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How to install Menyoo Trainer 2.0 II How to install Menyoo script II How to use Menyoo trainer.
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#gaming #menyoo #menyootrainer #gtavonline
his mod requires the latest GTA V patch and the latest version of Alexander Blade's ScripthookV plugin.

Press F8 while in-game to open.
If you select the controller as your input option via the settings, you may use the controller (Binds being RB+Left) to use the menu. Otherwise, use the arrow keys or the num keys.

Backspace - Back
Enter - Select
UpArrow - Up
DownArrow - Down
LeftArrow - Left
RightArrow - Right

Controller input:
B/Circle - Back
A/X - Select
DPAD Up - Up
DPAD Down - Down
DPAD Left - Left
DPAD Right - Right

Object Spooner tutorial by @abstractmode:
Object Spooner tutorial.
https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/menyoo-2-0/download/178635 menyoo pc trainer
https://www.dev-c.com/gtav/scripthookv/ script hook v
https://github.com/scripthookvdotnet/scripthookvdotnet-nightly/releases community script.net

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