In Germany, voting progresses in the early general elections. Our special envoy in Germany, Yunus Soner, provides us with the details. teleSUR
00:00Protect the topic of Germany as the board in these early federal elections are close to finish for more details
00:05We're going live with our special envoy Junus on air. Welcome Junus to from the south
00:14Hello good afternoon good evening actually from Berlin the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany
00:20I am right now in front of the federal headquarters of the
00:26Christian Democratic Union you see the building
00:30You see a huge line here
00:33Waiting for people to enter this building. That is due to the fact that the Christian Democratic
00:41Union the Conservative Party is has been leading the polls in the parliamentary elections of
00:49Germany, which will be finished in
00:5315 minutes at 6 o'clock local time the voting centers will close and at 6 o'clock and
01:01one minute the national television will publish its
01:07exit polls taken today over the day at the voting centers with more than
01:1485,000 people interviewed by them in a representative way and these numbers will
01:20Indicate or will they will not be any official numbers
01:23But they will indicate how the seats of the 630
01:30Parliament will be distributed among the parties the parties will react already to these
01:36Numbers to these exit polls. They are considered kind of non-official but
01:42Clear results now here in the polls the Christian Democratic Union has been leading on second place
01:49Has been always with 20% the alternative for Germany part
01:55ultra right-wing and
01:57ultranationalist parties which has been criticized by the rest of all the parties as not being a democratic
02:04party all the other parties have rejected
02:09Collaboration or coalition with this party both at the federal level as well as in the different states of
02:17Germany remember Germany is a federal state
02:20So this is the second party and it is a big big question how they will end up in numbers
02:26Third comes the Social Democrat Party
02:29They have been on government until December together with the Greens and the Liberals
02:35But their coalition has collapsed and thus they called for this early
02:42Elections these elections were scheduled to occur in September
02:472025 but they have been
02:49Advanced they have been taken to an earlier date due to the collapse of this coalition and the Social Democrats are entering these
02:58elections with the expected fall of a result of 15%
03:03Followed by the Greens who want to who are expected to achieve 13%
03:08So one thing is clear already. No party will govern this country alone
03:14there will be talks about coalitions, but the
03:19Mathematics of these coalitions will become clearer from 6 o'clock on
03:23When the final results of two smaller parties will get clear because there's a 5%
03:29Threshold to enter the German Parliament and two parties the Liberals and the Alliance of Sarawak
03:36They are in the polls between 4 and 6 percent
03:40So they might enter or they might just fail to enter the German Parliament and that will of course affect the distribution of
03:48seats in the Parliament among the other parties and affect
03:53Calculations as for the time being there is much talk about the so-called grant coalition between the conservatives of the
04:00Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democrats which might have to include a third
04:07Partner that might be the Greens that might be the Liberals
04:10But it seems pretty clear that after 6 o'clock a lot of talking will begin about possible
04:18coalitions this is to be
04:20Remains to be seen with 6 o'clock and one the first
04:25non-official exit poll results coming in via state television all eyes are as I said on two factors
04:32How will the extreme right end up in these elections and will the two?
04:39Smaller parties make it into the Parliament or not thus affecting a possible future
04:46coalition constellations, but as for the time being
04:49Ridley smarts the candidate of the Christian Democratic Union is
04:54very confident that he will lead the
04:57Election people lead the establishment of a new government here
05:01And he presented himself very confident yesterday in
05:05Closing his campaign when he said the politics the left politics here in this country are over
05:10We will have a turn in the economic policy. We will have a turn in migration policy
05:15he also promised to strengthen German military and
05:19To he called Europe to be more united facing Russia facing China, but also facing the United States
05:27He said who goes there small
05:30Will be attended as a small person there
05:32so he presented himself already as the future can't Chancellor of the country, but we will
05:41Wait for the final results that will come later in the evening starting from 6 o'clock and one minute on