• el mes pasado
vlog: spend a week with me! 🌷🏼⭐️🧘🏼‍♀️ besties yapping, billie concert, hair appt, apartment reset & more!
Buy 4 BURGA phone cases and pay only 2! Click on https://au.burga.com/discount/SOPHIEX15 and get an ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT of 15%. With my code SOPHIEX15 (code limited)
#burga #bestphonecases #burgacases

Rach's channel - https://www.youtube.com/@RachelCatherine
G's channel - https://www.youtube.com/@UCFYaTecb8Pm2bQocYICpH5Q

made by valkyrie store (dc: SOPHIE15) - https://madebyvalkyrie.co.uk

hairdresser - https://www.instagram.com/lucigreen_colourist/

where else to find me:
my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sophiejaynemiller
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sophiejaynemillerr?lang=en
good reads - https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/163967622-sophie-miller
work with me 💌 sophie@posseecreative.com
matcha powder (!!!) - https://www.matchalane.com


00:00Good morning everyone. I'm about to get my hair done. And I take it all my hair appointments.
00:19I don't know why I think I love watching people get their hair done. I think it's just because
00:22it feels like fresh and like they're changing something and it's just like fun to watch.
00:27I'm not really sure why I love it. So I obviously just wanted to bring you along with mine. And
00:30I've been saying for so long that made me do I want to lighten my hair a little bit. I think
00:34it's actually happening today. I'll pop a photo of the inspo. So I'm not going super blonde or
00:37anything, but I just, I need to do it. You know, like I just, I just need to stop thinking about
00:42it and actually do it because it's really not that serious. So I've driven to Brisbane today.
00:46I just caught up with one of my friends for lunch. My hair isn't looking good. I'm just about to walk in.
00:51I feel like I look so professional. It's a couple of days later. Can I just say,
01:18I love my hair. I feel like it's always like a couple of days to live in the hair that you've
01:23got after a haircut to like really take it in. Do you know what I mean? For it to like settle. I love
01:26it. It's so fresh. I'm really enjoying the bangs. I forgot how much I love to do, but I actually
01:30don't know what the back of my hair looks like, but I forgot how much I loved putting my hair
01:34back and having little pieces out the front. Like it can get annoying, but I do love the look of it
01:38and it just feels so healthy. And even just putting my hair up in this claw clip, like I've
01:42got it in a little bun and then up, it just feels like it's not pulling on my hair and it's just
01:45actually staying there. I think my hair was just a bit too long and it was just kind of like too
01:48much hair for the clip to hold. I don't know. I'm just loving it. I feel so fresh and light.
01:52Anyway, I have a couple of packages and deliveries that I've recently gotten. And I thought we could
01:57do a bit of a unboxing together and just kind of chat through. They're very exciting actually.
02:01Firstly, which I'm so excited about, I recently upgraded my phone because let me show you the
02:06state of my old phone. I feel like, oh yeah, there you go. Look, I have no idea how this happened.
02:11To be fair, haven't had a good case on it. And when I was just kind of like, I think playing
02:14around with it and I opened it up, I was like, oh, and the little pieces of glass are coming off.
02:18And I looked into getting it fixed. It's going to be easier. And I knew because I was going to
02:22upgrade probably yet in the next year. It doesn't really make too much sense to get this fixed.
02:27That's so satisfying. There's something about a new piece of technology that just
02:31it scratches an itch in my brain, but almost the more exciting part, obviously that's very exciting,
02:35but I feel like one of the most fun parts about honestly your phone in general, but especially
02:39when you get a new phone is getting a new phone case for it. So I ordered a few phone cases for
02:43it from the brand Burger. This is what it looks like. So when I just want to change and I don't
02:47want to actually change anything or I can't change anything, I'll change my phone case and it'll give
02:51me, it'll give me a little bit of that. I feel like I've had change. Burger is very, very, very
02:55kindly sponsoring this part of the video and I've seen how cute their phone cases are for ages. So
02:59I'm just very excited and it just feels perfect, perfectly timed. But if anyone hasn't heard of
03:03Burger before, oh my gosh, they're so cute. They have cases for phones, headphones, MacBooks,
03:09iPads. They just do the cutest designs for you. Oh, it's little dears. Okay. This is a different
03:14style. I think it's more of like a high protection case, which I probably need. And then this is
03:19another one. The maroon pink rose is also very me. How on earth am I going to choose? I mean,
03:23it's kind of fun because I can just, just kind of change them as much as I want. I also got
03:28a laptop case, which I don't think I've ever had before, which I definitely need. Wait,
03:32I want to put this on my laptop right now. I've got it in front of me. Oh, that was really
03:36satisfying. I love that. Wow. And I love that it matches so I can just be working and have that.
03:42And then I also got an iPad case, which is matching to, where is it? Yeah, this phone case.
03:49I really enjoy them. I also do have a discount code for Burger, which is just SophieX15, I believe.
03:56I'll pop it on the screen and everything will be linked in the description box as well. And
03:58the code will give you 15% off. And if you do buy four cases, do you only pay for two? Oh,
04:02I love that. I also love that. I mean, it's really not that serious. Like I could change it
04:06tomorrow if I wanted to. Maybe I'll go this one just purely because I like that it matches my
04:10laptop case right now. And look how clean it looks. Also something about Burger that I really
04:14liked was basically they only produce the product once it's actually been ordered to kind of avoid
04:18overproduction or just wasting product, which I thought was really cool as well. That is seriously
04:22some of the cutest things I've ever seen. Okay, well I need to set up this phone now. Just feel
04:25so fresh. I've had this one for a couple of days, but I didn't want to start using it and open it
04:28up before I had a case in it because I'm not doing a repeat of this. The third package is
04:33equally as exciting as a new phone and new phone cases. It's the REN Valkyrie, which if you
04:37remember, I have that little cherry mug. It says don't call me baby and it has cherries all over
04:42it and the inside has hearts and cherries and it's perfect. It's the perfect size and I love it.
04:47This girl Valkyrie makes all of her own ceramics and they're just the most beautiful ceramics and
04:51pieces ever. Hi Sophie, congratulations on your launch of Matcha Lane. It looks like incredible
04:56matcha. To celebrate, I wanted to send you a personalized Matcha Lane matcha bowl that matches
05:01your cherry mug and your anthropology glass that you have your matcha in. I hope you like it. No,
05:06I'm going to cry. I also included a paper rings ring dish from my recent Valentine's collection
05:10as an early wedding gift. No, I can't. I thought it would be a perfect place to put your rings.
05:17You know what? I'm actually going to cry. I've been really emotional today.
05:19You know, like what on earth did I do to deserve this? Oh my gosh, I'm so excited.
05:23Okay, this is the little ring dish that says for your paper rings. I'm going to put my rings in
05:28this every night. No, no. It says Matcha Lane in it and it even has the little, the little spurt
05:37to pour in and it has cherries all over it. No, that's, that's quite literally the most perfect
05:43thing I've ever seen in my entire life. It matches the perfect end of my anthropology cup. I'm also
05:47going to link below Valkyrie's store because it is just perfect. She's also said your followers
05:51can use code sophie15 on her website for an extra 15% off. Okay, well, I'm going to go make
05:55myself a matcha right this very second. I haven't had one today yet. I know, it's crazy. Set up my
05:59new phone. What a good day.
07:16Crazy gym pump up music for me this afternoon. I'm about to go do a strength class at my Pilates
07:22studio, which I'm very excited about. I don't know if it's upper body or lower body this afternoon
07:26and I'm scared if it's lower body, but also they alternate. So a Wednesday afternoon will be a
07:31lower body and then a Thursday morning will be an upper body and then they kind of like alternate
07:34between those two. And I will say I prefer doing lower body in the afternoon than in the morning.
07:39I just feel like I can push myself harder when I've got something in my stomach and normally I
07:42don't eat before the morning classes just because it's like, I don't really feel like eating. I'm
07:46usually not hungry before. So as much as I'm like, lower body, I would prefer it to be tonight.
07:52But I haven't picked up my camera today. I have just been filming. I actually filmed my favorites
07:56video, which will be my, I think it'll be the video before this one. I'm just editing that.
07:59It's, it's one of those things that like, I always think it's going to take me so much less time than
08:04it actually takes me. Like, I'm just always like, Oh, just film, edit, upload a video in a day.
08:09And I think it'll take me a few hours, but it ends up taking me all day really. So I just feel like
08:15I've been in like head down, bum up filming mode today. So it honestly felt good to just like get
08:20out of the apartment and get some fresh air. I know it's going to feel so good to move my body,
08:24sweat, lift some weight. Will I be able to get a pump today? That's the question. Okay. It's
08:30actually looking good. I know I said that last week, but it's looking quieter. Oh my gosh. There
08:35is, this is a great movie. Is Ling here? Ling's here. She was in her own little zone. I feel very
08:44zen and just calm after listening to those slow Billy songs. And now I'm like, okay, get pumped.
08:51I like, don't feel like this, but I also know it's going to be the only thing that's going to
08:54make me feel amazing. And I'm going to feel so good afterwards. Oh, she's got some parcels.
09:02You excited? Um, look, they are, it's, do you know what it is? Would I do it for a million dollars?
09:11Yes. If I was getting paid a million dollars, how would I do it? I would,
09:15I'd be up there already. Stop chatting, cut the cameras.
09:40It's Valentine's day today. We've had such a nice morning so far. We went for a walk on the beach,
09:56got a coffee, Sam bought me some churros, which are my favorite flowers ever. But Sam has
10:00organized a little surprise lunch for Valentine's. I have no idea where it is. He won't give me any
10:04clues. He told me the general area that it's in, but there's so many restaurants around that area.
10:08So I have no idea. I just did my makeup. I don't know what to do with my hair though. Keep it.
10:11Keep it in braids? Yeah. That's okay for the restaurant? It's not too
10:15cas? I love when you have your hair in braids. Okay. Well, maybe the braids are here to stay,
10:18but I have no idea what I'm wearing. So I'm either thinking it's very warm today. So I'm
10:22thinking a short dress, either this maybe, or a black dress. This is the dress I'm going for.
10:28Very comfy. I think this is from Princess Polly. And I've just done a little half up,
10:32half down. I feel like I can get away with this. Thank you for the churros.
10:36I need to take them out of here. They're so pretty. Well, they've already opened up so much.
10:41They were closed this morning. Thank goodness. I'm excited. I don't know what we're going to,
10:46but I'm excited. So the only clues that I have are Asian fusion-ish, because I said I was in the
10:52mood for sushi. You said this last night. Yes. I've just been in a sushi mood recently. And I
10:56said it's in the same hemisphere as sushi. Okay. And we haven't also been there. So that's another
11:02clue. You haven't been there? No. Okay. And you don't know if I've heard of it or not. I would
11:08say you've heard of it. Really? If I had to bet, you'd heard of it. I'm pretty, like I live pretty
11:12much under a rock. That's true. Can we listen to our favorite song? Our favorite song? Yeah,
11:17it's now my favorite song too. It's now your, wow. No, probably not a favorite song. No,
11:21you heard it here first, everybody. I also have two cracking pimples here,
11:25because I think they're from my new bangs. When they get oily and then they sit right there.
11:29Is that how that works? I don't know. That's the only reason, the only thing I can think of,
11:33because they're just very specifically, because I have another one on this side.
12:29We have had kind of like a reset Saturday rather than a reset Sunday this week,
12:35which has felt really good because now it's just like, we've got the rest of the weekend.
12:38The apartment feels so clean and everything's tidy. Now I just feel like I can really relax.
12:43So I can't call the cleanness. Anyway, I've got the bedsheets on right now. They're just drying,
12:48vacuumed, clean the kitchen, like a proper clean of the kitchen, put clothes away.
12:51Because I was, I had like two loads of washing to pop away that I was just avoiding. So it's
12:56kind of like general tidying and cleaning, which I normally leave for a Sunday, but it feels very
12:59good to do on a Saturday. Just looking at my tulips and I love them so much. So I haven't
13:02gone out for the evening. And so I think I'm going to set myself up on the couch and do some reading.
13:06I am filming another video, which will be a books I'm in the middle of finishing,
13:11finishing series I'm in the middle of. And one of those books, I'll go get it. Kingdom of Ash,
13:16Round of Applause. I finally made it here. I started this, I think I got like 15 or 20%
13:21through on the plane over to Japan. And then I just didn't pick it up again. This is how far
13:25through I am. And I'm really just straight back into it. Like I thought maybe I would be a bit
13:28confused, but I'm not confused at all. I just feel like I, I just put the book down. So I don't know
13:33exactly when that video is going to be out, but I really just want to finish this. I think this has
13:36to be one of the biggest books I've ever read. I thought this would be a cute shot. I also realized
13:41I never updated you on our Valentine's Day essay. It was honestly so good. So I remember saying
13:45all day and at the end of the day, but it was just kind of the perfect Valentine's. Like we just
13:50didn't do anything crazy. And he ended up taking me to Vietnamese. It was so, so good. I love
13:53Vietnamese. It's one of my favorite food cuisines. I had a good lunch. We went for a walk afterwards.
13:57Yeah, I just had a great day. We had a very, very chill night. We had dinner, watched the OC, went
14:01for a walk and then yeah, I've had a super, super chill, homey day today as well, which has been
14:05really nice. I'm going to sit here with my book. It's really such a bittersweet thing because I
14:10just want to know what happens so badly, but what am I doing when this series is done? Because I've
14:13really taken my time with this series. I've really read a few books and then taken a break. I haven't
14:17binged this series. I've really taken my time with it and it just feels so weird that it's done.
14:22And like, this is a completed series. So I'm already sad about it. I posted this on my Instagram
14:25story and everyone was like, good luck girlie. I'm scared. Excited, but scared. Wish me luck.
14:29I completely forgot to show you earlier. I've got dinner on. I'm having a pasta tonight, so that's
14:33boiling late. I got some book mail. So I thought one is already opened and then the other one,
14:37I have no idea what it is, but it's in New York City wrapping paper. And then it has
14:41a New York City key ring and a chocolate. The first book is called The Bone Season by Samantha
14:46Shannon. This is what the cover is. It's a beautiful cover. The first in the seven books are that it
14:50became an instant New York Times bestseller. Oh, in intent, in intent. I like it. Anticipation.
14:58In anticipation. Okay. We got there in the end. In intent. I can't say it in this sentence.
15:04In anticipation of the release of the fifth book in the series, The Dark Mirror, this February,
15:08we wanted to share this revised copy of The Bone Season in case you haven't yet started The Bone
15:12Season series. Grand reimagining of the Greek myth of Prometheus and Pandora. Blending dystopia
15:18with epic fantasy and forbidden love. We hope this epic fantasy series becomes a new favorite
15:23in your collection. She commits treason simply by breathing and put her trust in someone who
15:27ought to be her enemy. Wow. Okay. I'm very intrigued by the book. It's this New York book.
15:33I have no idea what this is, but I love a book set in New York. I love this. It's like a little
15:37present. Oh my gosh. This cover is so fun. This is what I originally saw. Summer in the City. Oh,
15:44okay. I think this is going to be the cover. This instantly just makes me think of Sex in the City.
15:48I'm not sure if that's actually the vibes or not. Screenwriter Elle has the chance of a lifetime to
15:52write a big budget movie set in New York City. The only problem, she's had writer's block for
15:56months and her deadline is closing in. Enter billionaire bachelor. She writes anonymously.
16:00He's on the cover of every business magazine. She never leaves her five block radius. He
16:04frequents every fancy event. She needs to write a New York screenplay. He needs to
16:08fake a buzzy relationship. A tentative agreement is made. It's all pretend until it is in.
16:13Honestly, this kind of sounds like something I'd be into. Addictive and devastatingly beautiful.
16:17The perfect slope. Time to add even more books to my physical TV app. It's getting to the point
16:24where they're having to be stacked on top. They don't even all sit there anymore. Also,
16:27this is book club book. If anyone wants to read alongside us, this is February book club book.
16:31I think we've got it booked in for like the end of Feb. I'm yet to start it. So if you want to read
16:34it alongside us and then I'll make sure to film our next book club. I'm kind of nervous to start
16:39it. That's hence why I haven't started it yet. I read Normal People years and years ago. Like I
16:43think I was 19 maybe. And I don't, I don't think my reading taste had really developed. So I do
16:48want to read that book again because I didn't love it at the time. I don't know. Sally Rooney's just
16:53a little bit intimidating to me, but I'm excited because I feel like that's almost the beauty of
16:56book club. Is there a lot of the time books that we wouldn't pick ourselves and then you get to
17:00discuss. I'm actually setting my book. I'm kind of scared. Nothing. Nope. I agree.
17:13I agree. It's the, everyone's going to know she doesn't wear that. Yes. Everyone's going to know
17:18this is the first time she's wearing it. So true. Now I think she's pretty full. After getting
17:26back in the car. That post-concert sip. Yeah. Post-concert. Euphoric.
17:37Oh, okay. Can we stand next to you then? I don't even know how to say what we're about to go do.
17:43Maybe I'll pull a Georgia and um, yeah, it's a good option. The Georgia Richards clip.
17:58We're actually leaving ahead of schedule. Oh, exactly on schedule. Actually. You didn't like
18:02it. Oh, we're just sharing. We'll just share a knife. It was a knife. I'm really intrigued
18:11by your corn. Oh, yours is full. You know what they're giving? Chipotle. It is. It's the lettuce.
18:18It is. It's the lettuce. I think. Do you put, yeah. We got crumbs chips today. We did. Wow.
18:23It's like you're getting dinner at 5pm. Yeah. Guys, we're actually going to Philly. Are those
18:26consulate? Screaming. No, we're not. No, we're not. No, we're not. It's been a whirlwind. You
18:33know what? So manifested through me. I've been saying for so long, haven't I? Yeah. I was like,
18:39I don't have tickets to the Billy Eilish concert, but I will be going one way or another. And then
18:45it was up to a couple of weeks ago. And then this gal said, Oh, I actually have some tickets.
18:49Yes. I actually had them the whole time. And then I was like thinking maybe I could bring
18:52someone else. And then I'm like, Oh, fine. I'll bring it. If you don't know, they don't know.
18:56Nothing. We're going because I got invited by a brand. Who is she? I'm sure. But it was,
19:01it's just like, so random, which very thankful for, but so random. And so I get this call from
19:06manager, manager, if you will. And she calls and she said, Oh my gosh, did you want to go to Billy
19:10Eilish? And I said, yeah, but someone wants to go more. So kind of you. But the fact that that
19:15was my like, your first reaction. I feel so guilty. You've known for like a month or over
19:22since like early Jan. This whole time I've been like, I am going to go. I just know that there's
19:27something I'm going to go to the Billy Eilish concert. Like I just, I have to. It hadn't been
19:30confirmed. And I was like, it would be terrible if I told you. And then it didn't end up happening.
19:34It was like a week and a half ago. I'm ready. She just texted me being like, Hey, can I come over?
19:38I need to give you something. I'll come in. Cause like, is it right if I film you? I was like,
19:44film me. Comes in. We're like chatting for a bit. And then you're like, Oh, I'll just like set my
19:48phone up. And I'm like, what is actually going on? I'm so confused right now. Close my eyes,
19:52put my hands out. There's just this little envelope still. I'm just not one part of me.
19:56It's like, I know what this is. I open up the envelope. I even feel like when I watched the
19:59video that I glitch or like I lag, I'm like, and then my jaw drops and I'm like, this isn't real.
20:05Just like not anything you would have expected. No. The fact that you just had this ticket,
20:09it's in a box. What? What on earth? I've never done anything like that. No, no, no. I was
20:16just saying to Sam, I was like, I've never even like, have you ever been in a box before? And he
20:19was like, I've never been in a box before either. Like what is, I don't even know what that looks
20:22like. Me neither. Like we have no idea. Yeah. We're trying to Google what it's going to look
20:26like because we have no idea what we're walking into. I think it'd be such a cool experience.
20:29Feeling so grateful because we wouldn't, we obviously wouldn't have that opportunity
20:35if we hadn't been invited. But you, me. I'm just living up these crumbs.
20:41I literally woke up this morning. I woke up before my alarm and I was like,
20:43like I instantly felt excited. You know when your body feels excited before you know why
20:47you're excited? I was like, oh my gosh, I'm excited. I'm like, oh, like it's because it's
20:49really out of this day. It's coronation day. It's coronation day. Anyway, we're eating GYG
20:53because you've got to be, you've got to be fueled up for a concert. I just can't believe it. I'm
20:56so excited. That's what I have to say.
21:26Um, I haven't said a word since. Man, am I the greatest. And honestly, fair enough. And
21:45honestly, speechless. Let's all describe the Billie concert in one word. You've summed me.
21:51No, I can't. Flames. Fire. Water. In the box. Ocean. Do you know what is like the coolest part?
22:01Not the coolest part. I'll tell you. She's in the cage and it flickers for a second and you
22:05see that she's there and then it's like building up. I want to say cool, but I want to say a better
22:09word than cool. I know. But like, I don't know what a better word is. I want to say unreal,
22:12but like, oh. Yeah. Like I was going to say like breathtaking. Like terrible question moving on.
22:17Yeah. It's the end of the vlog, but I want to start at the little thing at the end of the vlog.
22:24So I, whoever I'm with, I, this week, these girls, I asked a little question or I usually
22:29ask you guys for questions, which actually what's going on. Sometimes my trademark.
22:40It actually is. True. I don't have one. Yeah, me neither. I do like throwing a bun. So true.
22:47Goodbye. Bye. Hey, Angel Besties. Stop. See you next week. I always say it exactly like that.
22:56Do you? I've never noticed. Really? I've never noticed either. Oh, well now you will. Yeah.
22:59I asked on Instagram. Same questions. You're just giggly, aren't you?
23:03Uh oh. Can I ask you something? I can just tell. I'm logging in. I asked a fun question,
23:09like specifically for fun questions. And I think this one's quite fun. I've screenshotted a few.
23:13I'm trying not to look at them. I don't know where to look. I can't wait. I've circled a
23:18few. If we answer a few, I'll just walk along. Hey, there's no rules. Okay. If you had a tap
23:22at the end of each finger and could have unlimited liquid from each, what would it be? What five
23:27liquids would you choose? Wow. Yeah. I think my first one would be water. Yes. Like filtered,
23:33cold, but not too cold. The perfect temperature. Yeah. Matcha, obviously. Yeah. What matcha?
23:41Matcha. What a stupid question. No. I don't know. I have like strawberry matcha,
23:48but then I was like, I don't always want strawberry. So just the matcha. And then you
23:51could use two fingers. No, I have more. One finger hot coffee, one finger iced coffee.
24:01That's a good one. Oh, that's so hard. Cause I'd either do ice on the back on coconut water or
24:06just an iced latte. Maybe an iced latte. That's two fingers. That's two of my fingers. Yeah.
24:10I would then go a hot coffee. I think just like an almond latte. Yeah. I'd have a decaf iced
24:16caramel latte. Yeah. Yep. I'd just be spilling some ice up and going. Yeah. Gorgeous. And my
24:22fourth finger, I think I would have to go Pepsi Max. Yeah. I know I'm like a Pepsi Max. Cold.
24:28Pepsi Max. You would. You would. Yeah. I would and I will. Yeah. What are you up to? Four?
24:36Four. I think I would do some type of kombucha. What flavor? It's a good, great question. Cause
24:43I just, I pick and choose. Maybe like a tropical. We'll have a tropical butch. Just fill a cup of
24:48ice up. Yeah. Mine's rogue. What is it? I can't wait. The cafe sells this. Oh, is it the iced tea?
24:56Yeah. Yes. That's a really good one. Not a soft drink, but it's not like caffeinated. Yes. And I
25:02love it. That's a really good one. I think my fifth one would be coconut water. Cocoa coast
25:07specifically. Coconut water. I've got all of my main ones. Can I do ice? It smells liquid.
25:14Unfortunately. Like acai doesn't count, does it? It's not like a liquid. Oh, maybe I'll do a
25:21smoothie. Yeah. Maybe I'll do the no-dough mango passion fruit. I forget what it's called. Imagine
25:26being like, oh breakfast. Like a boost mango magic. That would suck. Like that's like breakfast
25:30sorted. Yeah. Liquid breakfast. Yeah. Gorgeous. I'd do that. And like on the go. Yes.
25:37Yeah. My pinky. Yeah. No, I'm like, that would be my pinky. That's quite fun. That's a fun question.
25:41If you were each a pop girly, Sabrina, Taylor, Chapel, et cetera, who would you all be?
25:47Is it like, who do you want to be? Yeah. Or who are you actually? I think who are you? I'm not
25:52any of them. I'm too boring for any of them. If you're in a room with them, you think you could
25:57be friends with them because we're not them. Not at all. No. Yeah. Let's, let's change the
26:01question. Actually. I know I'm being delusional, but I like put me in a room with Renee. Oh,
26:06true, true, true. Which we're not. Absolutely not. I'm too stunned to speak. She is everything I
26:11want to be in the world. Yeah. Right. Taylor. I think Rachie could be Gracie.
26:18I think she's too cool for me. I have fear. I might be more like, I, there'd be a better
26:23chance that I'd be better friends with Taylor because she doesn't exude as much cool girl
26:27energy. She's a little bit awkward. Yeah. I can appreciate that. And I feel like she reads.
26:35Yeah. So I feel like I could chat to her about that. But yeah, I would love to hang out with
26:38Gracie. Could you imagine me in a room with Billy? Or Chapel? I fear they would squash me.
26:49I would actually. Someone get this little girl out of my room. Get this pee head out of my room.
26:56Why is her head so small? No, but like, I agree. I don't think there's one that I'm like,
27:03oh yes. I think we could banter with Sabrina. I was going to say, I think if you like turned it on,
27:07like we know you can. Yeah. I think you could have love with Sabrina. I think I could bounce
27:13back and forth. Yeah. I think you could too. Yeah. Next question. I just turned into a Q&A.
27:17I can imagine you in a room with Billy and you're just like. And they're just like,
27:20can, um, it's so. What would you say each other's best qualities are? Answer for each other.
27:26Honey roast. Yeah, I'm scared. Yeah, true. Oh, she doesn't have any. Let me cook. You're nice.
27:33You're funny. You give me a clap. I like that. Um, I can get invited through you.
27:54I love it when you repost my TikTok. I love it when you ask me to be in the Q&A at the end of
28:00the vlog. I just love what you have to offer me. I have some. I'll take a whack at it.
28:22You realize when you don't like something and you'll put in the work to change it,
28:28even when it's not easy. I feel like sometimes people just be like, Oh, I'm just like doing
28:31this and I'm just going to change it. And it looks so easy. Sometimes you have to do the
28:34thing that's like not really fun and actually like sucks doing it. But it's just like, that's
28:38just like actually realistic. I don't know if that makes any sense. Like what's an example.
28:47You could have very easily lived a completely different life. If you had not been like,
28:52I'm not happy with this. Like it was much harder to get up and leave your family, your hometown,
28:57your upbringing. That was so much harder than if you had just been like, you know what? It's way
29:03easier just to stay here. Like I remember you saying, I don't know if your therapist told you
29:07or if it's like from something else, but you were like, it's uncomfortable to change, but it's
29:13uncomfortable to stay the same. It's like choosing your heart. Yeah. Yeah. They're both hard. And I
29:17feel like you actually put it into practice, but you live it out. And I think because you're such
29:24a people pleaser, it's even harder to sometimes make those decisions to make your life better.
29:38So you are doing such a hard thing, but you do it. Cause I think that's the other thing. Sometimes,
29:42you know, some people are like, but that's just me. And it's like, that's a cop out. Yeah. So I
29:47think you just show that it's like, you can be a certain way and still do things differently.
29:51Yeah. Thank you. And for my second victim, I'm like, I hope my compliments, both of you in my
29:59head, they're the same level of good, but I'm like, you're nice. And yeah. So here's my point.
30:05Anyway, thank you for your car. I love that you do YouTube so we can talk about it. I think for
30:09you, it's like your go-getter personality. So if it's like, I have never met someone who's just
30:14like, Oh, I want this. So I'm just going to make it happen. I'm going to get it. I am just the
30:18furthest thing from that. Or even just like, I want to travel the world. So I'm just going to
30:23figure it out. I'm just going to do it. I'm like, Oh, I want to travel the world, but that's scary.
30:28You're like life's too short mentality. You're like actually that you feel that in your core.
30:33Yes. It's like my personality. You make everyone better by doing that.
30:37Yeah. I think, yeah. Being around someone who's just like, I want this and here's what I'm going
30:42to put in place to get it. And watching you put those things in place and then actually getting
30:46it, you're like, Oh, it's almost like, Oh, maybe I should believe in myself a little bit more.
30:49Well, my therapist said, but I like had to do that to like not feel things.
30:55Like you had to know what the other option is.
30:58Is to not live a good life.
30:59You were shown at such a young age that life is too short.
31:03So you're like, right, let's go.
31:05No time to waste.
31:07Yeah, truly. I think I just have such a big fear of not living life to the fullest.
31:11Even like getting to the end of my life. I mean, like I did not do so much that in every single
31:17decision I make, I'm like, am I going to regret not doing this? This is gonna make my life better.
31:20I'm like, why not? Why not try?
31:22Like you are truly such a dreamer.
31:24And I feel like that is something that's like kind of you're born with or you're not.
31:29And so being around, well, I'm not even
31:31a dreamer, but being around dreamers is infectious.
31:39It is.
31:39Which I, which as a person who's not naturally that way inclined, it's.
31:43Oh my gosh.
31:46No, but it is.
31:47It is.
31:47I'm like, oh, I'm going to cry.
31:50And you're back.
31:52And that you have a fellow husband.
31:54Yeah. So like right now, I think you have 2,000 followers already.
31:58If I can just see them all come over.
32:00I can't wait for my channel to be linked down below.
32:02It's really sweet. I really mean it though.
32:05This feels like our Galentine's cards in real life.
32:08It does.
32:09Or like birthday cards in real life.
32:11Truly. Like you're not going to get anything written in your cards.
32:15This is everything.
32:16You, like kind of what we're saying about your energy being like infectious.
32:20I don't think you meet anyone and like leave them less than.
32:24Like you're meeting people and you're always like adding something positive.
32:28That's so true.
32:29And like everyone would walk away feeling happier and brighter.
32:32I can dream big. I can achieve what I want. I can do that.
32:36Life is good that you just make life feel lighter and brighter.
32:38Okay, I'm literally like getting a drink.
32:41Hey, way to one up me.
32:43This one was better.
32:45Wow, that's crazy.
32:46But even like simple, like just simple.
32:50Like just to like build on top of that, like even as simple as like you're
32:53ordering a coffee or a matcha.
32:56Like the way you treat people that you have minor interactions with
33:00is just like so happy and bubbly and kind.
33:04Like, you know, when you like, you leave someone, you're like, oh, that was so nice.
33:07Yeah, that was like so randomly nice.
33:08That was so cute.
33:09I don't feel like that.
33:10Guys. Okay. That's enough of me.
33:12That's sort of the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me.
33:15Writing your main amount of speech.
33:16It's a good point.
33:18You're like, oh, this is a good one.
33:19Oh my god.
33:20We should have managed it with you.
33:22So like we both should be like a blubbering mess.
33:25I think Maddie will be.
33:26And if she is, I am.
33:28All four of you are there to take over.
33:30It's just like one word each.
33:31It's just like one thing, but everyone's doing it.
33:34I've got so many things to say.
33:35I don't know how to collect them.
33:36Yeah. And like, what's the best one?
33:38Say it out loud.
33:40Yes. I'm like, I can think it, but I'm not sure if it'll come out exactly how I'm thinking it.
33:43How safe you are.
33:45Like you are just the safest person.
33:48Almost like you said, you make everyone's life feel lighter.
33:52Like whenever we catch up, I will.
33:53Actually, that's, nah.
33:57Cut the cameras.
33:58You said, I'm out.
33:59Okay, we've got to go.
34:01I think it's, also when we're like, when I'm looking at you and you're like,
34:04No, I'm looking at you.
34:08You're just such a light.
34:09Like you're such a sunshine.
34:11You're truly sunshine.
34:12You're sunshine with your face.
34:14She's whimsical.
34:15I don't know how to put this into words because it's like a feeling.
34:18You truly want the best for people.
34:21Like there is not, you know how there's just
34:23some people that are like, you almost feel like, even if they're saying they're happy for you.
34:28They're kind of not.
34:28Or I don't know.
34:29You're just like the complete opposite to that.
34:32It's not even like, oh, you kind of like that.
34:36Yeah, you genuinely want the best for people.
34:37You're so excited.
34:39You're like equally as excited.
34:41Such an amazing quality to have.
34:44I'm such a crier.
34:46And I love that you cry so much.
34:47My book that I'm reading, she's like every emotion that she feels like slightly extra,
34:51she cries.
34:52And I'm like, I feel the same.
34:53You are very, the only way I can think of to describe it is validating.
34:57I can come to you with literally any emotion ever.
35:03And you'd give me a reason why I'm allowed to feel.
35:04You don't need a reason though.
35:05No, exactly.
35:09There it is.
35:09But it's not enabling.
35:11Because you'll also feel like, like, I think you'll also pull us up one way.
35:14I hope I will.
35:15Yeah, you definitely do.
35:17Oh, but like also that doesn't mean that at all.
35:19You know, you're not just like, yeah, yeah.
35:21You're really good.
35:22And maybe it's like your psychology degree.
35:26But like, you're really good at like understanding people and like why they would do certain things
35:30and having that support in a friend I really value.
35:33I mean, coming from someone who feels negative about feeling certain emotions,
35:37for you to be like, yeah, well, this and this and this makes sense for that.
35:41There's so many things for both of you, I could say.
35:42So like, this is just one of the first things that came to my mind.
35:44You are the least judgmental person I've ever met in my entire life.
35:50Like I could say anything to you.
35:52And I just know that I'm going to be met with no judgment.
35:55And it's not the same.
35:56It's the same thing with that.
35:57It's not like enabling bad behavior.
35:59Never have to filter myself.
36:01I never have to go, oh, what is she going to think of me?
36:04Because I just, I don't know.
36:05You're just so open.
36:07Yeah, open-minded.
36:08You'll hear anyone's opinion.
36:11Even if you don't agree.
36:12I just feel like I genuinely could just say anything to you.
36:14Like my, I don't, like I think it, it's out.
36:17You understand?
36:17I know even because that's how I feel about you two.
36:20And even just like could come to you for anything.
36:23And it's met with one openness and no judgment.
36:26And also just like validating also might not even advice, but just,
36:30oh, like I felt like this and blah, blah, blah.
36:31You know what I mean?
36:32You're just, you're also a very, very safe person to me.
36:34Can we like end on a fun one?
36:36Those were all the, let's, let's have a chair.
36:39What celebrity would you let sit on you?
36:41If you could be a fly on the wall to like a celebrity and they're like friends or something,
36:48you just like, maybe you sat down in a cafe and like someone sits next to you,
36:52but they're like having like a really unfiltered conversation.
36:54Like whose conversations would you want to like hear?
36:59So interesting to see what they're like with their friends.
37:03Like not really a celebrity, but you know,
37:05I'd really want to just like overhear their conversations.
37:08Jessa Hastings.
37:09Could you imagine just like sitting and just hearing about like what she was planning for
37:13her characters in the next book and like, what's going to happen?
37:17I'm a bit worried how people are going to take the, you know,
37:20if I kill off this person or I don't know, just something so rogue.
37:23Such a good one.
37:24Like I think authors in general would be fascinating.
37:27My editor wants me to do this, but I don't want to do, I don't know.
37:29Do you know who would be funny?
37:31Renee Rapp.
37:32I would love like Renee Rapp and her girlfriend.
37:36That would be funny.
37:38If I could like choose the conversation,
37:39there's some lesbians on TikTok that I would love to just like.
37:43Like why did you wake up?
37:44It's so toxic to me.
37:47Could you imagine?
37:48I respect you keeping your relationship offline.
37:51It doesn't help that.
37:52I do need to know.
37:53Doesn't make any difference.
37:54No, I still want to know.
37:55Could you imagine if you're a therapist and like someone walks into your office
37:59to sit down and work with you and like.
38:01You know who they are.
38:01You know who they are and you just like so badly wanted to know like the team.
38:05Like, oh.
38:06They're like, this happened.
38:07And what exactly happened in that situation?
38:09And what did they say?
38:11What did you say?
38:13They're meant to be like.
38:15Yeah, yeah.
38:15What did they say?
38:16Time to wrap this up.
38:17Camera's died.
38:18That's so hard.
38:20I speak too hard.
38:22This is going to be the end of the vlog.
38:23Wow, have I ever ended a vlog with you guys?
38:26It feels weird to me.
38:27Until next time.
38:28See you next time.
38:30We'll do it.
38:31We'll do the race again.
38:37I also love the love about all of us that we love.
38:40Like, we think the most mundane things are like the funniest thing ever.
38:45Yeah, they are.
38:46Half the time it's the delivery.
38:48Yeah, it's true, it's true.
38:49Thank you so much for watching.
38:50We will see you next week.
