WINTER SLUMP VLOG!!! whhhhewww it has gotten to me lol was in a really terrible mindset but managed to pick my mood the following day... some days a bad mood is just a bad mood, but the next can be better! tried out the viral heatless sock curls, made a mushroom soup, and followed my glow up routine (was necessary lol).
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00:00Oh, this is so stupid. Oh my god. There are no sidewalks. I recognize the drama. It's like sideways snowing
00:06This is how I woke up turned yesterday around
00:10Brilliant I love these days
00:13Now that it looks officially absolutely insane
01:30Hello guys, I'm finally starting this vlog we are we are here today we are vlogging honestly
01:36I have such a nice weekend. It was obviously Valentine's Day, and we also celebrated our
01:40One year, which is so crazy. Where is time going?
01:44Yeah, she got us a hotel for the night, which was so nice. I was like, sir Valentine's
01:48We made a little heart pizzas made. We're not really strangers really cute weekend and now it's Tuesday
01:54It was a long weekend. So today's kind of Monday. The slump is
01:58Slumping. Oh, I'm trying really hard to not let it like truly get to me
02:03But it's starting to like I just feel tired. I feel unmotivated
02:07There's also like a shit ton of snow out there and it's minus 13 today
02:11I'm trying so hard guys to stay positive, but this is like it happens every year
02:16This is the time of the year where just it's hard if you live in a cold climate if you live
02:20Somewhere where it's you know, gray often it's cold. You're not alone
02:24I think a lot of us struggle this time of year and
02:28I'm really trying to stay positive
02:29I'm really trying to do the things to make sure that I don't you know, like let it really affect me
02:34So I'm actually heading downtown today to meet Bri and Zahar. We're gonna do a workout together
02:38We're doing a hip class at sweat and tonic and then we're gonna get some lunch at Mandy's afterwards
02:43And that is today's outing. I've been editing and working this morning, but like I just
02:48It's really hard to edit stuff that you're like, oh, this is so stupid
02:52I don't know. This is where we're at. Literally. All I want to do is sit and read
02:59Sit, I know I'll feel better after I get a workout in today. I know I will feel better
03:04That is the one thing that I am sure of is I always feel better after I work out. So
03:10That'll be good for me pushing ourselves for making happen and then going away for the weekend. So it's all good
03:16It's all fine. This happens every year. Nothing new. Nothing crazy. I'm also just like not motivated
03:22To put effort in right now. I feel like I need to get my shit back together
03:26So I'm just doing cottage cheese on an English muffin with some chili on the crunch and that's gonna be breakfast
03:33I just want something light before this workout class. So this should be good
03:37Here she is for any of you that are feeling what I'm feeling right now
03:41Let me know in the comments what you do to get through this season. I think I love winter up until
03:48Right now, you know, I like the snow like the cold obviously love it
03:51You know in December at a certain point like we can move on
03:57Mmm, that's delicious
04:12Oh my god, so I was trying to get an uber forever, but obviously the snow is coming down
04:16I don't know if you can tell it's
04:18Quite aggressive out here snows coming down more aggressively every minute every uber that I called said that the roads were closed
04:24It was too crazy. They couldn't come then finally
04:26I got one that was like at my place and then he did a whole block around he passed me
04:31I was like, sir, what the heck anyways, I was so supposed to get there 15 minutes ahead of time
04:35Finally pick me up. I'm like in running shoes right now. This is not
04:39Anyways, finally pick me up and we are just simply not moving. Everything is so slow. The roads are so slippery
04:45I was watching the time
04:48Like there's simply no way I'm making it for this class. I'm gonna get downtown
04:52After being in the car for like 45 minutes to an hour. My friends are gonna be in the class
04:55I'm not gonna get let in so I told my driver to just
05:01Let me out of the corner
05:03So now I've been walking for a while. I said bring into horror voice now
05:07Saying how deeply upset I am right now because this would have been the one thing that picked up my mood today
05:12But I don't think it was in the cards and it's times like this where I wish I lived
05:18Closer to downtown where you just said back in our group chat
05:21But so far it's having a panic attack in the traffic like it's just this is not the time to leave the house
05:25But I'm trying so hard to not let the winter like get me really down, but this is honestly worse
05:30I know this is such a forceful problem and it really doesn't fucking matter, but I really need this today and
05:36the world's other plans
05:40It's a stay up it's slippery it's cold
05:43Do not fall on my face. There are no sidewalks. So
05:48We're just gonna
05:49This is fucked
06:00Recognized the drama. I really do just got home. It's 1230
06:04This is when I should have been arriving at my class and I really tried first things first
06:08I'm putting on comfy clothes my favorite set. What are we gonna put on?
06:12I know I know pink sweats and the sweatshirt I was wearing this morning
06:15I'm also putting on the comfiest socks that I have if it's gonna be oh my god
06:19It's actually coming down so heavy. It wasn't even supposed to snow today. I thought we were done with the snow over the weekend
06:24It's like sideways snowing heavy right now. I can't even believe this. That was a good try. That was great
06:46That was
06:52This is how I woke up so I don't have a lot of confidence
07:00It's got a cute little flick at the end this one's gonna oh
07:06The length difference, oh my god, I like this side except for like the front I would do like a separate
07:12I think I would do a separate piece
07:14That's not bad. Also, this is my first time speaking today. So honestly
07:19Way better than I expected now next time. I just need both to stay in. We'll see how long they last
07:24Good morning guys. It is a new day and it's a better day. It's a better day cuz I'm saying right now
07:31I'm saying it's gonna be better. I was a dramatic little bitch
07:34Yesterday if we're honest like I was so fucking dramatic. It's it's insane. We all have those days. We're like
07:41all logic and like a sound mind just
07:44Out the window. You just want to complain at the world. You wouldn't be mad at everything. That was yesterday
07:47that was yesterday for me, but then you have a little reality check with yourself and you're like
07:52You're fucking fine, but we all wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes we're human. What are we gonna do?
08:01Anyways today we're gonna try
08:09We're gonna try again not an outside work a class
08:12I think I've learned my lesson that when there's this much snow and slush and you can't walk on the sidewalk
08:19Doing at home workout better to stay home on days like this or weeks like this. It's been insane
08:24My motivation is at an all-time low like people ask me all the time how I stay so motivated
08:29I don't like I have times where I feel so
08:33Unmotivated a lot of the time I can push through and like a very positive person. I can just figure it out
08:38But there are some times mostly, you know this time of year in the winter and get really hard in the mental health
08:44It really can so honestly doing anything you can to make yourself feel better. I support but today
08:49I'm gonna try to be my positive self again and turn yesterday around
08:54I think today we're gonna lean in, you know
08:56instead of trying to go out there and make my plans and
09:00Act like the city isn't just absolutely covered in snow. I think we embrace we embrace it
09:06We accept the fact that I just should not make plans outside in the world right now and we're gonna make a soup
09:11that's on the agenda for today, I'm gonna get a little workout in and
09:15We're gonna try to do all the things that I do when I need a glow
09:26Okay, it's a little while later it's actually two o'clock, um, first of all hair update I feel like
09:31This one side that actually worked definitely still has some wave and some body other side
09:37It's pretty flat and doing some brainstorming some planning from the couch trying to be productive do my thing and now we're gonna go
09:43Workout I'm actually gonna go on the treadmill today
09:45I haven't been on the treadmill for a while
09:46But I really feel like doing like a long walk right now
09:49Walking outside not the vibe and also I just want to do like a nice serious incline walk
09:54Also, I really want to read my book
09:57So I want to do but I refuse to read my book like during the day during the week cuz I feel like that
10:02It's just I know I have boundaries with myself. I can't do that
10:04Even if I don't have a lot of work going on for the day
10:06I just refuse to like sit and enjoy a chill day cuz I'm like I could find something to do
10:11Workwise so I refuse to do it
10:13But this way and get my exercise and I'm gonna go for like an hour long walk read my book at the same time
10:19I feel like it's gonna make the hour fly and it'll be good. So I'm gonna go downstairs and
10:25Do that for the next?
10:32Thankfully, they've dried since yesterday
10:41Treadmill is rebooting cuz I haven't used it in a while
10:44Honestly part of me thinks that this walk today might get me back into running. We'll see right now
10:48I'm just like I'm doing whatever feels good
10:50Whether it's a hit class whether it's a run whether it's walk like whatever as long as I'm still moving my body
10:55That is all that matters because it is actually quite important to do physical exercise to keep the mental health
11:01You know in a decent place. It does help a lot. So we are
11:04Sticking to it and it feels good
11:06Start and then I'm gonna call Sarah back and then I'm gonna read my book
11:10But it is to 20. I'm committing to an hour
11:14That is the plan. We're gonna go like 12% incline top top top, but just like a nice walk
11:21It's like 12 330, but I don't know 12 60 and then we'll see
11:25We'll see the speed 3 is kind of hard low-key like 12 330 seems super chill and easy
11:31But it gets kind of tough. We're still going up
11:36Must have at some point. I know I wanted to try 12 330, but it was hard. We're gonna go a little faster than this
11:41So we'll just see anyways
11:44This is where I'll be
11:54Okay, it's been over an hour
11:56This has been
11:58Very good. I am so sweaty. This is exactly
12:03What I
12:14Didn't end up doing any reading at all. I was on the phone the entire time
12:18I was talking to Sarah for a while mom for a while and that hour
12:21Flew by I'm nice and sweaty. See if my aura ring knows how many steps I just took
12:268,300 steps that
12:28Was great and so easy honestly great use of an hour. I'm gonna go shower drink a lot of water. I'm feeling hot
12:36Maybe I'll do that again tomorrow. I
12:40Had filled up my water bottle and then forgot it up here and didn't want to stop
12:44To get it. So I love having a treadmill. I'm gonna let myself cool for a bit and then we're gonna shower
12:49We are clean hair is still in bun comfy clothes on and we're gonna we're gonna do little things to the face
12:56I'm gonna wash my hair tomorrow. So we're just gonna leave it in this for now
13:00Okay, when I feel like I need a glow-up, we're talking physical glow-up. I find sometimes a physical glow-up helps
13:07Internally confidence motivation, whatever and even if you don't have a glow-up, you're still gonna feel like you need a glow-up
13:13So I'm gonna wash my hair tomorrow. So I'm just gonna leave it in this
13:16Internally confidence motivation, whatever and even if doesn't it's better than nothing
13:20So we do a few things first thing that I do is I shave my face
13:24I feel like growing up people talk about not shaving your face or your arms because everything grows back thicker
13:30I don't find that I've always had a hairier face just literally since I was a kid
13:34I've had numerous rounds of laser done on my face since I was
13:3816 I laser my own face, but there's still like peach fuzz that comes through
13:42I have like very sparse random dark hairs, but the peach fuzz taking an eyebrow razor and
13:47Shaving down the face is the most
13:51Satisfying ever I do it every couple weeks and it makes such a difference with putting on makeup your skincare routine
13:57Just look good. So that will be step one here. I do very light downward strokes and you can see
14:05The fuzz can you see it? I don't know. There's not a lot on my face right now
14:09Make sure that my skin is tight and I just go
14:13Downwards when I don't do it for a while. There's like so much fuzz coming off my face. It is so
14:20Satisfying a lot of people do this differently. Some people do it with like an oil on their face first
14:24I've always done it this way and I don't break out
14:27I mean everyone's skin is different so, you know do what works for you
14:30But I did wash my face in the shower and I do my upper lip when I'm lazy
14:34I'll also do it, you know around my eyebrows, but today I'm not gonna do the lazy way
14:38But that'll be next you can also get like a legit dermafloss machine
14:42Even though it's essentially the same thing as this just really expensive. I find this does the exact same thing
14:47I've had both and these are like pack of three for six dollars
14:51I don't think buying the expensive device is worth the money in my opinion. Can you see all the fuzz? Oh my god, wait
14:59You see it. It's also not just the peach fuzz. It's like dead skin and build up like my face feels so soft
15:05Okay, next up we are gonna do the brows I always get these little wax strips
15:10They look like this and usually I cut these into four pieces. So they last a long time
15:14So I cut right down the middle once again, and then you just peel off the wax and I just place
15:21Right here. The strips just make it so easy like legit zero effort. You just press down and then
15:28Brilliant like so smooth perfect. Oh, I love these days the other side like yes
15:34The eyebrow razor does, you know, give a clean edge, but then within like two days we go back
15:38Oh, that's a good one
15:40Perfect, and then I split the other side or the lower part of my brow or like the tail
15:45I should say anyways, this just lasts a lot longer obviously because it's pulling the hair from the root
15:51And then when I feel bold I do the same process of cutting them into four and I will go under the brow
15:57This is usually what I do before like a trip. It's like the high maintenance routine to be low maintenance
16:02Well, I'm gonna use these two for right under here just so I like the cleanest edge underneath my brow
16:08It's a little dicey. I do this. I'm gonna go close up to the mirror
16:11I'm not trying to pull up my entire eyebrow right now. I would not be helping. Okay, she's on there
16:17It's like so satisfying love that. I'm gonna throw on some moisturizer
16:21I think a little bit later once I let the eyebrows settle because I don't want to do the next step here right now
16:26I will be self-timing the face like my real wedding not just like throwing on the drops like a real way
16:31We're like you contour the face and it's gonna be perfect
16:33But for now, we're gonna go on some moisturizer. My skin is just like forever dry in the winter
16:39It's a disaster in the meantime, though. I am going to do the other thing that I feel like always makes it such a difference
16:46Whitening strips. I've used these since I was in high school
16:49Just like the classic crust whitening strip having a nice crisp white smile adds
16:55So much confidence I find so I try to do this pretty often not gonna be able to talk once these are on
17:00So we're gonna put them on and we'll catch up for sleep time. Okay set 30-minute timer. I love the list
17:07Okay, it is 630 teeth fresh skin soft brows
17:13Crisp and now we're thinking about dinner
17:15So I was thinking I was gonna order some groceries for a soup and like find a recipe online
17:20But because I'm going away and I'm not gonna be home tomorrow night and then I won't be home for the whole weekend
17:25It doesn't make sense to order like a whole fresh thing of groceries
17:28So I went looked in the fridge and I was like, okay. I have zucchini. I have mushrooms
17:33I have shallots and garlic and so I went to chat GPT and I said this is what's in the fridge
17:37How can I make a soup?
17:39I did say that I was looking for a creamy mushroom soup because I have a lot of mushrooms and would love to just use
17:45Them all in my soup and it has given me a full recipe the ingredients the instructions the nutritional value
17:53So we're gonna make a mushroom soup
17:54I don't think I've ever made a creamy mushroom soup at home
17:57But it is one of my favorites and it has been forever
17:59Like I used to love canned cream of mushroom soup something so heartwarming about it
18:04We're gonna make one with some extra veg and bone broth for extra protein
18:11Mushrooms already chopped. I'm gonna chop a shallot and then two cloves of garlic
18:41Okay, two cloves of garlic one shallot
18:52Feel like maybe I should have used my usual pot whatever
19:00Okay, we're gonna throw in the zucchini not typical for a mushroom soup I'm thinking but I have it and we're going to them
19:08Salt and pepper I
19:13Hate this grinder
19:16I'm gonna give that like 30 seconds and then we're adding the bone broth. I have the kettle and fire. This is two cups
19:24And then we're gonna bring that to a little simmer and let everything cook for 10 minutes according to chat GPT
19:32Stop timer we are reducing heat to low and we're pouring in half a cup of milk half a cup of heavy cream
19:40And then it says to simmer for another five minutes and then we're gonna blend it with the immersion blender
19:45Oh, I'm so excited. I
19:48Hope it's good
20:02Okay, we are now
20:04Immersion blending which always kind of freaks me out. I really hope it doesn't splatter everywhere. But here we go. It's fine
20:12Honestly, it's a shame. It's been so long since I've made a soup like so long. I think I got like a little souped out
20:18I was kind of just repeating recipes. So we took a little break but with the amount of snow outside it would be criminal
20:28My god, it smells good
20:29It smells like
20:31The cream of mushroom soup that I love chat GPT says it's making two servings. So I'm gonna save half for lunch
20:38It smells so good. Ah, ha ha and just finish it off. We are throwing in the last of my spinach
20:46No, let that wilt and then we're gonna make a little bowl probably top with parm. I'm so excited for this
20:51I really hope it tastes as good as it smells
20:54Okay, I'm gonna try a sip I'm gonna do it oh
21:01My goodness, okay, first of all, very hot second of all tastes exactly like I was hoping
21:09So like my childhood soup with everything I had left in the fridge, this is wonderful I love a soup I love a soup
21:18Wow, that is awesome
21:28Worry my counters are clean. Okay down to the couch for me my cozy soup
21:40Two and a half episodes of Vampire Diaries and then a whole bunch of time reading and now it is 1020
21:46So it's that time the last thing to do before we go to sleep is the final step of my blow-up routine
21:51And I'm gonna wait
21:54Anyways, I think I was gonna say that I'm gonna wake up, you know feeling great tomorrow
21:59Honestly, I feel much better today than I did yesterday
22:01Just a bad day woke up on the wrong side of the bed
22:04and I feel like on that kind of day you're looking for the inconvenience to
22:08Justify your shitty mood. So I had mine and I let myself be in a bad mood all day on days like that
22:13I know I'm gonna wake up feeling better the next day bad day is just a bad day not a bad life and here we are
22:20Feeling good self tanning the face
22:22so first layer of
22:23Moisturizer and then I just take a little brush a little bit of self tan and I just apply it where I would typically put
22:30Contour if it looks really messy, that's okay when it washes off in the morning
22:34It will not look blotchy and bad
22:37Even when you think it's going to because it looks like crazy on the face when you apply it
22:41I've never had it turn out like really muddy looking so we do the typical
22:46Contour three, I remember being taught that at the Mac store when I was like in high school
22:50I don't know 16 17 and I loved Mac makeup more than anything
22:55Like I had a huge collection of the eyeshadows. I remember being taught that back in the day
22:59I don't even know if people still contour like that
23:01But I do for the most part I guess a little bit on the sides of my nose
23:06And I want to do another pump. I do love tanning drops
23:09I feel like it's obviously so easy to use but I also think this is just as easy and the results
23:15Speak for themselves. You just wake up feeling a little bit more snatch. I know I look insane right now
23:20Like I know but I promise when you wake up actually just to show you I will blog tomorrow morning
23:27So you can see sometimes I also do a little on my eye like my crease kind of like an eyeshadow
23:33I've also seen people do this and put it above their upper lip to make it look more plump
23:38I'm a little hesitant to do that because I already have like melasma on my top lip
23:43So we're not really trying to darken that up. Actually, I don't know if it's a lot of my I've done a lot of research
23:48I think that's what it is because I kind of did a lot more when I'm in the Sun
23:52But just like a little darkness above my top lip. I've had this for years
23:55But if anyone has any advice, please let a girl know because I hate it
24:00anyways, now that I look sufficiently absolutely insane and we're going into bed and
24:04We are going to get back to my third of glass my queen of shows. It is so good. It's so good. So
24:12Get it back to my book. I look like this. This is pretty aggressive, but I think we need it right now
24:17I will see you tomorrow
24:19Good morning. I'm not gonna lie to you
24:22It's looking a little questionable. Like it's a little heavier. Maybe unusual worst case. It'll come off in a couple of days
24:31It's perfect
24:33Yeah, just pat it down my face. All right. Well perfect. Apparently you can do no wrong and can't do too much
24:39We love to see it. Anyways, I'm going to get myself ready for the day
24:43I want a little workout so I get back on the treadmill cuz I was awesome yesterday really put me in a good mood and
24:49That'll be it for today's vlog. I hope you guys are all doing well
24:52Staying positive like we are almost at the end of February. We're so close and that means March and good vibes are ahead
24:58There's a shit ton of snow outside. It snowed all day yesterday
25:02Anyways, I love you so much. Thank you for watching. Thanks for being here and I will see you next vlog