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A Goalkeeper in Danish football team that won the European Championship against all odds in 1992 and captained Mancheste | dG1fYWFtRlRYNUdmUVE
00:03Extremely demanding.
00:05Mistakes couldn't happen.
00:08My name is Peter Boleslav.
00:11Peter Schmeichel!
00:15Since I was a kid, I wanted to be on top.
00:18He was the greatest goalkeeper we ever had.
00:20The great Dane.
00:22People were climbing the floodlights to get a view of this very different type of keeper.
00:30If we didn't have Peter Schmeichel in goal, we would probably have lost this game.
00:34He was the pinnacle of Danish football.
00:36You have to be the best.
00:38He reinvented the position.
00:40He gave something to football.
00:42The Schmeichel.
00:43Like a monster.
00:45Success breeds confidence.
00:47But it wasn't enough.
00:49I'm going to be so arrogant that all of these players, they will hate me.
00:54How is your temper?
00:56Turn that camera off.
00:59We were not meant to see him be weak.
01:01What do you want to know?
01:03I always promised myself, if I feel that I'm not up for it, I have to do something.
01:08This was an era where football was supposed to be indestructible.
01:11I can't carry on doing this.
01:13For the first time, Peter really felt signs of vulnerability.
01:17You have to be bulletproof.
01:22Talent is never enough.
01:24You have to work really hard.
01:26Every time you play, you put everything you have on the line.
