• el mes pasado
My good friend James let me borrow his Rolls Royce. Under one condition…. I can’t scratch it 🙂








00:00Today, my friend is letting me borrow his brand new Rolls-Royce.
00:03My only job is to not damage his car.
00:17Hey, what's up?
00:18How you doing, bro?
00:19You guys ready for Vegas?
00:20Yeah, for sure.
00:20We appreciate you letting us use the car, bro.
00:22Be careful.
00:23It was a half a million.
00:25You got it, man.
00:25This video is sponsored by Sweet James Accident and Injury Attorney.
00:29Just like Grand Theft Auto, there are no rules.
00:31So we're going to be hitting people on sidewalks,
00:32running vehicles off the road, all that good stuff.
00:35It's a good thing that Sweet James is sponsoring this video.
00:37And just like GTA, this car isn't ours.
00:39So we're going to drive it like we stole it.
00:41I thought we were going to Vegas.
00:42Oh, yeah, no.
00:43Let's go.
00:52This is a Rolls-Royce.
00:53Like, they see it and they know that I am someone.
01:00You know who he is?
01:03Our only mission is to get to Vegas and back without damaging the car.
01:09We're so going to prison.
01:10So I don't have to obey normal laws of the road because I'm in a Rolls-Royce.
01:13I'm kind of like...
01:16How does the rich people wave?
01:20Look, there's a homeless guy.
01:21Look, there's an homeless guy.
01:22Look, there's a homeless guy.
01:24Homeless guy.
01:24The homeless guy.
01:26Look, there's another homeless guy.
01:28All right.
01:28What is that?
01:29First of all, this is giant.
01:31And I mean giant.
01:32But all that to hit accept.
01:33Can I operate it really quickly?
01:37What the...
01:38I'm going to run in and grab something real quick.
01:42Get back in.
01:43Wait, get a receipt.
01:44Get back in the car.
01:46Get in the car.
01:47Look at that billboard.
01:48That's our friend that let us use the car.
01:50Wait, wait, wait.
01:51Wrong billboard.
01:52Hold up.
01:52Wrong billboard.
01:54Wrong billboard.
01:54Sweet James Accident and Injury Attorneys has been in business for over 20 years.
01:58They're absolute experts at what they do.
02:00With over a billion dollars in settlements, you don't pay until you win.
02:06I don't like these boars, bro.
02:09Hey, but if we fall through, I know just the guy to call.
02:12Sweet James Accident and Injury Attorneys.
02:18Do I need to bypass the freeway?
02:19No, no, no.
02:20Can you just stop driving like an idiot?
02:22Keep your eyes on the road.
02:24I'm also trying to enjoy my ride.
02:25L.A. River Drive.
02:26It says to save 26 minutes via this route.
02:29River Drive.
02:30That's not Revere.
02:31There's trash everywhere, Cody.
02:32This isn't right.
02:33There's a guy spraying graffiti, dude.
02:37Can we turn left or right?
02:38I don't think we're on this road at all, actually.
02:40Oh, my.
02:42We don't need maps.
02:42I know where I'm going.
02:43I think we merge up here.
02:44Merge to what, though?
02:48Easy, easy.
02:49We're gonna slip, dude.
02:50Are you sure the guy that's letting you borrow his car is cool with you doing this?
02:54I'm just going where we need to go.
02:55Imagine we're going 80 on that and we don't see that.
02:59Gotta be careful because we almost hit that rock.
03:00Multiple times, yeah.
03:02Hey, I should go above this bridge here.
03:06Oh, that was smooth.
03:08Do not go into the water, though.
03:11Do not go into the slug.
03:15We have burnt L.A. sh** water.
03:17It smells like sh** in a micromania.
03:20We're gonna hit traffic.
03:21This is the fastest we're gonna go for the next hour, so.
03:24Revere Drive was not a shortcut.
03:26We have been stuck in traffic for four hours now.
03:28Like two miles.
03:29It's 4 a.m.
03:30Can you see anything in front of us?
03:31I can, yeah.
03:32Because you're tired.
03:33Okay, wake up, wake up, wake up.
03:34Eyes are dry.
03:35Oh, no, s**t!
03:40Oh, we're getting pulled over.
03:43Is this your vehicle?
03:44It's my friend's.
03:44He gave it to me yesterday.
03:45He gave you what?
03:46The car.
03:47He gave you the car?
03:48He just gave it to you?
03:49Two days ago.
03:50I thought you said just yesterday.
03:51Well, I, like, I don't know.
03:53It's been a long week.
03:54I just gave him my real name and social security number, so hopefully...
03:56You're the only one that gave me a real name, so you're kind of f**ked.
03:58Just so you know where I'm coming from.
04:00You weren't beating up the car, right?
04:01I'm just gonna give you guys a warning.
04:03I appreciate you being cooperative.
04:04You guys have a good night, all right?
04:06These people next to us have, like, a brand new shiny-ass Rolls-Royce.
04:09And this is the same car, but we're beating the s**t out of it.
04:12Found this button.
04:13Look at him go.
04:14Sit on the hood while I...
04:16Oh, I think there's parking up here.
04:17Is that a speed bump?
04:21Let's go gambling.
04:22Are you sure we're good to park here?
04:24What the f**k?
04:26Oh, they booted us.
04:27You parked in a restricted parking zone.
04:29Get in the car.
04:43I think we have a flat tire.
04:53We've got a flat.
04:56Something busted.
04:57Is that the right gas line?
05:06What do I owe you?
05:07How much?
05:13Look at this curb.
05:14Okay, go up that.
05:15Go up it.
05:16I can go up that.
05:17Oh my god.
05:19Dude, we're walling it right now.
05:21We're on the wall.
05:22We're on the wall.
05:22Am I good?
05:23Yeah, you're good.
05:23Just keep, uh...
05:26The cars behind us are like,
05:27What the f**k did I just say?
05:31I want to unleash the car's full potential.
05:32So now we're going to be the world's first
05:34hatless, mufflerless, exhaustless, straight pipes V12 Rolls-Royce Phantom.
05:38I'm just going to crawl into here and start cutting away.
05:40Oh, yes.
05:55The f**king ceiling's falling.
06:11I want to see the force it takes to rip this off the car.
06:13Like if you were an absolute beast of a human.
06:17We have a special guest today.
06:24Jellybean from Instagram.
06:29You don't need the crowbar.
06:31Take it easy on the hood a little bit.
06:32She's going to try to break this off and go.
06:38Oh my god, bro.
06:39She just snapped steel cable in half.
06:41Can you put that back?
06:41I don't know why you broke that off.
06:45Okay, well, that was cool.
06:46We should see how the windshield...
06:47All right, well, we didn't...
06:48I wasn't ready.
06:50Stop, we're not ready.
06:51Is that what we're doing here?
06:52I need to properly introduce it before you go f**king cycle mode.
06:56You gotta throw a bit on that.
06:58Immediately cracked it.
06:59This is not what I do primarily.
07:00I like my cooking videos on the internet.
07:02I want to see how durable the mirrors on a Rolls-Royce are.
07:05Jellybean's going to give it her best shot.
07:09Oh my god, that's a crater.
07:21Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
07:28Here goes the wheel.
07:29There it goes.
07:30Electrical system fault.
07:32Severe brake malfunction, it says.
07:33It's going to be okay.
07:36Guys, we have a problem.
07:37It's not running.
07:38There's something wrong with the engine.
07:39Oh man.
07:42One thing we haven't gotten to do yet is actually talk about the interior.
07:45There's controls everywhere that are hidden.
07:47Look at this.
07:48I wonder if you can just...
07:50Yeah, you can manually open it too.
07:51Will that break?
07:52That's a metal hinge, so I mean, probably not.
07:56Dude, it's a mystery box.
07:59Mine came off too.
08:00Oh, oh, it's a license plate.
08:02That was one of the recalls on these.
08:03When you have four people yanking on the headliner, it comes off.
08:06They have these vipers.
08:08So I like the...
08:09Death can occur.
08:10I think I have a spider in my back.
08:12I have something walking in my back right now.
08:13Something just touched me.
08:14Oh, it's probably just a cockroach.
08:16The rear view mirror is nice.
08:17And the cool thing about this is it's detachable.
08:19Parents be like...
08:21S***, behave.
08:22Hey, can you give me the grill bar?
08:27Look at that.
08:28That's some designer s***.
08:29You hollow that out?
08:30Is that it?
08:32Bro, why does that weigh like two pounds?
08:34That's most of the interior features of a Rolls Royce.
08:37If you keep throwing stuff up here, I'm going to be angry.
08:40Be angry, please.
08:41Show me how in God you can show it.
08:42I like my sharp gaze.
08:43S***, guys.
08:45I'm gonna go get help.
08:46Keep the car safe.
08:46I will be back Wednesday morning.
08:56Hey, James.
08:57The car's treating us fairly good.
08:59We should be home late tomorrow, maybe.
09:01We're gonna wash it, yep.
09:02We are now back in Tennessee.
09:07Let's give Tennessee a good warm welcome here.
09:11Now, we are going to...
09:15Push the car down the hill.
09:16Going that way.
09:17No, towards us.
09:18No, get ready.
09:19Here it comes.
09:20Oh, climb the tree.
09:32Oh, no, it's right here, right here.
09:44Cody, you ran right by it.
09:45That was sketchy.
09:46So it does roll.
09:50Why was that so satisfying?
09:51Imagine you piss me off.
09:53Yeah, it's locked.
09:57Okay, that's close enough.
09:58No, no, I'm not gonna do anything right now.
10:00One really cool thing about the Rolls Royce is that there's collectibles.
10:05Here you go.
10:06Ferrari would probably sue you for destroying a car that's not even a Ferrari.
10:09Look at that.
10:10It's so satisfying, dude.
10:11I collected all four.
10:12I bet you guys don't have a Rolls Royce.
10:17Cody is blind and autistic.
10:20Hey, kids.
10:20I wanted to give you some advice.
10:21If you're ever, like, bored in your parents' car,
10:23there's cool stuff like this that you can take scissors and cut out.
10:26This clock looks nice.
10:27I love this clock.
10:30Oh, I got a Rollie on my wrist.
10:36It's not a Rolex.
10:36It's a literal Rolls Royce.
10:44Who's that?
10:45That's the guy that he borrows it.
10:48I don't know what he wants.
10:51Need this?
10:51No, not anymore.
10:53Let me just go grab cuddles.
10:54I'll be right back.
10:55There can't be cuddles, can it?
11:01We're gonna do what we did with the G-Wagon.
11:03We're gonna hook a chain onto multiple parts of the car.
11:07And see how much weight it can handle.
11:09I'm still gonna fix the car back up.
11:10I'm not destroying it.
11:12Did you see the video?
11:13It's a world record seeing how many people's hats he can pull off with an excavator.
11:17I should try that.
11:18I could totally do that with you guys.
11:20All right.
11:20So now...
11:25It just pulled the entire wheel out.
11:30It's a fun game.
11:35Here we go.
11:38Oh my god.
11:38Hook it around the door.
11:40Yeah, that'll be good.
11:45What a cheap piece of crap.
11:47Let me close that with cuddles.
11:49Grab the mirror.
11:50Grab the mirror.
11:51Shut up.
12:00Well, car's still in one piece.
12:01I need to get something.
12:02I have an idea.
12:03It's what everyone's been waiting for.
12:06Oh my god.
12:11Hey, Tyler!
12:14Tyler, what are you doing?
12:15I'm gonna get the mirror.
12:19Stupid idiot.
12:20So yes, I have a new toy.
12:21His name is Mr. Cuddle Fluffer.
12:23Let me go grab him.
12:45Oh my gosh.
12:48Silly me.
12:48I almost like shredded that.
12:50Let me see if I can grab one.
12:51No, we don't know when it's going like full speed you can feel the wind off of it. Oh, it's called the typhoon for a reason
12:58Oh, I present to you all my 2025 skids to your solutions typhoon the cupcake 9,000. Where'd you get it from?
13:04I got it from skids to your solutions because this is a solution for my skids here
13:08So anyways, this is cable it like I could erase your family in two seconds with this, you know, how many newborn kids you could
13:14Raise with good healthy parenthood. Imagine getting like a haircut with that like get really close
13:22Hey Tyler, we want to try taking off your hat with it. I'm like, we're just gonna cut the brim off. No, I
13:30Want to give you a free haircut? I don't want it to be too short. Can you do like a fade or something?
13:34Yeah, but just yeah
13:37Bro, turn that off two people have died
13:43Look at the haircut
13:52I'm gonna be operating equipment later
14:04I'm gonna go to the water
14:09Why those are aggressive if he goes in too deep his mother will have to save him
14:20Look how low the bags window. I think I'm gonna restore it. No, seriously
14:23Well get a new door new windows new handle the mirror windshield. Genuinely we can fix it back up
14:27Yeah, let's push it inside and then we'll start cleaning it up
14:30Don't open the door the whole way the glass will fall out and slice someone's neck
14:41All right, let me grab my big detailing brush
14:45This is
14:54Oh my god, like nothing
15:03I just feel like making it a convertible
15:18The whole car we're getting into the engine
15:28This thing is doing great Oh the whole truck
15:43They're hiding around the corner so they don't get hit
15:55Dude this is so bad, bro. I hope they're okay get behind the vehicle
16:09My god the fire department's on their way
16:14This is insane look at that, but in like an ad where I go this much today only there's a Nokia phone and it's intact
16:30No, that would have hurt
16:33Well, we can add that to the list of things that's happened in the shop
16:48Seen my son Joey he was in the rolls
16:50Is that car still in here or did someone take it somewhere? What my son was in the Rolls Royce?
16:54Yeah, I would look out if your loved one has been injured wrongfully call sweet James. He can get you taken care of
17:01Hey, man, how you doing? How's the car treating you? Good good. Um, hey, you're
17:08Sitting those coming out. I want everyone to have a piece of this car
17:10So if you want a cube of Rolls Royce on your desk visit this link, we just hit 5 million followers on Instagram
17:16I'm just gonna like light it light a firework to celebrate
17:23Is it just a dud
