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Taking shelter tonight in an arctic gale force blizzard on the border of Russia!

#arctic #blizzard #vanlife


00:00Good morning iFam. Welcome to today's video. Me and Jase are going on a little mission this morning. Are you alright mate?
00:07You got your pennies?
00:09No, my penny.
00:10Your pound? You got your money?
00:13Grab it then.
00:16Right, it is a bit chilly isn't it? It's not too bad though. Watch the cars, come here.
00:20Good boy.
00:21Hold your money tight. Right, if you guys remember, in summer last year, Jase lost his first tooth.
00:30Isn't that right?
00:31He lost his first tooth and he got, show everybody, he got five euro.
00:38And he didn't spend it, but he did save it. And he did remember where he'd hid it in the van.
00:44So this morning, he went in, got it out and said, can I go spend this five euros?
00:49And I was like, actually Jase, yes you can.
00:53Because we're in Finland right now, and obviously Finland is euros.
00:58So me and Jase, before we go for a little walk that we're doing today, are heading over to a very short walk.
01:04The van's just there in the background.
01:07Oh, careful, it's slippery.
01:10And the shop's just here.
01:12So we're going to go see what he wants to spend his money on.
01:15We interrupt our programme to bring you this important message.
01:18Okay, recently introduced you guys to Atapol. It's an app where you take surveys and you can earn yourself a little bit of extra cash.
01:27Now, don't get me wrong, you're not going to be able to mortgage a house on the amount of money that you're going to make.
01:33But you can earn good amounts of extra money to cover maybe part of your weekly shopping, maybe part of your electricity bill at the end of the month.
01:42And as we all know, every little definitely helps.
01:45Now, so many of you guys have downloaded the app already.
01:49So it's called Atapol. I will leave a link to it in the description box down below.
01:52So one of you tagged me and said, thank you so much, you've earned £25 and it was really going to help you.
01:58And it was so lovely to hear that.
01:59But what was even more lovely is the amount of comments below that saying, same here, I've earned £50, etc, etc.
02:06Now, one of the comments said, I was so frustrated because I completed a survey and then I got disqualified at some point throughout the survey.
02:17So I wanted to just, I guess, delve a bit deeper and explain to you how you can best try avoid becoming disqualified in certain apps.
02:28There's a couple of ways that you can do it so that it makes it less likely that you'll get a disqualification and that you'll be able to complete the surveys.
02:36So on the app, the surveys all have a star system, which is basically a star, a star rating at the side of each survey.
02:46So if you're doing a survey that's got five stars, then you're pretty much 100% likely to finish that survey, to complete it and to get the cash.
02:56Let's be real, that's what's important.
02:58And if the survey has got one star, then it means you're 20% likely to complete that survey and actually get paid for it.
03:08I hope that makes sense.
03:09So five stars would be 100%, four stars is going down to 80%, three stars, 60, two stars, you get the idea.
03:20And then another way that I thought I would tell you about is in the My Profile section of the app.
03:26You can go to Profile Details and the more details that you fill in on there, the more likely you are to get surveys aimed towards you.
03:34So I don't know, things like your job, what you do for a living, your marital status.
03:39I don't actually know all of the questions on there, but there's lots of questions all about you.
03:44And the reason that they ask those questions and the reason why it's good to fill in those questions is because it then knows which surveys you're more likely to get cash from, basically.
03:57And also another thing as well, just to keep in mind, is not to always go for like the most paid surveys.
04:03For example, some surveys you might get £4 for like a 20 minute survey and you might instantly be like, oh, £4, I'm going to go for that one.
04:11But if that one's ranked really low down in the survey list, then you're more likely to be successful if you take the higher up surveys.
04:22It's kind of difficult to explain this, but the surveys that are at the top.
04:25So, for example, if the survey at the top, you're going to get 50p and it's going to take you two minutes to complete.
04:30You can do more smaller ones in the hour and still build up that £4 than going to one that's rated much lower down.
04:38So it's always best to do like the surveys closer to the top of the list.
04:43And if you guys have not heard anything about Atapol and you're thinking, what on earth are you talking about?
04:49And you missed the last video that I spoke about this in.
04:53It's basically an app where you can take quick surveys during your free time.
04:57Like I said before, maybe you're in the car on a car drive, maybe you're in the bath, maybe you're in an airport lounge waiting for a flight.
05:03Maybe you're winding down on an evening.
05:04Who knows?
05:05But instead of doom scrolling, you can take quick short surveys and earn yourself a little bit of extra cash.
05:11So I will leave a link and all of the details in the description box down below.
05:15Thank you so much to all of you guys that have already downloaded the app and are already earning yourselves some extra money.
05:23And I'll leave a link in the description box down below to the previous video that I did and it just delves into the app a little bit more.
05:30Explains it a little bit more, gives you some more details on it and how it can benefit you to use it.
05:37So I'll leave those links in the description box down below and I hope you guys will go and check it out.
05:43Do you want pick and mix? You don't have to get pick and mix.
05:46Look around that side.
05:48Look over there.
05:49Oh wow!
05:51Oh wow!
05:53You can pretty much get anything here.
05:56With that money you've got, you can pretty much buy any one thing.
06:06What's that?
06:07It's a Rubik's Cube.
06:08I love those toys.
06:09Do you?
06:11Look at that.
06:12What is that?
06:13Oh, that's cool isn't it?
06:15Oh, it's a bit big.
06:17It's a bit big. You could buy one of them if you wanted.
06:19I can buy one of these.
06:20One of the snakes. Yeah, you can buy a snake if you want to.
06:23You won't be able to buy anything else.
06:26So you've got to decide what's it worth.
06:31Yeah, there's that side too.
06:39Serious business this guys. Serious business.
06:47I want to buy that, or those, or those, or those.
06:51I'll have pink.
06:53I'm glad those are up there.
06:56Oh no.
07:01Where are we going now?
07:02Pick and mix.
07:03Do you want to get pick and mix?
07:04Where are the bags?
07:07There, look.
07:10He was definitely buying pick and mix up to about two minutes ago.
07:14When he decided there wasn't much options.
07:16To be fair, quite a lot of these ones are licorice, licorice, licorice, licorice, licorice, licorice.
07:23He's not going to like those.
07:24Yes darling?
07:27How much money are they on?
07:28I'm not sure how much money those are, but they're no good for your eyes.
07:31We're to get you special sunglasses, remember?
07:35Well, we can get crisps. What about crisps?
07:38Not crisps?
07:41Where are you going?
07:44You've gone the wrong way. It's this way.
07:48Keep going down. Keep going.
07:51That's one. That's the one.
07:57He can't decide, he said, because there's too many sweets.
07:59This might have been a mistake.
08:01We've walked up and down about six times.
08:04What about some chocolate covered raisins?
08:06Chocolate covered raisins?
08:08Yeah, those look good. Here, look.
08:10No, they don't look good.
08:12No, they're not good.
08:15What about Haribo?
08:18Yeah, like all of these ones.
08:20These look cool. What about these ones?
08:22Softie Mix? I've never seen them before.
08:24I've never seen them.
08:25No? They're five euros.
08:29What about a chocolate bar?
08:31Oh, no.
08:32I'll have a bag of sweets.
08:34Button. Put it over and press scan.
08:36Put it back a little bit.
08:38Press the button.
08:39There we go.
08:41Okay, we've just come to a stop about, I'd say, two minutes, three minutes around the corner.
08:49We actually came here last night in the van because we were planning on stopping here.
08:54However, there's a sign right over in the corner.
08:56We only just saw it say no overnight camping.
08:59So, obviously, we stick to the rules and we went just two minutes up the road.
09:05And we stayed where we stayed last night, which turned out to be a really nice spot.
09:08But the reason we wanted to stay here last night was because we want to go on a little hike.
09:13I don't know if it's so much a hike more probably as like a walk.
09:16Yeah, so we're going on a little hike to a suspension bridge, which looks really cool.
09:21I think, I'm pretty sure it said online that only three people can go on this bridge at one given time.
09:25So, that's going to be fun with eight of us.
09:29Come on, Jason, Mila.
09:32But what I was saying before is this place is so stunning.
09:35It's like, look at this.
09:38It's like the most gorgeous winter wonderland you two have.
09:41Honestly, I bought three kinder eggs like a week ago.
09:45It was about a week for Jason, Mila and Aurora.
09:48Aurora never had hers.
09:50And these two have asked for it about three times.
09:53Can we have that kinder egg in the door?
09:54Can we have that kinder egg?
09:55I'm like, buy your own blooming kinder egg.
09:56No, it's Aurora's.
09:57But three times now they've asked me for it.
09:59And then they just said, you're never going to give it to Aurora.
10:00Can we just have it?
10:02So, now they're eating it.
10:04You've got some pockets on your trousers.
10:08What are you shoving in there?
10:09A drum.
10:10Oh, wow.
10:14Get out while you're crunching that chocolate right now.
10:17I can't.
10:18I literally cannot.
10:20My brain, when someone's crunching chewing gum, crisps, food in my ear like that,
10:25it's like it goes from zero to eight million.
10:28I literally have no, there's no in between.
10:31It's just like...
10:32Is that around your pocket or does it feel horrible?
10:34No, it's fine.
10:35Are we ready to go?
10:36Yeah, let's go.
11:05Oh, my God.
11:26I fell down.
11:31Are you okay?
11:36So, we're currently doing the Joutour trail.
11:41Let's just call it that.
11:43I'm really sorry to anyone Finnish watching this for that murder of a pronunciation.
11:47No, it sounds French.
11:50You sound French.
11:51Are you mocking French people?
11:54Is that what you just said?
11:57They don't have a French accent here.
11:59No, no.
12:00I'm quite aware of that.
12:01I'm quite aware of that.
12:02So, Dad said it in a French accent.
12:04He said they can't say that, they don't have a French accent here.
12:06I think you're just trying to pick fights with me again as usual.
12:08You just tried to trip me off.
12:09You just tried to trip her over.
12:10Yeah, it's random that he ran up to me.
12:11Yeah, because you tried to do it to me.
12:12Instead of tripping me off with his long, flexible legs that he doesn't have anymore,
12:15he just stood on my toe.
12:17He just stood on my toe instead of tripping me off.
12:19And Isabel went,
12:22He stood on my toe.
12:24I said, you stood on my toes.
12:26See, don't do that again.
12:28Listen, if you want to fight, we can fight.
12:34You guys are nutcases, man.
12:37I swear, these guys have had the best time of their entire lives this trip.
12:41Just to be able to roll on the floor like this.
12:44And just be crazy.
12:47Oh, that was close to rolling, babe.
12:49Be careful.
12:51Oh, my God.
12:52You're going to whitewash yourself, Jase.
12:54I'm going to whitewash you.
12:57Jase, trust me.
12:58Jase, trust me.
12:59No, mate.
13:00Trust me.
13:01You'll get buried if you do that.
13:03You'll get buried.
13:05That's it.
13:07You better run.
13:30You're running, Roddy.
13:31Go get the boy.
13:32Go get Jase.
13:33Go get Jase and Mila.
13:34Come on.
13:35Let's go get them.
13:37What are they doing?
13:41They got in the snow.
13:44What are you talking about?
13:45What are you talking about?
13:46No, nothing.
13:47This morning when we woke up, right, I only just thought I'm going to come back.
13:50But this was like hours ago.
13:53But, Esme, this morning, right, because I obviously didn't sleep.
13:56But, Esme, this morning, right, because obviously my skin's like a bit more olive-y or whatever.
14:05So, she was like, this morning she woke up and she went, I look so green.
14:09Like pale olive green when you wake up.
14:11But I just thought my comeback could have been you look like raw chicken.
14:15Raw chicken.
14:16What the heck?
14:17You know, it's because she's like pink and pale, but I don't have like a pinky pale complexion.
14:21I have like an olive-y, green-y complexion.
14:23She has a pinky chicken complexion.
14:25I don't know how I should feel if our family's biggest insult is, well, you look like raw chicken.
14:32This is a good one.
14:34Why are they going down there? This is the way.
14:35I don't know.
14:37No, I think this is the way.
14:38No, if they're saying come down, there's obviously...
14:39Is there a waterfall or something?
14:41I've probably got it wrong.
14:43I don't think I have, though.
14:44Well, I can see the water, but I don't think I've got it wrong with the bridge.
14:47I think the bridge is down the main path this way.
14:49I'm pretty sure someone went into it.
14:50Oh, no, right.
14:51She's okay.
14:52She's good, she's good, she saved herself.
14:53Good girl.
14:54This is good.
14:55She's a boss.
14:56Guys, there's a bridge down there.
14:59We'll go and see.
15:00We'll just walk back.
15:01It worries me.
15:02Look just off the side of the bridge.
15:03Look how deep that footprint's got.
15:04Is that a cover-all?
15:06Yeah, there's loads like that.
15:08It's pretty frozen, but you've got to be careful.
15:12Don't you dare.
15:13I won't, I promise.
15:14I'll give you one, and you'll hear my footsteps coming fast.
15:21Oh, wow, yeah, it definitely looks stunning.
15:23That's my friend.
15:24She's okay.
15:26No, they're not.
15:28My foot's right in a pothole.
15:31I jarred my back so bad.
15:33Oh, what the heck?
15:35This is like polar water.
15:42Oh, what?
15:45That is insane.
15:55That is so crazy.
15:58I really want to walk down to it and get some.
16:01You could probably drink this water.
16:03Stay back.
16:04Yeah, stay back, guys, everybody.
16:07Yeah, the bridge is down the other path.
16:10Yeah, it's so beautiful.
16:14Yeah, not from the edge, though, mate, okay?
16:18The footprints.
16:19That's a wolf.
16:20No, they look big.
16:21They look like big prints.
16:24Yeah, I know, but they look like about four-year-olds.
16:26It's a baby moose.
16:27No, Rara.
16:28Come on, this way, look.
16:33That is so cool.
16:35That was really, really cool to see, but literally, my biggest fear is water like that.
16:41We're children, and just the thought of, like, going in, not only the ice-cold water, but
16:45then being stuck underneath the big ice formations.
16:50So, as much as I loved looking at that, it was not for me to just be stood there, and
16:54I'm pretty sure that I was doing everyone's head in by saying, get back, stand back, not
16:58close to the edge.
17:00So, yeah, we're just walking to the suspension bridge now.
17:04Everyone's just coming back up from the water, and I think the suspension bridge is just
17:08around the corner.
17:09It looks so beautiful.
17:20Oh, you can feel it moving.
17:22That feels so weird.
17:28Oh, my God.
17:31That feels so, so scary.
17:34It does, actually.
17:36Oh, it's coming so much at us.
17:38Oh, man, but look at the view.
17:44It's so beautiful.
17:49Oh, my God.
18:16This is so cool.
18:18What the heck?
18:28Oh, yeah, look, they're chopping wood up.
18:30This is so cool, though.
18:31This is here, though.
18:32You can just walk across, and it's just all just here.
18:35It's really warm, yeah?
18:36Because the roofs of these buildings catch the heat and keep it in.
18:42That is perfect.
18:47By the time we went here to eat some soup.
18:50We did, last time.
18:51The first time I went in one of these to eat some soup, she just said.
18:55She just said, this reminds me.
19:00Which one?
19:01We went on a snowmobile, came to one of the huts.
19:05Like this, like this.
19:07And we had to go find the kettle.
19:11That's right.
19:12Yeah, we did.
19:13Yeah, we had to go find the kettle.
19:14What did we fill it with?
19:16We filled it with snow.
19:19And then we got the snow and turned it into soup.
19:24We turned it into tea.
19:25Cup of tea, yeah.
19:26Snow cup of teas.
19:27That's good remembering, though.
19:29No, it doesn't need cutting.
19:30It's already axed.
19:31No, babe, that's axed already.
19:32No, no, it needs axing again.
19:34Chris just wants to play.
19:36Are you?
19:37So fun.
19:38Jase, come over here, sweetheart.
19:39Good boy.
19:41He's like, I need to ax this.
19:42Film me.
19:43That's cold.
19:44Oh, my gosh, I can't cope with you.
19:45That's already axed.
19:46That will go in the wood.
19:48Yeah, I know, but I want to chop it again so I have more.
19:50Okay, right.
19:51Those are nice innie pieces, you know.
19:52Oh, careful.
19:53I'd camp here, wouldn't you?
19:54It's lovely.
19:55Yeah, it's really nice.
19:56Go on, then.
19:57Don't put your head down, though.
19:58That's good.
19:59That's good.
20:00That's good.
20:01That's good.
20:02That's good.
20:03That's good.
20:04That's good.
20:05That's good.
20:06That's good.
20:07That's good.
20:08That's good.
20:09That's good.
20:10That's good.
20:11That's good.
20:13Let's drink to Colin!
20:24Let it go.
20:25I've never done that before, and I was like...
20:28Let it go.
20:30Can I have a go?
20:31James is a proper boy.
20:33Can I have a go?
20:37Just in case we miss the first one.
20:40Dad thinks he's a hard home rower now.
20:42It's gonna be a whole.
20:45What is?
20:47Oh my god.
20:51You're splitting drafts.
20:53Are you ready for this?
21:00Look at that wood shop.
21:03Yeah, oh
21:11Look at that wood shop
21:20Order order we use all the wood in our fire last night. We've got
21:33We'll be avoiding that yeah, but it's good though to have in the wild, right?
21:51The one thing that I absolutely love about having little ones around the same age like this
21:56Is that the littlest are always trying to copy the biggest it's just so cute
22:02Jay sat down just be careful. I like I don't want it going in the boots. Oh
22:08No, it's gonna go to boots Isla. I don't want you to cover. I shall get cold. Yes, that's fine
22:12When Jay sat down Aurora just came straight over. It's like ah
22:20So sweet
22:21Mila for goodness sake what are you doing?
22:24What are you doing?
22:27You're gonna get cold
22:29Look, you've got snow going in your boots. You've got flipping icebergs in here Mila
22:38How do the little ones not feel it
22:40You've got an iceberg in you in your shoe. I don't recommend them for snow
22:46at all
22:48They are snow boots Jojo my man was but they're not
22:51They're not great
22:52Or maybe it's that their coats don't go over the top because they won't stay over the top so snow leaks in the top
22:59I know she doesn't bother. Anyway, we're just sending the drone up
23:02Up it goes
23:04What's that?
23:06What is it? Say Wow
23:10Where's it gone?
23:14Where is it?
23:17Yeah, where's the drone
23:21Aurora loves the drone. Oh, yeah, that's cool
23:28This is another thing that I love about this part of the world, it's just free
23:34no cost
23:38Walks like this that are just so stunning and it just feels so rewarding
23:44It's so weird, but when you've just done a walk like that
23:47It feels so rewarding to stumble upon a little what is even is this called?
23:53Hooked like this. Yeah
23:56Just be careful with the fire inside. Like you're just so rewarding. It's just it's not even a big deal
24:01It's just a bit of wood that's on fire. But
24:04I'd obviously all of the visitors that have come put on an extra log. So it's keeping the fire going
24:09It's just so nice. Just so nice to be outdoors and breathing in this gorgeous fresh air
24:15Going on these walks. It's just such a nice
24:18Way of life, I really really enjoy this. I love it. It's so stunning everywhere as well
25:19Why do I start me to get away
25:29No, cuz you're doing too little to hug you so mom hugged you you don't even know
25:36So I got technically the first
25:48Yes, I would know
27:09Yep, we're definitely definitely back in Norway
27:18So you're joining us in Norway, yeah
27:23Don't you know about it as well?
27:24Yeah, I'm straight over the border from Finland and you're instantly back into scary mountains and scary weather
27:29Yeah, we were so basically the plan was to finish our power walk and head straight to the place where they would left the caravan
27:34Which was like two minutes around the corner and then go get some like soup and things for like a late lunch early dinner
27:40type thing
27:40But once we've got around the corner Aurora had fallen straight asleep like she fell asleep the second we got it back in the car
27:46Didn't shake and it kind of it makes sense to wake about 72
27:51They were 150 euro
27:54It's for a bottle of water. We need some more water
27:58It didn't make sense to start doing lunch and wake her up and then do the two-hour drive
28:01Which is what we've done to Norway. So we decided to just do the drive first
28:06Which is what we did and now we're in Norway. It was a beautiful drive. We saw the Northern Lights we did
28:12It was a gorgeous drive really gorgeous driver, it's a bit hairy, but it was gorgeous. Yeah, it was it was really nice
28:17Um, so now we're in the supermarket trying to pick up something for lunch. I'm completely forgetting what the conversion rate is for Chrome
28:25Yeah, I was looking for a campsite
28:29Yeah, we do kind of on a campsite I'd like a long shower and you know
28:33Could do it. No, I don't need to do washing actually
28:36Right. Come on. Let's go find dinner. We forgot
28:39black bags, so
28:41Chris is just going to get them
28:43I knew we'd forget them because we didn't pick them up at the door as we were walking and in but they were not
28:47The correct size that we need we need smaller ones
28:50Anyway, just waiting for Chris to come out. This place is so eerily quiet
28:54We've driven about two hours and when we've driven two hours, it's actually took us longer than two hours, but the drive
29:01Sat and I've said about two hours
29:04There was nothing on that route
29:07Not even a service station not even like a petrol station
29:11There was nothing
29:14It was so dark and eerie and obviously the first
29:19Town, I guess that you come to is probably going to be more expensive more expensive because you know, everyone's gonna stop here
29:26But yeah, that was literally two hours of absolute nothing. And right now we are
29:31Right on the very very border of Russia. I don't think we've ever been this close to Russia before actually
29:38we're literally on the border of Russia and
29:41Norway that's how north we are
29:44Which is really cool. It's actually really cool the way the
29:47Countries go so it's obviously Norway Sweden Finland
29:51But then Norway comes right up and kind of around the top. So that's how we're back in Norway
29:57That's how we're on the border of Russia
30:01I'd actually quite like to see the border of Russia. Maybe we'll go see it
30:04I don't know how close we are, but I know we're like pretty much at it
30:10He's definitely picked up more than bags
30:13But it doesn't keep the receipt either
30:16And it's gonna need it to get out
30:25Just Chris in his natural habitat
30:31What you got
30:35Right as bottom is the color
30:45Only a few of you guys will know what Chris just said and I am NOT
30:50Repeating you don't know then it's tough. You're not part of the crowd
30:58Speaking of which is there actually a toilet in here
31:05Is that a toilet or is there
31:10Oh well, I was gonna have a wee wee
32:26Guys well, we are officially in a fat blizzard right now so much. No, my daughter's frozen
32:35So we're fully taking shelter in this
32:38Supermarket car park tonight and there's a few other vans here
32:46But it's bad outside like I'm it's like feels like full-on hurricane winds going on and some
32:52Really really bad snow
32:54And this is due to get worse overnight as well
32:58So we've got the cozy vibes going inside we've got a cup of tea brewing right now
33:04And not gonna lie these are literally the best back wipes I've ever bought in my entire life
33:10They're amazing I wish they had these in the UK they're better than those 50p ones from B&M home bargains I mean
33:17So just clean up after a lovely lovely dinner
33:19And we're gonna have a cup of tea and we're gonna feel the van rock side to side as it gets battered by these winds
