming back. You're actually coming back to oh my gosh. No, I'm not gonna walk into your trip mine genius
03:31I actually did walk into his tram. I but I killed it with a sniper. Let's go. Okay. I'm on the energy pistols
03:37Way bro, oh my god, why dude the sprays the worst good in the game eight damage like are we kidding me?
03:43Yes. Oh
03:45My gosh, I got him with the energy pistols. I'm on the XO gun. Come on. Come on. This would be my spray kill
03:50This would be my sprinkle. Yes
03:52Yes, I'm on the shorty and I got my XO gun kill. I got my XO gun kill
03:56We're on the slingshot do the spray sold. I was like 10 ahead. Come on. Yes. Yes. Yes. I moved on
04:01I moved on I moved on. I'm on the revolver already. What?
04:05No, he's also using the revolver. Dude. Did he just leave? Oh, I killed him. What?
04:12Onto the handgun. No way. You're so lucky. Okay, right here. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, I'm one shot. I'm watch out
04:18Watch out. I
04:19Literally have gold slingshot if I don't get this first try I am the worst ever and I got it. Let's go
04:24I'm on the daggers. I'm only four weapons ahead right now, bro. I need this a thousand. Okay, I'm on fire
04:29Are we kidding me? Like how do you win with the worst gun? No hangouts amazing, and it's only gonna get harder, bro
04:34We have to get a freeze rate kill later
04:37And I got my dagger kill. Let's go onto the spray and I'm gonna get this. I'm gonna get the spray. Oh my god
04:43This guy's look just cuz I'm getting this break. Oh, I'm getting this break. Oh, come on lock in. How are you alive?
04:51Yes, oh
04:53My god way dude, I'm actually stealing your money. I'm stealing your thousand dollars. No, you're not. No, you're not
04:58I'm getting this hand on kill right here. I've 30 health one. Come on. Come on. How are you not dead?
05:01Yes. Yes. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. Got it flare gun flare gun flare gun flare gun is cooked
05:06That's gonna take a while
05:08The rivals gun game is getting so hard and I just got snagged
05:12Oh, I see him. Oh my gosh. Yes. I got a kill with the shorty. I got a kill with the shorty
05:16I'm on the revolver. Oh my gosh
05:20Yes, yes, I just got it I'm on the handgun now no way you're on the handgun bro, you're only one behind me
05:26This is actually the greatest comeback in human history. Yes. Yeah. Wait, I got the kill
05:31I lost the run, but I got the kill you got a flare kill on to the Uzi. Yes, sir
05:36Okay. Oh my god. I got the handgun. I got the hang on. I'm on the flare
05:39The Uzi is my last secondary then I move on to may face which is gonna be really hard. Come on. Come on. Yes
05:45Yes, yes, who's he done? Who's he done? Who's he done? No shot. Hello trowel. Oh, I just missed my first shot 150
05:51I get this I get this. Yes, draw time draw. That was so easy for the battle axe
05:54How's the flare gun going Stefan? I don't want to talk to you anymore. Wait, this guy's afk. Why is he afk? Awesome
05:59He was telling me that he's a subscriber. Thank you for subscribing and getting me that I'm gonna gift this guy after
06:03I'm on the chainsaw Stefan. How?
06:06I'm on the chainsaw. I'm on the chainsaw. I'm done with the chainsaw. I'm on the fists
06:10How you got that like a millisecond? What do you what do you mean? Oh, wow
06:14This guy's standing still and I just got the flare. I got the flare easy, bro. No
06:191000 is still mine. No, it's not. No, it's not. Okay, punch punch punch punch punch. Yes
06:24Yes, sir onto the sides, baby. Then obviously for this guy being a sub I'll keep my word and give him a skin case
06:30Come on. Okay. I got the easy now. I'm moving on to the melee's so I'm on the trowel
06:36This guy might be new to earth. Oh my gosh. I just got it with the trowel, bro
06:39He's literally like actually a mobile player who is playing this game for the first time ever. Well, you're only starting the melee's bra
06:44I'm halfway done. We're on the site, baby. I just got the battle. I chainsaw time. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
06:51Oh my gosh. Wow. This guy actually is just five free points. Now. We're on the fist. Hey, I'm literally one behind you, bro
06:56You're cooked. Oh, are you kidding me? Oh my gosh. I need the thousand
06:59So I need to get ahead here one side kill side kill. I got this. I got this I got no bro
07:04Why is he so good? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Okay. Just kill me. Just kill me. No, don't sign me
07:10Don't send me don't send me don't send me one more. How is he?
07:1240 oh, he's done 40 health dude. Like what? Oh my gosh. Yes. I got this. I'm on the side now
07:18I'm also on the side, bro
07:20If I didn't get stuck on the spray for half the video dude, and now this scythe is so impossible. I
07:27Got the side. I got the side. Let's go riot shield
07:31Horse. Oh, I got a two. We're on the same level. I seen him four more times. What if I'm three times three more halfway?
07:36They're 25 four times. Okay, I need to heal. I need to heal nice two more times two more times
07:40Yes, one more time one more time one more time. Yes. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I'm under the knife, please
07:47Yes, yes, I got riot shield. Oh my I almost got the knife right there bro, maybe get better. Oh, thanks, bro
07:53Oh, I got the knife back Sam. Yes. I'm on the katana. No way. You just took the lead you were behind the entire video
08:00Yes, I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got I'm on the katana, too
08:04Come on come on. Yes. Yes. I got katana. I got katana now
08:08I'm on to utility, but I have to get a kill with the subspace trip. I don't
08:15Know way you're on utility. Oh my no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
08:21Any time you won't get to it. You won't get to it after I kill him. You want to do it after I kill them
08:27I'm on in the freeze way. This $1,000 is mine, bro. Oh my gosh. I'm in a 1v1 with a level 2
08:34Yes, yes go off go off go off
08:36I did I'm on to the grade. I'm on to the grenade. That's like the easiest one
08:40It's not because it only hits for 70 and then has to reload
08:42I have a question if I got him with the first hit on the trip mine and then he left does that count?
08:47I guess so. Yes. Okay. I'm on the freeze rate. I'm winning that $1,000. Oh my god. He's sitting. He's just sitting here
08:53He's just sitting here. He's just sitting here
08:5575 okay. Now we just wait now. We just wait now. He's wait. Please don't leave. Please don't leave
08:58I have half of my cooldown left one one. I get it. I get it. I threw my grenade off the map
09:03I'm so bad. I see him. I see him. I see him. I see him. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on
09:06Yes, I got the grenade. I got the grenade dude. You're such a lucky little nerd
09:10I'm on the second to last weapon, which is the satchel. I cannot miss a
09:15Single satchel on this guy. Okay, I want to be strategic. Okay 50. I might die though
09:20Okay, 50 one more 50 done done done done done done done done done done. Oh my gosh one more Molotov
09:27All right, come on
09:34Yes, I'm gonna I'm gonna this low-key might be the comeback of the century. I don't know how possible this one is
09:40I just gotta get this guy to stand in it. Okay, he's on fire
09:44I think I hit him maybe 45 now. I need to wait for the cool down
09:47Because this annoying cooldown is so long Stefan could literally catch up. Okay, come on
09:53Yes, I got great. I got great onto the satchels. Oh and I got the satchels. I got the satchel
09:58We're both on the final weapon. Whoever gets this kill first wins that a thousand dollars
10:03Oh, he's standing. So what is he doing? What's he doing? Oh, okay. He came to life
10:06He came to life, but I low-key just got a really solid good hits on him. This is it
10:10This is it. If he doesn't find me. This is it. I wouldn't right here. So fun. It's fun
10:13I'm gonna win right here. No, you're not. Okay, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. I did it. I did it
10:20Dude I need a part three
10:21I'm getting I'm gonna get my revenge
10:23So I go ahead and send me the money if you guys enjoy this video be sure to click another video on screen and subscribe
